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Lightroom: Export and Share

Lesson 15 from: Capture and Edit Photos of People in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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15. Lightroom: Export and Share

What different options do you have to save, export, and share your images? What is the benefit of saving raw files?

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Export and Share

All I need to do is click on the button in the top right hand corner, it's a square with a little arrow going up. When I click on that, I can either save it out as a JPEG, or as the original file, or I can share it to the web using Adobe's web services. But I'm gonna go to save to, click on that, and I've got two options. The first option is to save the original photograph, the RAW photograph with the printing instructions, or the adjustment instructions in a sidecar XMP file. That's if you wanna share it to, say another computer where you're gonna work on it further as a RAW file. But you most likely are going to share it as a JPEG, and when you choose JPEG, you'll choose where it's gonna go right here, and then you're gonna choose the size that you wanna share it out as.

Ratings and Reviews

T. Goss

I enjoyed this quick tutorial. A very good introduction to how to use lightroom.

Andrew Hunter

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