Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
the first thing that we're gonna be talking about is foundation single crow shape. So if you've ever worked with Kirsch single Cochet, which is usually probably the first stitch you're gonna learn, right, you'll know that you create a chain that looks kind of like this. Um, hold it up for you guys. Just, you know, just a plain chain and it works fine. It does its job, but it can be a little tight, right? So if you're doing anything that has a hem line or I wouldn't normally recommend making a hat starting with the chain, you'd usually start from the crown down. But anything, Sometimes it could be a little tighter. So you see your piece going like this, and it's kind of just irk some. Frankly, well, there's a way that you can kind of get around that, and that is what foundation single Cochet is. So what you're doing is you're creating the chain and the foundation chain and the first row of single Cochet at the exact same time. So that's what we're gonna dio So in studio and at home, if ...
you want to just grab some yarn and a hook, it doesn't matter any size that you have, Um will work. I'm going to just grab this. And because if you've got a pink hook, why not use it? Okay, so this is the regular. This is the regular chain, and you can see here, and we'll this will become more apparent when we talk about double crush A and triple crush A, um, But when you do the foundation method, this is the traditional method. This is the foundation method. Do you see how much more stretch there is that's gonna provide a wonderful give for a garment especially? I don't know if any of you have kids or grandchildren. They don't like things feeling like, you know, constrictive. This is a great foundation stitch for that. It gives you just a little bit more give. It's also gonna help there not being any sort of like weird bunching or or shaped shaping. So we're gonna go ahead and get started. I've also provided everyone here at home are I'm sorry. In my home in the studio with a interlocking marker. If you have one of these at home, these air disporting by clover, grab one of those a split stitch marker would work or even just a safety pin. This is really just something just to help you be able to find a particular stitch. It's not crucial, but a nice little little helper. Okay, so the first thing that we're gonna dio is we're gonna go ahead and make a slipknot like you would if you were just doing a regular chain. And just as a reminder that say, you make a little curse of e the strand on top, you bring it under, you push it through the loop and you pull it through. Okay, so the first thing that we're gonna dio is we're going to chain, too. So there's one, and then there's too. So if you want right here just as a helper, you can take your little stitch marker at this point and put it in that first chain, and I'll tell you explain why in a second, Okay, so then you're gonna go, and you're going to reach down in that very first chain that you make and you are going to yarn over and pull loop through. Okay, that establishes you to the next stitch position. Then you're gonna yarn over and you're gonna pull on Lee through that first loop. What you've just done now is you've created the chain stitch for the foundation chain. Now, on top of that, they're gonna piggyback. We're gonna create the single crush A in that same spot. So we yarn over and we pull through both loops. So if you notice here that I've held, I'm holding onto the stitch with dear life. The reason why I did that is because that is the That's the chain stitch. And then you can move your marker up, and after a while you'll get the group of it and you won't have to move it. But it's a good. It's a good sort of reminder to know where we're gonna be working next. We're always gonna be working into those into those chain stitches. Okay, so let's let's go on to the next one so you can see here that you've got a single crow shayanna chain all done at the same time. So we're gonna go ahead and we're going to insert or hook in that chain stitch yarn over. Pull the yarn through that's moved us over to the next stitch position. Now we're going to turn over again and pull through just that first loop. We've now created the chain. At this point, if you want, you could move that stitch marker up just to remind yourself where you're going next. And now we're gonna do the single Cochet, which is just yearning over and pulling through two loops. That's all there is to. It's pretty cool that right? So you're doing you're doing sort of double rows at one time. It's super efficient. I love multitasking. So this is totally a jam for me. So I'm gonna go ahead and work on it just a little bit. I'd love you guys to work on it. Here, you do it at home on. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask at any time. All right, So I'm going in making that chain. You aren't over. Pull through and move my Karen out of the way. So at this point, I kind of see where the chains are. I don't even need to use the marker anymore, but you should absolutely feel free to keep using it as long as you want urine over. Pull urine over pull through to you. Is this making sense to everyone here in the studio? Excellent. So I'm going to give you a few minutes or a couple minutes to to be working. I'm gonna come over and see you, see how it's going, and then we'll move on to the next one cause that's what we're doing. We're hustling. I love to see how everybody holds their hooks differently to how these air. Great. This is great. One of my favorite things about croquet and knitting is that it's an oral tradition, right? So there's not really it's been passed down from generations to generations to generations. So there there settle differences. So there's not really an all right and all wrong, because we've all been taught in completely different ways. And one of the ways that that really comes through is how people hold their hooks differently. The majority here hold their hooks, very lady like like this very Victorian age, which is often I'm kind of, you know, not so classy. So I I told my I told mine like this, but I love just the subtleties. This is also another thing to taken account when you're checking gauge, which is how many stitches and rows per inch. Look at how stretching that. IHS. That's awesome. Good job. Good job. All right. So do we all feel good? Do we feel good at home? Do you feel good here? You think you got it? Got it. How about we move on to foundation? Double crush A good. So if you want, you can just break off that piece so that you have an example for when you go home and you want to remember what's what. I have these little scissors. I guess I could use my scissors, Especially since they're adorable. Their tiny heart. Scissors, I mean.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.