Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Joining Motifs as You Go
there is a in your bonus materials that are printed out. There will be a page that is called the practice sheet. Looks like this. And we're looking for the Hexi motif. So this is what we're gonna talk about is we're gonna talk about making these cool hexagons. I'm super in the hexagons right now. I don't know. Why is that weird to be into a shape? It's kind of weird on we're gonna talk about instead of the like, pesky having to sew together pieces. We're going to talk about how you can crush a them together as you go. So first, what we're going to dio is I'm gonna have the ladies that are sitting here with me. Go ahead and work on one of these motifs with the directions, and I will actually make one with you as well. And then while you're making your 2nd 1 just follow the instructions that are in the pattern. While you're making the 2nd 1 I'm going to show how to join them, because this is a swatch that you would have not brought with you. Okay, so I'm gonna move these over to the side...
, and I think that I will come to grab from here. I'm in a teal mood. All right, so, like a 1,000,000 hooks going on. So for this hexagon motif we're starting with, you could either do the magic loop thing that we just did, or this is the traditional method of just chaining six. And then we are going to join with a slip stitch and the first chain we formed our ring. Or we could use your fancy new skill that we just learned either way. Okay, from here, we've got a ring, and we're ready to start round one. So for round one, we're gonna change six. That chain counts as the first double Cochet, and I'm gonna put this here to so that people can see where I'm working. If you would like that, counts is the double Cochet. But I only 56 and also as a chain three. So next What we need to do is we need to double Cochet and chain 35 times. So we just keep doing that same thing in the center of the ring. So double crash a in the center of the ring and then Shane three. And just to give you a visual, I'm gonna pull this Finished one in. We're working right now on this center area. So the chain threes air going to create sort of our middle Hexi. I am working as a guest editor on an upcoming crush, a magazine. And we're doing a hexagon motif headboard for an apartment which should be cool. And really, it's just gonna be kind of a wall hanging that you could put right behind your bed. I just love hexagons, so I think it's gonna be pretty cool. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product. I said five times. separate. 12345 Okay. And then you're going to you did the You did the D C. Chain 35 times. And now you're gonna slip stitch in the beginning, are in the third chain of that beginning, Chain six. So and you'll get kind of looks like a little flower. A little starburst. That's what I look like. I'm gonna come over. I'm going to just set that their gaze at it to see how the hell ladies air doing the third change of the beginning. Change six. So remember at the beginning, we did that Change six and accounted as a double Cochet. And is the chain three. That's where it comes in. Perfect. That looks good. Perfect. Looks great. How can I help you? Sure. So do you. Did a double crush a right. Oh, you know what you didn't do? You didn't do the chain Six that first changed. So pull out the double Cochet. That first change six is actually gonna count as the first double crush A and is the Chain three. And then from there, you're gonna start. I think you just forgot that one step, and that's why. Okay, so now for the, um, for those who are ready, let's move on to round two so often and crush a when you end around. It's not where you actually want to start for the next round. So the way to get around that is to slip stitch to the next position, and that's what we're gonna do for this. So we're going to slip stitch over to that next chain three space, and that's really just to get us to where we want to start. OK, now we're gonna change three. This will count as a double crush A and we're going to Dio. Oh, this is a This is a rogue stitch. We're gonna do what's called three loot bobble. All right? And we've got the instructions for those of you at home there in the bonus materials in studio, it'll say special stitches under hexi motif instructions. We're gonna be doing the three looped bobble. So to do that, we're going Teoh yarn over and insert the hook through that big old chain gap, and then you're gonna draw the loop up to the level of the stitch so kind of high, just, Iet, no big deal. And you're gonna do that three times. So that was three. And if all is gone right, you should have seven loops. 1234567 Winning on your hook. And from here, you're gonna yarn over. You're gonna pull through. You might have toe wiggle waggle a little all through, and that's gonna give you this little bobbling oven a little puffy puff. Can you take a question? Yes, ma'am. Do you find the center hole opens up when you were working on this project? Not at all. Not at all. Because for this particular one and maybe, you know, maybe this is there is an argument to be made that this is a really good time to not use the magic ring, although when you woven and you could probably stabilize it because these have these tall, sort of pulley stitches. But no, we've given it that that really solid foundation chain ring. So you're good to go. All right, so the next thing that we did is we did our little bobble stitch, and then we're gonna change 51234 five. And then we're gonna dio the four looped bobble stitch, which is exactly the same thing as the three Little Loop. You just add a loop. So we're yearning over. We're pulling it up four times 34 and you should have. I believe it's nine loops on your hook at this point, so you'll yarn over. You might have to take it slow with so many loops, and you're gonna go through all of them. And that creates that little bobble for that big bubble. Rather Yes, ma'am, A couple more questions Okay. Are we doing our Cochet over both threads? The new yarn and the tail? Uh, we're not anywhere near the tail right now. Okay? So yeah. So the tail. Okay, I think I know where you're going with this. So you could actually we've in your tail at the same time, but that would have needed to be done on the first round. And so you would just hold that tail behind your work and treated as if it were the bars that you were going under. Right now, we're past that. So it's kind of too late. We're gonna have to just go ahead and bite the bullet and weave in the ends with a needle later, okay? And then, would this be good for making tiny things like tiny stuffed teddy bears? Um, are we talking about the magic ring? I'm assuming we're probably talking about the so that's probably the technique before it's great for Almagro. Roomy, which is are those little crow shade test? You know, stuffed toys absolutely would use that method right now for this motif, though, this is less great for the toys. Because unless you're gonna do a fabric undercoat undercoat Is that a thing? A layer of fabric underneath. Because if you stuffed it, it would all come through, Right? Okay, let me go back to focusing on this round. All right? So where did I leave you off? Um Okay, so we did 1/4 loop. So then we're gonna just continue. We're going to do five change now. We're gonna dio basically and every little chain gap that you see, we're gonna be doing a four loop bobble. Why did I just do a double crush zone? Okay, one to They were changing. Five gonna move to the next one to 34 year and over. Pull through all that. These little bobbles will be really cute. If you were working them into some form of a scarf to I just dig bobble stitches. I like the texture they bring. Okay, It looks like we've got two more spaces to work in. Do you see what I mean? When I just did a double crush a again. Ignore that. Do you see what I mean? When I say that you draw the yarn up to the level of the stitch? That's basically the level of a double crush a stitch. But really, I just I just kind of diet and give it a little bit of height. The only thing that really matters is that you're consistent. It doesn't really matter what height it's at one to 34 urine over. Wiggle waggle Done with that one. Chain five. OK, we're on the home stretch for this Bring it through all the loops, Chain five, and then you're going to join with the slip such in the Bible. So I would just kind of jab your hook in. It's not really a technical term, but, you know, do what it takes on. Then you've created that round two super puffy and springy, which I dig. All right, so now we're gonna go to round three. So again, we're not in a space that we're ready to start the next round. So we have to do what we did in the realm of blow and slip stitch. I kind of just kind of move over until I get to the center of that chain five. Bring the 1st 1 or not, the ring, the space Rather. All right, so then once we're there were in the position we need to be in. We're gonna change three, and that's gonna count. Is a double crush a Then we're gonna do to double cross Shays three chains, three Double Crow Shays All in the same space right here. So here's one. Now I know what I was doing. The double crushes and another round I'd skipped the step to chain to and then three double crow Shays in that same loop. So then we're gonna move over and we're going to repeat the same steps. Except for we don't need to create those chains at the beginning to create the height. We already have the height. So we're going to do three double Crow Shays in that next chain space chain 33 Double Chris Shays. And what this is doing is this is creating all the little. The apex is Apex is it's the plural of Apex, I wonder. Let's just say eight. Texas, you're like, I don't know That's really not my That's the little corners that we're gonna be using later for our joints. Three. Double crush A's moving over to the next chain five. Space three. Double crush A's chain three three. Double crashes move into the next one. Can you see how well this is? You can now actually see that a hex Khan is being formed. It takes a while to get there. But once you're there, it forms right in front of your eyes. Which is one of the things that I just love about Chris Shays. How shapes can just sort of evolve in front of your eyes. It's very sculptural in that way. Okay, there's three. Chain 123123 Double Chris Shays. Okay, it looks like I'm on my last space, so I'm gonna go ahead and repeat one. Teoh, Huh? Three, Chain three. And then we're gonna join with a slip stitch. And there you go. So that creates the actual hexagon. So the only thing that's left now is to do the double crush, a border, which is the last around. So if you go ahead and work on that here for every ladies in the studio, if you are joining as you're going, which was the actual point of this left? It took us a while. But where we got here, um, you would only work the second motif up to the point of that last row. Then you would take the row or the motif that already had that round worked, and you would join them at the same time. So I'm actually, because I'm gonna join a color. I'm gonna go ahead and pull this slips, touches stitch out. You could keep going with the same color if you wanted. Whatever. Whatever your preferences is. Great. So when you're joining hexagons as you go, you want to join at that after mentioned Apex, right, So this little corner action So I need to get to that space first. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna work around for up to that space. So I'm in a Chain three and then I'm gonna go ahead and do my double crow shays that are called for in the pattern. Then what I want to dio is I want to find that same little apex area which is right here, and I want to go and I want Teoh dive in to that stitch enjoying it with a slip stitch. So now they're united enjoining love, and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna work my double Cochet. And for this apex, it's actually three double crushes. So I'm gonna go ahead and just work those in here. Then what I want to do is I want to move, want to line him up, and I want to make sure that all is golden. So what I want to do is I want to look for the next space. I want to work in between the spaces of the stitches. So since I worked all these three here, I'm actually not gonna connect them there. You could I could have connected all three. That way I decided to skip it. I wanted it to be just a design element. It's totally your call. So what I want to do is I want to go into the space in between the next stitch and do that slip stitch. Then I'm gonna go to the next double crow Shea on this round and work the double crush A as you normally would. Okay, so then we're gonna move to the next one, dip through, join with the slip stitch, and then go ahead and do the double kirsch A. And you're gonna continue in this manner just until that flat edge is joined. So let's see, We're gonna go through this next space. Bring through the yarn with slip stitch, go to the next stitch That hasn't been worked. Which looks like this one. Double crash A Go to the next one. Make sure that I'm lined up. Okay, here's my apex. Think we're good. Double crash a next one slip stitch. Double crash A. Looks like I've got one more to get me where I want to be. So I'm going to go into that little apex area slip stitch, and I'm doing the first of the three double crow shays that goes into that apex corner, and then I'm gonna go ahead and work. And again, this is just a creative choice. You could keep going connecting, but I'm gonna go ahead and work those other two just in their own space. And from here, these air totally joined like magic. But you'll just work the rest of the round 123 as you would normally without connecting. And that's all you would do as you were going if you were building a blanket or a wall hanging. So it's really cool. I actually do not enjoy the seeming process at all. So this is a This is kind of a cheat. We're not achieved its efficient efficiencies. Awesome. Um, that really sort of helps that. And so the same method. I mean, this is obviously a very particular motif, but if you wanted to work on a totally different motif and join it, you could use the same method. It could be double Cochet. Could be trouble crush a. It could be single. Cochet. Do you just want to join it through in between the two posts of the stitch with a slip stitch and then work the whatever the stitches on the opposite side as you normally would? Does that make sense? Did it blow your mind? I kind of wanted it to pull your mind a little bit.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.