Class Introduction
02:23 2Foundation Single Crochet (Fsc)
07:21 3Foundation Double Crochet (Fdc)
10:55 4Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
08:46 5Magic Ring
09:35 6Jogless Join in the Round
02:34 7Joining Motifs as You Go
23:09 8Seaming Crochet
10:59Lesson Info
Foundation Triple Crochet (Ftr)
All right. So we're gonna move on to the next one and again because this is the tallest of the stitches that will be working on. This is you're going to Seymour. More benefit of doing the foundation method. The taller the stitches are because a chain I do with my little chain, the chain stitch. The traditional chain stitch is so much smaller than these are the exact same weight yarns. So much smaller than the girth of a triple Cochet Stitch or trouble Cochet stints. Right, Because Cochet is a series of knots, right? And so it's going to be tall, and it's gonna have a lot of rap to it. Well, a wee little chain can can only accommodate so much. It only has so much room to breathe. So the bigger the stitches, the more room that it can use. And the more likely it is to sort of like a second at the end. So this is where you're going to really see the most benefit. So we're going to get started by, as I mentioned before a chaining five. Okay. 1234 five. All right, so then we're going to we'r...
e doing a Do you just a total curiosity, triple or trouble crushing? What's your preferred term? Any of you got nothing. No alliance of little travel. Sharon says trouble. I just find it 20th geographically, it really makes a difference In the UK, you tend to hear a couple more, but they also use totally different terms. But I'm just curious. Just want to know. OK, so we're going to wrap the urine around twice the hook around twice, and we're gonna insert that in the very first chain that we made. We're gonna yarn over and we're gonna pull through, so that's established a us And if you will notice those beginning chains that we made that has already created the height of that triple crochet stitch, Right? So now we know that we need to make our chain. So that means that we just yarn over and we pull through that first loop that is our chain stitch right there. So this would be the opportunity if you wanted it toe add one. Your a little split stitch markers are safety pins or whatever, so that you know where you're going to go next. Okay. From there, we've already Crusader chain. And now we're going to go ahead and work the trouble, crush a stitch. So we go through your two loops three times, and that is our first foundation triple Cochet. So we've got our chain and then our stitch. So now it's time to move on to the next one. So we've got our marker there. We know that we need to work in that chain now, so we're gonna turn over twice, insert the hook through the loop yarn over, pull through that loop that just has established us. Moved us to the next position yarn over. Make that chain stitch. So pull through just the first ledge stitch. That is our chain so we can move our marker up urine over, pull through two loops three times and a little fun factor Host Today also is a crow share. Do you think? Are you Mom? Thanks to what? Thanks to my mom, thanks to your mom. I love that I love that my daughter is more interested. And, um, I think she's got more of the like creative director vibe like she's less interested in learning how to physically make it more interested in telling me what I should make. So she'll come over and she'll just She sees that I have post its on my computer screen just to remind me to do things. And she'll come over ritual, walkover. Chilo like this, put a post it, and they'll be like a little hand drawn pair of socks on there. You should make this next or she'll come and like she'll do like a dress like men shall have all of these. And then she also say, My favorite one was this dress where it was like these blue ways and it said, um, where with Blue and what? She met with tights, but she forgot the G in the H. This is a family show, so I won't say it out loud. And that just gave me wait for it. And that just gave me giggles for days because she had such a clear direction. And of course, she's a child. She doesn't. You know. She's she's little, but I love that spirit. I love this whole mother, daughter it for you and for me. I learned from my mom as well, and we usedto crow Shea while I was watching Bionic Woman I totally remember that I just age myself totally. But and that was such a great memory for me. But what I've really learned is being among myself is that it doesn't always manifest itself in the same way. But that doesn't mean that there's not something great that you can share through the craft, that it causes your daughter. So as the daughter to just be creative minded, which is a great Scott point. Yes, I concur. Okay, how are we doing with us? Does this feel apps? Does this feel familiar yet? Can I ask a question from the chat room? I would love that. So what would this type of foundation be good for or can be used for any projects? It can be used for absolutely any project that calls for triple cachet in the front at the first row. Um, so I would say you should use it any time. It's especially good if it's anything that needs to have a kind of an elastic e edge to it. If you want to have, like, a little bit of stretched as we've been talking about a little bit of give, this is a great stitch for that. Or if you're somebody who's eye twitches when something's not, like, perfectly square. And I, admittedly can be that person you know, if it's just for your own psyche anytime that you want something toe lie really flattened their not be just kind of a subtle slope he should go with which I think Thank you for the question. Yes. So this is the last of the foundation stitches we're gonna be working on before we're gonna be moving on to something completely different. So if there are any questions related to this at all, this would be the time. And if not, we will just continue stitching for a couple more minutes. Just so you have a nice little piece, um, to remind you later what you learned. I also recommend I recommend keeping these little swatches. And if you've got tags of any kind, or, you know, you could just pin on a piece of paper, write down what it is so that you remember so you can refer back to it. Um, if you you know, later think Oh, wait. What did we learn? Oh, right. And then you can know which which stitch looks like which thing? Um and then they're like they're little. They're also little their little souvenirs to Frankly, I have a have a podcast called Craft Dish. And on one of the episodes, I interviewed a woman named Clara Parks. Car Parks is the founder of Knitters Review, and she wrote a travel book called Atlantia, and she's pretty well known in The Knitting Side of Life. But her whole gig is that you should swatch like she's. She is a pros watchers, because for her, it's about the adventure. And just seeing how the young Bahais, whatever the Uranus and so she treats her swatches as little pieces of history as as part of her Travel diaries on DSO. I like to think of things like that as well. I I will always remember this is from teaching this class, and I think that's another piece of value that we don't really talk about a lot once with any form of craft is that it's not just about the whatever you make. It doesn't matter what it looks like if it's any good or whatever that means. You know what it's about the experience. It's about the feeling that it evokes. All right, so we got on questions for this particular, just one more. Do you have a tip trick for keeping it even keeping messages? Even so, this is going to feel like a little bit of a cop out. But it unfortunately, is really the only answer. It's practice. It's really practice If when you first start crashing, you probably noticed that you were your stitches were so tight, like you have to jam the hook in because you were stressing out cause it's a new skill. But then as you practice, they loosened up, and at first maybe they loosened up a little bit like you were tightened like breathe. So the next one was lose something, but you just have to work through it. You just have to practice, and that's absolutely the same thing here. I like to also hold my chain, which is the one at the bottom. As I'm working, I kind of keep a grip on it also, Then I don't have to use the marker. It saves me time, but I found that if I do that all the way up, it keeps the chains kind of consistent because I'm always pulling on it in the same way
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Ratings and Reviews
Jan Piromalli
I just want to say that I'm watching from Australia and because of the time difference I only got to catch the last few lessons (it started at 1am). I'm so sorry I didn't see the other lessons. Vickie was an excellent instructor and I enjoyed what I did see SO much. Thank you.
I learned something new in the first five minutes. Vicki is a wonderful teacher. She encourages "design elements" so there is no "wrong" way to do something. I highly recommend any of her classes!
Sandra Willett
I found it pretty easy to understand despite the fact that I am a very new beginner.