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Brand Through Leadership

Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Personal Branding for Creative Professionals

Dorie Clark

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5. Brand Through Leadership

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Brand Through Leadership

so taking over a leadership role is actually one of the most powerful things you can do in terms of really helping to define yourself as an authority and as a player in your field, you know? And so as Alan Weiss says, um he says in for a dime in for a dollar. I mean literally we, we have to choose sometimes because we only for human, we have a limited amount of time to spend on things and so it may theoretically, you know, make sense like, oh well, you know, maybe what I should do is I should join 10 groups and then that way I'll be meeting like way more people at each meeting will be different crowd and then they'll, they'll get to know me and they'll want to buy my services, but it actually doesn't work that way, ironically you can both simplify your life and make a bigger impact if you cut that out and you say, you know what, I'm not going to join 10 groups, I'm going to join two groups and I'm going to make a point to really invest in them because the clients you get, the jobs you ...

get are going to be from people who actually know you well not people usually who have met you for two minutes and so digging in and investing is pretty powerful and you get a maximum return if you actually take the time to become a leader because you know, for sure, it takes more time to be a leader of a group than it does to be just a random member, but here's the difference, it takes this much more effort to be a leader and you get this much more return, it's just a maximum impact. So that's something I would really heartily encourage you to do. And you know, I talked to people sometimes about, about this and they say, well, you know, that's, that's cool, but isn't it like really hard to get to be a leader of a group and you know, it depends, certainly some are, are difficult, but in the vast majority of cases you would actually be astonished because most people are so focused on their own lives. You know, I mean, people are busy, they're busy doing their jobs, earning their living. It's really hard for them to make time to want to be the leader of groups. And so even for things that are actually fairly prestigious, the groups are really having a hard time filling out their ranks of people who are willing to spend the time doing it, particularly for things that are a little like less glamorous, like maybe you're the secretary of the group or you're the membership chair of the group. But those can, ironically be some of the best positions because it gives you the excuse to reach out to whoever you want to talk to whoever you want. Hey, I'm the membership chair. So I thought I ought to get to know the members. So do you want to have coffee and, you know, now all of a sudden, if there's someone who's been on your list of like, wow, this would be a really good connection, you have the opportunity to do it. So it's easier than you think to be able to get into these roles. And it could be, you know, depending on this, the sort of scope that you want to do, it could be like a local club, like a local chamber of commerce or a rotary club, it could be a professional association, maybe it's the California State photographers association, maybe it's a women's group, the association of female graphic designers, you know, whatever, whatever the realm is that you want to play in, you can probably find something, it could be a Citigroup, a state group. There's a lot of things to choose from. So you can look around and find the place where you can make an impact. Now, the other situation though is it may be a group doesn't exist already that meets your needs or maybe there is a group, but you know, it's just, it's not your vibe, maybe it's kind of a really stale or ossified, there's not a lot of room for new members. What do you do in that situation? It turns out, fortunately that all is not lost and you do have an option and that option is to start something

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Ratings and Reviews

Sandi K. Terry

I never thought I would watch a class on personal branding and end up wishing that I had watched the longer one instead. Wow! I watched this instead of a different one I looked at on another platform that struck me as the antithesis of this class. It gave me that yucky, using-people feeling that Dorie teaches you NOT to do. If you're like me and confused about how to create a personal brand (part of my new career as a UX designer) and you're put off by what you've seen elsewhere, take this class instead. I am so glad to have taken this class and only wish I had watched the longer one instead. Five stars; highly recommended!

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