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Backside: Quick Menu Custom Settings

Lesson 11 from: Fujifilm X-T2 Fast Start

John Greengo

Backside: Quick Menu Custom Settings

Lesson 11 from: Fujifilm X-T2 Fast Start

John Greengo

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11. Backside: Quick Menu Custom Settings

Fujifilm knows that you're not going to want to dig through the full menu for every adjustment -- and that's where the quick menu or Q menu comes in. Learn how to adjust the 16 different options in the quick menu to your shooting style.
Next Lesson: Quick Menu: AF Mode

Lesson Info

Backside: Quick Menu Custom Settings

The Q Menu. So, the second half of this class is where we go through the list of about 150 items or so in the menu, and Fuji knows that you don't need access to all of those all the time, and so they provide you with a quick menu of 16 features that you are most likely gonna wanna go in and change. And so when you hit the Q Menu, you go into the Quick Menu. You can navigate using either the focus stick or the control pads around, and then you can adjust by turning the back dial, adjusting that particular feature. So let's dive in and look at the Quick Menu at least the way it comes factory fresh. Now one thing to note is that if you do make a change to one of these settings, you may see a red dot which indicates that you have altered it because one of the things that you can do is you can have a group of settings. And so, for instance, you could have all of these set for a certain type of photography and then have them set a little bit differently for a different type of photography, a...

nd they're kinda stored in there as custom settings. And if you go in there and say, well I normally like ISO100, but I'm going to change it to 200. It kind of gives you that little red dot to let you know, hey, you've made a change from what you normally wanted in this particular mode. All right, looking at the top row to start with. We have our custom setting, and you have different settings in here that you can set up. Now, there is a limit to the features that you can put into the 16 options. A lot of them have to do with the look of a JPEG. You know, where you're using a film emulation. Are you changing the contrast, the shadows and the highlights and so forth? And so, anytime you see the word BASE, that means that that is the current setting that's kinda like the basic standard setting. And then from time to time it will change according to whether you have it set to C1 to C7, but it could very well say C4 base or not say base depending on whether you've made a change here. Now if you wanna go in and program this, there will be a section in the menu, but you can do a shortcut by holding down the Q button for two seconds, and you can go in and reprogram your entire Quick Menu so that it is set up with the 16 features that you would most likely use. Now unfortunately, not everything is available to change in here, and so you are gonna have to select from the available list, and so let me show you a little bit about what that looks like on the camera here. And so if we go into the Q Menu, you can see this is the Q Menu, and I don't think I've made any changes from the way that you would normally get it. So if I hold down on the Q for two seconds, I can choose between which one of these options I want, and so they have them set default for some different styles of shooting. Let's go to a black and white shooting, number five here. I can see an arrow here. Arrow means there's options to the right. So if I go to the right, I can choose how these settings are set in here, so for instance, I wanna change white balance, well white balance doesn't do a lot in black and white, now does it John? Okay, so let's change the highlight tones to plus four. Let's change the shadow tones to plus four. This is gonna make things really contrasty. And let's call it good, and so we'll hit the Display back button here, and we have changed this custom setting, and we're gonna say okay. And so now, custom five has been slightly tweaked and changed. And so we've gone in and changed this particular one and did I actually select number five? No I didn't. So let me select number five. One, two, three, four, five. And you'll see now it's gonna be a black and white image that is very contrasty. All right? 'Cause that's the look of this particular setup in here. And so if I go back into the Q Menu, and I decided to come down and change one of the features. Whoops, I did that wrong, let me try that again. And so I can change one of the features in here. And so you're gonna be able to go through and make these adjustments very, very easily, and so in the Quick Menu, up here, normally I'm just gonna leave it on one, but then I'm gonna go reprogram these other ones to do a variety of things, and so we will talk more about this as we get into the class, but it's a great way to have shortcuts to different types of images that you wanna get.

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Fuji X-T2 Recommended Settings

Ratings and Reviews

John Simpson

I highly recommend this class! Been shooting Nikon for 40+ years and decided to give my Nikon gear to my daughter and go the smaller and lighter Fuji X-T2 for travel. Excellent camera and this course was outstanding in helping me learn how to use the camera. I have watched a number of Nikon oriented instructional videos. This video by John Greengo is the best organized and informative presentation I have ever watched.

a Creativelive Student

Really appreciate John putting these Fast Start Series together. Went through part of the training waiting on my Fujifilm X-T20 to arrive, which did today. That allowed me to dive into the menu settings and get the camera ready to use. I found that we are on Firmware 3.0, so, I have some updates to get installed. The training was great and informative as always. Don't hesitate to look for his Fast Start for your particular camera, and the in-depth training on Photography Fundamentals. It is well worth your time and money to get this training, especially if you are an amateur like myself, but, thanks to John Greengo I am quickly learning to use my camera in Manual Mode, most of the time.

Monroe Nevels

We all learn from different methods. I, for one, learn best by watching you while teaching, and being able to work along side you, with my camera in hand, and then follow you. I highly recommend this class if you really want to know how to use your camera. Thank you John for helping me to relive my film days, and integrating into Digital. I now have my Fujo X-T2 programmed and I LOVE IT!

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