Wester Computer Audit (Part 4)
Lesson 49 from: Creating High Converting Landing PagesIsaac Rudansky
Wester Computer Audit (Part 4)
Lesson 49 from: Creating High Converting Landing PagesIsaac Rudansky
Landing Page Design Fundamentals
1Laying the groundwork for good design
13:23 2The Myth Of The Perfect Landing Page Conversion Rate
12:05 3The 3 Main Types of Landing Pages and How To Use Them Effectively
18:57 4Business Models and Understanding Your Conversion Actions
06:04 5The AIDA Sales Funnel and The Online Decision Making Process
16:48 6The Awareness Stage of the Funnel ... Where It All Begins
17:26 7The Interest Stage of the Funnel ... Tell Me More
14:10The Desire Stage of the Funnel ... I Want What You Sell
12:44 9The Action Stage of the Funnel ... I'm Going to Buy What You Sell
09:05 10The Fogg Behavior Model and how it Applies to Good Landing Page Design
19:25 11Making Your Landing Page Design Memorable
12:44 12Quiz: Landing Page Design Fundamentals
Principles of Good Landing Page Design: Examples, Case Studies & Best Practices
13The Primacy of Product and The Concept of Usability in Landing Page Design
15:23 14Eschew Obfuscation ... Clarity and the Quest for Fewer Question Marks
11:17 15The 5 Second Usability Test in Landing Page Design (and how you can use it now)
12:25 16The Art and Science Behind Designing High-Converting Calls To Action (CTA's)
18:29 17Readability and Visual Hierarchy Landing Page Design
19:50 18Respecting Web Conventions in Landing Page Design
13:22 19Using Videos, Graphics and Imagery to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates
19:53 20Information Architecture and Accessibility - Landing Page Design Best Practices
19:51 21Trust, Safety and Credibility (Part 1) Landing Page Design Best Practices
15:34 22Trust, Safety and Credibility (Part 2) Landing Page Design Best Practices
08:43 23Dedicated Landing Page Design Best Practices (Part 1)
14:57 24Dedicated Landing Page Design Best Practices (Part 2)
12:18 25Quiz: Principles of Good Landing Page Design: Examples, Case Studies & Best Practices
Principles Of Persuasion in Conversion Rate Optimization
26Using Scarcity to Improve Conversion Rates on Your Landing Pages
09:46 27Principles of Persuasion - Reciprocal Concessions & Reciprocity in Landing Pages
12:07 28Principles of Persuasion ... Anchoring and Cognitive Dissonance Theory
18:56 29User Scenarios and Contextual Perception in Landing Page Design
16:37 30Quiz: Principles Of Persuasion in Conversion Rate Optimization
Building a High Converting Landing Page From Scratch
31My Favorite Landing Page Builders and Getting Started With Our Unbounce Page
10:02 32Getting Familiar With the Unbounce Page Builder and Adding Our Header Section
07:28 33Creating a Logo in Photoshop and Using the Unbounce Image Uploader Tool
16:25 34Working With Background Imagery in Landing Pages and Developing Our Hero Section
15:36 35Creating a Form, Action Block, and Finishing the Hero Section in Unbounce
19:27 36Discussing Landing Page Design Changes and Creating our Primary Content Section
16:17 37Finishing Page Content, Adding Icons, Footer and Working With Buttons Unbounce
10:42 38Publishing Your Unbouonce Landing Page on Your Custom Domain
03:43 39Adding Custom CSS in Unbounce to Create Professional Drop Shadows
06:03 40Making Your Landing Page Design Work Better With Custom Javascript Snippets
08:08 41Mobile Site Layout in Unbounce Based on Mobile Landing Page Design Guidelines
02:30 42Designing Your Form Confirmation Dialogue in Unbounce and Testing Your Live Form
03:30 43Assigning A_B Testing Variants in Unbounce and Assigning Traffic Weights
12:20 44Integrating Your Unbounce Form Submissions With Your Mailchimp Account
09:06 45Quiz: Building a High Converting Landing Page From Scratch
Landing Page Audit in Action
46Wester Computer Audit (Part 1)
08:28 47Wester Computer Audit (Part 2)
09:16 48Wester Computer Audit (Part 3)
15:19 49Wester Computer Audit (Part 4)
13:52 50Quiz: Landing Page Audit in Action
02:52Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Wester Computer Audit (Part 4)
So once again we have our initial section and let's open up features. So I thought this was really nice. I I hope you guys like the overall look and aesthetics but if you, if you just see if you just even take away the design, you see a lot of differences. First of all it's laid out in its in its own clear section. If you want to have, if you want to maybe create this section to have its own kind of light gray back on color for a little bit more separation, that's fine. If you want to keep it that clean white aesthetic look, that's also fine. But you have a headline, why integrate with Western computer? This right away tells me that the information that's gonna follow is going to answer that question. So you're not asking me to think. You're not asking me to figure out what information this answers after I read the information. So we have headlines. Okay, headache free, That sounds interesting. I'd like to be headache free and you talk a little bit and I took your content but the conte...
nt could be redone to give some specific reasons why we'll be headache free. So solve your biggest headaches with trade management. But how the real question is give me a specific um, give me a bullet point with how we're going to solve um my biggest headaches with trade management or how trade management will solve my biggest headaches, peak efficiency. We're not efficient right now. I really need our systems need to get more efficient. This seems exactly what we're looking for now, motivated to read how specifically in one sentence how specifically I'm going to be more efficient and run lean. Yeah, I'd like to run lean. Could we potentially cut out some of our staff and save some costs? Could we outsource some of this work? That sounds great. I want to know how to run lean and now I'm motivated to read what comes below as opposed to what it was before. It was just one block without a headline and we didn't have this main headline here. And then of course we have the nice Kind of three dimensional look a little bit and matches the look of the button and the aesthetics, are there, the aesthetics can always be changed. These are my personal aesthetics, but you know, you guys can redesign it how you want, the real thing is these elements of taking away the thought process, presenting ourselves more clearer our pages now coming together, it's looking sharper, it's looking more professional. Um I keep on going back to the secondary navigation because I think it's so important. It's so it's so effective um and it's so crucial to keeping people engaged with the content of the page, but overall we're starting to look like a really nice professional page and I'm going to send this over to you guys as a jpeg as well. Um when we're when, when we finish up now, moving on and and we'll stay in Photoshop for another minute and I'll show you um a site that I think a section the next section down which is those white papers slash different specific aspects of the integration, which I think is really cool, how we designed it. Um and check it out. So once again look at, look at the difference in and I'm not trying to toot our own horns. I'm really, this is these are fundamental concepts. Look at the difference in how we allocated space, how we use space as opposed to how space is used scrolling down this page. Okay. Nobody needs to download. No one needs or wants to download every one of these papers you're gonna have, you're gonna have some of your visitors interested in downloading content. Some of them are not going to download content. This is running into the issue of too many choices websites that offer their visitors too many choices. Too many different calls to action end up hurting themselves because it's too complicated. There's too many choices. I don't want to decide. I want you to decide for me. So in our section we have a nice big image. This could be an image of the of the white paper. It could be an image of the author. It could be just this image, this image works or an image of a data center, whatever it may be. And over here of course you could repurpose the content once again um you could make uh the content say whatever you want but you have this cool slider navigation with a transparent, a little bit of a adult slant, transparent title of the next one that's gonna come up. So you're giving your not once again no surprises. Every element here is thought out really well. So if you click on right, I know what I'm going to be seeing, I'm gonna be seeing this is the next book that I could download and you can have a light, you know, non obtrusive download down button but the buttons should say download now you want to tell the visitor what's gonna happen when they click the button. So download now they get their white paper and I can scroll right through here. Um seeing these white papers. And once again I don't have to I don't have to scroll so deep into the site to get to the next section when I'm just gonna be seeing six more white papers um and more information and kind of these blocks of paragraphs as we have them. Now, this is a much more visually appealing way to do it. Each white paper could have its own image or this image over here can stay static. Um but as you can see the the page now is starting to come together really well and let's talk about this, this last section about Western computer and and these these accolades and kind of promotional components About Western computers is important. But once again with our secondary nav we have we have space for that jumping back into Photoshop, we have a perfect space um why Western computer or about Western computer. And then they can stay right here. They don't have to be, you know, 10 ft down the page and they're right here by the call to action when they're ready to get in touch and they see your phone number. But What's important is this idea of 20 years in business, 500 successful implementations. It's important. Um, but more specifically there should be client testimonials and I know it sounds trite and overused and abused maybe. But once again it's similar to the trust factors. People might not read them all. Most of your visitors won't read all of them. A lot of them will. But they make a huge difference when you see recognizable companies or even non recognizable companies and client testimonials. It gives a tremendous sense of validation, gives a sense of of uh what's the word I'm looking for. I guess validations as good as good legitimacy gives us a real sense of legitimacy. So testimonials are important. But more importantly is identifying the testimonials, testimonials should be specific and relevant to the issues and frustrations your visitors are facing currently. So it's it's this concept of tribal identity. Everybody identifies with some sort of tribe, everybody identifies with some sort of issue if you and I share the same problem or we have, you know, we're both fed up with our spouse for the same exact reason. We're going to like each other more. It's, it's a, it's a natural human pull. So if our testimony on a page could say this was an issue I had and Western Computer solved that issue and I'm reading that and I say, hey, that's exactly the issue that I have. That creates a, I'm part of the Western. Now as a reader of the testimonial, I feel part of the Western computer tribe. I'm not, I haven't in, we're a club, there's a togetherness and these all might sound, you know, overly sentimental, but, but it's, you know, it's, it's, it's hyperbole to an extent, but it's really true. It's really effective. So we need to have testimonials on the page. Long story short, where can we have them? Testimonials could definitely be below we, I'm gonna show you in Photoshop how we designed it, we have it below. It could be above it could it could, they could kind of be anywhere because they're they're important and people will spot them. Um so that's definitely an important factor. So let's just let me just show you how we designed um the testimonials and here's a testimonial section. We have um Western digital clients or you know, our clients are speaking up testimonials once again, you could use that same j query whatever code you plug in for the slider, people could go through new sliders, there could be an image of the person and image of the company logo, whatever it may be. And then also it's great to have links to a resource library because once again a web page, how you have the web page set up now in a way it might only really be catering to the lower people lowest in the funnel. People really to get in touch with you. We're not doing a good job in getting people indoctrinated to the Western digital culture who we are continuing to engage in our brand with multiple different touchpoints. So having these links to the resource library and Eastwood Homes Gibson's, I just took those from the your your resource library and the images are are kind of images that we have here in the office. But this layout could be effective in helping people navigate through further into the site um that that that you know, who haven't, who aren't yet ready to get in touch with you now, this page that we've designed here is not done yet. It's not a finished page. You know, you don't have the footer. I would also add, I would add links again here to additional services, additional industry integrations. Um so people could kind of view other products. Um view other services. Maybe view your team, view additional client testimonials. There's more you can do on this page, but if you just once again a broader overview, we're starting to get a really good sense of what this page is about. Um it has a very sharp and, and kind of, we're giving the impression with a page like this aesthetically that were on the vanguard of computer technology, we were sharp, we know how to present ourselves. The information is here really laid out beautifully in a nice way. Um, so that's the aesthetic, that's the aesthetic perspective and then you have the usability perspective where there's just such an improvement in, in how a person's mind will navigate the information on this page, landing on a page like this. I, I have, I just go here and I land on this page. I just don't get a feeling that this is going to give me the information that I want when I land on this. I feel like, hey, the information that I need is gonna be here because it just looks complete, it looks like I have where to go And it looks like things. It has that first, you know, 200 millisecond feel of production quality and the information that I need is going to be there when I need it. I don't feel lost. I don't feel like there's too many different calls to action my eyes that is, and of course this red was on purpose. The only read on the page, a little bit of splash, it's not a bright red, it's not in your face red, but it's a red and that is the only read on the page and it draws your eye. My so my mind knows if I'm ready to take that call to action which they want me to take. Its right here. This is the one, this is what this is what I need to do. This is my next step. The secondary nav. I don't need to beat a dead horse about the secondary nav. Um It could also, I'm not necessarily saying that these are the four links you have to have. These are just four links that I think would be really good and then we have features. I don't have to think about what the features are. They have their own standalone section. Um A very classy download a white paper uh section over here and testimonials resource library and not to forget appear is our trust and security symbols. So those things are really important. There's more to talk about when it comes to the overall structure of the website. We basically covered A really detailed overview, you know, spending 45 minutes just on this one page now, just two things to say. Um Before as as I sign off here, one thing is a lot of the concepts we spoke about could be applied to every page. There's no question about that. Um The the theory behind not making a huge er think the theory behind feeling lost on a website. The feeling behind the, you know, the theory behind uh the importance of trust symbols and icons and recognition symbols and testimonials. Those things could be applied everywhere on the site. The overall aesthetic structure is, you know, we we kinda presented something in Photoshop our own mock up of what looks nice. That could always be changed on every page. But once again, the aesthetic look is important but it's not as important because there's 100 different ways you could make this look pretty, it's just your preference. I think this looks pretty. We thought this looks pretty. There's a million ways you can make your website look pretty but there's not that many ways you can make it usable for the average person visiting your site, so you've got to make it usable. You also need to test. So the, what we're starting this is all about as practices. So we've given you a lot of best practices. We've given you kind of the best theory that's out there. But ultimately your users are not the users, there's there's no there's no real average web user, Your company has different types of visitors. And the only thing that's going to really optimize your page on an ongoing basis of course is testing um maybe testing different elements that's definitely, you know, test images, test forms, test headlines, test sub headlines, test color schemes but just always be testing something it's important. The second thing is we haven't covered navigational structure, navigational structure and intuitiveness um is another important aspect in helping a user start off from your homepage and navigate further into the site. How do you set up a proper homepage? How do you set up a proper navigation? And how do you always help a person feel that they're in the right place at the site and they can always get back to where they were if they get lost. So that's an aspect we didn't cover which is you know, something generally covered in in in our web star in our website redesign package or the website planning package. But there's a tremendous amount of content here that will take you along a very very long way. So with that I'll sign off I really do very much appreciate once again your business working with us on pay per click, I appreciate, I mean obviously we're getting paid for this but I even appreciate you're doing it because this is going to help our pay per click campaigns are you know, the more you guys convert from paper click the better we look, the more money you'll spend more money, you know, and everyone's happy business will be good all around. So if you have any questions, you know, you know who to get in touch with, you can reach out to me, you can reach out to Patrick. Um obviously if you have any of your friends in the business who or any of colleagues of yours who who you feel might benefit from a landing page review like this, um, any referrals you send us will obviously be tremendously appreciated. So once again, thank you. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it was, it was helpful, meaningful. I think the pages, if we kind of implement some of the ideas we have laid out, stand to see tremendous, tremendous positive gains. Thank you very much. Guys, Talk to you soon.
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Great Job!! Isaac's energy is contagious, he is insightful and engaging. It is a lost of valuable content and I feel I learned so much from him in this short time. He is a reason I will end up with the subscription so I can watch this course again along side of his other courses. My only complaint was live streaming kept turning off and I missed information.