Overview of Supplies
02:28 2Adding Decoupage & Gesso to Base
15:17 3Paper Clay: Molding the Arrow
06:08 4Using Gelatos
07:16 5Removing Color with Gelatos
07:51 6Adding Clear Gesso for Doodling
11:00 7Intro to Doodling
06:48 8Adding Doodling
12:45Lesson Info
Adding Handwriting
Okay, I have done my doodles I would like to keep going but I will stop I'll be good I'll cut myself off um so this is where I give you guys the whole lecture about your handwriting everybody was like hey, I don't want to write something or I have often gotten tight classes will you write that for me? No, I will not write it for you because I want you guys tio you know your handwriting is kind of this part of you and it develops over time it's lived with you it's gone through your life with you it's evolved as you've grown and that sounds cheesy but it really is a reflection of who you are and where you are and it's something that down the road people will look at and know if so and so wrote that my mom wrote that my grandmother wrote that off my dad wrote that you know, whatever it maybe you'll know people know that handwriting and so I think it's important to kind of do that embrace it that side you can block print you don't have to go script you can do whatever you want so a lot of ...
times what I will do is now remember back in school we had our lined paper where we learned to make her letters and it was the little those two they're well if you guys going to see this or not but I kind of have your two lines and then your dashes down the middle I kind of do something else when I black print and I imagine a little line closer to the top and a little line closer to the bottom and I've actually done this with pencil before like what I'm doing a piece that I really want the lettering to be really strong on I will take the time to do pencil lines pencil each letter and then go back in with my marker and do the whole thing but for me this is just a fun different way to do your black praying so I'll do my a and then cross it at the top I'll dio maybe these air really thin to learn that is bubbly or big and then my scene and I just try to use those is my guy so anything where you've got like a line across the top or across the middle I try to do at the top so like my age would be at the time my j just comes up to the bottom there the k is fine because this is where I get excited about little things like littering no um I think that all the way down to that bottom line and then kick it out from there so it's just kind of a different funky look on your letters no and again you can tell how straight these are did you did it to do but you can take the timeto really do them if you want and then what idea what I'm doing is did the p wrong? I always do the pew down here I don't know why I did that because I'm talking and you're doing the lettering I have a comment from online I hope I'm saying her name right? I think it's, maya or mia handwriting is unique like a snowflake there's a silence behind style there's a science behind styles that do show things about your personality I completely agree with you, stephanie. Yeah, really loving this course. So thank you thinks u v w x x I tryto cross close of the bottom, my wide at the top and the sea so it's just a different way to do block printing you can play around with this move the lines anywhere you want to find something you like. I just I just like to play with letters I was like when I was a kid. I had the the notebook at the beginning of the school year and by the end of the second week the front was covered. The back was covered, I doodled on drawn on everything and that was back when, like bubble letters or really cool, you know, when you write your name in bubble letters but I just think it's fun to play around with letters and how you write them and there's a lot of great classes out there just about hand lettering right now that you can get two of them are just fantastic and I not one of those people, but I just like to play with him, you go back in and shade stuff in if you want, so you can really have a lot of fun was lettering? Um for this, though I'm just going toe pick a little phrase, and I'm just going to write it in there and I'm going to make sure that I have it going the right way like first wins the top because there's actually a picture of someone on here really don't want her upside down, so I'm gonna make sure that she's facing the right way on this, I think I was going to write aimed high, so when I go in here, add in my words and then this is where I just kind of like and go well, just being yourself and what your handwriting go and just do it don't be scared to have fun with it. I did not do well in penmanship because I especially when we don't curse it because I just thought I'll get to add swirls to everything so was always extra swirly and really obnoxious. And now it's like the swirls of toned down but I've been able to keep some of the fun but I did as a kid I think we get to that point where it's like you're not supposed to do it that way we hear that so much that we forget that we can let the fun happens still hey, how are you guys feeling ok, we're still practicing we are it was like I don't want to put it on there yet so I was going you kind of go in and darken this up a little bit so it's a really fine pen so I just wantto make it a little darker what's funny is I can't wait to see these guys even from here I can see they're all a little always a little different from each other, which is fun to see what everybody comes up with when they're done and then once you get that done, the hard part is over and you're you can pretty even feel like so while you guys were doing that, maybe I'll just add a few more little rainbow zone before we move on to the next part what you guys kind of catch your words on there is this something you guys have done before we have like doodled on a mixed media piece no doodling us I don't know there is just something very relaxing about it this is one of those projects I could mess with all day for those people who were watching and are familiar with your background stuff, any how did you get started with mixed media? Nee said. You kind of just grew up into it, and he enjoyed it. I'm pretty much self taught and everything my background is actually education, like special education. So I started out in that field and things, but I was one of those kids who my dad is a carpenter and had a wood shop, and I had a hammer in one hand and kranz and a ream of paper and the other since the time I could walk. And so I grew up in a house where my dad was a master craftsman and, um, just learned a lot from him and getting to play with stuff. And then my parents were just really cool about letting me, you know, go through reams of regular paper and the news, print paper and paint and create on pit markers and pencils and all that stuff. And I just have always made things, and so I just, um, did it that way, and then I ended up with a job in the craft industry, which was helpful, um the turn, they went from a part time thing to a full time thing for years, so I got tio really learn a lot because we would go to trade shows and different events, and I would get to try different products and, you know, see how this works with that stuff. And when I I started out scrapbooking years ago is part of that, like, natural, like, crafty evolution of who I was, anyway, and that was how I ended up getting the gig that I got, um, in the corporate world of crafting that opened up all these other doors, and so I joke that scrap booking was my gateway, but it really it really was for me, like, I always dabbled in all these little things, and I always made things my parents did craft shows when I was a kid, and I would do things like I would make little holiday magnets out of felt, and I would sell them in my parent's craft show booth, and I just always did that kind of stuff, and so it was always kind of this part of who I was, and so it was nice when there was a way to kind of formalize it and really do more with it, and, you know, I just I constantly evolve what I'm trying and what I'm doing, and when I'm making in when I was scrapbooking, I was always that one that would like bring really weird stuff to the scrapbooking crop and I'd be like, what is she going to do with that? Why does she it was that archival safe and know it probably wasn't, but I was just having fun and really messing around with stuff and trying different things and so it was kind of gate wait in that way and have a look back has just been a lot of fun, so and I'm a big one that if I make a purchase I try to find is in many ways to use the tool that I bought or papers that I bought beyond just the one use and so for me to it's about stretching cz paper scraps it's about taking tools and using them look in the last class we melted kranz with a wood burning tool, so I try to take what I have and use it and as many different ways I can ten a stretch out my tool library to and get the most out of what I have so I tend ah I've also been known to break a lot of things because I don't use them for their intended purposes but that's ah hazard of the job and I know that going into it so um yeah for me it was really just this natural progression from being a creative person when I was little I just never thought it could be a job so for me it was like I went to school for something totally different because it was a great pass time it was a great hobby um it was a lot of fine but I mean it was never going to be something I could do as a job and so to now be able tio um do it as a job is really kind of ah cool change for me in terms of um what ideo because it's something I've always done and it's always been a part of who I am but it was just always that secondary thing that I did on the off time so okay, how are you guys feeling good trying to breathe? How well has the lettering are we good on the lettering? You're afraid you're afraid well I won't penalize you if you want to wait we have a pencil and you can pencil it in and then try it later but okay, I think I'm done with the doodles and I think we can ah probably in a minute here I'll clean up and then we'll probably do our arrows and get those ready and get those put on tio our pieces and then we'll go back and do any little touch ups or any extra bits that we want to do are you good with that? Okay bases like quietly concentrating on there. I think some intense penmanship happening over here. Lots of faces are, like, very, very focused right now. Hates interrupted them on their work. It's. Just fun, because everybody I can, I can tell from here, and I know when I get up and actually walk over there. It's going to be very cool to see everybody's. Remember these pieces.
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