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Adhering the Arrow to the Board

Lesson 12 from: Mixed Media on Wood

Stephenie Hamen

Adhering the Arrow to the Board

Lesson 12 from: Mixed Media on Wood

Stephenie Hamen

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12. Adhering the Arrow to the Board

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Adhering the Arrow to the Board

So what I'm going to dio is figure out where I want it I'm here the other way, but I'm gonna put on a little dab of blue right under the arrow I say little dab in it's like a giant club I always over it here and I'm just going to put that down and let that sit for a second and just kind of get itself in tow place in the meantime, I'm gonna kind of like I said smash things up a little bit and, well, they're shifting because I moved it to get these where I want him give it a little texture when you sprinkle it up and smash it a little bit actually gonna give it a little bit of a haircut because it's a little longer than I want it, so I'm just going to go in with the scissors from it down a bit like a little off the top, okay? I like that better and really now it's a matter of you guys just kind of getting it where you like it and you're happy with it to take home now when you take this home or if you are at home and you're watching this, I just by um a little they've got I don't know wha...

t they're officially called it's like the gator teeth that you put on the back of something to hang it and I buy the ones already have the neil's already in them and just tap him in and use those tow hang it you can put up on an easel or anything else but they don't come pre ready to hang so you'll have to add a little something to the back to get it ready to go on display get that on there all right so now I'm going tio messed with my father is a little bit and like I said, I want to cheat a little bit so I'm going to put a little dab of glue on this time I mean like a little tiny dot I'm just gonna get first just really going toe play around with it and see how I like it and I may hide the string even up under neath a little bit I can or you could just let him hang down if you want to do that to I'm just not feeling that today and then once these air down if you wanted to you could go in and even add some more and just make them kind of look like they're on the string that's up to most uh get those little bits off there and now really all that's left to do is just let everything dry and get set in its place you're basically done that looks really, really cool stephanie and yeah stephanie do you have any last final thoughts I'm I notice went by really, really fast, and I feel like we believe everybody with, you know, a couple words. Yeah, these are really great, yeah, these air fantastic, I think again, it's. Just a matter of, you know, don't be afraid to try things, and we talked about the doodling and some of that, and I think, you know, tried on scratch paper, try it on other things. First, you can always use pencil and go over it, stuff like that, I think it's, just important to try. I think we get scared, tio, try something new or do something different. I'm like I so people are often scared of using their hand, writing things like that, and they think that just give it a go and see how it how it turns out, you know, may be surprised how happy you are with it. When it's done, so just be brave and try something. You see how everything pans out.

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Doodling 101.pdf

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Mixed Media on Wood Supply List.pdf