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Summary of Color Adjustment Layers

Lesson 10 from: Adobe® Photoshop®: Adjustment Layers

Lesa Snider

Summary of Color Adjustment Layers

Lesson 10 from: Adobe® Photoshop®: Adjustment Layers

Lesa Snider

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10. Summary of Color Adjustment Layers

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Summary of Color Adjustment Layers

And just to really drive home the point of what is happening here in our layers panel how zoom in and talk just for a moment about it if we turn off the visibility of that black and white adjustment layer that we created, we see our original photo layer here okay and all of its full color glory when we add that black one adjustment layer the black and white part is coming solely from this layer okay that's where the black and white is originating from when you paint inside of the later mass that came along with that adjustment layer you're hiding that layer content which allows you to see through to the full color original layer that's underneath it that's what's really going on here it can be confusing to figure out ok what is being hidden? What is being shown where's the black and white coming from where's the color coming from so the colors on our original image we added a black and white adjustment layer to drop out the color. Now we're hiding that layer content which is the lack o...

f color we're hiding it with a layer mask which lets you see through that layer wherever we've painted with black to whatever is on the layer underneath it in our case that happens to be where the photos original color lives so that's what's going on okay so let's close at this image here and let's do it again on another image I will tell you that as ah royalty free stock photographer were not allowed tio have any recognizable faces and our photography unless we have a signed model release but boy with the creative creative swap of the of the crop tool you can take out any need for that model release I'm not seemed in really far you can see that there is no head on that bride right there okay so you don't get a model release photos really great chopped her head in half you heard it here on creative but it's still a nice picture see creative prop ings very useful ok so now let's take a look at the original image here it isthe I added a levels adjustment layer teo alter the color and lining of that image and then I added a grady it map adjustment layer and you can see from the mask that I have black paint strokes in the shape of this bouquet of flowers. So here again you're seeing through this layer which is where the black and white is coming from all the way through to the bottom layer which is where the original color lives so let's just redo that one ok last time we used a black and white adjustment layer it has all those wonderful sliders that you can tweak and really find him that black and white this time let's use a great at math adjustment layer ok if you can remember to set your color chips to the default of black and white first then it's a one step process okay you can set your color chips to the default black and white by pressing d and then you want to press x until black cops on top the next thing we're going to do is come down here to our adjustment layer menu and choose brady at map see this time it worked ha ha ok so now we've got a really nice black and white going on a couple of different things you could do at this point if you wanted a partial sort of black and white you could drop the opacity a little bit now the photo takes on a vintage look base so where we drop the capacity of the grady and map adjustment layer which is where are black and white is coming from we dropped that little bit for a completely different if it ok but let's go ahead and bring that capacity back up and now we'll use the included layer mask to hide some of that black and white to reveal the original color so we'll come over here impressed the to activate the brush tool make sure your foreground color chip is set to black and then despaigne across all the areas that you want to reveal in color in this case it's the flowers and again if you mess up and you go outside the lines of the flowers like I did right there and right over there then you can't flip flop your colored ship so that your painting with quite to reveal that black and white once again now if you're not a fan of all this hand painting business and arguably it is much more enjoyable if you're using a welcome graphics tablet so you've got that pin style issue khun really enjoy the painting metaphor in a more physical real world way if you enjoy that kind of thing well if you're more of a selection kind of person we could create a selection of these flowers first and the quick selection tool again is a selection told based on color so it's put a shop is picking up the colors and I'm painting across in any similar ones that are directly adjacent to them but depending upon what you're trying tio what object you're trying to do this effect on it may be easier to hand painted after you've created the adjustment layer and just so you know if you look at my layers panel I'm on that grady at math destin it layer that I created so theoretically I shouldn't be able to select any pixels because there are many pixels on that layer but the reason the quick selection tool is working is because the last time I used it I turned on sample all layers so it's looking through the layer that I'm on damn below where those pixels actually live. So if you're trying this at home and just not working for you, either turn on, sample all layers or click to activate the background layer, then do the selection and then create your adjustment layer so we'll zoom in here and try to pick up that last little flower. And of course, you could use the refine edge dialog box. Teo, find him this election before you do the partial color effect, but let's say, for this case that that it's just fine, ok, so we're gonna I'm going to click my levels adjustment here only because I want the new layer I'm about to create toe land above it. So I'm going to take a peek at my color ships, make sure they're set to black and white with black on top, they're not someone impress the ex key, so that flip flop them, and now I want to come down here and choose grady it map from that little half black, half white circle thought of the layers panel I get the opposite of what I want. But I don't panic because I know that all I have to do is either click the little mask icon right here that automatically appeared in the properties panel for me because a mask tags along with their readjustment layer or you could double click the mask itself if the property's pale isn't open for some reason somebody click that little mask icon and lo and behold down here at the bottom if we scroll down in that panel I haven't invert but and that's going to flip flop our mask for us so that our whatever our selection was is what remains in color okay, so hand pain it selected first whichever one you want to do okay. Any questions on that technique? Any questions from the great interwebs let's see let's take a look. Um it's storm is asking is there a way to do the reverse on this start with a black and white image and somehow pink in color uh we should give him a prize because this summer sending it to him that is the very next thing we're gonna do. So here is a black and white image ok? So if I wanted to add color to it you would add a new layer and you would drop in paint on that new layer so it's color our starfish orange and we could come over here ifs not that tool the regular old breast tool and you could lay down pain. This is kind of what we were talking about earlier. You could lay down pay, and then you could change the blend mode to something like, um, color. You know, I'd be a lot more careful with the with the breast strokes if I was doing that for riel. So if you want to cull, arise a black and white image that does not, you know, have any color in it. Then you would lay down that paint on a separate image layer, and you would change the blend mode. Color will work. Um, overlay will work as well. There's. Several of them worked with colors and easy one to remember, so little bit of a different technique, but absolutely possible. Info shop.

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Adjustment Layers