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8. Finishing Touches
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Finishing Touches
So because this is water soluble and got my shadowing a little heavy down there I can come back and wipe it away, lighten it up a little bit and now it's just going to kind of fucking within the little the little fine tuning but by and large and I would paint out the sides like I said, I'm you could come and add your collage paper onto the sides to finish it off but this is it this is reusing your artwork, your original artwork making something totally different with it multiple times but you know, we've got the digital copies of these now we could do this over and over and over again and make unlimited amounts um, of art from your one original piece you guys did great, your pieces look wonderful, I can't wait to see them revealed I love the colors you're using I was mentioning before the um if the parts that I made on here, I'm not super in love with like I kind of arbitrarily masked out certain areas because I wanted my layout to be this way maybe I want to come back and add a little...
more white little little more pops of detail work in there, I'll take a white gel pan, this is the signal you know, paul white gel pen and I'll come in and I'll add just little touches of white the little fine marks that may not have come through because they got cut off his little detail part parts make the work just that much more interesting. You can also take a fine tip permanent black marker or even the big brush pen to make bigger black dots it's a little bit of black, a little bit of white added, and at the very end always interesting andrew which letters do you think give you the most trouble? Are there any letters on that's? A great question I struggle with I think there's so curvy double used tio that's a funny question, chris, but it really is there the ones that have the legs on them because they're hard to sit to lay down flat and not get them tio curl as you're laying them down, but the trick is to lay them down at the bottom first to get the bottom aligned and then just kind of, you know, laying down same thing with pulling him up if you're trying to keep them in one piece just starting from one and I could also be adding I'm adding to the detail here they actually have gel pens that give you a raised surface so that might adds an interesting textural detail to the letters themselves by coming back with it with a gel pen that has a raise surface and it really think about that before I before right this minute but you know things come to you as you they also have speaking of that glass writers so this is opaque paint in uh has a fine tip on it this is white they also have it in black but I might want to do my dots with that so then I have this race just surface maybe maybe not I like it what I'm doing is coming back and adding detail to the lines that are already in the background so I might outline something add the fine little little bits and details to just make the inside because that's where it's really you know bright and beautiful to make that really excellent he's coming back with fine tip pen years it's going to be fantastic barbara look at that smudge smudge smudge what I ended up doing is exactly what barbara is doing a smudged all the way around and so that I had that drop shadow I came back and I wiped off instead of adding mohr teo I came back and I wiped off of two sides I wiped off of the top and the left and they left it dark on the right and the bottom all I have to say about this race stuff is be careful that your hand doesn't swipe over and as you careful you know where you put it right I could put doesn't put my hand right through that anybody else have any other questions? No, and it seems like another example where you never really know when you're done right. You can keep kind of adding those finishing touches when do you get to a point where you feel confident in your final product when I ran out of time? But that really is yeah, I'm pretty happy with the way this is. I may come back and add a little more to the background here. Um, but I love the total serendipity of what shows up underneath the masking, you really don't have that much control over it, and it always seems to end up really cool just designs or so oh, I'm sorry, do we need to seal it with anything? That's a great question, because we did use the water soluble stuff on the smudgy pencil on the surface if this gets hit by water, that will run. And so usually what I do to finish off my art is I like a matte finish, so I take a mass spray acrylic matte finish and spray it just take it outside to do that perfect! I wouldn't want to brush anything over top of it because of the water soluble quality of that pencil, if I brushed anything over top of it, it would smudge it, so it's spray that's a great question and when I was saying is before is that signs are so popular right now you go on pinterest and just search for you know quotes and you see all kinds of hand painted signs you wonder how did they do that now you know it looks you know all right yeah let's get a shot of this reveal hold that up so the camera can take a look at bill catcher yeah, there you go that looks fantastic paradise that's the most exciting part is to reveal like you've done all this stuff and you like what is it gonna look like? It's pretty cool to be the three hundred yes mine got paint under globs and it pulled up pieces of paper and everything I'm kind of sloppy but I'm kind of fighting it with this to billow marks all around the edge it does solve a lot of the problems you can also come back with because you have the pain that you used in your original artwork you can always come back and paint touch up right way touch up little thoughts but that's where sometimes the dots over top of things or an extra mark over topped with paint or with the gel pen will hide some of that as well. Any final words from you andrea as people are wrapping up um I would just say you know, think outside the box in re using your artwork think of all the different ways that you can that you can use it, and once you have a photocopy of it, if you take pictures along the way when you're creating or our work, you have that as collage papers, you can see just one example of what we've done today with repurpose ng r r we've taken photographs of artwork that we did previously and repurposed it on a canvas there's no limit to how many times I can do that. I just keep printing it out and making more art. All right, beautiful. We're going to wrap things up here. Thank you so much, andrea, that we have these these beautiful pieces of art here. Thank you so much. I'm pretty out there have been watching. This has been recycle your are and hopefully now, after watching this, I think people have a lot of ideas on how they can recycle the artwork that they have. So thank you so much for watching, but that's all we have for right now, we will see you next time.
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