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Shadow / Outline Options
I'm going to call this almost done what I want to do is get it dry and then I want to ask him shadowing around my letters before I peel them off it's a lot easier to do that work before I peel off then it is after I peel it off very tedious and time consuming work like you you experienced today already in outlining things and that sort of thing but if I do it before I peel off I have a lot more control over it because the mask is already helping me keep it off of the surface so mainly around the words is where I'm making sure that I have that covered and then I am going to take the stab alot marks all pencil which is a water soluble pencil that will write on anything this is actually another brand ah but in your um materials your supply list it will list the stubble of marks all pencil and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go ahead and come around my letters I'm going to outline them and because it's water soluble once I get it around my letters I can actually take my finger and dip it...
in a little bit of water and kind of smudge that and cause a lot faster dipping your finger in a little bit of water and smudging it and trying to do it tediously with a paintbrush so we're just using that a mask that we already have on their as our guide we're outlining our words with a water soluble pencil. I've also used water soluble graphite doing a water soluble graphite pencil or even ah charcoal pencil. Although you don't need the water to smudge the charcoal pencil, you just smudge it with your finger or smudging tool. I'm not being really exact about this, I'm just laying the color down so that's a great thing about having the the masks still there before you is very tempting for me to peel it up because I want to reveal what's underneath. I'm very excited to do that, so I'm kind of rushing through this because I can't wait to see what it's going to look like, but it's saving me so much time doing this, tracing before I actually peel that off, take it from me, I've learned the hard way it takes so much more time to come around these letters and individually outline each one without getting it, you know, on the inside, not making it look too messy. I mean, the little messy is good because that's kind of my aesthetic, but there is such a thing as too messy. The great thing about the fact that this is a water soluble is that if I don't like the way that it looks, if I get too much smudgy nous an art wife? We'll take it right off, okay baby white and aren't like I am getting there. I'm learning now if you really wanted to think about the direction of the sunlight into a drop shadow on these, I would shadowing is a great way to add to mention to your letters what you want to do is pick two sides to be heavier handed than the other two top or bottom left or right, not both, not both left and right, but top left or right top or bottom so you d'oh top right bottom left you guys get in two sides of your letter, ok, two sides so I'm smudging all the way around, but if I wanted to make it heavier on two sides going to get my my letters even mohr dimension when I peel it's kind of exciting and scary all at the same time cause I really have no idea what it looks like behind here. I'm just hoping they won't appeal it off. It all goes well, so the things that could go wrong just preparing you the pain could have seeped underneath and formed a bond because acrylic paint is sticky okay, so it could actually have seeps beneath and formed a bond with the post it note, in which case when I peel it up, I want to be very careful not appeal it up too quickly for fear of pierre appealing up the layer of paper but here's the brilliant thing you have way more of this paper you could pete you could cut out and patch over any pieces that peel up it's not going to be the end of the world they're just going to be a little bit perhaps a little bit of fixings nothing is ever irreparable wait dr before you people let herself yeah it's a great idea to me okay but all the way dry it just means that when you're touching it it's not paint is not coming off on you so it can still feel damp I know I'm excited to take your letters off too but I am ready now to peeling off ok so you see the shadowing that I did here sometimes you've got to get it going and scared me a little bit there because it was kind of sticking but it's not and because we're using the post it note the peeling off is really clean it's not sticking to the background I've done this before I do another technique where I do this I mask the canvas first with a sticky back vinyl were like label type stuff and it's great on the canvas to just mask off that is what I was saying I was afraid of just a little bit of that posted just sticking but I could fix that um but you cannot put that really sticky label over top of the collage paper that's glued down. Even if you let it dry overnight. I was really tempted because I I let this dry overnight. I thought, oh, I can just use that. I don't have to go to the, you know, to the store and get this sticky back there being full, sticky, poster notes, all this, use what I have, and let me just say it's, no matter what, it's still peeled up all the paper that was back on all of it, but it just it made it a mask, tio. Better just to do it with the right thing the first time, and try to fix your mistake later, because I couldn't put it down. But almost there, yeah, that's, pretty.
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