Day 1
1Know What's Really on Your Plate
48:48 2Recognizing Your De-stressers
42:43 3Guided Visualization of Stress
13:00 4What Exactly Is Stress?
20:37 5Why Does Stress Fry My Brain? And Q&A
21:32 6Awareness is the First Step
28:40 7Know Your Stress Dashboard
26:21Tools for Cooling Down
31:14 9Put Yourself on the Calendar
49:00 10Student & Web Questions
13:24 11How to Create a Successful Strategy
17:10 12Using Your Strengths to Ease Stress
36:56 13Knowing You: What's Your Vision?
23:12 14Balancing Your Energy: Delete
37:44 15Balancing Your Energy: Delegate & Defer
28:42 16Shifting Your Perception
23:20 17Choosing Your Mindset
30:08 18Create Habits of Mindfulness
31:37 19The Human Operating System
20:02 20Training for Resilience
25:36 21Voicing Out Our Needs
30:01 22Creating New Habits to Fight Stress
18:09 23Be Aware: Sustaining & Derailing Habits
26:23 24Being Empowered With Mindful Habits
39:12 25Why We Fail
26:14 26Having the Optimal Mindset
37:54 27Succeeding With Your Goal(s)
19:51 28S.M.A.R.T. Goals
28:03 29Building Up Your Confidence
35:08 30Why You Should Put Up Guardrails
31:00 31Fine Tuning Habits of Resilience
21:12 32Celebrate Your Successes
19:07Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Recognizing Your De-stressers
What I'd like to do now is turn that plate over or if a new workbook you want to turn to page five and start writing down what de stresses you where did you get your energy? This is undone on the back I do have energy just did the top where do you get your energy there's the back magically I do have it that's my only magic trick e I have none so you're putting yourself in the center what feeds you white feeds you physically what feeds you mentally? What feeds you emotionally? I can't imagine my life without my friends I just like they hold me in ways that are just unbelievable in the middle of this crazy week then I'm living I got a text message from someone this morning who with whom? I don't speak that often but it was just a hay thinking of you oh like thank you that that truly holds me. So put down the things that you do that energize you and include the basics on that like, you know, food choices, exercise choices maybe some sleep we have a sleep deprivation clutch crisis in our w...
orld so put down the things that really feed you I'm a foodie so food went on there pretty quickly love to go to the farmer's market and just feel the energy of these people who have put their soul into creating this beautiful food love that and it feeds me and I take pictures of it it's it's a ritual for me that feeds me I'm a yoga person um I just want to claim that I've been a yoga person long before it became popular like that matters right? These are the things that feed me physically and mentally together and I'm an only child I'm used to some alone time I'm an introvert and I need alone time I need to decompress when I've been on on on zai am I have back to back speaking engagements and coaching engagements I need decompressed time last night I went and wandered around san francisco and that's not exactly alone except it is because I was in my own space thinking and walking and observing and I needed that I really, really needed it. So what are those things that building for you? I know simon, you said you meditate? Yeah, so like so for that's I started because I had in college I had tons of stress, I couldn't focus. And so then I I learned buddhist meditation and then fabulous chinese, another chinese she gone called, fallen gone and I've been practicing since and I think if I didn't have those like I would, I don't know where I would be s o yeah that's wonderful that that is that's an anchor for you that feeds you and we all that's sort of the first thing that can go on the plate, the things that those are the things that you say, no matter what else is going on in life, I'm going to manage this one, this part of myself care? Yeah, stress management is self care it's about feeding yourself at the same time you're spending yourself in. The irony, though, is like it becomes like a spiral either way, either, like, I notice, if I'm in a good state, that I, you know, I meditate all the time and in practice regularly, and then, if I'm in a bad state, that I and when I'm more stressed than what I really need it the most that I I I slapped, you know, I don't do it or something, you know, so it's? Well, first of all, congratulations that you do it because at least you haven't as the tool and meditation in particular is one that because you practise it regularly, those times that you don't, it actually has changed your brain and there's carry over. It truly changes you bring the studies are remarkable, so there is carry over what I would love for you is to not beat yourself up a cz much over that resistance to doing it, we typically resist what we need most and there's information in that there are a lot of coaches will say, you know what are you resisting? Because that's where we need to go uh and that is interesting I play this exact same game, so as I told you, I've been looking like the before picture and my stress workshops recently well, that allows my inner critic to come in and say, oh, well, aren't you a complete fraud? Who are you to get up there when you and your little crazy right now? So every morning for the last month, I've been doing some meditation I'm not doing the longer version that really serves me best, but I've allowed I gave myself permission to say that fifteen minutes is better than none and what I switched to doin was doing a guided meditation on my phone that I use because I know that that's better than not touching base, so just give yourself a gray zone between doin it and not doing it on a little bit of permission tohave flow in and out of it because you have a lifelong practice and that's a beautiful thing and that's really what a lot of stress management is it's creating lifelong practices of lifestyle choices is that make you your best self that give you more access to that flow? Does that make sense so any comments from the online world of what they're doing it's really interesting asso many different answers of what people are doing cheetah just says they need their down time red scorpio says they like campaign but nature in general helps them being by the ocean is another one from chita and piece and just general peace and quiet janie ellis saying praying five times a day which is part of my religion allows me to de stress on banks puppy just says vegging in front of the tv we're going to be so those are those are all lovely things thie being in nature is very interesting were an organism and we're an organism of nature that's in the spectrum of organisms of nature and there are there are coherent energies between the organisms of nature and that's not a leeway I live in nashville and I can read your aura at all that's that were affected by what's around us you know that two trees that grow next to each other if one of them gets sick the other tree is stressed by it we are part of nature and were held by nature so nature takes on and holds us in a way that is stress relieving there's some great studies on putting a d d kids out in nature and how it comes their brain waves so nature is really a lovely one praying is interesting because it's meeting multiple needs at once it's bringing in the big picture because if you ever gotten really stuck on something that you know it's in your mind you know this this isn't that important but you're stuck and you can't see the big picture again we're praying is a ritual and we're going to talk a lot about that crane is a ritual that brings you back to your purpose in your bigger picture it anchors you and it feeds you spiritually so that's a lovely one these are all great answers and what you'll find is we go through this that some of the things that we need to de stress are universal we do not do well without sleep we have all those people who claim they're great on sleep it's it's a tiny percentage of the population who khun do well without sleep that's a universal one and then there are other things I love roaming around san francisco in the middle of the crowd I love being in manhattan or london in the middle of the crowd and that psychologist that I usedto work with got anxious at the mere thought I'm going there and wanted to be alone in a tent on the side of the mountain well my skin crawls that that that that you know so we have individual needs different things that feed us but for the majority of people with whom I've done this the front has a lot more on it than the back and in fact, this is a client who allowed me to share hers. This is the front. This is the bag now, what's interesting is she hadn't been to the spa she's a dear, sweet person, she was in a job where she had no control of what was going on, and she was at the on totally on the burnout path, which is something I'd love to share. Um, there's a lot of talk of burnout will burn out. Is stress management gone awry? Burnout is the end space of dealing with stress. When I was in medicine, I was really frustrated that we spend so much time on dealing with the end stages of a disease. We would wait till somebody's blood pressure was off the charts is to start to talk to them about lifestyle habits that would keep it down. We would wait until somebody had truly abnormal blood sugars before we would start to send them to the diabetes education where's actually, you're pre diabetic for ten years before your blood sugar is off, and I keep thinking, why don't we like start with preventing these things instead of waiting till word, the disease now it's getting much, much better now, but that's the same approach I'd like for stress management is backing up. Don't call me when you're on the path to burn out okay, never mind call me when you're on the path to burn out because I'd love to help but let's talk about the ways we can not go on the path to burn out, that we can handle life and really feel good at the end of the day. Does that make sense? Yeah, so stress management is about balancing these and it's hard now, because we've got a lot of challenges. Were these air the universal things that are going on in our lives? We work twenty four seven this puppy is never away from me. I had an interesting talk with a taxi driver last night we were driving down the street there's this tiny little asian woman, she was probably eighty plus, at least we abandon tiny and adorable and she's walking down the street on her cell phone, and I thought, that just cracks me up and he noticed it, too. He was from africa, and he said, you know, the cellphones changed the world, but we're never far away from somebody being able to get us and that's very different than how humans evolved, so twenty four seven is a part of our lives, and we've got to find some techniques to deal with that since the recession, everybody has been asked to do more and are they going to say, is anybody going to come in one day and say, you know what the recession's over we'd like to give you two assistants it's not gonna happen we just change the expectation level there's so much going on in the information overload we touched on briefly a little bit ago. Um exponential growth in information I'm old enough that if I had to write a paper getting the information was the stressful part and then we were taught the critical thinking of how to put that together now it's sifting through the information to come up with something that makes sense and yet there's a little bit of us that is still the hunter gatherer who's out there digging, you know? Well, maybe you know, if I just get a one more website I might find the perfect piece of information that sound familiar. Um I'm one of those with thirty tabs open and asking my computer guy why my computer slow there's always this feeling that somewhere there's like a little bit better piece of information distraction is just huge. Do you know in a functional memory which is looking at your brain activity in real time, it takes ten to fifteen minutes for your brain to come back to the same focus state that it was in when you started the activity and switched to looking at your email that's pretty darn significant, so the companies that are recognizing that and starting tohave email policies so we're not constantly monitoring, and this is actually an addiction lights up the rewards reward centre of your brain when when you come up with periods of time in which you don't just interrupt yourself, you're developing focus again and it's something we need to actually develop a lot of this. I read an interesting book once about how our brains developed from living in the cave and that cavemen lived by the light. There was no artificial light, and they had in the shorter days, longer periods of dark and there's, a theory that they had this downtime and this awake dreaming time, and this enforced meditation time and without a lot of distraction and that's when our brains were doing their biggest surge of development. So living in the world we're living now we have to adapt to the challenge of distraction and interruptions and information that are out there. We're gonna learn to swim and that that sea of it and still choose what we want to think instead of having it chosen for us. That's, that's a huge stressor in the workplace when you look up stress comics, they're all these ones where everybody's knocking on your door and they're sticky notes everywhere and that's really what it is it feels like in our brain sometimes it's you know there's just this massive sticky note pile and every one of them screaming at us we add on to that these days losing a job has become a normal you know, when I was young losing your job was a pretty unusual thing and usually meant that there was something probably wrong with you and now it's just common you know, people who you never thought would lose a job of lost a job it's and so fear of losing it is a real a real thing that we carry around and that's one of those background fears that stresses us something is just hanging out there we don't name it every day but it hangs around on our plate and if we were really healing on our plate that would have a little bubble or if you're employed by yourself like I am that you know I could fire me probably not gonna happen but so mine is you know, go out and get a real job instead of calling what you do and there's always that fear out there there lots more of these they're people who are doing jobs that are way below their intellect because of the economy that were in there not engaged and when we look at the stress curve that'll make even a lot more sense but they're doing something that just isn't enough challenge it doesn't it doesn't feel good they're tana people out there doing stuff without the training that they need or without the explanation, we have sped up to the part where we don't tell people how to do the job or how to think or what to do. We just expect people to self generate and figure out the boundaries by making the sticks, and then this is probably the mismatch syndrome is probably one of the bigger things that comes up in coaching, mismatch of responsibility and authority. I hear this over and over again and it's really from poor leadership in poor management we forget to look at does the person who's responsible for this item have the authority to use what they need to be responsible? And we mix those up for some people in jobs that are really challenging or situations that are challenging just naming that feels better, it feels better to say, you know what? I know why I'm stressed I'm responsible for this, and I have absolutely no tools to deal with it. So you're supposed to feel stress and just knowing that that's a challenge that exists and naming it feels better. There are lots of psychological studies that say, if we name our fear, we reduce its emotional impact on us, so just naming what's gotcha can really be helpful. Any questions on any of that? Well so that last one it's interesting so I've worked for many years as a product manager and they say product managers somebody that has responsibility with no authority and I don't know I mean it's it's sort of like it's created to fail in that sense like created to create stress because you can you always have to you'd do it everything has to be done by influence because you know that you're not you don't have any authority for example over developers over two designers or anything but after a kind of um heard the cats that could even to dio so just just discussing that realizing it make you feel any different about it no so way work on it yeah yeah its interesting to put it that way I think it helps me see more black and white that paradox of it yeah and eventually your voice comes to that paradox in the people you deal with that you know when you're irate with me you get some voice to the fact and not by making excuses are becoming the whiny puppy that that doesn't work either but b but by having good burbage to say for your boundaries if you know I want this to happen and this is the part I had control this is the part I don't have control and I'm doing the best I can do in this situation I can see the fear in your face I like that actually that you know you khun be very clear on this is you can you know, kind of let go yeah, which you don't have control over certain yeah that's the right thing in israel air um naming the fear for me is very powerful um even just growing up after class are after school a big thing my family was how is your day? And it was more than just a compulsory question it was you're really sharing how your day wass and through that process I was able to say, well, this was the triumph this is really great or this is something I'm really worried about and it was a process that I didn't even really realize was happening but it was very slowly and when I first started dating my husband I would do the same thing how is your day? And after a few times he said, are we really going to pee the people that talk about our day like how pedestrian he actually said that? But now he were so you were so in that rhythm he has to tell me how his day was because it is even if I don't ask, you know, a couple times I I didn't ask and um knowing that he would want to tell me because it is such a good way tio get through different stresses that you haven't just again voicing it, not even doing anything about it, but voicing it is so powerful that is beautiful and actually they're cem studies using ceos who say what went well that day it's in the positive psychology research and appreciative in creation ceos who say what they're grateful for what went well that day outperform the ones who don't but what you're doing I love because you're addressing this as well you're sharing and you're staying connected with each other because one of our hardest parts of when the relationships don't feel connected. So your family held you is child, allowing you to have this space in which you had triumphs and challenges, and now you're doing that for each other as a couple. So that's that's a ueno anything from the online world interesting question about this a disconnection that braun is asking upon it's basically asking, how do you stop? Because they've been trying to manage their base instincts and they always feel they're overextended and they're stuck between knowing they need to make major changes but the fear of additional stress by handling the stress of those changes, how do you just disconnect stop if you want to disconnect that I think that's a different question, and this was more about feeling disconnected from what matters, but if you do disconnect that's a great question on dh that's really more about having some boundaries and we will we will cover that as we go through it takes courage it does take courage in the face of fear and my first quick answer to that is in teeny tiny baby steps really baby steps umm that is that's a huge challenge and it does have a lot of fear and that fear is giving you some information it really is it's giving you some information this is something that you humanly need and it may take some space before you're ready to deal with it and it may take some support before you're ready to deal with it but you will you really will I hope that helps you got lots of questions coming in about medication and drugs, etcetera cindy is going to deal with that the medical side of stress later on so we will get to those kind of questions but thanks puppy again is asking do you make a distinction between physiologic stress and emotional situational stress or are essentially the same thing is stressed the same thing stress is the same thing and I will tease that outings puppy on daz for the medication part I'm not going to cover a lot of that but on dh that that could be an entire another session especially now that we've added the supplement world and um my I'll give you my bottom line is each your supplements as much as you can eat well your body needs billions of different pieces of things to put together to create all of the neuron trant neurotransmitters that you need and all the things you need eating well is really important there are medications when stress is out of control and that's something that's outside the scope of what we're doing today there's a saying in the world of psychology teach the skills to go with the pills so I'm not going to address too much about the pills in this talk I'm going to talk about the skills and I'm not saying I don't believe in pills in certain situations when you need help I don't think anything is black and white and I am you know I spent ten years helping people learn the skills and trained themselves to need less pills but there's a time and place for everything and so I that would be more of individual conversations that huh that's good. So we've talked about this and we've talked about what intrinsic motivation wass wrong fit was a little bit of the responsibility but I won't talk about the other wrong fit is I I do a lot of coaching and come up with people who are in the wrong fit for their job when you do their personality assessment a disc profile or myers briggs or something they really find out there in the wrong fit and that doesn't mean you know oh my god, it I blew it I picked the wrong career or you know, I went down path and I was supposed to do path be but there's some tweaks you khun do sometimes and then sometimes it is a bigger decision to figure out, you know, this is really what's wrong I am myself I can do my left brain work, I made it through medical school I'm a pretty right brain person I was an art major, so there were some things about what I was being asked to do in the world of medicine that we're the wrong for it from me and that's when I was the most stressed when I started getting more creative in what I was doing that really helped um part of my right brain's personality and my personality in general is that I'm fairly in touch with my intuition intuition is not valued in a lot of worlds and yet um I just had an example of I used it I used my gut to decide not to go down a path of us something on craigslist and I was really right it was a total scam trusting our gut even when we're in completely left brane worlds is something to do and I I work with people who need that they need their creative side, they need their gut side and they're not using it. We find ways to use it where you are or to move if that's the right choice for you. So sometimes the stress you're feeling is information that may be maybe it's time for a fit check to see what's going on and sometimes you're just in a totally toxic environment. Um, we've all bad bosses is the number one complaint when people talk about work stress and it's funny, they're all must be a heck of a lot of bad bosses out there and I don't think they know they are or they're not as many as we do, and people need to know that they're part of the problem too, but there are toxic environments and their toxic people we've all known the person that you you see them coming and you really just want to, like, jump in the other room, you know, I think have to get a bathroom now asking about that so they only ever feel stress, whether in a particular conversation situation with a particular individual rights on the field and if you have now if that person's in your family it's kind ofthe I think they said it's a neighbour ok, yeah that's moving is a bit drastic there are ways to put boundaries around that, and I worked with a woman who was in a particularly toxic relationship and she couldn't she had to get through this this stretch with this person, and we would do this little ritual where she would pretend before she went in the room that she was putting on her spacesuit, and if it was a particularly vulnerable day, she'd put down the face card just in her mind she was separating. This is that person's energy, and this is my energy, and I don't have to let that person trigger me. I know that I'm really vulnerable to it, and like we were saying earlier, if I'm overtired and probably more vulnerable or if I'm triggered by something else, I could carry it over, but there are people in our lives who just send us. I just had that experience recently, and it was funny because I was so over tired, I wasn't really stopping it too well, and there was a part of my brain going wow, cindy this's kind of adolescent ofyou and another part of migraine going a lot of really care no, because this is what I feel right now, and I was enough that I could step back and say case and it's just, you know, let's, do what you know to do and take some deep breaths and see it for what it is here in a triggered state, this is a person who triggers you put your own space suit on do your breathing come back to being grounded in who you are and we're going to talk a lot about that as we go through so I hope that's helpful people a lot of people in the chat room and talk about it seems way they describe people that just feel that they make them just feel stressed all the time and you know what those toxic people are usually really hurting really in a state of fear really stressed themselves and as humans when we can flip to that sometimes that alone is enough people humans are basically good, the research shows it we don't grow up to be toxic we become toxic because of what's happened to us good point yeah um and so sometimes we have the ability to just step away and use compassion and and add some compassion to ourselves as well. I think expectation is a huge part of stress management. I love this quote you know, beautiful and terrible things are gonna happen. They just are don't be afraid, give yourself some space for that and then use your brain to build habits that are going to wire you to be in control of what you want to be in control of I can't control what you do to me, but I can control what's going on in my brain in response to it most of the time even if I do it eighty percent of the time, I'm going to be a far happier human than feeling like a victim of what's going on out there and balance is just incredibly important energy in needs to be balanced with energy out, and you're going to hear me talk over and over again about four kinds of energy, your physical energy, your mental energy, your emotional energy and your spiritual energy sort of four different aspects of yourself, and we tend to just focus on one were very physical, mental oriented we've learned to suppress physical were very mentally oriented in here, we deny emotions and spiritually don't even touch, even though that's, often really the peak of the pyramid for most big performers. So as we go through thes next a few days, this really understanding thie balance that you're seeking it's, not perfect and some days the ones up on one's down, but the overall balance. So what I'd like to do right now is teach you the first piece of breath, work and breath work is my first skill that I want to teach people have learned it in so many different ways, and there is no right one no wrong one just, you know, bringing your attention to your breath is good, this is one I use and I've used a variety as I said of taking yoga for a lot of years so I've done a variety breath work whenever you bring your attention to your breath you're already on the right path you're starting to get mindful because your breath hopefully you're all just sitting around breathing right now your breath is one of those amazing things about the human body that is both involuntary and voluntary so hopefully didn't stop breathing during any part of this but now I'm gonna ask you to make it voluntary and bring your attention to it so if you remember back tio grade school biology which is probably talking pre k now is as the world's speeds up your lungs air these bellows and when we breathe up here in the top of the bellas we're not moving much air when we breathe down here in the bottom of the bellas we can hold a lot more air so first of all I want you to just sit down, get your feet grounded and put a hand on your on your belly and close your eyes and just start to follow your breath in notice how it feels who when it comes in your nostrils and see if you can follow it down to your hand and if you start to slow your breath down and bring it down to your belly as you breathe in and your diaphragm pushes on your abdominal contents your hand should rise up a little bit now most of us walk around holding in our tummies we don't let that happen but I'm asking you with your eyes closed if somebody's near you make them close their eyes to and just allow that breath to sink to your hand and we're going to do what I call the five five five breath breathing in for a count of five hold for a count of five and out for a count of five so you're going to need a fair amount of breath whenever you make your exhale and your hold longer than your inhale you're decreasing the sympathetic nervous system which is the stress system so everybody take a breath in and then out and then in two three for five hold two three four five out two three four five in two three four five hold two three four five out two three four five can in three four five hold two three four five out two three four five and then bring your breath back to normal now open your eyes I'm curious to know if anybody notices anything I feel more grounded nice, nice you know that was like thirty seconds thirty seconds and you can change how you feel you're pretty darn powerful archer pretty great yeah and you know that's pretty cheap, isn't it it's pretty easy and we have millenia of proof that it works not just you know, the last year when it's become popular we've mom alenia showing that this work we have this beautiful research showing that changing your breath changes your brainwaves I've had the privilege of having people hooked up tio all kinds of machinery and you can change your breath your brain waves like that you can change your skin temperature, which is a sign of how stressed you are you can change your heart rate with your breath I love doing it when I go to the doctor and see how low I can get my blood pressure kind of fun to do anyone else notice something? I notice that um colors air more vibrant and also the kind of chatter in my line just is less or gone excellent the shatter has a particular brain wave that fade away that goes down wintry I'm curious about this that the five five five what behind I've done actually some no biofeedback and hooked up to various spices and in my recollection that one it was like it was like you breathe in it was a certain amount in and then a certain amount out there wasn't this this whole part I'm curious about what's what's the again there's there are different breasts for different reasons if you want to do what's called a coherent breath account of a slow count of about six with a minuscule pause and six out develops a heart rate rhythm that is beautifully coherent, which is when we are really at our healthiest that's a different breath I'm gonna add some thinking cues to this the five is because it's take five the five is because it's easy to remember there are a number of different ones I've seen that this works as well to make you healthier and you just experienced something that says that for you there's no right, one there's no wrong one um that the six in and out slowly is a beautiful one and there's a four seven eight that a lot of people use, I found that people got really stuck counting on four, seven, eight um so five, just because it's so easy you can use your fingers and think other things thank you for asking that yeah, I also like, I'm not use I'm I'm familiar with doing breath work, but I'm not used to the five of the pause um at first a sort of like there's, a little panic it would be like because tonight can I hold my breath? Can I do this? But I think for me adding with like the stomach just it really brought me closer to my breath than when I'm more used to just doing a focus on your breath in and out it really brought me back to the breath more than the chatter so I like I love the pause because the pause is what we need to take in life we need that pause between what's happening to us and what we choose to do with it so the pauses this beautiful space for you it's a really nice thing so it's interesting because I think we often tell children to count to ten and is a similar thing that that just taking that breath taking that step back does help I think reduce your your feelings of angst or stress or whatever it is gives you back control so because this is where and you're here so if you pause it's like oh I just put the boundary back great way to describe it it's a really nice thing so breath work really I I if if you learn one scale out of all this breath work is just amazing it's it's so so powerful awful and we'll talk about ways to build it into your day uh and they're they're aps you khun do for it their cds you can do if you're uncomfortable in the beginning I teach all of my clients to do it so well they're willing to teach someone else way fun to do with kids lie on the floor and put your hand on your belly everybody gets the giggles that's fine you know that's way find to do with a lot of fun to do so it's really, really amazing any questions on that no questions no but people you know sharing what their their experiences from doing the exercise on breathing etcetera there saying they do in the four to four to breath as well as another similar one that I think actually we covered on another course with bedroom show joe I think on others saying, well cooter mn said it just made them feel dizzy trying to spite maybe down less effort on dh cheater says they have tried to bring them before but it hasn't worked for them to relieve their stress they just say the problem's still there after you stop okay? And um please ask me that again later we were doing this it's really just approaching your physiology first on a really interesting comment came from ex angst puppies so they believe that the words spirit and spiritual actually come from the term to respond they dare which of course is breathing there. Thank you yeah that's like your puppy that yeah, thank you testing so I was kind of more to cover in this section we ready to move on? We can have fun too well, absolute because in the next we're going to talk about exactly what is stress what we're going to covering when we come back we're going to talk really about the physiology of stress just like naming your fear when you understand what's going on because we use this two ways has turned crazy, you know, I'm so stressed I'm so stressed it's a stress I'm stressed, you know ones and one sort of a noun ones of herb uh, what exactly it is and when you understand the physiology it's growing, empower you to find some places where you can push yourself into the equation and change it, because understanding really is understanding than awareness than the ability to do something gives you back your power. Come this has been a really great session. Thank you so much for all of your comments and all of your questions keep them coming will get to as many as we can witness working really hard behind the scenes today. So thank you, whitney, and thank you for all of you are engaging, we've got a global audience, as we always do on creative life here in the u s nikki is joining us from new york. Art spirit is important, oregon rebecca is from montreal in canada and I hope I'm saying this right? Ms maki is joining us from the netherlands, so welcome to all of you in this session we are going to be talking about we're defining exactly what is stress in the next segment, then we're gonna be talking later on about the awareness about how is that that's the first step toe to relieving your stress. And then we're going to be talk about. Since system izing your stress management than its session to, we're going to be creating a successful strategy. Balancing your energy to manage stress, shift in your perceptions to reduce your stress, and then training for resilience. And then in session three, with a lot more to come. We got creating new habits to fight stress, why we fail and how we've managed, and how to manage obstacles. And then we're going to talk about from goals to success and find tuning those habits of resilience. So a lot to come. Today in session, one, a lot more in session to session three.
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a Creativelive Student
Thanks so much for this free class, as a Naval veteran and cancer survior now dealing with female infertility and graduate student I needed this so much!!!!!! THANKS THANKS!!! Very educational. I loved the mindfulness and caring for yourself first! So many good things! I wish I could afford to buy it so I could share with friends and family!
a Creativelive Student
Cindy is a woman of integrity. She is one of the most inspirational" healing to the soul" speakers that I have listened to in a very long while. There were so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom that changed my thinking. So thankful for the blessing she has been in my life today!!
a Creativelive Student
Very informative, relaxing, and encouraging. I hope to see more courses from her in the future and hope to do her course materials justice! Thank you!
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