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UV Filters

Lesson 18 from: Videography 101: How to Use Your Camera to Record Videos

Tomas George

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Lesson Info

18. UV Filters

<p dir="ltr"><b>In this lesson, we will talk about ND filters for camera lenses and what they are used for.</b></p>

Lesson Info

UV Filters

1 Let's now quickly talk about UV filters. 2 These are really used as a protective filter 3 to help stop your lens from getting scratched. 4 So if you drop your lens, then it's better to scratch 5 or damage a cheap UV filter than an expensive camera lens. 6 A UV filter is similar to protective tempered glass 7 that's applied to a screen of a smartphone. 8 A UV filter, however, was originally designed 9 to help filter out any UV light that the camera may pick up. 10 Nowadays though, digital camera sensors are not sensitive 11 to UV light as all the film cameras once were. 12 Just be aware that your footage may have a low contrast when 13 there's a UV filter on your lens, 14 an image may look slightly better without having one on. 15 However, it will look pretty much the same. 16 And I do recommend using an UV filter just in case 17 you drop your camera lens, 18 and especially if you're going to be filming outside 19 of a studio environment 20 where accidents are more likely to happen.

21 So if accidents do happen and you scratch 22 or damage your lens, then you may have to buy a new lens, 23 which will cost a lot more than getting a new filter. 24 Okay, so that's the end of this video. 25 Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

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