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Playing with Colors

Lesson 27 from: Craft a Logo by Hand

Nicolas Fredrickson

Playing with Colors

Lesson 27 from: Craft a Logo by Hand

Nicolas Fredrickson

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27. Playing with Colors

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Playing with Colors

I want to take one last step and really prepare the file in a way that is going to look nice for your client. So let's, let's look at some color options real quick. Okay. I pulled this from the logo company and they put together this infographic. That really helps explain a little bit of color theory. Um, so you can kind of take a look at the colors and see the different words they convey. So some things that I'm drawn to right away or the color red. I know that bold was actually one of my key words. So that might be a good choice for me. Um, let's see. Trust, dependable strength. Yeah, I feel like red is going to be a good option. So let me just try out some various tones of red. I'll put this on a new our board. Right? And actually, maybe it worked well for the, I like how the lettering itself looks being white, but perhaps a nice red background color. No, let me just still in gray scale and change that to C M Y K here. Mm hmm. Sometimes a more muted version of red. You can kind of c...

onveyor that, that vintage charm that I'm going for. Mm hmm. This one is gracie, let's change that to C. M Y. K. As well. Let's go a little bit darker. And actually instead of white, I'm just gonna go with a subtle off white. See how subtle I need to go. Yeah, I'm starting to like that a tiny bit darker. Yeah, I think that really captures what I'm going for. Cool. But I don't like to just send one version. I would like to send a couple of different art boards with various options. So let's see. I might shrink this. And then also provide a version here. Is that color. And then I like to provide a standard black. Yeah. Yeah. And just a standard white on black to give the client some different options. Actually just make this look a little nicer there and then you can do the same thing on the art board with the non textured version in case your client wants to have the options to choose between the two for the purpose of this class. I think showing this will be just fine. Mhm mm hmm.

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A lot to learn from this man. Thank you so much!

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