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Recognizing Your De-stressers

Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Stress is Optional

Cynthia Ackrill

Recognizing Your De-stressers

Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: Stress is Optional

Cynthia Ackrill

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Lesson Info

2. Recognizing Your De-stressers

Lesson Info

Recognizing Your De-stressers

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Keys to Creating Strategies to Ease the Drain of Stress.pdf
Stress Is Optional Workbook Parts 1 and 2.pdf
Stress Is Optional Workbook Part 3.pdf
Apps Resource List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Shahinaz El Ramly

How do you write the video text and it function with the video at same pace, this is mooc, is mooc allowed outside coursera, this is so imp. for my courses. I want feedback.

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