Know What's Really On Your Plate
06:55 2Recognizing Your De-stressers
14:43 3Guided Visualization Of Stress
04:42 4What Exactly Is Stress?
10:53 5Awareness Is The First Step
07:21 6Know Your Stress Dashboard
13:39 7Tools For Cooling Down
09:18 8Put Yourself On The Calendar
21:37How To Create A Successful Strategy
05:37 10Using Your Strengths To Ease Stress
03:21 11Knowing You: What's Your Vision
09:59 12Balancing Your Energy: Delete.
04:37 13Balancing Your Energy: Delegate & Defer
09:50 14Shifting Your Perception
11:28 15Choosing Your Mindset
14:35 16Create Habits Of Mindfulness
02:01 17The Human Operating System
06:27 18Training For Resilience
11:12 19Voicing Out Our
07:51 20Creating New Habits To Fight Stress
12:30 21Be Aware: Sustaining & Derailing Habits
02:48 22Being Empowered With Mindful Habits
03:46 23Why We Fail
13:18 24Having The Optimal Mindset
03:44 25Succeeding With Your Goals
01:46 26S.M.A.R.T. Goals
06:47 27Building Up Your Confidence
07:59 28Why You Should Put Up Guardrails
05:07 29Fine Tuning Habits Of Resilience
07:24 30Celebrate Your Successes
06:08Lesson Info
The Human Operating System
So we have been working through first who we are and what's on our plate and how we deal with it. And then the model of stress of, you know, what comes in, Can we reduce it? How can we reframe what's left? And the third part I want to work on is how can you be stronger just in the face of stress? How can you be more resilient? What makes you more resilient? So we're gonna talk about the favorite thing that I've studied. The human operating system. We're humans. We are a system where an organic system that has requirements to it. We have different kinds of energy that we need to function. And without those, without making sure that we get enough of them or that when we spent them, we replenish them. We are going to have disease states. We are going to have mental fatigue or shutting down. As one person mentioned, I'm feeling defeated. All of those things are gonna happen when we're not taking care of the system and here are the basics that we need to be human. In fact, we will die very ...
quickly without oxygen. We will die and in a matter of days without water, a matter of weeks without food. A matter of we probably a week or so without any sleep. You're at risk for death. These are the things we just plain have to have and we are ignoring this right and left in our world. We have a sleep deprived nation. I can't tell you how many people I've worked with who are so stressed out about something over here and when I've asked about, they're just lifestyle habits and found out they aren't sleeping at all and we started getting them some actual rest. They had the power to deal with the stress. In fact, often the size of what was out here as they started to get more sleep, that the feeling of the size of whatever this was shrank just by getting more sleep because they renewed their brain, they renewed their creativity to deal with it, their ability to put it back in perspective. Those things we just talked about. So these things are just critical lifestyle habits. This is the new version of medicine. We now realize that everything is related to the lifestyle we choose, including our happiness, including our effectiveness, our productivity, our ability to score in business. It's supported by the lifestyle habits we choose. So let's go into training and pick some good lifestyle habits, The things that make us strong. We know this really, really well already. If you think about sending a little child into a game to play, you've made sure they've eaten, you've made sure they've had rest, you make sure they're in a good mood, You make sure they have all the things that they need to do it, but we don't do it for ourselves and it's time to do it for ourselves to nurture ourselves because this is the training that makes us strong. So as I go through these things, find the things that you maybe could tweak. Maybe you need a little more sleep, maybe you need to make sure you stay hydrated through the day. You see assaults, drinking down water here. Hydration is enormous for the brain, for the body. These are the little things you can tweak. They will make a big difference and they're gonna make you stronger to deal with. The heavy, big stuff that we have been discussing. Like reframing a difficult relationship. Do you know how much easier it is to reframe a difficult relationship when you've had rest, it's so much easier. Connection is actually essential. A baby who isn't held and loved dies. It's called failure to thrive. We're the same way we cannot be an island. We can, we can divorce our entire family and maybe all of our friends and everybody else is in our life. We're not going to thrive. We just won't. Now some people this point will bring up the introvert, extrovert question and I think that's sort of an interesting one. I'm an introvert, she says from the stage, I truly am. And one of the best definitions I've heard of that is that after I've been with people, I need to go replenish my energy. Whereas a good friend of mine who's an extrovert, we'll leave being with people charged and I know that about me. So I have to do it. But we all, even the introverts need connection. You have to have that related nous with some people in your life and hopefully with some purpose in your life, some some raisin debt, why are you here? Play is also critical to the human when we get too serious. We are not very effective. We learn through play. We, we make new neural connections. Different parts of our brains start firing through play. So when we take play out of our life, we're not at our best and we tend to be more stressed and as we've discussed over and over again without safety, we have none of this. You know, we, we need to be safe in some way, shape or form. Are we ever completely safe? Of course not. Um, you know how many of you have had a relative that you could die crossing the street were never completely safe, but we need to feel safe. Which is an important point when you're having some of these difficult conversations that we've been talking about. If you want somebody to open up, you need to create that space of safety for them. You need to create emotional safety to open up. And that's an interesting thing. So these are the basics of what we need. I need hugs and I need water. This is downtown Asheville. You can get free hugs and water this. But then we have these advanced operations and there are the things that you really need. So before we go into those though, I want to talk I want to talk a little bit about Just in your workbook on page 21. Now, take a moment thinking about the basic operations and write down, shut down one or two that you think you could use a little tweaking on
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