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Competitive Research & Testing

Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Talent Into a Business in 12 Steps

Beate Chelette

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7. Competitive Research & Testing

Lesson Info

Competitive Research & Testing

Let's talk about competitive research, and I am spending some time on this in the workbook again on page 11. So important to know about the market size is who are your competitors and what are they doing? What are they good at? What what are they terrible at? Why do you think that is? What do we need to know what our competitors are doing? Yes, and we can improve on their weaknesses and we can learn from their strength. So the opportunity for your business comes from knowing what else is out there in the market, and then you do that just better. Let's talk about how to test it some more. So one way to test it is on social networks and on social networks. You go and you say, Hey, I have this idea. I need your help. When I was promoting the Creative Life Courses course, I send one email out and this email said, Remember what the email said. What did say in studio such as yourself? Yes, right, exactly. And that email was extra ordinarily successful. Why? Because people love helping other ...

people. Do not ask your mother. Do not ask your closest family because they try to prevent you from being a failure and because they want to avoid you having to go through the pain of building a business many times, close friends and family members may suggest you to not do it because they're afraid what happens and how upset you. Maybe if you feel disregard those talk to everybody else. Talk to people that are like minded. Talk to people that are have entrepreneurial mindsets. Talked to people that have accomplished something Always orient yourself upward, never downward and never sideways. You know, sideways is your peers. You Pierce don't want you to succeed, you know, but people that understand, you know, entrepreneurship that love and appreciate ideas. They dio so, you know, go and ask people for feedback whose feedback you really value. My mother to this day is afraid that I'm not going to make it, so it's all right. Another one is surveys. There is a great tool called surveymonkey, and it's free and you can do quick surveys. So surveys that easy. Please don't overdo it on the survey because the I wrote about this the other day to do not send me a survey everything. Every single time I talk to you, it's not that important. But you know you can only send service ever so often. Don't make it more than five questions. And if it's radio buttons and 11 written answer, that's that's the most. It's like OK between this and this between this and this, and between this and this, and how much would you spend for, Um, another one is Meetups find people that have meet ups that are in the same group or have a similar mind said. Here's another tour, Lincoln comments. Lincoln is one of my most powerful tools on how I built my platforms. The way I did it is I found the groups where my clients are, So I go into the audience is that I think would like my service. So for the photography, I went into all the other photographer groups because photographers on my clients, if you are a photographer, police promise me at this very moment to not join other photography groups and try to market to other photographers. Really absolute waste of time. I talk about this. I could go on about this forever. Photographers do not need to market. Other photographers, you're allowed to only join to lengthen groups and want to purchase mine on. And then you can, you know, do like whatever canon or Nikon group if you want. But that's it. Promise the other groups. I want you to join our if you do real estate photography joined the Realtors. If you do Children's photography go where the moms are, right, But the professional group So you gonna have to look through this. And it could be, uh, but there's so many of these groups out there right now, you're gonna find five or six. You know, Mom, entrepreneurs, uh, you know, so so just fine and join about between five and 10 of these groups. Then you inject yourself. You know, you watch for a little bit. You see what the topics are, and then you make comments in the comments. Go based upon your specialty. Talk about social proof. There's a service out there by name of Clout, K. L O U T, and Clout is a I'm not really sure what their business model is, to be honest with you, but it's kind of cool. So cloud basically takes all of your social. You hook all of his social media into clout, and then somehow they put some sort of a formula this unknown to anybody, and it spits out a number. And it says This is how important you are in the Internet. And I have actually heard that some businesses or some of the high profile blogger when you want to become a guest blogger and we'll talk about the blogging strip that in the blogging strategy will not go with anybody with less than a 60 cloud score. So mine's pretty consistent about 64 65. Um, you know, up and down and you know it goes up a little bit, goes down a little bit. Every business to be successful, you need to engage, no matter who your clientele is in different layers and levels. So you built up the next generation off buyers even if you start with the baby boomers and that's a lucrative mark, very lucrative market because they have a lot of money. But you know, you need to always be engaging for the new audience, and that's why I'm so into this type of stuff and the technology aspect so interested in and sharing this with you because we need to know this

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Fix Your Life Workbook
My Creative Business Plan
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