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The Non-Sleazy Elevator Pitch

Lesson 22 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Talent Into a Business in 12 Steps

Beate Chelette

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22. The Non-Sleazy Elevator Pitch

Lesson Info

The Non-Sleazy Elevator Pitch

Let's talk about the non sleazy elevator pitch. For those of you who have never heard off an elevator pitch, an elevator pitch is intended to When you've always wanted to meet Justin Bieber. Just kidding. And you are when you meet that person that you've always wanted to meet and you're in the elevator and you going from the first from the from the lobby to the 18th floor to the rooftop bar, probably in my case. And now you have 30 to 60 seconds. Maybe a minute, 22 pitch to this person who you are and what you do. So what would you say? So my formula for the elevator, the non sleazy elevator pitch, goes like this, You state your name and then you stayed. What problem you're solving for your clients the benefit we just talked about why this is so special. And then you end up with some sort of a conversation opener, and I do have this in the workbook on page 68 69. So, um, it's right here. So here are the the elements off it. Can you see it? And we started with, you know, my name and the...

problem I saw and the second is wise is so special as into what does it do for my clients, my conversation starter and sort of closing common because the conversation started at the end of it has to be something that's engaging for for the other person. The purpose of marketing is to buy from you or to hire you to build a relationship and to get referrals and I want you to marketing is not the Samos selling. Marketing helps the selling, but marketing is what comes before the selling and then marketing leads to the sale, and then you close the sale and then is the execution of the sale. So this is a process in business. So when um, you know, this comes up because when someone says Social media doesn't work. And this was Thea article that I wrote for the Lengthen publishing platform and this article went viral. I told you this, and I talked about it in the article that there's a difference between understanding it as social media and a social networking. So you are not advertising. You are networking on social media, so when you do marketing, you're promoting with the hopes to engage customer into building a relationship with you. It's always a process

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Fix Your Life Workbook
My Creative Business Plan
Beate Chelette Workbook