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Organizational Structure

Lesson 13 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Talent Into a Business in 12 Steps

Beate Chelette

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13. Organizational Structure

Lesson Info

Organizational Structure

So organizational structure. You have to think it through and you see it in this graph so nicely. I have a process. I call it the What Next process. So somebody comes to you. What? It's their experience when they come in. Who did they talk to? What next? Once you talk to them, what's next? Are they getting an estimate? Are they getting a proposal? Who is doing that after that? What's next? So they've got the proposal. Is it going to be followed up? Who's gonna follow up? What's next? Is somebody going to have to? You know, if they say no, what's next? If they say yes, who is going to do the job was gonna produce that job. Who is going to execute that? What's next? How's it going to be paid for? What if they pay? What if they don't pay? A lot of this will talk about in automation mind mapping, because I'm a huge fan of mind mapping. Wait until I opened that world to you. You'll be amazed on how how things change clearly like systems and structure...

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