Launch Brainstorm with Student Project 2
Lesson 8 from: Kickstarter® for Photographers & FilmmakersClay Hebert

Launch Brainstorm with Student Project 2
Lesson 8 from: Kickstarter® for Photographers & FilmmakersClay Hebert
Lesson Info
Launch Brainstorm with Student Project 2
We've actually had a request to kind of do the same thing with a filmmaker. OK, we have one in the audience. Awesome. Let's do it. Let's build one. So, uh, you're already on the spot. Your eso? Yeah, through my research in the film. I did. It was really interesting to see after a revolution that's supposed to change everything. The one thing never changed was women, right? Okay. And the condition. And we're trying to raise awareness and educate Ah, the public and women to stand up for themselves. I mean, they are a big population of them do, but there is. And as a section of the population, actually not aware of what's going on. Okay. Eso we through? My last trouble I did interviewed a lot of people in NGOs was their struggle to actually connect was the women, um, and tried to help. Was there situations? Um, I'm trying, so I'm trying to to make it obvious to everybody that you're not Ellen. If you are in this really bad situation, it's not just you or it's not because of you. You don't...
have to blame yourself that you are entered into this situation. Sure, um What's so the the Can you be more specific about the situation that they're in that situation? Mostly domestic abuse of sexual harassment, which is like in Egypt, for example. The last statistic was like 92% of the women was surveilled or not. They're subjected to, like on daily basis of sexual harassment. So that needs to be a clip in your video that has to be in your video, right? Oh, I have interviewed specifically about that. Okay, um, and how It was really hard for women to actually report any of those sexual harassment. And if they do, they really don't go anywhere. Most of time when they say Okay, well, he just did this thing to me will arrest him most of time. They side was the men. Okay? And let the man go. Sure, on the women just to start, I think to do so. This film is about telling their stories, telling them they're not alone, right? And is it mostly about explaining that and telling them they're not alone? Or is that also about sort of providing a solution? Or is it more about aware providing solutions that it's like the issues already there, but ah, lot off. Women don't know that they can seek help. Okay? And they don't know where to seek help. Okay, um, a lot of people things that's just like the Internet. It's like everywhere. And you can go social stuff. Not a lot of people have this access, So Okay, I'm trying to kind of like, OK, well, here where you can get some help. And so by that educate. Yeah, And this is all through a documentary felt in this film is the product that will do all these things. And you wanna get it out there. Now, the question is, if the film is very important in its message and its nature is the funding to get the film produced and then you're basically going to sort of release it to the world, is it gonna be interred in content? Like what? Let's assume we're gonna get your funding goal and you get the film made. Then what does that next up look like? The real goals like hopefully it achieves all these goals. But how does how does it spread once it exists? I'm trying, Teoh. After the film finish, I I spent, like six months in Egypt. Like doing old interviews, OK, and I'm hoping to go to other country and get similar stories of have from similar Arab countries. Okay, um, we're trying to show this film in neighborhood in Egypt. Oh, yeah, everybody like. And it has been really successful. Like in Egypt, for example, um, a lot of people adopt campaign to take, like, a simple projector and show people what's going on. That's great. And that needs to be a clip of your video to if you can get b roll of a projector showing this is how we want to bring this to the world. I think that's super super important. So we're like, we're not relying on traditional method of like, Okay, we're gonna put it on TV or a theater. We actually taking the film out there to the people to watch it and engage with that. And most of the people that are going to see this film after it's created they they're not gonna pay to No, no, it's completely frayed. So that is a massive part of the story as well, because then, you know, we've talked a lot about how um, the real goal and what people can get behind and help you achieve. This is one maybe exception to the rule of they want the thing, the actual thing, like they can get the HD DVD download. But this is such a hugely important story that if you tell this well, be a video that the culmination of the project is the creation of this thing, and then you show it being projected onto a wall and Egypt and thousands of people doing it. And then interviews of, you know, women that, you know this film is gonna change their life forever. You know, you have to work through the timing. Um, are there what's another film? Maybe this is the 1st 1 that has followed this path or process where they needed funding to get it done. But once it was done, it's releasing it free to the world. So I think that's a really interesting story. And if you think of your position a graph, it's not really an adjective. But it's like the goal of this project, like you're here to help make this film happen, and then I'm not making money from, and I'm releasing it to the world. I think that's super important. There are other films that have done this well. Was my first film. It was like, completely self funded, and I like, Release that. And I did show it in Egypt, which would like nerve racking because I was like, You know, I did. I did the film about the Egyptian Revolution. Okay, on after I want a lot of the word here I went back to Egypt and I showed the film. When I get a lot of really good, you know, a lot of people were really happy to see it. That's great. Um, so yeah, I have I have done that model off, like taking the film and showing it to people on staff full, and it's probably that's that's really interesting. It's actually one of the first projects I've heard where I could see people like Different Kind of distributed. Yeah, it's not, it's it's a very unique distribution model, and it's such an important story I can imagine, sort of I'm not. I can't do any of this film stuff myself, but I can imagine what it looks like. It's kind of like recognizing good design versus being able to actually create it. I can in my head, see, sort of the pieces of and I like, you know, if we go back to the components of the video that need to exist, you're gonna tick all these off. Like why? It's why it should be you. What you've done in the past year history, etcetera, etcetera. So let's let's build this for you. If that sounds like, would be interesting to the chat room. Okay. Cool. It sounds like that's what they want. So we're gonna walk through. You don't need to worry about being on the spot. You are, You know, I'm fine. Yeah, this is great. I mean, um, so does it have a name? Um, the women of the Arab spring. Oh, there were none of the Arab spring. That's great. Now, just like the previous thing about the autism workbook that gets me this fire. So I know it's an autism workbook, but what's it gonna help me? Dio So the women of the Arab spring gets me this far? Which women? The oppressed women that you know. I know, but how do we work it into the title, um or the subtitle. Um, so the women of the Arab spring and then sort of like waken look at the subtitle of his A lot of people say, Well, I can't wait to go back both of their projects And you know, there's a lot of that's great you that everybody else will be interested. That's way to fund a kickstart project is to be in the audio. So actual tools to connect with your special needs child like even if that's not the final, I think it's a lot closer. So let's think about what is your subtitle? The Women of the Arab Spring. I think the roaring, oppressed women I think the word stories need to be in there somewhere because you're telling their stories. Yes. Um, so empowering. Um, it's not empowering stories, though. Are Is that right? Is it? Empower It is. Some of some of them were, like, came out of a really tough situation on, and they change how people look at them and they change how they actually views their life altogether. You know, they didn't do like everybody else. They chose their own bath and, you know, they create their own. Okay, so it could be a future. Yeah. Please help. Yeah. Parker is saying that he suggests to remove the from the title and just have a few women of the Arab side here completely. Okay. Thinks that's more powerful. Inspiration. I love women of the Arab spring. This he may have said, Women of Arab Spring. I think that's what he said he felt. Am I wrong with Arab spring? Yeah. Is that okay? I did not bring the film yet. I'm actually I This is just one country and I'm hoping sure was the help off Kickstarter. I will be able to go to Tunisia, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia to actually get house of stories. So in your video, like there's lots of ways that you can show that you could show flip the passport and do a stamp and be like, I need to go to these other to find them to learn more stories or could be a maps. And I can tell me I can film it, but definitely like an Asia by participating a lot off like women only, um, protest. Where normally you not used to see that? Sure, but they were out on the street calling for action for the specific action for testing. And it was beautiful. Okay, really wonderful. So let's keep going on the subtitle. Women of Arab Spring or Women of the Arab Spring Maybe we x this out. Um, empowering stories from maybe what? I'm just throwing things out there, Um is empowering stories accurate? Is that brought enough? Is that I think it's brought enough because, like, one of the story about, um led who actually chose to to get divorced, which is like, there is a big bad stigma off getting a divorce in the Middle East. It's not like it's frowned upon. Um, there is another one. He was she she was sexually harassed in ah, in Tahrir Square. Um, by 100 of guys. Andi I got her to actually tell her story, which is absolutely heartbreaking. But for her to tell the story and relive that sure, like it was right. Unlike most people, your video is gonna be more a matter of cutting and editing the best parts rather than. But don't forget to have you be a part of the to and why you need to be the one to tell the story. you probably have enough footage or we'll have enough footage and I think it should be I would do you the beginning, their stories, their stories, their stories, their stories, you why I need to bring this the world, why you're on Kickstarter once you're there. Boom projector in Egypt and, you know, come be part of this journey. Help me tell their stories. I think maybe that's like your call to action should sound something like, You know, won't you help me tell their stories? Because who wouldn't do that? So you didn't want to ask for money and we figured out the right way? Won't you help me tell their stories? It's stories suggest stories of change and empowerment, and then love trees falls it up, saying, maybe instead of sort instead of stories examples. So everyone's charming in with some different suggest that's great stories of changing apartment. So one thing, um, it's good to it's good to work the word film in there. Um, it's not so much for S e O, but it's so that if someone just imagine it's off of Kickstarter, they don't know their in the film category, they see a tweet they see an email, they see a post or whatever the word film Colon is in there, right? Then they know exactly what it is with this. If it's one of the Arab spring stories of changing apartment, that could be a book that could be on just about anything. Right. So, um, I think, you know, somewhere we want to work the word film in there. Um, maybe women of the Arab spring, A film of stories of changing empowerment or something? Something like that. Potentially. So let's talk about so your video, your urine a interesting spot where you probably have more than the video. But you feel pretty good about, like, the ark. So I think I would start it with Hi. I'm your name, you know, like I would like Mike did. I would start with that. You know, I'm calling like this is this is why I'm here. I'm here to tell the stories. Maybe you started the way you end it. It's good, you know, all great comedians and storytellers, right? You end where you start, and I'm here to tell the stories of the women of the Arab spring. Just kind, almost black and white. Serious? All right. Tryingto tell you dio my problem that I'm afraid of going to be too long like the one I saw over there and the really successful. As you said, you need to look at good examples. They seem to be like quick, fast, short and right to the point. So that's what I'm being working on to, kind of like, really get this a point instead of five minutes. Make it two minute or two minute and 1/2 or three minutes as Max, Right? Just and I do have a lot of count Kander. And of course, the good news is you can I mean, you can edit and tighten that, like to tell their stories like the one you just told your telling these stories pretty fast. If that's, you know, either out of their mouths or B roll or footage like the great thing about this stuff is you can do pretty quick cuts two quick stories and like the projector to show like I need to bring this to the world like it did in my last film. Like now I feel like part of the movement. But that only has to take five or 10 seconds, right? So I would pick, I don't know, maybe like three stories that are maybe a little bit different types of stories, Um, and then work through that. But I think we need to see you before those and at the end. And I don't know if there's somebody else on your team or maybe just mention that you have a team and you show you and the other guys, you know, putting the cameras on and getting on the plane or whatever. My supporters, their old in Egypt, there really awesome. They'll the nature, time and effort to help me actually find my subject. I was just talking to you about that. Sure, Andre, Just I have such a great community over there. So that's great. Another thing that I think especially for the film thing on. We all see this on trailers and what not, um, when you see just the text over the photo on someone's it fades interface out. But it's like, you know, quotation marks, dot, dot dot You know, um mesmerising, right? You know, the whatever film review of the New York Times or like that could be the cuts in between the shots of it could be referring to your prior work, right? Like the logo banner could be previews of this work or whatever, but I think those were really powerful. And it doesn't really. It doesn't have to be The New York Times. It can be these other, um, these other places, that should be, you know, your Uncle John. But, um, it just the national review or whatever. Just anything. Yes, where you're like Here's, you know, here's the quotes and faded in and out, right? Does that make sense? Um, cool. So I think you've got a lot to work with. There I would go through the checklist. It's you. It's your story. It's why you're the right person to do that. You're clearly the right person to do this. Um uh, you know, progress. So far. I think you've got I'm sure you've got beer. Oh, from making all your last stuff right on down the stories. And then I think you wrap with, you know, won't you help me tell their stories? That's just like, you know, everybody's crying and they get other wallets. Human. Um, so now let's talk about reward little. So how long is it gonna be? I'm hoping it will be like a Knauer and 1/2. Okay. No, I mean, sorry. How long is the Kickstarter project? 6 30 30 Trick question. Our have way. Um, so 30 days, um, and you back some Kickstarter projects before on I actually not that much because I just been like, since 2011. Up to now, I've been going back and forth. Sure. Um, so, no. Yeah, I just sent back. No, that's great. What I would do to then is all these keywords Arab spring, you know, etcetera, etcetera. It just just like yours. You should know those, then make inside and out because you'd be like, Oh, wow, that's really moving the way they told that story or that video is not very good. Or that reward level doesn't make sense. Like now, knowing what you know, you'll be an expert in sort of reviewing these other projects, Um, and then find some other ones that could be IPhone cases in back of him and then connect your Facebook and things like that right now. Um, the thirties. And what? What is your goal? How much Do you need to make this happen? Um, for the next year? Probably 30,000. Okay, that's totally fine. I think that's great. That's a That's a great goal. These air normal goals. I, um and that's for, like, boost production and reproduction is well, too. Okay, cool. That's great. I had somebody emailed me for ah, film on Kickstarter. I won't call them out too much, but they had some B slash c list Hollywood kind of like somebody. I'll just say it's an actor that you would barely recognize from The Sopranos, and they were trying to raise a $1,000, with basically no marketing plan, and they literally put in the email. I just thought if I throw it up on Kickstarter, it would happen a 1,000,000 Argo. So that's not the way it works. You guys, you guys know that Well, I think that's a very, very reasonable goal. I think you could also talk about stretch goals. I think this tied to this story and you helping them tell their stories is really, really powerful. I think you know you want to position yourself as expert. You say I know how to do this I know what I'm doing, and all I need is, you know, for $30,000 I can make this happen and tell these women's stories, like make a dent in the universe, right? That's what That's what you're really doing. That's I think that's a great goal. Um, we don't need a calculator to do the math of how much per day you're gonna need 30 days, 30 grand. But so obviously the film the HD download of the film is is one, um, level What? What else were you thinking? Whether assets and again, you don't have toe artificially create a lot of, um um, but if there are other things we do on any, do you want to get the emails? Imagine if you had every email of all the people that loved your prior films, right, you might not even he need Kickstarter or right everyone who's watched your films. If you have time debating you. Yeah, exactly. So So what's what's like a $1 or low level interesting thing? Eso, As I said, I have like to film. The 1st 1 is Egypt, the story behind the Revolution, and it's already stream on indie indie flicks, right? Um, and the 2nd 1 still in the run and film festival. And I have one, like, three award for it. Stories from Tahrir. Okay, that the 2nd 1 Ok, so I do have those I can offer them for download. Okay, that's perfect. I'm also photographer. I have. Okay, Cool. That's great. Now I have got a target. A lot of Dockery. I have a lot of great and it's digital, right? So I can cost a fulfill. You know, I wouldn't even do it if I were you. It's not worth your time Higher assistant and say if they backed at these levels, give them this. You know, zip file link. Another thing we haven't talked about. And this is just generally good marketing bonuses, surprise and delight. Give them more than I asked for more than they backed. So a strategy. I've only seen a couple of people do it, and they're really, really smart marketers. They might back at this level and when they especially the digital stuff, and they would fulfill it like you know what? We love you. Here's the next level, right? Then they tell a friend they tell somebody else and say, Wow, it's not a mistake. They just said decided to upgrade me, right? Zappos, His, uh, upgrades everyone to V I. P. But they don't put on their website. We upgrade everyone to V I. P. They say you know what? You're really good customer. We're gonna tell you what, We're gonna wait a few. We're gonna upgrade PMP. People feel amazing. All right, so you can upgrade their level. You could give him something more. So So you have two other films. So, actually for yours? Yeah. While it's running, can you send someone there thing and then or do you have to wait till it's actually closed? You have to wait till it's closed. Unless you happen to know them, like, offline, or have their email or whatever, but only like like, say, his funds at 30, on day 10. So then he gets the emails right? One project ends. Okay, Um, it is it's a very good question, but you won't have that until it ends. But all this digital stuff if it's done, especially if it's like your prior to films and that exist, you don't You don't have to say you could stream live for 4 95 You just say you get my full film for $3 for 56 whatever. You can play with the pricing. But the point is, you've got a very interesting digital thing, and again, they're paying you three or five or $6 to give you their email address. Um, and now it's not even a question of whether they, uh whether they're contributing is just what level they're contributing at. Right. You brought up a question online real quick. If you run a project and you don't you miss your goal. Can you do submit the same project on Kickstarter again and start over? Essentially, Is that something they let you do? Um, you know, they don't like the exact same thing again. You can. I think if you show them a little bit how it's different, I think they I think they allow it, but it's sort of frowned upon. Um, I know a friend who has run one, and then he was complaining about people running the same one over and over. It's kind of already it's back to the party thing, like didn't already come to this party wants so I would think hard about how can we change it enough? Maybe making a face to making another film, making a different project? Um, that said, like, the Nash documentary, um, that we'll talk about a little bit later. They were So that was documented film about Steve Nash, the basketball player. They were about 10 or 15 days in, and we're really, really struggling. And they were not on track to hit their goal at all. And it was because their reward pricing was all screwed up. Like I said, they're reward stuff. We worked at Pixar. It is okay to take down a project and then relaunch it. So if you screwed it up and it's live, don't just let it sort of if it's really bad and you're not gonna because there's things you can't change. If you're not gonna hit your goal, don't just let it sort of Peter out. I would email, kickstart and say, Hey, I screwed this up. I want to make some changes. I want to take it down and relaunch it. One more question. For the same user, you have to live in the US, have a Kickstarter campaign. It was a great, great question. So Kickstarter was us only for quite a while. They launched in Canada earlier this year, watched in. I believe the UK earlier this year. I think they're going to New Zealand. I know if they're alive yet in New Zealand, this is all on the Kickstarter kind of f A Q and Guidelines page, but they are now. They've figured it out. They've grown like crazy and now they're starting to figure out international launches. So it is only available in a few countries. US. Canada, I think UK. I think New Zealand have taught my head, but it's all in the Kickstarter page where you have to live. Um, what did it? Something pretty interesting for Canada, which is they put up sort of like we want to come to Canada, submit here if you want to submit a Canadian project and then just like all the things we're learning When they launched, they said they don't want lunch in Canada and then hear crickets and say, nobody has a project, right? So they did a very smart rollout plan, So they're not in every country and he goes a little more. No more flexible. The backers could be from anywhere but the project creator itself. What about if they live in the US? But they don't have like a tax I d number or something like that. You have to have ah u s bank account. So, um, if you have U S bank account, you set up Amazon payments with that thing. You're good. So you got the film you got prior films. So, like, was one of these sort of more known or more popular among this tribe? One of the two Egypt? The story behind that evolution? Because it was like I shot the film right after it happened, and it took me three months to put the film together on By June I means that evolution ended like in February. By June, I was screening the film and film festivals and winning a war for it. So I get around more attention, and I traveled with a great everyone hysterical, very cool. So I'll just throw out some ideas you can play with this later, but maybe it's like four A in 12 because with 12 they're not paying more than MSRP either. Going three films for $12 right? Yeah. So, like, you can swap whichever one or you could do, you know, both together for 8 12 or 47 12. That is a slippery funnel. Like I'm like, Wow, I watch. I'm hooked on the video for $4. I get his previous film. Or if if you think the tribe knows like that, it's out there to stream for 4 95 Maybe you go, you know, 36 12 or something like that. But this is great, because you've got some very simple entry level, um, rewards. Now, what about going bigger? You said you have some photos? Yes, I went to special events. Ah, like folklore. Type of thing on. I did. Really to visit was this event, and I took picture. So I have really high quality picture of that I was hoping to do like a showing of that in San Francisco. Oh, that's great. Like an actual print. So maybe they get the digital photos. Because, remember, we talked about digital above the line, and at some point, then it becomes physical or a higher dollar amount or whatever an actual thing. Um, if these were amazing, you know, I don't know if a book is a plan in the future to take the photos and make a photo book out of it. Obviously, that could could happen. Is that a very colorful In San Francisco? This is maybe more along the services line, but inviting people who donate above a certain amount to come to the first premier showing in San Francisco, right? Sure, yeah. Most film projects on Kickstarter do have a reward level that is like a ticket to the premier. They generally don't raise a lot in and of themselves. But if the premier is in the right city, so if it's maybe a movie about New York and the premiers in New York, then you know people are already there. Most people, if you think about M. S r. P, fits in our town, and we have, Hey, my friend got two tickets to this premiere or whatever. Like if it's interesting, you might go. I have never flown to another city just to watch Just don't premiere, you know, foreign dollars, your own dime t go somewhere to watch it. That said, you know, if you hold these screenings in certain cities and then you're just saying for people in those cities, um, there's another tool that we haven't talked about that can help you figure out the tool called reported R a p p O r t I ve It's a plug into Gmail where if you must over somebody's email you get If they use that email all their social accounts that are tied to that including their city based off LinkedIn, etcetera, etcetera so reported is an interesting way to do it. One by one is also a tool called a wrap leaf. If you have a list of 1000 emails and then you submit, um, and pay brat, you paper field unwrap leave so they can tell you male female city gender income level, etcetera, etcetera so rapidly if it's kind of an interesting way to find out more data about your list of people. So what that could do for you is inform to you which cities you should hold the premiere in, right? Of course, to be like, Oh, wow, I didn't realize I had, you know, 500 people in Chicago that are, you know, really into my stuff. Okay, Um and then what about a couple higher levels in the most to wrap up this section. Um, I I can do Brent off photography I did in protest that I attended when I was there. How can me and I have covered a couple of protest? Okay, so it could be prints of the photos and stuff that's great. And that's a very reasonable goal, like thirties is perfect. And when you tell this story and say, like, won't you help me tell their stories? And then you price thes like this? I think this is definitely destined for success, and what's great is again think of the tribes you need to reach out to, right. There are organizations that have email lists of half a 1,000,000 people that would want to hear about this, right? You need toe figure out who those are and how to get to them and the film festivals and everything else, right? Sure great. Thank you. Questions there wanted to quote any questions in the chat room way. Do have some general questions we'll finish up with. Yeah, I think we're good here. OK, yes, we do have some great questions coming head. Let's see. A quiz asked Do you know if there's a group of successful Kickstarter videographers who are in the business of taking the ideas of others and making them happen for a percentage of the budget? So you know, if you don't have, ah, good video for somewhere that they can go for that, he just says, because there's a lot of ideas for films based on a free once it's made model. And that would be amazing, right? Right. I love the model of now. Some people don't like the spec work, and they don't like saying, Well, just do this work for free. But spec work is usually do it. And if I choose you, you'll get a standard price like $500. That's different than a percentage of the upside. And I love that model. We're partnering with videographers like we talked about for you. If you're like it's kind of the old like V C, saying, which is like, would you rather have 90% of a lemon or 80% of a watermelon, right, or, you know, um, be willing to give up a little bit of percentage upside cause this is money that doesn't even exist yet if that video is gonna make your project that much better assed faras the directory, that is something I'm working on building. I've done surveys and stuff like that. So I don't have it here as part of this course. But I'm just starting to build a directory of who are the people that have said I do Kickstarter videos and I want to do more of them. Um, I think in In the meantime, until that exists, I would go search by city. So whatever city they're in because it's expensive toe, you know there's no reason to fly videographers out, search for Kickstarter projects into go go projects in your city and then find the videographers that did those and then just call them up, right? I mean, it's a it's another example. We keep harping on this point, but it's another example of all this data is out there like use it and leverage, right? Go back and say, Who in my city has already done this? I want that call of that personal email a person. Here's an interesting question from Yikes, and they say, like I like it. Just out of curiosity, are people actually making money off of their kick starters. I know you mentioned some products that were over funded. So what if you do post a certain number and then it far exceeds what people do with that money? Does that go right back into the product, or is this an opportunity? If you become really good at posting these, is it an opportunity to make money? So most I don't think anyone really gets rich off of their Kickstarter projects because most of them are creative projects that they need to ship to the world if they go like this. Like Pebble Watch is a good example. People assume Pebble watch. It's five guys. They made $10 million. They probably bought an island, and they're like peace out. No, they had to spend all that money to wrap up production and increase in ship and whatever. So I don't see Kickstarter as a way to, um, get rich or flip or make a bunch of cash or make much money. I see there's a way to bring these creative projects to the world, and so but But what's great is if you get good at it, too. That person's point If you get good and learn all these steps and have people who can make videos and write copy, you can try this a lot of things. So hopefully people are passionate about something other than the making money. And if you do amazing projects like this and bring these ship these great things to the world, the money will come. It will be the last of your problems, right? Shepard Fairey We can't see because he's got the, uh, find the flip chart. But Shepard Fairey is a perfect example of he street art, right? He wasnt charging people to watch his actually, people in New York recently were trying to charge to watch his free are they put a piece of cardboard up above it and said, Give me $ But he gave away his are for free forever. And now, of course, Shepard Fairey doesn't have to work another day in his life. Um, we have another question it What about filmmakers? That their Kickstarter is to make the film? How did they convey to backers that it's worth contributing to when they don't have the film there to show them? You know, Corina says, I'm working on a film about a stage for terminal breast cancer survivor, she said. They filmed a lot of footage, but they're not very far along in the making of the film, so they don't really have something to show right. So what? I would say there is, um, very specifically to that thing about the stage for a terminal breast cancer survivor. I saw a post on a site called Imager, if you guys on the site, but it's photos and animated GIFs. It's now bigger than Reddit. Believe or not, Um uh, boyfriend or husband of this wife who found out she had Stage four Terminal cancer just decided to take a picture of her during each stage of her eternal cancer. And it's this image of page that's it's probably 30 images of her from when she is completely healthy. And then the second to last picture is an empty bed, and the last picture is the gravestone, and it's just like tears just flow right? So that is exactly that. You know, maybe the story that she's trying to tell and this person all it is is like 40 digital photos of just stage stage stage and it's them together when they're happy and her and getting sick and was in her hair and then being sick. But being out in the outdoors and trying toe still, you know, so like that 40 images on 40 photos on imager would be all they would need. You know, you put music over that add a little bit at the end, so there's there's ways to do it without the actual film Great.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
There's so much to learn about Kickstarter, what a pleasure to find it all in one comprehensive course! The title states Kickstarter for "Photographers and Filmmakers", but the material and ideas are relevant to all different media! (I'm working on publishing a book!) The pre-launch information was invaluable and comprehensive. Great class, great value! Thank you, Clay!
Emily J
I was in the studio audience for this class and it was amazing! I came away with all the tools I need to have a successful project. I'm excited to get started.
Sarah Solomon
Incredible value offered in this course. Thank you so much Clay for sharing your wealth of knowledge of kickstart with us creatives. I can't wait to put this to work in my first kickstarter campaign in early 2014 :)
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