Launch Brainstorm with Student Projects
Lesson 7 from: Kickstarter® for Photographers & FilmmakersClay Hebert

Launch Brainstorm with Student Projects
Lesson 7 from: Kickstarter® for Photographers & FilmmakersClay Hebert
Lesson Info
7. Launch Brainstorm with Student Projects
Lesson Info
Launch Brainstorm with Student Projects
So we're gonna jump into the promote section and cause that sections a bit longer. So we're gonna jump into that a little bit, and then I want to work with you, um, and build out some of your Kickstarter project. If you're good with that well drawn, draw it and build it out cool. You don't just Are there issues using company logos? Should we use first and asked permission later, if at all, if you've been covered there? I've never heard of any press out would saying You can't use my little. Certainly there's a potential concern, but I've never, ever heard of the New York Times saying, Take down that Kickstarter project. If you really have been mentioned there, I think it's fun. It's one of those I would do it and ask for forgiveness later. At the very least, they're going to say, Remove our logo, right? They're not going to sue you for all your worth. Thank you. Do you want to work on waken draw and sketch? Okay, let's do it. Let's build, Let's build a kick start and all right, so we're...
gonna we're gonna apply some of the things that we've learned in the 1st 3 sections. So we're just gonna drive. So let's talk through the title. This is this is something we haven't really talked about. But how to craft a really interesting title and the copyrighting around the title. So what are you thinking so far? The autism workbook, the autism workbook? I think that's really good. It is Explains exactly what it is. I think it's that's really a title. Now you get sort of a subtitle. Um, what with some Tyler the description be because that kind of tells me what it is, but I'm a little bit confused. So the sudden title for the book, we're still testing the specifics of it, but it's something like tools you can use to help your child with autism. Okay, so the book doesn't have to match the Kickstarter project exactly. Okay, That is the title of the book as well. Exactly. Ok, so if somebody saw this on Twitter, if somebody saw this on Facebook, um you know, then my Kickstarter short description is an independently published book with linked video and downloadable worksheets teaching you simple tools you can use to help your child. Okay, that's a little two explanatory of the format. Um, people don't really care that it's independently published because you're on Kickstarter. They sort of assume that flip it around. So there's an acronym. Um, I put it, Put it up here. It's what in it for me. So as you think about the press as you think about the bloggers, as you think about the people, they're gonna click on your link. This is how we all live our lives. What's in it for me? It's back to the backers back to the rewards so they don't care. It's self independently published. You care a lot of things you care about that they don't. So you gotta again flip the chair around the way you think about that from the perspective of the parents. Those air, those are my clients. Those are the people were working to help, right? So what's in it for me is simple tools that anyone can apply toe work with a child with autism in the home. Okay, so that's were getting better. Getting closer now work with a child with autism in the home that doesn't seem to have a huge kind of benefit or solution around it. So, like, um, it's about improving the child's life. It's really relating to your child helping your child function. Understand your child connecting to your child. Okay, so I like kind of what you said. So, um, would you say a simple, uh um, simple tools that anyone can apply so simple has kind of, ah, positive and negative connotation. You wanted to be the ultimate or easy to use. Easy toe, learn. Functional. Yeah. Um, what about like the You know, the word ultimate. It is necessarily right here. But you want them to see this, whether it's in a headliner on Facebook and Twitter and the like. I have to have that. And I don't care about the little adjectives of self published or functional or easy to use. It's like back to the stories like, What's the big gap that's missing? What's the, um, the and you said comprehensive is actually what the other things are. This is a actionable, actionable yeah, actionable tools, tools and skills. So it's hard. I mean, the skills are what they get from the book right now in the book. So actual tools two. And then what's the big home run. What's the when they when they can't sleep at night? What's the pain? That there's something with their child? Okay, to connect 52 year old on the floor connects through the child with your autistic child or with your child with autism. Every one of your child of that or autism's in the title. So even special needs child Sure like that, Charlie. Now we're getting somewhere so actionable tools to connect with your special needs, child. I like that. It's like maybe it's not the final final, but we're a lot closer than we were before, and then we're going of your video. Um, and I saw your video, the YouTube one. You need to hire new video. You need a different video for that. I love you, but we need like it needs to tell the story better. You see, the chasm between that and the Soma video doesn't have to be the Soma video, but it needs to be better that we can. We can look at some other examples a to break or offline about what they are, but also again, just browse, like in your mind. You know that that's not the summer video. And so the key is toe again. I said it before hire people, hire work with great designers and say, like, this is what I have. That's what I need. How much will it cost? And people can get you there. And the more more people can get you there cheaper than any other time in history, and it gets better every day. Um, okay, so gut check time. Um, well, first will do your due your duration and days. So how long? How long is it gonna be? 30 days. Perfect. Okay. Is it? And how much are you trying to raise? $10,000. Perfect. I think that's great. 10 is a great like for a book for but project Get this out in the world for your real goal. 10 10 is great, because even at an average backer of 10 which is really low, then you're back to your 1000 true fans. Right? Um and then time left, you know we'll leave to the next part. So what is the interesting $1 level? Actually, before we get to that, this is got check time. You're gonna connect your facebook, right? Yes. Already have all right. And how many Kickstarter projects of you back Three. OK, go back. Seven more. All right. I want to be a member of the community. Um, 3 to 3 is good, but find some other ones. I would type autism in that. You should know everything about every autism project that's ever been on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. You should know them like the back. Your hand. It Some of them are gonna be terrible. Some are gonna be amazing. Learn from that figure out. What works. Um So So connect your connect your facebook. You said you did that. What is the really interesting sort of? Lower level? Doesn't have to be one. If you wanted to be one, it can. It could be the digital book for nine. There's a school of thought that says if they're gonna give one, they would give nine for the actual thing. A. J. Leon did it with the $13 level. So what is, um what is a level that actually I mean, for $1 like we could do any number. I mean, there's there's two different sort of avenues that I've been pursuing along that line and one is the me or my co founder providing value like ourselves through phone call through services? Sure. Versus product. So that's going to be down here somewhere? Um, plus right. And probably below the book, because the book is lower perceived value than personal consulting. Totally. Um, So plus some, some level of consulting and then some somewhere here is the book. Now, is a book gonna be in multiple formats? Yeah. So what Elektronik is? I mean, the easiest. And there's a chance that we could go and actually publish this if it if we get enough notice. But Elektronik is so cheap and just published Amazon and distribute from their or any number of things. Perfect. Um What? How complete is the book right now? Uh, 80%. Okay, One thing that we didn't talk about, that we should. His stretch goals. So stretch goals are when you have a funding goal on Kickstarter, and then you have a larger funding goal. That's not You know, once you get your main funding goal, you're gonna get your money from Kickstarter. But you could say it's but if we get to 17 we could do a print run and make this a beautiful. And we've already got the person lined up on whatever the goal is. 10. The goal is to get it digitally and get it out in the world. But if we get to 17 and then you know what one get on the right, you know, autism, parents email list or parents magazine or whatever one thing could could blow the way. It's actually a n'importe point that, you know, we should We should touch on. I didn't have a slide on it, but just like you can insert new reward levels in between the other ones. Um, once you launch, you can you can also do an update and, um, communicate stretch goals. So it's a great thing when you think about what the video updates, you know. 1234 everyone, One video update a week. You wanna be super excited again. Your passion should be bleeding through the screen like thank you. So they start with Thank you. Thank you so much. Where 40% funded, etcetera, etcetera. Um, we just came up with a stretch goal. You could You could talk about your stretch goal in the original video, but I think for yours. If it's mainly any book and that's the thing. Like if If you raise 10,000 and published the book and get it out there, that's great. Um, but if it's got a visual component, are hardcovers interesting? You could put that as a stretch goal and just kind of say, it's not it's not absolutely gonna happen. But if we get to 20 I've got a commitment from this publisher that we're gonna print this money. Um, that is where the crowd does kind of get behind you and say, Hey, we want to help him reach that. So you got electronic possible stretch goal for what else? Cause we gotta come up with more the rooms and I think we touched on it. But I'm gonna review it. Futile on it. Asks. Has he already launched this? Can he redo the video? And I think the answer is he can redo the video if he doesn't have backers yet. Is that right? I believe you can re do the video once it's up. Yes, once it's up. Yeah, yeah. And whether, even if he has backers, I'm pretty sure you might not be able to replace the main video. I know you can upload the additional update videos, but he's talking about redoing the main main one. So I'll check on that at the break, and we'll come back afterwards. I think you can, because I've seen I think I've seen people at the very end. Um, maybe it's just changing the image. What we did talk about is right before you end maybe 1/2 hour, Um, the still image for your video swap that out to be like, Now go visit us at your website dot com, right? So we'll check on that and come back. And just to be clear, the Kickstarter my Kickstarter is launching ideally in November, so you have not. This is a very rough draft video that's up on you to er up on Twitter right now. Cool. Cool. Um, so the book, the e book, possible consulting options. What else? That's interesting. And again, think of it from the position of your backers. What's in it for them? Yes, So we have an article that we've already written that is ready to be published, whether that's on Amazon or somewhere. And so before publishing that on Amazon for 99 cents. It's just a 10 page article, sort of, a sample of the autism workbook we had thought to give that away for the $1 level. Sure, um, and then give may be the first pick in the first chapter, one of four or five chapters of the autism workbook Away for $10 for example. Sure, and then add another $5. And we do just a print run edition, right, given a certain number of backers for $15. So let's think about MSRP because this is this is good. So again, msrp e being manufacturer's suggested retail price. May I ask you a question? I'm not trying to pick on you. Trade some concepts. Have you ever paid $10 for the chat for a chapter of a book? No. Course. So that's not that's above them. SRP right? So let's rethink that level. I think the $1 level again you're collecting these people's emails. They're becoming part of your tribe. You want them to think they stole the $1 level. You want them to think Wow, this was amazing. So what if he gave away the article and the chapter of the book for $1 Perfect. I just stepped into your time, right. Somebody's gonna draw this bigger also, let's think about some of those words that we talked about before. People like to be early. They like to be exclusive. Um, if the articles, first of all, I wouldn't use the word article. And the reason is nobody other than some New York Times and Economist subscribers and generally people don't pay for articles on the Web has taught us that articles air free. So the mental anchor for an article is that I would call it a paper or in a short e book or whatever the word article, even if it is an article tends, like you don't want to do anything that mentally turns them off. And with this a little bit mentally turned office. I'm like, Why am I paying for an article like I'm already kind of don't like that interaction. So call it, Ah, paper and chapter the book before anyone else gets right, some something exclusive, something interesting. And then it's like, Wow, that's That's a good deal for $1 right? What are they getting? Um, so we got that we got the book. Now tell me more about the book. Is it? Is it mostly text because you'll get some of the books out there today. Like Tim Ferriss. Mark Echoes latest book. Um, they're super visual. And like the Kindle version is not the same as the hard cover in this case, is it? Mostly, But you know Malcolm Gladwell as amazing his He is the Kindle's justus. Good as the hardcover. Yeah, and very tactile. I'm building something very tactile, right? Especially with Children with autism, like they're doing whatever they're doing. And the parent is in the state of traumatic stress. And they need some sort of like, What am I doing while my child is tantrum it on the floor or, you know, banging their head against a wall? So having very simple questions on a worksheet that they can tear out of a book and hold in front of them while the child's doing what they're doing And like, what do I do? Hear that? Sort of the problem that I'm trying to address so it can be in an e book. But then you go to a link and you download a pdf That is that pronounceable sheet. I I think that the physical hard copy book is more useful in a lot of situations. Okay. Okay, so there's a checklist. A swell. That's like the pdf checklist of like, yeah, there's gonna be 5 to 10 of them. Okay, Now, do these make up the book or these in addition to the book, those are within the book within the book chapter has at least one checklist. Worksheet. Okay. Okay. Um, so it's almost like at the end of each exactly after kind of thing or whatever. So that's interesting, because I would make that Maybe before you get to the actual book. Maybe it's the $4 level. Is all of the checklist all the end of chapter checklists? Right. Something like that. Um, maybe it's That's the $5. Oh, you know, plus, remember, we started meeting with plus oh, and of chapter checklists. And then now we could do e book for, um What is Amazon train? Just that them srp, but can believe 9 99 Right, So we want to come in below. I'm SRP, but you're offering all this other stuff. So maybe that's the $9 level, right? So for nine, I'm getting the e book. Plus all the I guess the end of the chapter checklists are included in there, plus the article plus the chapter. Are you guys thinking about doing audiobook or hiring anyone or reading yourself? Haven't talked about audiobook yet. What we are doing is we've got 10 or 15 hours worth of footage of us practicing these skills with kids and teaching other parents how to practice these skills with kids. Okay, so there's both of the edited version of that which will be in the book itself and then all the extras that we don't use that could be unedited, just given away. Okay, so you got videos. So just for everybody else, if you see what we're doing here, um, it's really a brainstorm. And you could do this. You could You remind me of being do it however you want on a white board. But it's worth thinking about, you know, as a challenge, you to think about what are all the things that you have in deciding which should be separate, which should be whatever and then arranging them into the slippery funnel the no brainer. The below MSRP eat right. What are all the things that you can have now? Um, you don't have to have a 1,000,000 levels. If the thing like for a book. I think especially with all these other interactive mediums, it is good to have a number of levels, multiple levels, but just, you know, for for those online and everything else. If you type smart betting into Kickstarter, that's a good one. Um, some friends of mine built just a consumer product where the problem is, everyone kicks the sheet to the bottom of the bed. And so they created a betting thing where you just button it and snap it. They only had about four levels of their kicks or maybe even three, and it was the actual thing because they weren't. There's no e book about the betting. There's no whatever. So if the thing is the actual product, it's OK to have two or three or four kickstarted levels with something like yours, especially with all this digital stuff, e book, video, etcetera, you know, overspend to produce it in high quality and then, as we talked about it, costs you zero to fulfill it because you're just sending them a link, right? Um and so the checklists are gonna be inside the book. Um, extra exclude. You know, you want to talk about exclusive videos, the other way to use those videos might be, and you got to think about this, and everybody should think about this. If you have this content, is it better to charge for it and sell it? Or is it better to put it up on YouTube and say, we'll be launching on, you know, Kickstarter in two months or whatever and get people talking and subscribing and put you in bed Code makes it so easy to put the videos all over the Web and have them easily shared. So if the content is great, that's another thing that short videos or something that people are used to getting for free. Thanks, YouTube. Um, and so you might want to Sprinkle that and spread that throughout the Web is a way to drive it. Um, and then so what's the? We'll just wrap this up soon. What's your no brainer level like? What's the everything in the kitchen sink? I had that at 25 being like a printed version, the e book and all of the previous extras. But now I'm hearing this larger funnel aiming for I wrote down 73 as my no brainer. I I don't know. I mean, it could be several copies, plus a phone call plus the e book, plus all these extras for Greater Now Maybe it is. You know, it's again. It's got to be. It's got to be valuable. They've got a look at each level and say Wow, like the Malcolm Gladwell Reference is kind of an interesting one, because people look at a Malcolm Gladwell book. It's like 11 99 and the like. Yep, that's Malcolm because it's more valuable, right? It's really, really good. Or when you pay for the hard copy of a book, it's not $6 or $10 right? You are an unknown quantity, so people have opted into your tribe and he mails on your list, whatever. But, um, you're the other end of Malcolm Gladwell. So there's Malcolm Gladwell. There's MSRP E. And then you're here. So giving so much in value that I improving. I'm making up for that difference exactly, exactly right. And so you need to if, you know, maybe your no brainer level is 25. Um, again, Think about your tribe. Think about what they're gonna contribute. It could Maybe Maybe that is. Maybe it's the full book and everything else. And then that considered a stretch goal. But at 25 you don't need that many people to get to 1000 right? At 10. You knew people. 25. You need less than 504 100 people in your home. And then this thing happens, and then you have their emails. If you do another project, right? Yeah. Falling along really closely with this, enjoying this demonstration. So they have some ideas for you, Robin to school and have something Hammel Seal junkies falling along. He says this should be a hands on only book. Make it something spect special. Not just another e book. And then he has some ideas for rewards. He says I think higher level backers should get a color laminated version of the worksheets to make the more durable. Maybe even a three ring punched in a custom printed binder for each child elimination were falling along very closely. They're very excited and giving ideas on names and marketing. It's great, Alison hey, says the three ring punch binder could be a $ level. That's great. Binders full of checklists. Um, that's great. And this that's a perfect example of So I'm a little bit in the technology startup technology world, and there's a whole movement called the Lean Startup Movement. And one of the phrases under the lean startup movement is G O B, which is a terrible acronym for Get out of the building. Um, you've probably talked about this with your partner business partner on this stuff six ways from Sunday and thought about all this stuff we've just now brainstormed a few more levels in a few more interesting things and then the folks in the chat room. So you need to get out of the building. In this case, you know, all the great insight from the chat and think they came up with all this really interesting stuff. So maybe you do the Wufu survey for maybe you do a Starbucks gift car like talkto parents of kids with autism are on the autism spectrum and figure out what they want, you know and say like what would This is the book. This is the idea. You wouldn't just say what you want. You're not trying to think of a new project. Say this is the core thing. But what would be useful? And you'll hear things like this or you won't or you'll hear other things and that's what they want. So, people, another piece of this pre work is finding out what would be interesting to your backers, right? They will, they will tell you and then ask for their credit cards have square feeling.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
There's so much to learn about Kickstarter, what a pleasure to find it all in one comprehensive course! The title states Kickstarter for "Photographers and Filmmakers", but the material and ideas are relevant to all different media! (I'm working on publishing a book!) The pre-launch information was invaluable and comprehensive. Great class, great value! Thank you, Clay!
Emily J
I was in the studio audience for this class and it was amazing! I came away with all the tools I need to have a successful project. I'm excited to get started.
Sarah Solomon
Incredible value offered in this course. Thank you so much Clay for sharing your wealth of knowledge of kickstart with us creatives. I can't wait to put this to work in my first kickstarter campaign in early 2014 :)
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