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Lhasa Apso: Preparing the Set Before the Photoshoot

Lesson 9 from: Posing For Puppies

Kelly Brown, Jade Schofield

Lhasa Apso: Preparing the Set Before the Photoshoot

Lesson 9 from: Posing For Puppies

Kelly Brown, Jade Schofield

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9. Lhasa Apso: Preparing the Set Before the Photoshoot

Lesson Info

Lhasa Apso: Preparing the Set Before the Photoshoot

We have a beautiful little litter of lhasa apsos. I can't say it correctly, Jadie I always get it wrong. Lhasa apsos, they're five weeks old. They are just adorable. They've just arrived, they've had a big feed and they're looking very sleepy. So with this size puppy when we're talking about set ups we tend to go with things that are quite small. We have one little girl and four boys. So we're gonna focus on doing one very pretty pink set up. And then a few more sorta neutral set ups. We're gonna try and get all five of them. There's five, three more in the little pen down there. And here let me take this little one. Hi. (puppy crying) And then we'll try and get all five of them together for a beautiful set up. But like with all of our set ups we wanna make the puppy the main focus of the image. So what we do is we keep all of the colors and the tones in a really similar pallet. And then that way the puppy stands out. And there's not too many different elements going on that it makes i...

t so busy that you lose focus of the main part of the image, which is these little guys. So with our little girl set up. (puppy cry) Oh, excuse me. She's actually still in the pen so we'll wait and do that one later. I'm gonna focus on this one first. And I've got a beautiful wooden bowl. I've got a little bit of foliage. Some of those little flowers down there that are really delicate. And then just a beautiful sort of textured wrap across the top of one of my cloth nappies. One of these little towels in there. And that's just to obviously create some support where I wanna place the baby's head for this particular set up. So we're gonna start with these two and they are kinda sleepy. I reckon we're good to go, yeah? I think we'll be right now. Okay. And again I've got my light set up here. And this huge soft box, it is giving me a lot of direct light. But in the studio here we've also got other lights going around for the video so I wanna make sure that I'm overpowering those and I can get some beautiful shadows. And create that sort of soft look that I'm looking for. And it is coming from above. Oh my goodness, he's so cute. They look like little teddy bears. So the idea with this set up is to have both of their little faces up here side by side coming up towards that light source. And what that's going to do is light their faces so that it's going to be the brightest part of the image. And that's where we want our eye to go. So I'll place, I think they're about the same size. Mm, I think this one might be a little bit smaller. Okay I'll place this one on this side and then we'll bring the other one in over here. Hm. So much going on. (puppy crying) So while this one's nice and happy I'm gonna get a photo before we bring the other one in. Yes, I am. Hi. This is to be cute. So. (puppy crying) Hi. (puppy crying) (electronic beeps) (camera shutter) That is too cute. Hi, gorgeous. Hi. Wanna bring that one in? So I've got enough room on this side now. Yeah, just identical to this one. There you go. Oh, sweet babies. Okay if you keep your hand just on the back there. Okay, oh, no, no, no. (kissing noises) (laughs) Gotta be quick. I think I got it. (puppy crying) Oh, that is too sweet. 'Kay so different breeds they all react so differently. With the last one they were very, very busy. These ones are a little bit more curious. And not so quick to run off or jump around. They're a little bit more timid of their surroundings. Yes you are, you're very handsome. Hi. (fingers snap) (kissing noise) (puppy crying) (laughs) Getting those different expressions is just adorable. Okay you grab that little one there Jadie. So that set up was so quick. Obviously if they had been asleep that would have been really cute, we would have spent a bit more time. But I have them both sitting side by side and both of them looking directly at the camera which was absolutely perfect.

Ratings and Reviews

Paula Ayers

I am not a photographer. I do compositing using Photoshop and was interested in seeing how they set up and pose such lively subjects. Such care was taken with the puppies and I learned a lot about getting just the right poses using different setups like muslin, bowls, etc. For compositing, it's important to know what you are looking for in order to bring images together correctly. This course, besides being fun to watch, has helped me, even if my images don't wiggle as much as these puppies.


I loved everything about this class!! It was so obvious by the handling and the way you interacted with the puppies how much care and thought goes into the artwork you created. I'm so excited to put all of your ideas into my own creativity. Thank you for providing me with the inspiration to move forward with pet photography!

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