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Lhasa Apso: The Litter Together

Lesson 11 from: Posing For Puppies

Kelly Brown, Jade Schofield

Lhasa Apso: The Litter Together

Lesson 11 from: Posing For Puppies

Kelly Brown, Jade Schofield

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11. Lhasa Apso: The Litter Together

Lesson Info

Lhasa Apso: The Litter Together

You can gets lots of variety with these sort of setups, but when warm shooting, I'm shooting for specific images. So I've got an idea of exactly what it is that I wanna get. So I'm gonna move the pink set out, and I'm gonna bring the other setup in. And I've got a blue wrap, which is quite large and then I've got a green blanket, like a backdrop there. So the idea with the green is to get all of the puppies together, side by side if we can. And they're all asleep, so we might actually do that setup first, which is gonna be tough, but I think at the moment while they're sleeping, let's try it. So from the previous setups that we did, with our other puppies, we're not using any of the same things, we've, had the studio sterilized, and we're making sure that we're only using fresh props, fresh blankets, for every single puppy that we photograph, keeping in mind, you know, that they've not be vaccinated. (scraping) So I wanna angle it on a way towards that light so that the light's gonna c...

ome down across them. And you can see here, what I've done is created a little bit of a wider well, so that we can put, I'm thinking maybe even four. One, two, three, four babies in here. We could potentially put five. We'll see how they go. But, I'm thinking four is probably going to be a nice kind of size for this setup. And then the green's gonna come over the top, and we'll pull it nice and tight. I'm gonna do a single one. (gate clicking) I'll do two black, two brown? Yeah. Shh, shh, shh. (faint speaking by Jade) (soft whimpering) Yeah, do you wanna wriggle over? She's wide awake. She might go back down though, 'cause she's pretty-- Yeah. He's asleep. I'm gonna go over here with that. (soft rustling) While I've got two sleeping (chuckles). (camera beeping) (camera clicking) Yeah, that's a beautiful closeup. So I'm just filling the frame with their little faces. (camera clicking) And I will center-weight meter it there, and I'm still shooting at 2.8, but I'm on an angle where I've got an even focal plane. (camera beeping) (camera clicking) (soft whimpering) So you can see how Jade's leaving her hands there to make them feel nice and secure in that warmth of the hand. Seems to settle them really well. Can you just pass me that smaller towel, one closest to you, perfect? So I just wanna come up underneath and change them for this shot. I gonna get Jade to pull this corner, and Garrett to pull this corner. Here you go, perfect. Okay, do you wanna grab those? And try to pull out as tight as you can. That's it. Oh, I like even that it's looking at me. (camera beeping) (puppy whimpering) (camera clicking) (camera clicking) Oh, that is cute. So I'm focusing on the little one's eyes that are awake. (camera clicking) And they're closing (laughs). It's getting heavy (laughs). (camera beeping) (whimper) There it is. (camera clicking) So I've got them in the bottom two-thirds of my frame, centered. (camera clicking) And then I've got all that beautiful negative space in the background. So in terms of of composition, I always want them to be at the forefront of the frame, and have all of that beautiful space around them. And pulling that blanket tight like this means that I don't have to do much work at all in post-production.

Ratings and Reviews

Paula Ayers

I am not a photographer. I do compositing using Photoshop and was interested in seeing how they set up and pose such lively subjects. Such care was taken with the puppies and I learned a lot about getting just the right poses using different setups like muslin, bowls, etc. For compositing, it's important to know what you are looking for in order to bring images together correctly. This course, besides being fun to watch, has helped me, even if my images don't wiggle as much as these puppies.


I loved everything about this class!! It was so obvious by the handling and the way you interacted with the puppies how much care and thought goes into the artwork you created. I'm so excited to put all of your ideas into my own creativity. Thank you for providing me with the inspiration to move forward with pet photography!

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