Lesson Info
5. a song to sing
Look at Me
1seen, heard, loved
08:35 2knowing your butt
06:07 3why we're here
05:55 4your work is a gift
04:45 5a song to sing
6love (the assignment)
07:42love (the crit)
28:49Always the Other
8the ass divot
01:48 9like tarantino
04:30 10always the other (the assignment)
12:06 11the cliche
11:12 12always the other (the crit)
45:13Explodes in the Brain
13Explodes in the Brain
30:32Big Nothing Little Nothing
14big nothing little nothing (the assignment)
01:54 15don't fall in love
04:35 16big nothing little nothing (the crit)
53:23There Ain't No Rules
17ain't no rules
01:16 18yesterday, today, tomorrow
08:33Allow Freedom
19allow freedom
01:41 20show & tell
22:29Born (wildly) Creative
21born (wildly) creative
01:48Subscriber Bonus Lessons
22do the work
34:35 23show & tell (part 2)
16:04Lesson Info
a song to sing
So I've heard time and time again from so many people. They're like, they come to me and they're like, James, I was born creative. I remember when I was a kid, I remember I was full of play and I used to do this and I used to do these, right? I was born creative. Uh I went to school for it. You know, I even went, I went to art school, I went to school for creativity and I got out and, and I, and I got a creative job. So why do I drive home from work every night? Crying? Why am I creatively frustrated? Why am I not happy? And the reason is because what happens is we take on these jobs that are in the creative industry and they're quite frankly, it's a trap because what you, because you are like me, I'm a fucking racehorse. You want to change the world hire me, right? But what most clients, what professional, what, what, what businesses wanna do with a racehorse is make it pull an apple cart, right? You and I are more capable of that. You and I were born creative and we just have to figu...
re out how to put that into our lives and into our work. And that's where all that professional, creative frustration comes from. We know that we're capable of more. We know that we've got a song left to sing and no one's asking for it. And here's the thing professionally, no one's gonna ever ask for it. Your boss is never gonna say, could you, like, bring it up a notch? No, they're gonna say, could you make it bigger? Right? Could you could, you, could you dumb it down? You know, they don't, they don't trust the audience to, to, to be smart enough, right? But you and I know better. You and I know that we are born creative. We have this energy brimming inside of us and we know that everybody else does too and when we let that out, our excitement breeds excitement in others. Matthew, talk to me. Uh Hi James. Um I'm a singer songwriter, poet, artist. I like to do a lot of different things, but I like to see as many perspectives as possible except in that process, I've lost what my personal perspective might be. Um And so this past year has been really rough. I lost my dad. I lo I started a job that I'm not very happy at, sorry. Um And you know, I'm trying to find that spark again so that I have something to give back to the world. Yeah. Awesome. Because I mean, that's, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Exactly. I mean, you're, what you're gonna give to the world doesn't come from a brief or it doesn't come from a, uh, uh, uh, you know what your boss tells you? Yeah, it comes from, you know, it, it only has value, work is only a gift. You know, if, if, if, if it's, if you're giving of yourself, right. And you can't be a singer songwriter if you're just making shit up. Like, I think the world needs a song about a redhead. I don't know. I don't know. Right. Yeah. It doesn't do any good. If my song is sitting in my room and nobody else hears it, you gotta get out in the world. Excellent. Excellent. You guys are fucking perfect. And I often hear people saying, well, James look like if the whole world was created, it would be like, what would that be like? It would be like mayhem. And I say, oh yeah, let's try it.
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Ratings and Reviews
Richard Lynch
I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.
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