How to Build Your Intro Page
Bonnie Christine
The Importance of Having a Portfolio
09:03 2What to Include & Why
09:27 3How to Stand Out from the Crowd
10:59 4Having an Online Following Behind You
06:25 5How to Show Your Work & to Whom
15:47 6Gathering Inspiration
08:33 7How to Set Up Your Artboard
05:38How to Build Your Intro Page
09:12 9Build Your Table of Contents Page
10:05 10Creating Your Online Presence Page
11:12 11How to Design Process Page & Collections
21:01 12Build a Sample & Examples Page
07:12 13Create a Contact Page
17:30 14Printing Options & Digital Publishing
13:29 15Ready Your Supplies
05:09 16Going Over the Process
03:48 17Prepping Your Pages
09:09 18How to Build a Portfolio Cover with Fabric
42:13 19Add Final Touches on the Cover
07:19 20How to Stack & Bind Your Portfolio
08:41Lesson Info
How to Build Your Intro Page
So the first page I want to build is just my intro page that has my logo on it, it's just the very first page that they're going to see, so I'm gonna grab my logo and this pattern right here. I'm just going to select both of those copy and by hitting command c and paste them over to my new document that's command be, and I know I need to make it larger, so, uh, we're using the scale tool. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts, so keyboard shortcuts are also something you confined that I've shared online, and I'm going to try to talk you through him as I go through the course today so s and scale for your keyboard shortcuts, and if you hold down the shift key that's going to keep everything in line if I let go of the shift key, concede that aiken skew this and I don't want that happen, I want to keep it all in line, so I'm gonna hold down the shift key as I enlarge all of that. Um, I this great background, I'm just going to move over to the side, I think I actually might use it in a minute,...
but I just want to work on white right now, I'm gonna bring my logo over here to the center and reposition in a little bit, I think I made these too big. So what I want to do is get access to the actual illustrations that make up this repeating pattern right here. One of the easiest ways to do that is that you're repeating pattern is over here in the phil box. All I have to do is grab it and drag and drop it over to my art board, and if I hide my edges that's command eight you can see that this has given me the technical repeat that I initially built to make that pattern, so I get access to all these little bits. They're all grouped together, so if I right, click aiken start on grouping them, and when I built this pattern, I worked and several layers of groups, so you can see like this bundle of flowers is grouped together and I could keep on grouping if I wanted to, but I I'm going to keep it like this for now, because this is such a complex ex illustration, you can't see it for all of the anchor points and blue edges, so if it's okay with you as I work on this particular one, I'm going to work with my edges hidden that's command h means it's still selected, but it just hides those I just so I can see what I'm doing I can delete this square now and what I want to do is just building a frame around my logo here um and then I'll use a clipping mask at the end to make it nice and pretty but I'm just going to build in a frame by bringing it is over and rotating them using the rotate tool, which is our on your keyboard and scaling them up and down so uh lots of rotating and scaling and then I'm going to come in and ah and fill in kind of some of the blank spaces with some extra bits I'll show you in just a second, so I'm not going to use everything in this pattern and uh I just want to build in a frame to go around the logo so one way if I want to know, I think I can bring over this little little one to feel in this space I think you can see like this particular pattern layers really nicely you can't it looks, it looks nice layered like it's all kind of growing in with each other, so I'm not having to worry too much about overlapping leaves and things like that. Ok? So if I want to make some like fine tune adjustments like maybe I want to bring in some extra leaves right here I can just sue min and double click on this one bring back my itis double clicking on an illustration brings you into what's called isolation mode, so everything else on my art board I can't select I can on ly work with the one illustration that I've double clicked on, which also breaks down one of the groupings. So now I've got thes in one last group, so they're not all grouped together and ah, that allows me to easily, like, grab a single leaf and move it around so I can grab this one and rotate it toe add up here another easy thing to do would be to copy it. So if I grab this leaf and drag it up to the top before I release it, if I hold down the option key it allow me to just make a duplicate of that so the eggs isolation owed all you do is double click and I can zoom out to my art bored by hitting command zero well, I was I was on the wrong art board, but if I select our board that I was working on and hit command zero, it'll take me back up to where that's fills the screen. So I think I'm ready to make a clipping mask of these and then I can maybe make a few more adjustments, but in order to do that, I'm going to grab the gray background that I moved to the side earlier and it's going to be in the back but if I bring it to the front I haven't selected come down to arrange and bring to front that will put it on top of everything and I I'll just select everything that's hanging over the edge here ah and you can make a clipping mask a couple of different ways which you can do everything in illustrator a couple different ways if you if you work you know you can go toe objects clipping mask make or you can see right here that the keyboard shortcut and that is command seven and I use it so often that I use command seven so that brings all those edges nice and clean to the page um and I think that looks pretty nice what I want to do is delete this I'm done with that and I see I just want to move this leaf so it's not touching my logo and then the this rose this white part is showing too much so what I'm going to do is double click on the clipping mask which brings me into isolation mode one layer and if I double click again it'll bring me into into the isolation mode a second layer you can also see that up here in the top left hand corner layer one and then clip group and groups so you can tell that you're kind of in isolation mode by two different groupings um but that gives me access on the zoom in here that gives me access to just move or re scale one little thing at the time um okay, so to get access to this over here I'm in isolation mode one step too deep so you could double click off of it, re click and go back into it or you can just click this one back this era that says back one level that will take you back one level so I'm still in isolation mode but I can come over here now and I think what I want to do is just get this one rose and just rotate it um I'll hide my edges rotated and bringing in a little bit so it's a little more obvious what it is and I'll double click to exit that and, um I think that will work one other thing I could do to is that these margins over here we're going to delete them at the end, but we don't need to work in that space and I have it in gray just so that I do I intentionally don't work over there, but I'm the feeling like it's really easy to grab and get move so I'm gonna select all them and lock them so that I can't move them on the art board, so in order to do that I'll select one and I know that the only thing on my art board that's color that is colored in that color is the margin. So I'll come up to select same phil color. And I will group these by hitting command ji and lock them over in my layers. Panel. So under layers, you'll be able to see what I have selected because of this blue square right here. And I can just hit. Uh, um, the lot key right there, which will allow me to no longer select these or get the moved. I can unlock him by finding him here again. And just clicking off the lock. And it'll unlocked them that way.
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Ratings and Reviews
Bonnie, I want to give a super big Thank You! You have helped change my life. I was recently laid off from my full time job. Due to your courses, I have dedicated my time to continue designing. You have helped my heart come out on the pages. Thank you sooooo much! :) thankful & very happy, Dawn Stratchko
I thought this class was engaging and informative. Bonnie Christine has such a natural way of presenting the information and never seems to lose her concentration. I really wanted to learn more about how to put together a professional but handmade portfolio and that is what you get. Thanks for the great class!
a Creativelive Student
Absolutely loved this course! I learned so much and feel confident now on how to present my company in a consistent and professional way.
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