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Adding Logos and Graphics in SketchBook Pro

Lesson 14 from: Digital Rendering for Designers

Jorge Paricio

Adding Logos and Graphics in SketchBook Pro

Lesson 14 from: Digital Rendering for Designers

Jorge Paricio

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14. Adding Logos and Graphics in SketchBook Pro

Lesson Info

Adding Logos and Graphics in SketchBook Pro

one less thing that we need to cover in this program would be the addition off the addition of logo's, um, over here just for the fun of it. I went to tea for text, and then I added a name. In this case, this is going to be a Paris your car, so I would have to do would be to just zoom in. Um, obviously, if you're working with a particular brand, you would have to or invent a brand for yourself. You would just have to create that logo. It's a graphic. And then go to file at image over here. Okay, In this case, I have clicked over here to add a text layer. And I have my, um, logo over here. If you don't like it or you don't like the position of it, you can always make it bigger or smaller. All right, so in this case, I'm going to center, maybe over here, make it very large. And then over here you would just have to make sure that you're on the correct layer. You would have to scale it bigger or smaller. All right, but this is a text layer. We would have to would not be able to scale it r...

ight now, but because it is a text layer, if you scale it, you would not be able to edit it. So let's imagine, then, that instead of that, we would have Let's make a new layer here. Let's imagine that this is my logo. All right. Um, we would have to go over here just to show you how we can scale and distort a logo to place it exactly where you wanted. Remember, this is your scale tool. If you want to keep it in intact the proportions whole shift down again, make sure that you don't hold shift down for more than a second to avoid locking your keyboard. This that distort tool is great. It would allow you to distorted to fit your perspective. And the four corners are released so you can really stretch it from any corner you want to fit better in your perspective. All right. Something like this

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

DR-2A Sample Coffee Maker.psd
DR-2A-2 Sample Backpack.psd
DR-3B-1 Car Half Done.psd
DR-3C-3 Car Half Done.psd
DR-4A Living Room Example 1.psd
DR-4A Living Room Example 2.psd
Digital Rendering Packet.pdf
Tool Presets.tpl

Ratings and Reviews


This is actually the course I was looking for. This is DIGITAL rendering, which in an odd way makes you appreciate hand drawn rendering. Great! Thanks!



sikander sylvester

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