Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
Now, the question is, once you've done this and I know you have to go back and do it better, you gotta revise. You got to recommit you got you gotta revise, revisit and recommit. It's not over. Right. But here's where you get to be quote unquote realistic. Okay, Erica, Toe, ask yourself if you're willing to do what it takes you want to look at, Are you willing to spend the time to invest the time to invest the energy to invest the money? So first, what you want to dio is capture. Okay, You want to capture Now turn to page 1 actually show you all three and then I'll go through each of them. So capture you want to capture what you want, I'll show you that. Secondly, you want a chunk it chunk it down. This is gonna make it so easy for you to hit your targets. And third, you want to choose. Do you notice how we like to do this? A liberation thing Got the four C's Teoh Richard relationship. Here's the three C's. Remember the three ds? Remember, the three D is open opening. The can of worms...
decide. Don't make it a big deal deal. Do it within 24 hours. They use Make it easy because easy to remember unconditional, unconditional acceptance. And under standing right now you got some seeds. So there's alphabets going on in your book here, so it's easy for you to remember, and you might not even notice it. But it's going in this part of your brain. Subconsciously, you're learning this stuff and you're you're retaining it cause you're writing it down. So capture now you want to turn to page 1 12? Okay, So when my husband and I we do, by the way, you can do this. Remember, I said, I want you to do it on your own first and then bring it with your partner at some point when you're really like communicating well together and like, you're not influenced. But you know, their their deals and their stuff, and they're believes, like you could do it together. Like now my husband wear constantly dream storming. We're always talking about are always writing it down. And then he's always challenging me, and I'm challenging him. And then sometimes when we come together, when we prioritize them, when we do the choosing part of these three C's. Then we realized, like, Okay, what we want together as a unit is this, and I wouldn't call it compromise. It's more like by understanding, by understanding what the other person wants and why it's important we come to an agreement and it's not always gonna happen. You might have to compromise, but when I find is that when we're beat, when we're following those money talk rules to live by were being nurturing that nagging right when we're not trying to fix each other, we're not blaming judging all that stuff. Then it's so much easier to come to a decision together. Okay, so I told you, Trevor, he's cool, making millions per year, whatever. How many ever millions? He decides. I mean, he's done in the past. So and then he went through bankruptcy, if you remember. But because he's done in the past, his conviction, he knows he can do it yet. So big deal. I I never felt that way like I was always like, Oh, it's too much, you know, it's scary. I don't know if I can hit that all scared about it, right? And so we once we were having this conversation and he got so mad. He gets so mad sometimes when he's like he sees his vision, you know he has a vision and I tend to see what's wrong with it and why it won't work. It's like Show me your vision is destroyed like I just don't want, Like it's he wants to go there and I want to keep it down to Earth. Yes, please. What's the difference between being realistic and being negative? Who? Very cool. Question realistic means that you have a path, a plan to make it happen. This about exactly what we're about to dio. Here's a good Here's an example. What do you want most? Maybe I'm gonna talk about how to get that baby. But just so you know, what will I need to invest? There's a lot of time energy because it's not just what we thought it was going to the bedroom, right? We're doing fertility drugs. I'm doing these procedures that potentially have more drugs and different procedures. It's gonna be a lot of time away from work and my cost 35 to 50 grand might cost more. One of our friends went through IVF several times, hundreds of thousands of dollars. There's all these things at that we have to think about now. I could be negative now. Negative would be saying like, This is not gonna happen or that's gonna be hard or there's a lot of things I can say about negative like I don't want to do that. I don't take time away from work like it's not gonna work will never work. I hope I never have a baby. I mean, that's negative, But I mean, that doesn't really have to do with realistic, right? Well, is this now we're gonna about to ask the question. Is this realistic? It's not. That is realistic, cause that's not really like realistic to me is just arbitrary. What does that even mean? It's whether or not you're willing to do what it takes to make it happen. And if you're willing to do what it takes to make it happen, then and you have a plan and a path to get there, you're not just, like arbitrary saying, Well, I'm going to save $10,000 a month to make it happen. I've never made more than $1000 a month in $1000 a month in my life, and I'm gonna make $10,000 a month, and then I'm gonna be able to do it like you need to show me how you're gonna go from 1000 to 10001st. Does that make sense? Show me. Are you willing to do what it takes? Because you haven't shown me that you can do that If you're willing to do what it takes to get from 1000 to 10,000. Okay, Cool. I want to see that. Ultimately, you need to show me a plan. Show yourself. Really? But if you were my client, I'd be like, show me in the money. Right. Okay. So what you want to do is capture. So go to this Page 1 12 right. And start writing. So, what do you want most in 1 to 5 years? Just for now. You can always print this out again. Okay? For those of you perfectionists who don't like to write in your book, the book is meant to be written in. Okay, Page 1 12 What do you want most? Just pick some things you can always make it better later and then recognize what will you need to invest to get it? 1 to 5 years. Who has an example weaken we can use. So, for example, my 1 to 5 is I want a nutritional therapy certification. Okay, great. What do you want? Nutritional therapy. Certification. Great. What we need to invest to get so about $5000 plus travel. What's travel? Just guess. Let's say, um 6500. Okay, total. Right. Okay. Great. Anything else you need to invest? Time, energy? What kind of like is it gonna take? You know, it's gonna take me two weeks is going to give me a little bit of nine months. Nine months, So it's gonna take nine months. And is it is it going to take any other time? Like so? Like from today to the nine? If you were to do it, today would be nine months certification. You're saying? Yeah, but you said plus travel. So let's count that as an investment of your energy and time. How much travel, like away from your husband? I'm assuming that's kind of what you mean. Yeah, like three weeks, three weeks, three weeks total nine and three weeks travel. OK, so I would kind of consider that energy like time, energy, money. It doesn't have to be all of them, but is really important because it's not just about money, right? Even though there's a little money Course. So you need 6500. It'll take in nine months to actually do the course. So this is time and energy. Energy could also be You're gonna have to study. I don't know. You know, you're gonna have to, um I don't know what else you do. You're gonna have to fast I don't know what they make you dio. Well, yeah, Just like different work with case studies with people. Okay, I have to work with people. Cool. I mean, whatever. Whatever it is you just want to capture, especially the things that you might feel like cost you, you know, cost you something. Okay, that's great example. Perfect. 6 to 10 years. So you're gonna dio you're gonna do the things that you want most in each category, and you're gonna write what you need to invest and really, really think about it. And the next next segment, I'm gonna show you something how to delve even mawr into this so that you can, like, make decisions. So don't worry about that right now. We're just capturing. Okay, Arena, Do you have something for 6 to 10 years? Sure. 6 to 10 years. Um, in my 60 10 years, I wouldn't be taking my my television show and with my family and traveling around with my family on my show. Great. Okay, Perfect. Now, this is a great, great example. A TV show with family. Do you have a TV show right now? Yes. Oh, cool. I did not know that I was going to say first how you're gonna get the TV show done. Check. All right, that's really easy. OK, state your TV show clearly. So what kind of what kind of money is that gonna cost you? Maybe nothing. I don't know. Well, especially to take your family, I would assume there's some Yeah, we'll take my family and a crew and give me a ballpark. I know you don't know exactly, but I don't know. I would say depending on where we travel Teoh, I mean anywhere give me a range. Because I did arrange for some stuff sure. Let's say $10,000. That is quite a range. I'm gonna be a ranges between 10,000. 10,000. Okay, $10,000. And what about time? Three months and not just time during this, By the way, the time that is going to take you to put together each season. It would be you would take a year because, like, you know, three months reproductions. One year post. Okay, cool. So what you really want to do when you go home? It's figure out what, like, what does it really take? Like, for example, if in 6 to 10 years I want to do this, what is it really gonna take Number one? I got to get my business a level. Whatever. You know, I gotta be I gotta have at least X amount of fans I got. What is that? What is that? I mean, you could do if you just if it was just raising $10,000. That's a different story. Yeah, that's just, like just just like the travel part of it. Okay, So what's the range? hundreds. Uh, so So there's so a few things have to happen. Number one, you've got to save some serious dough. Yo, right? Yeah, 10,000. Let's just say 100 grand. Lots of if you say there's a range like, really? Then it's probably like you need that to make it happen. If you don't know how that you have that in the banker that you have a way to get that right, that's probably not gonna be like you can't just go, right? So let's say you need that. So 6 to 10 years, you're gonna need that, and then you're gonna have to put all this energy like when my husband said, you know, millions for year, you know all this and I was like a It was not just because I didn't want to fail. It was not just because I didn't wanna succeed or I was afraid of succeeding. It was also because it wasn't willing to do what it takes. You know, I hired my coach, uh, guy named Jeff Slater, and they're amazing. They're making multiple. I won't say how many but multiple millions per year on state of Sir Richard Branson. I told you this, right? Tony Robbins. At this level, they speak in front of thousands tens of thousands of people. When you're speaker at that level, you make multiple millions per year. That's like the highest paid job career with memory and I've seen his life. I've been working with him for five years. I see I've seen him go from, you know, speaking in San Francisco and you guys don't even still know him, right? Speaking in San Francisco with groups of 300 I was in one of the first groups to speaking to in Australia and wherever with tens of thousands, and you can see these pictures and I have talked to him and I I still coach with them. And so it's like trying to fit in two hours out of his schedule on Skype and really weird hours because he's so busy. He's like of a training for the next seven days and then I have, you know about I have a couple hours on this taste. I can fit you in. But then I'm back into training again and I've seen I see his life. He's always traveling. He's always training and I was like, Honey, I know what it takes, and I am not willing to do that I want to help people, and there's a way I can do that way online. There's a way I can do that without having to do what Jeff has done. No, I'm just not willing to. It takes the quality of my life is too important and you'll laugh. If I tell you what the quality of life is like. I'm a lazy bum. Sometimes I don't work that much. I go through stages. I don't work that, you know, I go to my chiropractor, I go to the gym. I goto acupuncturist. I'm like going to all these things like I have my own little entourage of, like things that I have to do for me to have a quality of life that I want. And I have the choice to do that. And so darn it, I don't need to make millions right now. I need to live the life the way I want it, exactly how I want it. That's pretty cool hair, and that's really self care. It's really important. My health is really important to me. So this is what this allows you to Dok, remember, Stay on point. This is what this allows you to do. I want you to know I'm talking exactly about this. This is the kind of conversation you can have with yourself and with your partner. Honey, I'm just not willing to do what it takes. I mean, sorry, that's cool. You could do that. I'll be happy to spend your money. So it's just figuring out how to get on the same page, that's all. Paid what we're gonna cover. So you get it right? Most importantly, I want you to know how to do this because you need to be, you know, in your own space to really get this done, like take the time schedule right now, right down in your in your manuals. When are you going to do this one or, you know, finish it. Because if it's not right now, you don't have enough time cause I'm still yapping at you. So there's not two hours of dead space here. You have to write down, pull out your calendar right down schedule when you're gonna do it. That's actually part of our commitment today in the last key of the four keys to the rich relationship. But I'm just getting you getting you moving to make sure this happens next. You want a chunk it down. So what? I mean by chunking it down and start to look at what it is and what's the actual cost? So we kind of did this. It's kind of like it kind of overlaps a little bit, but let's get a little bit more specific. What do you want most? Well, I want my TV show with my family and travel around the world by when specifically? Because right before, we were just in the 6 to years. So, Rina, when specifically, would you like your TV show? What year For? How many years from now? Six years from now. So Okay, thanks. 14. Okay, so that's Did I do that right? 0 It's really hard. 2020. Okay, cool. And you can pick a date. December 11th is my husband's birthday. So we just picked that date as an example. Now, what's it going to cost you? Okay, basically started to do. I think that that's actually really off. Um, that's probably a really low now that I'm thinking about, like, all the different things that would be involved with the rest of my business because I have a much bigger vision of how everything works. Because it's Yeah. And you know what? That reminds you. By the way, one of the things you said in this course was that, you know, you tend to pimp. Well, you didn't say this. I said this. You tend to pimp your ride a little bit. Meaning that sometimes you buy things for your business because you wanted to say good. Yeah. I wanted to help your business. Yeah, And you think you're going to get a return on your investment, But maybe you don't always. And so this is kind of something to think about. Two is that you want to be a place in your business where it's just rolling role in Roland. So that, like going away for a few months, is going to help you make more money. Not just not just pimp your rides that now I've done a TV show and traveled around with my family. That's great. And now I'm totally broke because I just all the money I saved in the last six years now is gone. You know you want this day. I'm assuming you want this to be That's relatable. Yeah. I mean, this is my life's work, so yeah, I'm I'm the way that I'm thinking of it, which is a little off. It's just like how much I personally would need to Wouldn't would need to be happen, you know, to be happy, like the bare minimum of like what I would want. Okay, Cool. So versus, like, the abundance of, like, millions or billions, because I can say billions, but I can't think billions personally like what I would need. Personally, I think of it as what it is that I'm creating, not me personally, because I you know, when I started, I was, you know, I came from nothing like very literally, like, you know, a couple of nights sleeping in my car, You know, like that. By the way, if you're on TV and stage good stories to tell, right? Yeah. So what's really great about what you just said is that that's absolutely true. What you want to do is dream big, save billions, family. I don't care. It's just dream. Big dreams. Storm dreams from no limitations. Remember, that's in the question for a reason that there are no limitations. My husband wants to go to the moon. It is not like analogy. He wants to go to the moon like have a family vacation on the moon. Okay, to me, that's how I am, like a sure honey, that will happen. But that's like he could totally happen. That's in our dream storm. But if we were to sit down and now we're starting to chunk it down, it's I mean, if you were said, Well, I want to go to the moon by 2040. What's the cost? $10 million. Okay, fine. If he really wants to choose that and chunk it down, that's fine. But is probably not gonna be. What we want most is not gonna be what on our what we want most. And it's not gonna be like our driving force in life to keep putting money away from the moon for the moon, for the moon. Okay, so you get to choose, and now, as you're starting a chunk it down, you get to choose things that you know. You are willing to do what it takes because you said billions. Let's just say but then you get down to this. And you're like, I'm not like I am. I'm not willing to do what it takes such as the cost. But that time, energy and money is what happens to my clients all the time. They tell me they want something, and I'm like, OK, great. We can figure out how to get you there. Are you willing to do those things to make that happen? Okay, so chunk it down. Make sure you've scheduled time to do that. Okay, so I just wanna show end with this. And I said there three C's right. What were they capture? What did we just dio chunk and remember the other one? Church choose. Okay, cool. So, back to the map. Okay. What have we done on here? Let's see. Remember, you have your map. You want to make sure to building. Now, I realize we gave you maps that actually have a lot of this stuff filled in already, so I'm not gonna worry about that, But what did we just do? Goals. Write it on your map. It's not perfect yet. I haven't even had my two hours to get clear on what I really want. Robin, I don't care. You can make it better later, right? What does it say here? Revisit, revise, Recommit. You can print this out 100 times. I want you to get in the habit of taking appropriate action. Because what happens if you do this once? Right now, even though it's not perfect. And then life gets in the way and you're spinning as Arvid. So amazingly said, write your life. All this stuff is going on and then you forget, or you don't schedule it or you don't keep your commitment. At least you have something. But hopefully we're gonna go through commitment. You're gonna have everything scheduled. You're gonna make it happen. So write it down. What do you want most? By when? How much will it cost? These are things that you're committed to doing to make happen. You've already gone through. I'm willing to do what it takes. And maybe Rina, for example, maybe you're like, now that I think of it, I'm not really willing to do what it takes. In fact, if I was even able to save 100 grand in the next six years, which I know I can like, I want to use that for my financial freedom. Maybe I'm just making it up. I don't know, but maybe after you realized I'm willing to do what it takes to get there. But I don't even know if I want that money to do that anymore. Like maybe I could do something even bigger down the line or have more freedom, Whatever you start to figure it out. So right and in there. Okay, Any comments or questions from the gallery? I think that, um, it's I think it's a little bit more difficult for me to think in terms off, off, like what I want separate from what I want from my business, because everything that's fine, I totally could be business goals. That's fine because it's so integrated. Well, how could I envision my life being? Yeah, um, that that that's like, one thing. That's and then when you ask, what will it need? What will you need to invest to get it? When I think of the word invest, I'm thinking when you were just saying just now about financial freedom, building and reinvesting the money that you get to make that grow like the UPS story that you told me. I think it was on the first day about ups. What do you make like 14,000 year and retired with $4 million? 70 million, but 70 million? What's your insists exactly? Anything I write on bats. And that's the thing that I think about two. Because, you know, I'm I'm aware of the possibilities with that. So So if I wanted to make if what I want most is to be a billionaire, right? And to be able to give in the way that I want to give and contribute in the way that I don't want to contribute and make a difference in the way that I want to make a difference. But how much will it cost? I don't I don't know what how to like. Okay, so I get what you're saying. I think what you're saying, I think what you're saying is kind of like, um your thinking more like How much will I need to make in my accurate? We're like, What is it going to cost in it? Yeah, I guess How it already If my goal was to be a billionaire, let's just say the billionaire would get me everything that I want to achieve in my business, what everything that I want to achieve in my life and the impact that I want to make than the cost of that I'm unclear. Well, part of the challenge is that your system, like, doesn't even know what I get so far off to be a billionaire, your system can't even fathom like what it would take, right? You e I mean, it's it's likely alone. It's great. It's like going to the moon. It's great for a dream storm. You write it down for this. What do you want most? If will you really, ultimately want most to help people? Let's say, yeah, what is one thing either with your career, their life that you want most in order to get that because remember your money values, right? Home started, Yeah, and then when you can have something mawr not this achievable, but like something that you can actually really like. I don't want to say vision because you envision billionaire, but I want you to, like, know a little bit about how you're going to get there. So something more of a chunk a smaller Chou Chi script. Get a chunk smaller. That's closer to where you're at right now, right? It could still be. If you're making 100 to make 250, or a 1,000,000 that's fine. But it's got to be something like that your brain can handle, like your system can handle, right so that it happens. Otherwise, it's just a pipe dream. And like, you won't do anything like billionaire like I don't know how to do that, right? Yeah. I have no idea how much that costs. I feel like it will cost my soul, but that's just like my belief, right, right?
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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