Lesson Info
18. Segment 18 - Moving & Music for Mood
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Get Down, Get Grounded, Get Happy
17:04 2Segment 2 - The Power of the Question
15:07 3Segment 3 - Highway to Happiness
10:32 4Segment 4 - Moving to Happiness - Movement 1
09:14 5Segment 5 - How to Create a Happier Life
19:39 6Segment 6 - The Brain on Exercise
11:58 7Segment 7 - Raising Beliefs
19:14Segment 8 - Goal Setting for Success
11:26 9Segment 9 - Metrics for Motivation
26:52 10Segment 10 - Finding Your Why
10:27 11Segment 11 - What is Holding You Back?
20:00 12Segment 12 - Nurturing Who You Are
18:48 13Segment 13 - Fuel your Willpower
25:02 14Segment 14 - Moving to Happiness: Movement 2
06:56 15Segment 15 - How to Build Healthy Habits
07:18 16Segment 16 - What Workout Will Make You Happy
16:43 17Segment 17 - Finding Your Flow
15:46 18Segment 18 - Moving & Music for Mood
20:00 19Segment 19 - Moving to Happiness: Movement 3
19:21Day 2
20Segment 20 - The Skinny on Happiness
16:57 21Segment 21 - Building and Nurturing Self Esteem
32:41 22Segment 22 - The Perfection Detox
27:12 23Segment 23 - Move to Happiness - Movement 4
07:09 24Segment 24 - Exercising Your Gratitude Muscle
21:54 25Segment 25 - Cultivating Gratitude
24:04 26Segment 26 - Gratitude: How Effects Us and Others
21:22 27Segment 27 - Breathing Into Your Power
36:48 28Segment 28 - Moving Through the Fear
20:49 29Segment 29 - Accepting Fear to Build Your Best Life
21:17 30Segment 30 - The Power of Choice
20:33 31Segment 31 - Finding Your Passion & Meaning
18:28 32Segment 32 - Imagining Your Best Future Self
24:30 33Segment 33 - Moving to Happiness - Movement 5
10:20Lesson Info
Segment 18 - Moving & Music for Mood
What it comes to our mood it looks so basically any sort of movement could help when it comes to depression on some of these can be gardening getting again getting into nature is one of the most effective ways when it comes to mood biking, playing golf, playing tennis, bowling, yardwork, swimming and in groups if you are someone that you know might err on the side of depression working in a group and a community with social support really elevates the experience and for your mood and again remember set this up as though this is a strong and as powerful as medicine exercise is the best medicine for us. We want to make sure we don't turn it into poison we want to move because we love our body and basis so we don't shoot our husband but again also exercise can help with anxiety and this is really interesting because again I suffered from chronic anxiety for many years and they're seeing that people who are prone to anxiety it actually helps to exercise. I had the research it now I get why...
? Because when you run or when you begin to work out what happens to you, what goes up your heart rate goes up, maybe you sweat, you turn red a little bit, breathing becomes more shallow, your heart rate goes up and guess what happens when you get anxious all off the same things. So if you have anxiety, it's helping you adapt to these responses? Not like everything, it doesn't. The half work for everybody all of the time, but I just had an ah ha moment last week when I was working out on stage, I never had a concern for having an anxiety attack, and they were they were chronic, there were debilitating. When I when I had an anxiety attack, you would know it. Did you ever see the movie? I think it's news room where william hurt, was it william hurt was a really suave newscaster, and then someone stepped in for him. Remember this, and he had a panic attack on camera, and he was sweating and that's exactly what happens to me. My heart rate goes up, I could deal with that. I get a little claustrophobic I could do with that. I would be standing here in this sub zero rule, and all of a sudden it would look like I'd run a marathon and you'd be looking to go what's up, start with a trickle. This what will that weird? That that's, my trigger talk about bad habits, my trigger? It was just a little bit of sweat, and that was my cue that omg, I'm gonna have a massive I'm joking about it now but when I was going through it it was no joking matter it did feel like I was dying and I always associate it that when I was moving I always never would have an anxiety attack because I have the microphone I was in control but I'm now reconsidering that I'm thinking is because I was already eliciting the same response physically then I did mentally and again my body doesn't know the difference between where that stress is coming from is it physical exercise or was it a thought so the adaptation to that stress response gets a little bit more comfortable doesn't work for everyone but I encourage you if you have a high anxiety level like I did maybe see what happens when you take a low to moderate intensity and just build up that resilience to those feelings that often come up when you feel the anxious and for those who that have not gone through it I cannot stress enough for those who have been through it I sympathize with you I have not lived your story but I do know what it like it feels like to feel and be in a body that is going through a natasha like that it's pretty debilitating to your life but there are steps that we can do to help go through that high intensity workouts well this is the buzzword off this century and I think what's happened is I don't know when this happened, the workouts have suddenly become harder and harder, and now our interval training now has become high intensity interval training like interval training wasn't enough. I'm not there is nothing wrong in this, but this item e is the exception, not the norm, and if you love this kind of work out great, but if you're highly competitive in your own impersonal in dna and you have high anxiety, thes might not be the workouts because they actually will trigger mohr anxiety. So, again, this is not a one fits for everybody, but just notice if you're moving for your mental health and your physical well being and your long term health, what workouts are the best choice not just for you today, but fifteen years from now, what's the risk versus the reward how do you feel when you're doing these types of workouts and if you feel empowered and challenged inflow have at it? I am not standing here to say, don't do what you're doing if you love it, but remind yourself, what are you training for? And where is the recovery for your body in the week? If you're doing this, you train hard, you need to recover hard to your body will thank you for it and quality of workout versus quantity. How is your body moving when you're doing this work out are you moving with full range of motion with good quality movement with good alignment if the answer's yes keep going if the answer's no let's maybe revisit that story why are you working out? I want us to work out for our life to empower ourselves toe live the best life that we can for as long as we can whatever that means for each and every one of us is guaranteed certain set time on this planet we don't know what tomorrow will bring so we can move though to make the met best and the most of these moments oftentimes we get really focused on our heart rate for intensity but what about heart rate for life? I encourage you at home also to think about this it's called heart rate variability it's not just your heart rate that we see here your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate it's how well your heart rate adapt to the little ups and downs that happened throughout the day of summer scares your shock you or you get that phone call or you make you slip your heart rate spikes your heart rate is not constant throughout the day goes up and down up and now when we're young are ah heart is pliable it's plastic like our brain is but as we get older and also with being sedentary and sitting our heart becomes less plastic and as you age that declining plasticity stops the heart from being able to react to the life moments so easily so it's not just how the resting heart rate how's your maximum hari but how does your heart rate adapt toe life? We want to stay young at heart for this game cold life so moving for mood is one thing. Moving to keep your heart strong is another on dh that's where I think interval training it could come in because intervals gets your body your heart rate going up and then recovering and up but when I say intervals, I don't mean I go all out card breathe almost want to throw up intervals I mean, I'm gonna walk to the next post and then I see a tree I'm gonna test you can take it to the next tree and then I see a guy in the yellow jacket I'm gonna kind of walk it'll slow it's likely the guy on the other track and that's an ice cream back. I'm going to walk us fast like on that kind of thing in little spurts, a little recovery little sports and that is a great way to train your heart for life so no one can tell you which is the right work out for you I just want me to pick something what you confined flow reframed the why behind why you move and the rest will take care of itself I spoke to a girl check you sent me an email, we should come to one of my lectures. It was basing this piece of the course and she said the next week I went back home and I refrained my why I lost two pounds I wasn't even thinking about it, you know, make make the weight last the byproduct, not the goal make the goal quality of life meaning of life, purpose, mood, vitality, creativity you know all of that and then the weight loss if we need to do it for our health with guidance will make that the byproduct of moving for a powerful life. Also we talk about, you know, restorative moves, I'm moving, moving for mood, tai chee and some of the eastern types of movements and that's what we've been doing today, not tight, ian is true a sense, but these soft flowing, more movements help lower stress that's why I chose those particular move, they help laura anxiety, they helped with balance and bound it to something just like, ah, heart or brain if you don't use it, you lose it, and denise, you know, that's, one of the highest risk that come when we get older is false so we need to train things for life, too, not just for what we look like, but how we can enjoy our life and tight. She was seeing a lot of this. I see a lot of this in on in l a we could do this in groups just they have tighty communities along the beach doing tighty and nature, doing it in front of the ocean, a great way to really bring nature, community, nurture sense of self balance, vitality, energy all into one, work out another thing to think about when working out for mood. The higher, intense workouts can actually elicit a negative emotion to it. Where is the lower intensity work? It's tend to have no really emotion attached to it. When workouts get too high and we start getting out of that flow and into anxiety, we could start going, I don't like it. We can stop placing a negative attachment to that actual workouts, so just be mindful of that another thing that really helps us we work out my mood is music they're showing now that when you put on your favorite song, your entire brain lights up it's that fast, you listen to your favorite song, every area of your learning brain lights up excuse me. Photo yogi said petra, thank you for speaking out about what workouts are the best fit and at what age is you really do rock this's not a question just my two thousand appreciation thank you and the thing is petrol actually means rock but also music is another great way of elevating mood if you if monday or like wednesday you wake up and you just need to feel more vital, take your favorite song and put it on your playlist mood and music are so into over it listens emotions when you're working out, it helps you go harder fast along without even realizing it, it can move you into flow music is very powerful, we can use music to keep us inspired energized throughout all work out state motivated and oftentimes will say, well, doesn't music distract you and I'd like something I want to be distracted I just wantto have that rocking tune on my head. And do you ever find that if you all of those people that listen to music, I confined him outside walking and then I for l will come on also, I'm like leaping and running like looking all crazy, but it and it's just organic and it's just yummy and it's not the punishment is for celebration, and if we could just do that, what great things we're going to do here this is just a little bit I'm gonna you can take tempos and then help moderate your intensity based on your music on going to a little promo pitch for this next lap. But I think it's so wonderful, but I just wanted to share with you guys in a home, but it's, not a sales pitch, but it's just awesome, and I am part owner of its time it just full disclosure there, but you know when you have that running all that walking and the music's just a little bit too slow or too fast, you're trying to keep up with it. There's, a great app called temple magic pro and it's like pitch control on your iphone or your smartphone, and if you're running it like, say, one, twenty eight strides a minute, you can take your favorite song and slide it to one twenty eight and then your beat on your workout go hand in hand that for ninety nine and alicia is like tempo for any song that you want to come lock in. If you have a favorite running tempo, you can lock it in and just go at it brings all your songs up that's so cool I was just wishing for that the other day, boo, I thought they should have a knack for that. They is really pretty powerful zay just mention that because it is such a great toilet's, not crazy, expensive, and then when it comes to our mood sleep, you cannot skip sleep, you can only borrow against it. Sleep is so important for us, and I don't know if you know what happened to eighteen, seventy nine to change everything. The light bulb was invented, so up until that point we had on natural sleep, patton and all of a sudden that changed so we are a nation of being sleep deprived there's so much research out there, but sleep is so important for happiness for tea creates stress, anxiety, conflict, a depression on after water, air and food street is the most critical thing necessary for our bodies. You cannot ignore sleep, quality, sleep. We're going to look a little bit about the blue zones, and then we're going to get moving on. Then we're going to sit and talk a little bit of again because every time I feel that, like, you know, it's, getting into the wee hours were going just move a little bit going to a chair, work out that you could do it, get desk, so we'll do that we'll wrap that up in a moment. But I want to talk about what we call the blue zones this is research done by dan buechner and he studied the blue zones and what these are ah where people around the world live the longest and he went and studied to see what with the commonalities in these places where had the most centurion on the healthiest vital living active in their communities in this five areas there's loma linda california the koya costa rica sardinia italy ikaria greece on okinawa japan and they have a lot in common we're going to go through the nine commonalities in a moment and see how we can apply those into our own life but they move naturally they have a tribe a community huge they have a good outlook on life and they eat wisely is a lot that can be learned from these blue zones the first thing is they move naturally they don't go to a gym for their workouts they're out gardening that out grocery shopping there maybe you know cutting a baking food bread really active and these these communities burn five times more calories in non fitness based movement than we do five times more not even going to a gym they have a sense of purpose and they can explain it ah purpose driven life as years to your life s saying having a purpose driven life can add up to seven years to your life a life with meaning and purpose they take time to manage their stress, not saying that they don't have stress but they manage it. Some areas have a thing called happy hour other times they have come to come together and talk is a community and have rituals around their family they have a work with elders, they they they have they take a nap in the afternoon, john was saying whether was great things, we can do it for our health and our mood has taken that and then they have the eighty percent rule they stop eating when they're eighty percent full look at that like eighty percent good twenty percent bad, you know but eighty percent wonderful than never stuff for and they tend to work with a more plant based diet and with limited meat consumption this is across all five areas they are moderate drinkers five o'clock somewhere and they drink with family and food not on their own and throughout the week you can't all added up to that last day like piled back like seventeen green ales or whatever it is and they have faith based communities, whether they're not always religious there's a spiritualist sense of a purpose, something bigger than then us here right now family came first and they had social networks they're saying that the sense of community it's one of the biggest implications to our longevity and our sense of well being and in the movie happy they were filming some japanese communities recently and the kids were like running up the up the up the hill and the grand parents were there clapping and the interview went up to the grand parents and their say well which child is your you know your grand baby and the like oh that's not my why are you here? Well because everyone's here we're here for the children it's community you we talk about the gift ofthe time you know time is free but it's priceless you can't own it but you can use it you can keep it but you can spend it and time once you've lost it you could never get it back so it's what we do with these moments with this moment in time how we use our thoughts to how we consider and reframe the moment that s so important in terms of our health our life our quality of life and our length of life again move for yourself but also move for your family teach by doing social contagion they say that your attitude and your behavior's especially at home how like a fifteen percent impact on your family so if you choose to move there's a fifty percent higher likelihood that the rest of your family and those around you will also move if you choose to eat well there's a fifteen percent increased likelihood the people around you will also choose well so we can tell people what they should be doing, but they're gonna learn by following us. They say kids are not very good at listening, but they are excellent at copying. So be mindful. What messages where, sending out there, how do we operate in the world? What kind of life do we lead be the change. Yeah, and then oftentimes we finish each day, and we, like, reflect on and come back together as family and know that we did the best that we could with what we had in that moment. And our best is good enough, it's being perfectly and perfect and being perfectly human and the gift of being human.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I decided to do something just for me and I am so glad I did. I am completely enjoying Moving to Happiness. You said what made you happy in the past and I thought of my horse. What makes you happy now but I couldn't think of anything associated with that. Than the woman said "Just breath" and I immediately thought of nature. Walks in the park and the quietness. So you could hear the birds are see the deer. The leaves crunching underfoot in the Fall. Not far along in the course and don't have the book but oh am I enjoying it. Thank you so much Petra.
Michal Levi
Overall, this was an awesome class. So much good content, so well taught, nice contributions from the live audience (which does not always happen). If I was assigning a grade, I would give Petra an A+ for a truly well put together class. She also did a good job of summarising the research in this area. : )
Life changing course. The best 11 hours you can gift yourself or others. Thank you Petra and CreativeLive.
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