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The Art Of Unposing

Lesson 10 from: Family Group Posing

Vicki Taufer

The Art Of Unposing

Lesson 10 from: Family Group Posing

Vicki Taufer

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Lesson Info

10. The Art Of Unposing

Lesson Info

The Art Of Unposing

I call this the art of unposing, and I know I've already mentioned it a little bit but it's that concept of not photojournalism, but not really stiff, formal posing. A little more relaxed posing, and how do we get that? So you saw me attempt to do that in the last session. I will reattempt it again in this one, and do some of those different groupings and things that we're gonna talk about. But I will always trade technically perfect for the expression. You saw me do that. I'll do it again. That's how I shoot. I think of myself as a composer or a director, so in the case of the last shoot, the little one wasn't super warmed up to me so, of course, I'm not gonna go up there and like, sit here and touch and move and pose. So that actually works to my advantage that I don't work that way a lot anyway. It's a lot of mimicking, like, I'll do this. I'll sit on the couch, now you do that, and what's cool is, a lot of times a client will not sit the same way I sat, but the way they sit is supe...

r comfortable and it looks natural, and I can just do little tweaks maybe with how their hands are and just direct them. It's a lot of mimicking. But I actually call it the namaste theory of photography 'cause, really, I think there is so much back and forth during that whole session that you're feeding off of each other and you are, I can bring things down a little quieter and get those quiet smiles and I'll talk softer. And then be super excited and energetic and tell 'em to do fun things and do the group pose and the huggle, and they'll have those more fun reactions and expressions. And then again, I'm gonna put that in every slide, have fun, 'cause really, what's it all worth if you're not having fun? So that's really important to me that I'm enjoying what I'm doing. And your clients know that's real. I mean, honestly, kids are so intuitive, pets are super intuitive, people are super intuitive. They know if this is just, if it's not real versus you're having fun and enjoying this whole experience with them. And setting the stage and playing. So, for example, a shot like this, it's in a warehouse that we've shot in. Super fun, obviously there were not just feathers there. That's very posed. Mom loves feathers, brought in a bag of feathers, having to kids through 'em. We do that with fake snow. We do that all the time with kids twirling when they come in, like, pretty dresses. This would be a very common shot. This was actually, probably a shot from about 17 years ago. I just, two years ago, did the little ones high school senior pictures. So, I mean it's just, you don't always have to get the people's faces. Like, this tells a story. Huge wall portrait in their home. That's a beautiful shot than always just looking at the camera.

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Ratings and Reviews


All I have to say is - Vicki you are a saint. To handle four kids, dog and their parents too, not to mention a class of students watching...AND YOU'RE TAKING PHOTOS, GOOD ONES!! All I know is, I could not handle that as you have even though I was a teacher for 25 years (K-12, all of them) - and wonderful people like you are far and few between. May you stay healthy and happy and continue interacting with kids and parents - you really have a talent! (I had to turn the sound off on the vid because it was driving me crazy,, with kids, dog, etc etc!)

Marla GIbson

It was true to life and yes, a bit chaotic. But I enjoyed it, it shows the work that often does go into a session with all the multitasking. I got some great ideas for poses, and learned some new way to interact with younger children. Thank you for a honest session and not a perfect planned one.

Lee Boddington

Awesome class, really informative, and loved how you handled all the chaos. Great sales and promotional advice from your hubby too. Fantastic, well rounded :)

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