Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
1Why Lead Generation Is Important To Businesses
03:28 2Understanding The Market
05:29 3The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
03:57 4There Are Many Ways To Drive Leads.
01:59 5The Framework Of Lead Generation
02:17 6Quiz: Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
What’s a Lead worth?
The Value Of A Lead Depends On The Business
07:26 8Positioning Your Services (4;12)
04:12 9Quiz: What’s a Lead worth?
Driving leads with a chatbot
10Why Chatbots Are Effective
03:04 11How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Client
10:04 12Growing A High-Quality Messenger List
06:18 13Tracking Success With Your Chatbot
07:55 14Building A Loyal Fanbase
04:31 15Quiz: Driving leads with a chatbot
Driving leads natively on Facebook
16An Introduction To Lead Forms And Facebook Canvas
06:00 17How To Set Up Lead Forms
05:29 18How To Set Up Facebook Canvas
04:23 19Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
10:18 20Retargeting Lead Generation Audiences
12:09 21Monitoring The Success Of Your Lead Generation Campaigns.
09:21 22Quiz: Driving leads natively on Facebook
How to drive high quality traffic
23How Do You Define A Good Lead
04:21 24How to use Attributes with your Chatbot
07:13 25Filtering Traffic With Attributes In Messenger.
05:41 26Quiz: How to drive high quality traffic
Tracking and adding value
27How To Track Lead Completions
16:25 28Optimizing Your Lead Campaigns
13:43 29Have Something To Offer
07:26 30How Leads Upsell To Future Sales.
05:16 31Quiz: Tracking and adding value
How to be an all-star freelancer
32Knowing Your Clients and Their Pain Points
04:26 33Delivering Through A Painless Process.
07:53 34Checklists - A Map To Driving Results
04:11 35Troubleshooting - When Things Go Wrong, Since They Do
03:50 36Quiz: How to be an all-star freelancer
05:11Final Quiz
38Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How Do You Define A Good Lead
we've talked a few times now about how leads have to be both quality and quantity and how quality should weigh more than quantity. This is more important. So how do you define a good leader? How do you know that you're driving high quality leads? There's some things to avoid, Like don't do worldwide targeting. If I want to drive the cheapest leads possible, I would target worldwide and you're gonna get a lot of people sign up that aren't part of your custom audience or your core audience that your custom audience, make sure you're targeting is on key really comes to those three things. Are those two things really, the content and the targeting. So the content, you need to make sure you're setting the right expectations. I see a lot of people will drive a lot of quantity leads, they'll drive a ton of leads are cheap by doing things that have nothing to do with the brand. So maybe they're working for a moving company, but then to get weeds, they're giving away an ipad or tickets to a con...
cert or something that has no connection at all to the conversion at the end. So of course when you give someone tickets to a concert. Hey, so, and so Coldplay is coming to town this week, give us your email and you'll be entered into a chance to receive the tickets or give us your email and you'll be entered for a free vacation to hawaii of course, who's not gonna do that? So you get all these emails and then all these people like, oh yeah, you know what hawaii that sounds great. And then the next thing, you know, they're getting emails about, oh by the way, do you need help moving or with the moving truck or packing packing tape, whatever like no, you know, wrong target. So the content needs to do a good job of setting expectations. So make sure if you're using legion where you're giving away something for free in order to get there, their email address, their contact information, their phone number, you're giving them a list. Ical video of a coupon or just adding them to your list. So you can email them in general, you know, updates. And we're trying to give you the email, make sure whatever lead gen practices you use has connection to the brand and to the conversion. So of course if I just want to drive weeds, I would do anything. I just mentioned, I'd invite all my friends who know me personally but aren't my core target, A lot of people do that to grow their page two, they have a new page on facebook. Like my page has no fans. So the first thing they do is they invite all their family and friends. But that makes no sense because your family and friends aren't your target audience, you know, for me, I do facebook advertising, my mom and dad and sister and friends from high school don't need that. There's no sense in this polluting my audience base, It's the same thing with leads. Alright, so make sure the content matches up and then the targeting target the right people don't target kids, right? Unless it makes sense to your goalie brand. But usually the brand or the client should know who their core audiences and facebook will give you that data anyways. But just make sure that you use the targeting capabilities on facebook to filter out people that might sign up but not have the money to purchase. Maybe I'm working with a high end brand like Ferrari or something. I could probably drive a lot of leads of kids that are interested in Ferraris like 18 year old males that Love Ferraris and want a chance to win a Ferrari, but they're not my core audience because they don't have the money to buy a Ferrari. Right? So I want to make sure that my content might match with The brand because maybe I'm giving away you can rent a Ferrari for a day and I'll have always 18 year old sign up with it. But the target has to as well, Right? If you if you're missing on either one of those, either contents way out of whack and has no connect or the targeting too broad in this case, then you're going to have low quality leads. So A quality lead is a way that converts at a good percentage. This will vary by vertical, but you want at least a 1% conversion rate for your list, Ideally it should be a little higher than 1%. We've seen maybe 3-6% as a conversion rates a little higher than clicks convert because they've already given you an email address. If your conversion rates are really, really low, it's a good sign that those leads are not good quality. We're going to take the next few lessons to again switch back to the laptop, show you how to do some clever forms of content and targeted by doing things like quizzes and other different variations that will help you drive quality leads. So even though the cost, we might be a little bit higher doing this overall, the quality will be higher, which means the conversion rate will be higher, which means the client will be happier. Let's dive back over the laptop and then we'll see you guys back here in the classroom afterwards.
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