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Tape Delay - Part 2

Lesson 48 from: Music Production in Logic Pro X: Vocal Mixing Essentials

Tomas George

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48. Tape Delay - Part 2

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about the modulation features in Logic Pro&#8217;s Tape Delay.</b>
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Tape Delay - Part 2

Hi. In this video, I'm just gonna run you through the modulation section in logic pro's tape delay. So what we have here, it is a delay unit that I've put on this bus and I've soloed it. So let's have a listen to that. When was his precious mash? OK. So that's the tape delay in action there. And what I'm gonna show you now is the LFO and what that actually does to the delay. So the LFO is a low frequency oscillator and that oscillator is used to modulate the delay time. OK. So there's a delay time and the LFO just pushes it back and forth in time. So if there's a delay time of a crotchet note, for example, it will just increase and decrease it at the rate of the LFO and at the intensity set by this style here. So let's actually listen to what that sounds like. What I'll do is I'll switch the LFO rate to one Hertz, which means one cycle per second. So picture a sine wave that just crosses your ear in a second and I'll increase the intensity. So what you should hear now is the delay time...

just deviate slightly from crotchet notes or quarter notes. When was p mash fresh? So, as you can hear now, the repetitions are a bit more varied. They're a bit more irregular. Let's turn that down. Wind roses, mass smashes there. Ok. For the briefest surface of the country. When using its extremes, this can create a chorus like effect because it's effectively a similar process to what a chorus does. I'm gonna increase the rate here just so it's a bit more noticeable. No. So that's what it sounds like at 10 Hertz. So remember 10 Hertz is 10 cycles per second. So I'm just gonna turn that down, gonna make it really slow. So at 0.5 that's half a cycle per second. And I'm just gonna dial down the LFO intensity when rushes, rushes, rushes, rushes great. The next thing I wanna show you is flutter. So the flutter in the tape delay just emulates the natural variations of a vintage echo delay naturally with analog or type based equipment. There's going to be variations, there's gonna be flutters. So this allows us to emulate that character if I increase the flutter intensity and have it at a rate at let's do 0.5 Hertz. This will create some speed or pitch variation to the delayed signal. Let's have a listen. When Ross Bushes rushes, rushes just gonna turn down the LR intensity just so that we can isolate the flutter when was pre smash. Finish OK. So you could hear some repetitions there that sounded like higher pitch notes. That's because they were higher pitched notes just gonna increase the rate. So things get really modulated, the wind brushes past me. Excellent. Generally, I prefer quite slow settings because I like to use long tape delay echoes which just accumulate a sort of bed of sound at the back of the sound stage, which really adds some depth to the mix and some slight flutter on them just makes things a bit more interesting. A little less static, a bit more colorful. So that's logic pro's tape delay and how you use it and how it might be useful to you when mixing. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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