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Adobe Camera Raw

Lesson 37 from: Photoshop for Beginners: Essential Training

Mark Wallace

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37. Adobe Camera Raw

This plug-in for Photoshop is a tool that can stand on its own. Mark gives an overview of Camera Raw and explains why you should use it.
Next Lesson: XMP Sidecar Files


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Class Introduction


Introducing Photoshop


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How To Open Files


Using The Home Screen


Exploring The Interface


Getting Additional Help


Understanding Workspaces


Lesson Info

Adobe Camera Raw

Adobe camera Raw is the software, it's a plug in for Photoshop, it's pre installed. When you install Photoshop, you install the adobe camera Raw plug in and it is what we use to interpret and develop all the raw files that will be using. It's also used as a filter. And so even if you don't have a raw file, you can still use some of the features of adobe camera raw to develop your images. And we're gonna spend quite a bit of time looking at adobe camera raw. But let's look at some file types here on the computer. And so notice that I have files have different file extensions and so we have PSD files. That is a photoshopped file. A PSD file is a Photoshop file. A DMG file is a digital negative. That's a raw file specifically from a, like a camera, D N G. Digital Raw C R W is a proprietary raw file from a Canon camera. The original camera camera Raw R A W. So that's sort of abbreviated their cr three is a newer version of Canon's camera Raw. So, and from C R W camera Raw to see our 22 Cr ...

three. So we have that and so you can see all of these different raw files, we even have this one right here red eye dot N E F. That's a Nikon Raw file. And so it depends on which camera brand you have, They all have different file extensions, but those are all raw files. The other thing that you'll notice in the class materials as we have all of these little files that say x M p and they happen to be named the same as some of the other files beach dot DMG. It's a raw file and then there's beach dot X M p. It goes together with that, same with cami skin and Fannie and Wanna and all of these different things have X M p files. And so we're going to talk about x M p files in the next session for now. What I want to do is we're gonna take wanna, we've been working with the Jpeg file this entire time. Now let's take a look at the raw file. So open wanna dot J R dot DMG. So I'm gonna double click on that. It's going to go into Photoshop and then it's going to open camera raw. Now camera raw is broken up into many different sections. So over here, on the right hand side, I'm gonna zoom this over here and then zoom in so you can see these icons. So we have different sections of the edit section, the crop and rotate section. We have the spot removal section, the adjustment brush section, graduated filters, radio filters, red eye removal snapshots, presets and then more stuff. The nice thing about this is a lot of these things, Almost all of these will behave in a similar way to things that we've already covered in this class. The other thing that you'll notice is some of these have a little dot next to them. So this one has a little dot next to it. This one has a little dot next to it. This means that in this raw file there have been adjustments that have been made in this section. So I've done something in the edit section, I've done something in the crop and rotate section. This is telling me, hey you've made changes here but not in any of these other sections. So if we go back here to the camera raw section, I'm going to click on the edit section. If I open the basic section you can see I've moved these sliders around to change exposure and contrast and highlights. That's why this has a little dot there, it's telling me I've made changes. But the thing is I have made these changes but guess what? I can make these changes again and again and again and again as many times as I want forever and make different versions of the same thing. So I'm gonna hit cancel right now and then next, what we're going to do is we're gonna talk a little bit more about those sidecar files and then we're gonna dive into adobe camera raw and we're going to walk through the process of editing an image and go through each of those sections one by one

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Ratings and Reviews


Mark did a great job at explaining things and going over them multiple times throughout the lessons. My only issue was that sometimes it went a little faster than I could keep up and I needed to rewind it a bit and start again. But from someone who has never worked in photoshop before I 100% recommend this class to anyone trying to learn.

Terri Schwartz

Student Work