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Camera Raw: Adjustment Brush

Lesson 42 from: Photoshop for Beginners: Essential Training

Mark Wallace

Camera Raw: Adjustment Brush

Lesson 42 from: Photoshop for Beginners: Essential Training

Mark Wallace

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42. Camera Raw: Adjustment Brush

Mark explains how you can use the Adjustment Brush to make local changes to your image by “brushing on” specific adjustments. This is generally a better option than the Burn and Dodge tools.


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Camera Raw: Adjustment Brush

the next three tools that we're going to be using all share common characteristics. They are local adjustment tools. One is the adjustment brush when it's the graduated filter and one is the radio filter. The nice thing is they all share common functionality. And so once you know how to use one of these tools, you'll know how to use all of these tools. So to explore this a little bit more fully, we're gonna open two different photos so hop over here into Photoshop and we're going to click on file and open and then we're gonna open amEC dot D N G and so open and immediately you're going to get to adobe camera raw. Now here is the cool thing about adobe camera, we can use a smart object and that allows us to hop back and forth into adobe camera Raw um forever. And so it's the same thing as working in adobe camera Raw over and over. So down here on the right hand side, click open as object. And that's going to open this in Photoshop. And we know it's a smart object because it has that nic...

e little groovy thing. Now we're gonna go and say file open. And then what we want to do is we want to go to our beach dot DMG and click open and then we're going to click open as object that's going to open in Photoshop. Okay, so go back to here to a mech. And then we want to do is double click on the icon right here in the layers menu and when we do that, it opens adobe camera Raw. So we can go back and forth between Adobe camera Raw and Photoshop and adobe camera Raw. If we use smart objects, it's a really amazing thing. So what we want to do here is take a look at these three things. We have the adjustment brush, we have the graduated filter and we have the radio filter. These all do local adjustments. Now notice in the all of these things the adjustment brush, we have a size and feather and we have all these things selective edits, Q and color and all of that stuff. If we go to the graduated filter notice we have the same exact selective edits and hue saturation, all those adjustments and if we go to the radio filter we also have all the same selective edits the hue and saturation and all of those things. So we're going to start with the adjustment brush. So remember the thing that you can do is you can choose how to do your local adjustments, you want to paint it on? Do you want to use a graduated filter to apply it or do you want to use a radio filter? So I'm gonna show you each of these but the thing to understand is all of the adjustments that you make can be done in all three of these tools, the exact same way it's just how you choose to apply those adjustments. So you have three different flavors of applying adjustments. This first one here is a brush, so you just brush on the filter. So at the very top this is going to have the size of the brush so we can see over here how big this brush is the feather which we talked about earlier, how hard or soft the edges of the brush, our The flow, which is when you paint this on, how much of this effect goes on as you're painting. Does it all go on at once? A heavy flow of 100% or a flow of maybe 20 or 30 where it's just brushed on very lightly. And then the density is a similar thing. Like how dense do you want this to be? You want it to be very light or a lot. So we can do that. And then there's this auto mask so we can add a mask, like a layer mask to this. I'm gonna keep that off for right now. Okay, so the first thing I want to do is on the selective edits. There's this little reset button. I want to reset that to make sure that my brush is doing nothing or starting from scratch And we'll show you why you want to do that as we go forward. So what I'm going to do here is I'm gonna take my exposure uh down by -4. So you can really see what happens. And then I'm gonna take my brush and I'm just gonna paint over here on this escalator and you can see that I have painted. It looks like I'm painting black, but I'm not, what I'm painting on is a negative for exposure. So if I change the exposure, I can go plus or minus anywhere that I've painted, the changes that I've made in the selective edits show up there. So maybe instead of doing an exposure change there, maybe I will change the color temperature. You can see that changing where I've painted, or I can change the clarity of that thing, or I can change the hue of that thing, whatever it is you want to do in that specific area, You can do this. Maybe I can de saturate that thing. So, anywhere you've painted with that brush, the changes that you've made here in the selective edits show up. So let me reset that and let's do something that's more appropriate. So what I can do here is I'm gonna go to this brush and I'm going to delete it. Okay, so now we have no brush on the screen notice on this image that we have sort of a greenish tint here from the window. But here that color has changed, Maybe I want this to match this. I just want to change this part of the escalator. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna Make my colour temperature -100. Just so I can see where I'm painting and I paint over this escalator here. Okay, now I can start making changes so I'm gonna put this back to zero but I'm gonna change that tent maybe more green. And look at that now it's starting and I can paint a little bit more on here. There we go. So I've just made an edit to that one little area of the image. Maybe I can take the exposure up or down. Okay, I don't want to do that. Um The other thing I can do is I can turn on mask options and it shows me where I have painted so I can see where I've painted on there. Maybe I've painted too much. I want to get rid of some of that stuff. So up here where the brushes instead of adding, so adding any time I paint no matter where it is, I'm adding to that brush. So her face now has that color temperature adjustment. I can click the eraser and now I'm subtracting from that area so it's just like a mask. So over here, maybe I don't want to paint a little bit off of this escalator to the edges to see more clearly what I'm doing. I can turn that on or off. I can see exactly where I'm painting. Let's see what I've done. Okay, so I've done a selective edit. I've painted in that one area. But what if I want to change now this car right here. It's a little too bright in this area. I want to change that. I need to get a new brush. So up here we have a little plus if I click on that now I have a brand new brush to work with. So since this is a new brush, I'm gonna reset my edits because I don't want those colored things to do, I just want to go down here and change the exposure a little bit and then paint right here where this car is going to paint over that and then I'm going to adjust. Okay, so I've got that exposure, I'm taking that down a little bit, looks like I painted a little bit too much so I can hit minus, I can undo some of that. Now I've made to local adjustments. If I want to go back and change this escalator thing, I can click on it and I've got the color temperature changes. If I want to change this little car repaint, I can click on that. I've got the exposure changes. If I want to change adam's face here a little bit, Let me get a new brush reset that want to change the exposure to maybe plus 2.25 and I'm just going to paint on her face just a little bit. Maybe I want that a little bit brighter. Okay, now I've made a local adjustment right there. That's pretty cool. If I want to see those adjustments before and after I can click this little eyeball here that's before undo it, that's after. You can start seeing those local adjustments that I've made specific to this by painting on. Okay, next, we're gonna learn how to do the same exact thing, but we're gonna apply it using a graduated filter.

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Ratings and Reviews


Mark did a great job at explaining things and going over them multiple times throughout the lessons. My only issue was that sometimes it went a little faster than I could keep up and I needed to rewind it a bit and start again. But from someone who has never worked in photoshop before I 100% recommend this class to anyone trying to learn.

Terri Schwartz

Student Work