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Camera Raw: Spot Removal

Lesson 41 from: Photoshop for Beginners: Essential Training

Mark Wallace

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41. Camera Raw: Spot Removal

Use this panel to heal or clone areas of your image. Remove dust spots, fix skin blemishes, and more.


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Camera Raw: Spot Removal

the first two sections we've talked about so far are global adjustments, anything you do to the edit menu or the edit section. It just everything in the image. The same is true of the crop and rotate. Obviously it rotates everything in the image. Now we're gonna talk about local adjustments, things that you can do to specific parts of the image. And we're gonna start with the healing section. And so this behaves very similarly to the healing brush tools we've already talked about in this session and so we have over here on the right, we can heal or clone. So it's sort of like the healing brush and the clone tool all built in one. We're gonna stick with hell. So we can change the size of our brush here. We can change the feather. The feathering is something we haven't talked about just yet. And so what feather does is it tells Photoshop how the border of a brush should be. So it shouldn't just stop immediately or should it feather out should it be very soft and filter out? So there's no...

t a hard edge feathering? Is is it a soft edge or really hard edge? Generally speaking, you want a nice soft edge. So any edit you make doesn't show up really hard in the image. So I'm gonna keep my feather to about oh 45 or 50 something like that. And then the opacity is how how opaque how much this shows up in the image. So um with this healing generally you want it to be 100% fixed. So what we're gonna do here is we're going to zoom in on the lower left hand of adobe camera raw, you can see we have some zoom tools, you can also see these on the lower right hand corner. The zoom and the hand tools are there so I can click that and zoom in just like we did before. You can use the the shortcut keys, easy for the zoom in tool. So we all have that. Okay, so at 100% you'll notice that my tool here, my healing tool has a solid circle in the middle and then a dash circle on the outside that shows you where the effect starts to end and where it actually ends. And so it's where the feather starts and stops, how things fade out. If I change this feather to zero you see that that is much smaller. If I change that feather to 100 you can see that the small circle and the big circle are much farther apart so it's fading out in a much larger rate. So it sort of gives you a visual of the feather. So I'm gonna keep that at about 30. I'm gonna change my size Down to about 11. And then what we want to do is we want to heal some things. So I'm gonna go we see this little spot right here so we don't need such a big tool. So I'm gonna try to heal this little spot right here and I'm just going to click on it. And what this does is it does what the healing brush does in our normal filter. And so it's going to say where are we pulling from this? This and where are we going to now? I can change where we're pulling from by clicking on this circle and dragging it to an area where I want to come from. So I don't want it to come from that section. I wanted to match her skin over here so I can say that and I can also click on the side of this to make that correction larger or smaller. So if my brush size wasn't quite right, I can do that, I can move this around. So you've got all these different forgiveness is built in where you can change things and then I can go in here and maybe I want to fix this little blemish there. It's a pretty big brush will make it smaller and then we can maybe go in here and do, I don't know this guy over here. And so you're starting to see these different things. These are called overlays. It's showing us where we've made adjustments. I can turn those on and off by clicking this overlay button. If I see one of these images that I just don't like, I can go and click on it. Maybe click on this guy. So I don't like that one so much and I can delete it and get rid of it. The other thing you can do with this healing tool instead of just using the brush and clicking and dot you can paint. And so let's try to get rid of this tattoo here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to paint over the tattoo and now notice that's not a circle, it's sort of an area. And now we have these two little flag pin things here and it's saying the same thing. The green one is where we're pulling from, the red one is where we're going to, if I shut off the overlay, you can see we did an okay job. Maybe we need to take that and move it around just a little bit. We might need to do some adjustments down here so we can go in and uh make some changes to that. We can change the size, you can do some different things, you get the idea. So we have those same heel and clone tools that we had earlier, but now they're built into adobe camera rob and they're totally non destructive

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Ratings and Reviews


Mark did a great job at explaining things and going over them multiple times throughout the lessons. My only issue was that sometimes it went a little faster than I could keep up and I needed to rewind it a bit and start again. But from someone who has never worked in photoshop before I 100% recommend this class to anyone trying to learn.

Terri Schwartz

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