Day 1
1Day 1 Pre-Show
08:03 2History of Scrapbooking
32:58 3Becky's Story & How Project Life Began
26:23 4What is Project Life? & Q&A
16:05 5Free Preview: Getting Started
28:16 6Prioritizing Goals & Thinking Long-term
26:03 7Project Life Products
23:22Organizing Products
42:22 9Organizing Your Photos & Supplies
32:14 10Pulling it All Together
40:18 11Project Life Process with Q&A
37:26 12Day 1 Wrap-Up
03:31Day 2
13Day 2 Pre-Show
07:23 14Organizing Memorabilia
26:17 15Scanning & Photographing Memorabilia
37:09 16Odd-Sized Photos & Holiday Cards
23:17 17Ideas for the Project Life Mini Album
38:54 18Ideas for the Project Life Mini Album Pt 2
30:25 19Organizing Digital Photos
37:16 20Editing Photos
24:57 21Printing & Archiving Photos
16:27 22Digital Project Life with Guest Kari Holt
25:39 23Digital Project Life with Guest Kari Holt Pt 2
44:01 24Day 2 Wrap-Up
02:25Day 3
25Day 3 Pre-Show
10:07 26Digital Photography with Guest Kara Layne
44:47 27Basic Photo-Taking Tips
20:47 28Photos that Tell a Story
17:52 29Journaling Ideas
28:12 30Journaling Tips & Tools
25:57 31Embellishing Project Life
21:15 32Skype Call with Stacy Julian
16:26 33Social Media
24:06 34Creating Real-Life Social Circles
33:19 352:30 - Benefits of Project Life
44:52 36Strategies to Stay Motivated
14:31 37Project Life Closing Thoughts
18:56 38Day 3 Wrap-Up
01:47 39Thank You + Credits
06:12Lesson Info
Organizing Digital Photos
Let's, get right back into a naturally have a very special guest coming up becky take it away way dio I hardly know where to begin with introducing my next guests or might my first guess really we have a couple a few actually during these segments but all right, so this segment we're going to be talking about the digital aspect of memory keeping and touching on all things digital we obviously are not going to go super in depth in terms of everything to deal with digital elements for everything but when you talk specifically about memory keeping and scrap booking and even project life there are certain things about digital that we do understand we want to understand and lots of questions they keep coming up based on what I'm sharing but wait, wait, wait stop right there. What do you mean by that? How do you scan? And then what? You know there's a lot of questions that come up with digital that I want to be able to delve into. So as I was developing the content of the for the class, I wa...
s really thinking there's got to be a segment that covers this digital stuff so I started going down this path of thinking of what I wanted to cover and how almost everything that I have learned I learned some things on my own, but I have learned a lot from my big brother kevin and kevin is somebody that a lot of people know from my audience already they know him is techie kevin and that's because sometimes he makes an appearance on my block because my own audience is asking a lot of questions that I thought the expert on when it comes to technology and I've learned significantly over the years and I consider myself pretty tech savvy for some things and a lot of that is because whenever I have a quick question even if my husband doesn't know it we know who to call kevin all guyer is his name and he does wear a cape and r and r in our company all of my team knows that kevin has his superhero kate because no matter what the issue is he can fix it he can understand that he can explain it and that's why I've invited him to be here with us today because he's so good at explaining things when it comes to technology so kevin has spent probably twenty years which is say and the tech industry and he is truly an expert in a guru in all things tech and digital related now I should say it's not necessarily a scrapbook er he is necessarily know he's just not he's not a scrapbook er I've never tried to force that upon him but he we are very different but we are also very like minded and I have to show you before I bring him up. I gotta bring back an old memory. And this is perfect for this segment, actually. And he found it at his finger tips this morning. We didn't practice and advance. I texted kevin this morning. Said, hey, you know that picture of you, me and andy in front of the computer and he texted back probably about three seconds later it said got it it's in dropbox and so that just tells you right there how amazing he is with technology. But this is our youngest brother, andrew and kevin in the middle and me clearly the most enthusiastic of the bunch. He's the craziest kevin was serious. We were on the computer. But what what was this? This computer was this, like the old apple to eat that in a classic apple two e and so it's fun to see. The technology goes back with us and our family and we love being on here in plain wheel of fortune and olympics in some of those basic black and white primitive games. So I'll stop reminiscing, but I am super honored and thrilled to welcome kevin all guyer. E I don't want to vote for mike. I am actually really happy to be here happy and excited. I think this is gonna be a lot of fun today. I do have to say with this picture here you can see we're playing wheel of fortune that was not my ultimate favorite game on the apple to it. It was one of the games we played, swash buckler was the best game your way. We'll talk about that a lot of fun. So, yeah, thanks for having me on it's. Gonna be a lot of fun. Um, one of the so I've got a couple questions to ask you guys first and foremost, first of all, who has a cell phone? So this is mainly for the in studio audience? Yes, I've got one or two. Everybody s everybody has a cell phone, has a laptop, okay? Almost everybody all right? And it has a tablet device and ipad or android or okay, awesome. We're in the right place then. Ok, so this segment is all about technology, and we're gonna be talking about how to incorporate technology into the things that we do with project life and all things becky higgins, um so I'm gonna go ahead and grab the clicker here and I'm going to ask you guys one more question before we get into this I need to kind of gauge where we are with technology ok so here's the question the question is this is how I feel about technology okay there are three responses I embrace it I'm comfortable with it and I fear it okay so just to get an idea in a field where you guys are who embraces technology two of you okay who's comfortable with technology awesome and who fears it nobody fears that that ok we've got one one brave one in the audience as well I think a lot of people fear technology at one point or another maybe a different levels because technology can be a little scary because it's a little it's intimidating it's intimidating yeah there's a lot you can do with it you know it's very empowering but the same time there's a lot that could go wrong there's a lot of possibilities and that means a lot of questions so with today's segment of hoping with becky's help that will answer some of the questions that you guys have a cz wells the online audience embrace technology and they're ready to learn from you is that right down in there saying embracing and racing fearing it there no no embracing there's addiction my kind of people okay great that's great feedback thank you online audience ok, so let's, go and advance here. So the first thing I wanted to start with here to kind of kick off this entire segment is I wanted to go over a digital photography work flow. Okay, so this is how do I take pictures? We're not going to get into that so much the actual photography side, and then what do we do with those pictures of those files all the way through the end, including backup? So the steps we're going to be talking about it's sort of a high level today is the process of ingesting pictures into some management system. Um, the next up we're going to talk about is how to organize those pictures, and I know that you guys already have some questions about how best to do that. I've got some really good tips and tricks for you. Um, so we'll dive into that a little deeper. The next phase is to edit, so once we have them organize, we want to edit them for obvious reasons. And then after that we want to print and then finally, and this is a step that most people forget and please do not forget this, I'm gonna really drive this home at the end of this, and that is how the archive or back up your stuff. Probably done most important step out of all of this they're all critical but that's very important so the first thing I want to talk about is the process of ingesting what does that mean quite simply it's the process of taking files from a camera moving it over to something that can manage whether it's an ipad or a computer I've got my mac book pro here it's a great system I use software on it organize all my stuff it could be whatever just as long as you're using something to organize that um now I put up here cannon dslr okay this is a great camera cannon makes awesome cameras nikon makes great cameras but there's a lot of other really great cameras out there as well and as much as I love my cannon dslr I don't have it with me very often so it's not my favorite camera for that reason can you guess what my favorite camera is? Yes it is my iphone five s which I love and the reason I love it is because it's with me all the time it's normally in my back pocket but right now it's next door but it's a great camera in the same process it applies to this as it does for a traditional camera so we still have the same files resident on that device that we need to get into something to manage ok so let's now talk about um different ways that we can ingest pictures into a system so the first thing is a scanner now back you touched on this yesterday I know quite a bit where a lot of people have photos, actual photographs in a box, a shoebox somewhere stuff at the top of a closet I I remember that from yesterday because I actually think a lot of people just really resonate with that they're like oh, I've got that same closet dreaded shoebox syndrome right? Tss so a lot of people suffer with any of this please also guilty or anything but you know, scanners are great for ingesting photographs into something okay and um and it's not just photographs either. Becky talked about scanning lots of different things, whether it's it's two dimensional or three dimensional, even lots of possibilities with that but that's one way to get him in another way to get it in would be through a camera readers so that's simply I've got my canon camera I'm taking lots of pictures on it. It soars the pictures on a sd card take the sd card out, put it into a card reader connected to my computer, dump it into my organizational program okay, so that's another option cd dvd we don't see this very often much anymore, but it used to be back in the day when we took photos with with film based cameras that we would actually take it down to a local shop they would develop and then for an additional fee they would offer to put those pictures onto a dvd or a cd for us, right? Why that already feeling like a historical thing? I just happened. I think we can probably find that in cycling seem a book somewhere. S o b yeah that's a technology that we don't see very often anymore. And even now with digital photography we see it less and less because their cloud based systems to share those photos, right drop box and some other services and we'll talk about that later on too. So and then the last one I wanted to touch on quickly was the online services like your dropbox icloud. My cloud is a free apple service that I use in love it's actually the way it works is on my iphone, which I again have with me all the time I will snap a picture and then it automatically through their services will upload it to the cloud and then from my laptop I can then go out to the cloud and it automatically has pulled it down into my eye photo, which is what I used to manage, and so from the time that I take a picture to the time that it's in my eye photo library takes about fifteen to twenty seconds so there's nothing to physically can I have a word for that? That whole process that he explain which helps break it down I just call that magic like what apple is doing with icloud everything I always say oh my work this is magical like that's just magic I just took this and now it's on my computer in another state because I'm out of town and that just happened that is magic it's amazing it is amazing and it's it's great and what I like about that comment too is it is so easy that everybody can do it ok so that is one area that you should not fear if you fear technology that's whenever he shouldn't fear super simple um so with the scanner option here there's one thing I did want to touch on and that is image resolution ok, so a lot of times people feel like if they if they take a photograph and they put it on a flatbed scanner and they scan it, everything else just happens and the quality is going to be fantastic sometimes that's the case but not always eso one thing I wanted to kind of mention in this segment here is this concept of resolution so if we take a picture let's say a four by six picture and we put it on on a scan a flatbed scanner we scan that, um we have different levels of quality that weaken scan d p I or some people call it p p I ke pixels per inch dots per inch it's essentially the same thing in the first example here on screen I've got a picture that I took this happens to be a digital picture but you'll understand the concept of four by six and I scanned in at three hundred d p I ok? So three hundred d p I is about the minimum that you want to use when you're going to eventually print your photographs ok, you go higher than that. The only time that that really makes a difference is if you're doing big enlargements ok three hundred dp eyes kind of a nice comfortable area um if we go lower than that so here's another example of seventy two dots per inch or pixels per inch on screen it doesn't look very different the quality is about the same. The reason for that here in this setting is because the average screen resolution that we're looking at here is about seventy two d p I so we're not going to see a lot of difference there, but I wanted to include it for another reason in the second the third example that I have here is one that you can clearly see the difference on, right? So we have this one, said twenty five b p I not that anybody would be crazy enough to ever scan something at twenty five d p I hopefully um this is what we're hearing about d p I for the first time so they're going wait, wait that's great exactly. So I put this one up here to illustrate the difference between a three hundred d p I image and a twenty five d p I image so you can see as you get lower and lower on the dots per inch the image gets fuzzier okay less information in the same space. Okay, andan likewise, if we go higher than that, we'll have more information in the same space and so it's it's higher quality but again for print purposes three hundred fbi's is a nice sweet spot. The other thing to mention in addition to that is file size. Okay, this is a very real concern now I realize that hard drives or cheap but there is still a finite amount of space that we have to work with, right? So if we take these examples again we have our three hundred d p I image great quality for print takes about two and a half mega buys in this example. Okay, if we scale it down to the seventy two d p I you can see that that size drops dramatically and again if you go down to the twenty five d p I the reason this is important when we talk about archiving and backing up our files that will make an impact on how much storage you'll need to buy okay, so aa lot of you guys probably have thousands and thousands if not hundreds of thousands thousands that's how many I have tens of thousands hundreds but you're not quite hundreds yet no, not yet kevin ware getting their way on and that's a challenge with digital photography because snap, snap, snap people don't believe their pictures either exactly there's no need to there's hard drives or chief but you probably believe a little bit as you go I don't know well, I'm a little bit okay a little bit yeah, so we'll find if I had taken obviously bad picture that I will get rid of that one yeah that's the way they're so anyway hopefully that that makes sense you guys um ok, so the next subject that I wanted to talk about his organization okay, very overwhelmed by that, you know, does that freak you out like it freaks me out? Yeah, so it stresses me out just looking at so I'm gonna look at you guys the reason I put this up here is because unfortunately this is what most people's desktop looks like and I don't feel guilty I'm not for raising hands way won't embarrass anybody okay so this is what a lot of people's deaths up looks like ok? And I'm not looking at anybody in particular um but hopefully you look at that and you say obviously that is not the right way to do this now this is a picture of somebody's desktop ok, normally if a desktop looks like that then your eye photo library or light room library whatever you're using will generally look and feel about the same okay organization is important do you agree? I agree especially digital organization ok, so let's talk a little bit about how to organize there's really two ways that we can organize and this is a very high level and there's no one right answer with any of this. Okay, so one way that we can organize is through a series of folders on our computer. Ok, so in the example here on the screen I have the pictures folder inside of that pictures folder we can have sub folder so in this example we got holidays family and work okay? So we can take an image that we've ingested and then we can literally just drag and drop that over to it's a holiday picture so it goes in the holiday folder ok pretty straightforward pretty easy we'd go a step further and say ok, we have within the holidays folder we have other sub folders that it makes sense to separate these out and organize them okay, hopefully that make sense to you, it's a really easy way to keep things organized. Um that's the upside can you think of a downside to them besides being overwhelmed by tens and thousands of pictures that you have to organize lots of dragging and dropping? I know a lot of dragging in job. Yeah, yeah, really? So the downside to this is if you take a picture and you drop it into the holidays and christmas folder that picture lives in that folder, ok? It doesn't live in uh ok, it doesn't make sense in that one let's let's take a photo that we're going to dump into the holidays but it also applies to the family folder. Ok, if we if we drag and drop it into the holidays folder it's not going to be in the family folder that's the downside organizing it this way the pictures can only live in one place ok that's where the concept of tagging comes in bagging is really, really awesome so here's how I look a tagging and most image organizations systems I photo aperture, light room all of them will do tagging the simple concept an organization so the way it works is I have this is how I look at I have a serious of buckets and each bucket represents a certain category, okay in this example, I've got two pictures and these two pictures applied to multiple buckets, so with the first picture, we're going to move this went over to the vacation bucket because this happens to be a vacation that I took earlier this year, but it also applies to two thousand thirteen because it happened this year and also applies to family because it was a family event, ok? Pretty straightforward. Um, the next picture belongs not in the vacation bucket, not in the two thousand thirteen bucket because that happened last year. That happens to be a picture of our family at halloween two thousand twelve and we love to dress up for halloween, you know, it's it's fun you got that, jean, I didn't it's fun, so it belongs in the holiday bucket, but it also belongs in the family bucket because it's a family activity. Now with this example, if we go to the family bucket, we're going to see both of those listed there, okay? At least the thumbnails. Um, we're also going to see the one in holiday and so forth, and the reason that this is so cool and so powerful is because the images don't live in those buckets, okay, when we tagged those, they don't live in that one, place a copy of them live in multiple places at the same time so you guys and see the power and then I see a lot of head nodding as in yeah, that is definitely the way to go and it is and that's the benefit of using a a piece of software to help organize your photos what? How many megabytes are the copies that's a good question. So if that picture for example is two and a half megabytes okay, then we have one copy the master copy of that photo in our in our overall photo library. Okay? And that photo library will have everything listed every picture a dizzy okay when we dragged that into one of these albums or we tag it that way um basically a pointer I call it a pointer because it's pointing to the original file lives in that bucket so that's a very small piece of data I'm talking about k a couple of k just enough information to tell the system where the original file lives so it tells you where the originalists it well, it tells you where it lives permanently. Yeah, right, right. So the copies are smaller like you're asking they're much smaller size but you know that is the smaller image so you can go find the full size image where it is well no, let me clarify when when I go into the family the family tag of family bucket when I go to open one of those it lives in the family bucket, but when I open it it's actually opening the original in the photo library, ok, so so the really anything about that is let's say, I've got two hundred gigabytes worth of photos, which for the audience isn't that far off in some cases, so I have two hundred gigabytes worth of photos in my photo library, and then the amount of space that all these tags take up is negligible. Hardly anything in order to help you find the right original file now to you, it's, seamless and that's the real cool thing about that. So when I look at my family album or my family tag, then it just looks like all of the full high resolution images live in that one place. In actuality, they live over here, but the system is smart enough to know where to get that, um, original file from so makes you open it it's opening up the original is that you know, that before very cool and it's, almost like actually, images act like some nails like here am I exist, and when you click on me and open me up, I'm actually opening that full size image where is originally housed if you were, if you were to put it, drag it over into an email to send it off, it would automatically go to the hole size or would send the thumb no if you're going to drag into an email because the email is going to be going external to the system right it's going if I'm gonna send something to becky, I'm gonna drag it into an email message and sent it off she's going to get the full resolution version of making depending on how the software is set up, you can set it up to send a half rez or a scaled down version of that file size purposes but it's not going to be that teeny tiny little village that's like a copy though yeah, no and the other thing to understand about this too is with that scenario if you make an edit to something that lives in the family bucket, you're actually editing the original right. So if I make an edit to the one in the family bucket and I switch over to the holiday bucket it's pulling from the same original file and because because we've edited that original file that same edit whether good or bad happens in both of those buckets unless you if you make a copy and rename it or or have a separate version of that, then you can add it one or the other that's, right? Yeah, it was just going to say on how do you specifically tag or is that part of the program that you're in it's a little bit different with every application, right? So I photo doesn't one way light room does it another way, others do it a different way. That's a great question, it just depends. The basic concept is the same between them all, you're basically just adding key words to a photo on dh those key words or what's up set up the tags and is it typically in the file name or not? Necessarily in that? Because we all understand what it's like to rename a file, but to add attack to a photo? Is it actually in the file name portion, right? Yeah, you know, it would be something totally different. So you have the file name, which is a great identifier. We should be a unique identifier for the photos, by the way, to make it easy, but then the tags would be something separate. Ok, there's every file has, um, a set of meta data chaos techies we call it meta data. Ok, so metadata is information about the file that you the end user don't necessarily see, but meta data in this case helps you to keep yourself organized, and so tagging or album names or key words about that file to help search for those files would be considered metadata kind of behind the scenes. Information about the file photo shop I have the photo shop organizer, and when I click on a picture, it'll put a box around faces and ask me for names. Is that it's tagging without me knowing it really came in I photo? I mean, none of us is in photo show because I thought it was the same thing. Yeah, so this is it. Is it tagging at that point? It is ok, yeah, that's a great point. I know I photo does it works pretty good photo shop obviously, does it? Um, do you use photo tagging or photo or face right ignition? Ok, hee, you know, I actually when it was brand new, and I actually we're having a conversation with you back then, we just haven't talked about it a way to talk about I was I'm really excited about it, and so I figured instead of going back, I'm not going to stress myself out, I'm going to start adding faces, and then it became kind of a cumbersome thing for me, and I decided to just let it go and not worry about it. I do wish that they were all that they had this meta data, I do think that that's, one of many things I might ask add to my priority list is to be able to file and more quickly because I'm pretty quick. Quick, quick at finding certain files of pictures I'm looking for. I would be a lot quicker if I knew that port. That picture of porter christmas. I know he was eight. So would have been this year. I can plug in porter or christmas or whatever and probably find it within seconds instead of several minutes of scrolling through. So absolutely so I'm not there yet. That's, why you are standing here? Well, I have a confession. Weight, confession time. I don't use facial recognition. Okay? I should write with all the pictures that I take. We have six children. Awesome children, right? Very active children. And we take lots of pictures of them and I should use it emphasis that they are awesome. And I should use facial recognition is so easy, but I just don't. So the thing with organization and I really want to drive this home is what works for me may not work for you. What works for you may not work for becky. I mean, everybody has their own way of organizing the picture that showed before of the computer with lots of icons on the desktop that may be exactly what they need to keep their life their mind organized. For me, that would drive me nuts. I mean, you'll see in a second when we switch over to my laptop, how clean my desktop is that's how I like things, so we're all different. Hopefully, some of the things we talked about just now with organizational concepts will help you guys to kind of find that perfect way to organize your files. We have some specific questions about how do you tag in this program or that one? Lynn eggs versus light room or light room versus I photo it seems like a critical part of doing it. Is there some general advice or that you would send people out to say, hey, if you really want to know more about tagging for your particular program, do this, what would you recommend? Yes, oh, that's a good question, and clearly a lot of people are interested in that I could literally spend probably a day talking about how to organize in iphone or whatever, right? There's a lot of information, there are a lot of tips and tricks, maybe we'll come back and have a day long event on that, but you see, so we won't go into that here for this segment, um, I have a really good friend, and I would be inclined to think that we all have that same friend in common. His name is google on dh I asked him lots of things I asked him lots of things all the time so it's a google is a great resource for for things like that um, it's really funny because as they're asking and kevin thinking, I really could spend a lot more time on this some of the times that I've had a question and kevin's not able to help and why are you not at my disposal at any given moment when I need you a quick google search and my husband's really good about that? A quick google search it's answers the question almost every time, so no matter what program there, and wouldn't you say you really can't just do a quick google search and for your specific program no matter what it is because there are bunch almost too many to mention and do a search on that and do the search for that program with tagging and you're going to find your answers I definitely think that that would be a good recommendation when there's not time to delve in so deep yeah, so when ku gal's not available google's there for you, google in your cape on right it's a great resource I mean just a simple how do I tag in I photo I mean you'll get so many results you won't know what to do with him on dh usually I mean google is a great resource and they're really good at at organizing in a way that the first I would suggest you would get your answer and as much details you want within the first couple of you know lines and then one more answer for you of course we have a library of course is here on photo shop on light room on all of these courses here creative life so you can get some of your questions answered there to write off perfect yeah ok, so let's move on. This is just they just a quick sample of some of the applications that are available to help organize your your your photos um the one that I personally use is I photo, but there's aperture is a great eyes a great tool to use that is a mac application light room is also a great tool that's by adobe and that's mac and pc andan. Also on the bottom row here we've got some ios friendly and in some cases android friendly um software applications to help organize is well, so we're not going to get into a lot of these right now again time is limited, but I do want to show you just very quickly here if we switch over to my my laptop here I'm going to pull up this's a little insight into my life so there's no no wrong one sorry my bad open up I photo so again everybody's wade organizes different okay this is how I organize um we want to bring my laptop up on the screen so again the way that I photo works is I will take pictures every picture that I ultimately keep will be ingested into I photo caven once it's in I photo I can then organize it however I want so on the left hand side in my case I have several different albums that I use ok and you can see I've got one called now a two thousand thirteen welcome back yes, I got one called you know I stock photo library so these air pictures that I've downloaded from a sight that I use to get professional stock quality are professional quality stock photos and I have those organized into an album so in this case I'm showing you the way that it could be organized using albums okay that's not necessarily the same thing is tagging but the concept is about the same it's a matter of dragging your files into different albums that one file can live in multiple different albums all right, so again that was just a really quick inside into into my world and how that looks will go and switch back over to the I have a question and you put your I guess with an apple apple divide like I don't have an apple computer, so I have a folder from my iphone photos for my, you know, digital camera photos is there a way that, you know, I just still scattered tio all my devices that taking out my husband's phone, my phone, but, you know, just all these folders. Yeah, and I mean there's okay, so this is the list of applications that I brought up before. This is where these applications can really make a big difference, that their sole purpose is to make your life so much easier in keeping your digital photo life organized. Okay, so organizing things in folders that's one way to do it, but it's it could be difficult to use long term, so that's, where these come into play my recommendation if you're not using an app to manage your photos, is to find one that works best for you and will it download my ten thousand photos in that? You know, I mean, like my all my photos that are couldn't tio yeah, it could be a simple is like without a photo, for example, and that's again that's, a mac app or light room it's a matter of just taken a folder and dragging it into that application and that that by the way, is the investigation process okay, so the process of dragging and dropping were ingesting those photos into our management tool, so whether you know it or not, you're ingesting there just to your question, I regardless if you're on a mac or a pc or which program you're using, something I started doing many years ago is not separating that it came from the my point in shoe or this came from my slr or this is that where it came from didn't matter so much to me, I happen to organize my pictures chronologically, I learned that from kevin, I don't know whether you were even go there or not, but many, many, many years of doing it that way, but my point is, is that no matter where the source and wherever I'm taking those pictures from they I put them all into one place and I do it chronologically, you know, that's, just my number them or are you talking about that? Actually, oh, happy tio adjust that haven't someone who recommended this to us many years ago, but we started when we first got our digit, our very first digital camera, which is in two thousand two, right before our first baby was born, we took all those pictures, and he recommended that we re number them, so it's said putting them in and you know how it starts with an eye amg underscore number or something like that we re number straightaway they never stayed numbers like that in my photo library I also use I photo like kevin does and so what happens is there's so what's called I should be explaining jump in if you're off base there are re numbering programs remembering at three numbering software remember and the one that we used you probably still use its free there's lots of free right re numbering programs. And so I literally have was file sequence, sir, the one that we used to think I think that's what it's called and so there's this little icon at the bottom of my screen, I could take a whole folders worth I literally take that folder drag and drop it into file sequencer it pulls out my window and says, how do you want to remember these? And I'm explaining generally what they probably all look like, and I say I wanted to be remembered for nine, six, five and I wanted to be six digits long. Now you go and I instructed you go, I want to start with this number and it will be six digits because I'm thinking that at some point I'm gonna have six, six digits worth of pictures right now I'm still in the tens of thousands hundreds of thousands and so but I'm thinking long term because he taught me to think long term six digits and it literally I mean not even seconds it's like a millisecond they re number so now I take that folder that's now re numbered not I am g but my assigned number and all of those and I think those and I dropped him into my photo and I hope it's not sounding more complicated than it is because it actually takes about ten seconds total to take a full folders worth of new photos doesn't matter if it's tens or hundreds drop it in re number and then drag that into my photo drag and drop I have my whole pictures fool that I can drop it in the light room and then or e do every number I need to remember first and then and you can throw into like exams again if that's how you want to organize I mean everybody organized a little bit differently what works for becky may not work for you guys for many folders now it's got a like the number in sequence based on the day that the photo was taken and one one thing about digital photography is when you take a picture remember that meta data that bucket of method I told you about there's a lot of other information in there like the date and time stamp that the photo was taken in some cases, like my iphone, it will. It will store the gps coordinates and so I can build a map. A lot of these software applications now have built in mapping features where it will go into the metadata, the stuff that we don't see and pull out the gps, coordinate location information and build us a map and show us where all the pictures were taken. It's, very cool, so let's, back up a little bit, because if we go too much deeper, it can be overwhelming. I think that the teething tio to take away from this is there are lots of options out there for keep them organized. We just need to organize it. And we need to figure out how it works best for us and go that way.
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Ratings and Reviews
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I have been involved with scrapbooking for many years and have made numerous purchases for supplies, a room full and then became so overwhelmed by all of it that I have done very little. The reason being, that I was so conscious of what everyone else was doing and mine never quite measured up to what I saw that others were doing with all the embellishments, and techniques. I then turned to card making because it was a much quicker gratification than studying and laboring over the perfect layout with the perfect paper and etc. I had gotten an earlier Project Life kit of Becky's a few years ago and because of a very busy life had never fully gotten the concept, but thanks to Creative Live and Becky I am on the right track now. I am so very motivated and have recently taken all of my photos out of old albums, boxes, etc. and have them at least in order by years so that now I can begin to document this life of mine. By the way, I just turned 70 and boy does that mean a lot of photos. I am equally excited to get an album started for each of my grandchildren that they can document their own lives. My three youngest are 9,11 and 13 and are so heavily involved in sports, community, church and life itself that they need to document this now, for sure they will forget when they are 70 and trying to play catch-up. I have been a fan and follower of all things Becky Higgins since the beginning of Creating Keepsakes and have always felt she was so very authentic in her aspect of documenting, living life and celebrating everyday living. She is awesome and thank you Creative Live for having her on and allowing so many of us to share in this 3 day event. I know I am catching this in the summer 2014 when In fact this was done in 2013, but better late than not at all. A very special thanks to Becky!!!
a Creativelive Student
I am very excited to document my families life. I have 5 kids and a wonderful husband and life goes so fast. I feel like I do everything on the express train! However, this course was not for someone with the ADD brain. This 3 day course could have easily been consolidated down to one day.... maybe two. I think Becky is adorable, however, think she said the same thing over and over again just a different way. I am excited to start project life and review the videos as I need to.
Kathy Laflen
I need help with organization and this class really helped. I also love the simplicity of Project Life. One of my favorite things was how pictures are taken of kids projects to preserve them rather than keeping the originals. Photos of hands has also become a new interest thanks to one of the guest presenters. This class was worth every penny!