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Course Overview

Lesson 1 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

Course Overview

Lesson 1 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

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Lesson Info

1. Course Overview

Lesson Info

Course Overview

We'll start this course with how to set goals for social media campaigns and how to align on goals with your clients based on their needs. Then we'll talk about identifying KPI S and key metrics for your campaigns and then we'll cover best practices for monitoring campaign activity on various social media platforms as well as which industry tools to use for social listening. Next I'll show you how to use google analytics and pixels to track convergence and measure results. And finally we'll cover best practices for social media reporting. Thanks for being a part of this course and I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed creating it for you. Also I have included downloadable content that you can access in the next section.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Fiverr Pro - Digital Marketing Strategy - Client Intake Questions.docx
SMART Goal Template.pdf
SMART Goal Template.docx