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Why Are Goals Important

Lesson 2 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

Why Are Goals Important

Lesson 2 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

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2. Why Are Goals Important

Lesson Info

Why Are Goals Important

goals, Why are goals important goals? Will tell you where you want to end up at the end of the campaign. So it'll allow you to focus on your priorities throughout the course of the campaign, It will also help you to determine which metrics you should be monitoring as you run your campaigns as well, setting goals up front at the beginning of the campaign with your own team or with your client are critical to making sure that you'll develop a campaign that's successful. Some best practices for setting goals is to sit down with your client and talk about their business needs as well as their business model and how social media can help them to support these goals and how you can drive traffic or drive leads or drive revenue for them depending on what they're looking to do. The first step to establishing an effective social media campaign is to decide and determine where you're going to go at the end of the campaign, meaning what is it that you're trying to achieve? People with goals succe...

ed because they know where they're going. And so there are a couple of things you should be thinking about when you set a goal for your campaign. One is you want to make sure that your campaign goal is related to your client or your own business goals. The second thing is you want to compliment the business model. So if you're selling widgets, for example, perhaps your goals should be related back to how many widgets you'll be selling? A lot of times. We think about social media and we think about what's happening right on the platform. There are many times when it's very easy to get caught up on the metrics and the activities that are happening on social media, instead of thinking about how social media can support your business, your client's business. Another reason why it's important to set goals at the beginning of the campaign is because it allows you to focus on the priorities throughout the campaign. So as you start to see results come in, you can start to adjust various metrics or various campaign tactics to be able to get closer to achieving your goal so that you can be more successful at the end of the campaign. And so all of these reasons are why goals are important and why they are also very important to set them at the outset of a campaign.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Fiverr Pro - Digital Marketing Strategy - Client Intake Questions.docx
SMART Goal Template.pdf
SMART Goal Template.docx