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Why are Metrics Important

Lesson 8 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

Why are Metrics Important

Lesson 8 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

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8. Why are Metrics Important

Lesson Info

Why are Metrics Important

in the previous chapter, we talked a lot about how to set goals and how to align to those goals with your client and some best practices on how to articulate those goals in this chapter will cover the various social media platforms. The metrics that are most often tracked on those platforms as well as some industry tools that you can use to measure other aspects of a campaign that aren't related to numbers like sentiment. And I'll walk you through some tools that you can also use to audit your competitors as well. Why are metrics? Important numbers tell an interesting story at scale as well as in the details which metrics should we pay attention to? The ones that drive the business, the ones that are related back to your goals and your KPI S. And so I will take you through some of the most common metrics that you'll find on each of the social media platforms as well as where you can find them to general metrics that you'll probably look at despite which social media platform you're usi...

ng our R. O. I. Which stands for return on investment and that is how much you got out of the time or the money that you spent on a social media strategy. So what did you get in return for the cost of your advertising or your marketing strategy? The second general metric that you might be looking at is conversions. A conversion is the number of people who achieved your desired result. This could be the number of people who clicked on your ad. This might be the number of people that signed up for your newsletter. This might be the number of people that purchased your product, But the conversion action is something that you would set at the outset of the campaign in the very beginning of that campaign, and the conversion number is a number of people that actually took that action. So the next lesson will be facebook metrics that are most commonly used and where to find them.

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Fiverr Pro - Digital Marketing Strategy - Client Intake Questions.docx
SMART Goal Template.pdf
SMART Goal Template.docx