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Twitter analytics

Lesson 11 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

Twitter analytics

Lesson 11 from: Social Media Analytics

Sharon Lee Thony

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11. Twitter analytics

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Twitter analytics

in this next lesson, I'll tell you about twitter metrics that are the most important to be tracking and where you can find those in the twitter dashboard similar to facebook twitter metrics that are most common. Our impressions engagement and reach. However, the way that twitter calculates them is somewhat different from the way that facebook and instagram calculate some of these. So on twitter, a tweet impression is the number of people that have seen your tweets which can get is a little bit confusing because that's categorized as reach on these other former platforms that I just mentioned. But the reason is because if you think about the way twitter is formatted, it's in a linear fashion. So people see tweets on a timeline, they're only shown once. So therefore an impression on twitter is the equivalent of an individual account or an individual person that I've seen your tweets and therefore an impression is a person that's been reached by your tweet. The second important metric on ...

twitter is mentions. So this is the number of times that your own user name or your own account name has been mentioned by others in their tweets. Within the twitterverse. A third key metric is engagement rate, which is the total number of link clicks retweets, favorites, replies divided by the number of impressions. So essentially this is anything within the tweet itself that people can be clicking on. So it's a link that you've put in there. It might be a mention that you've put in there that they've clicked on as well as the number of interactions that people have had with your content on twitter. And then finally, link clicks on its own, which is the number of times that any links within your tweets were clicked. This includes not just mentions and website links, but it also includes hashtags that you might be including in your tweets. And so when people click on a hashtag within the tweet itself, it counts as a link click to where you can see this is within the twitter analytics dashboard, you'll get a read of the top tweets that you've put out there for content over the last period. Typically it's a 30 day period and it'll tell you the number of impressions, which again is the number of times that your tweets were shown and or the number of people that saw your tweets, it'll tell you the number of engagements that each of the tweets got. So again, that's clicks, replies, mentions, shares any interactions with that tweet. And then finally, you'll get engagement rate which is the percentage of actions divided by the number of impressions, it will also give you a bar chart of overtime how those things have tracked. So you'll see that if you've tweeted something on a specific day, you may have gotten a ton of engagement on that first day and then a few days later or a few hours later that might decrease over time as well. Other things that you can get from the twitter dashboard, which I find to be pretty interesting is audience insights. So you can actually see what your followers are interested in. And twitter has categorized your followers by interests, by passions, by shopping behavior, sometimes depending on who's following you. And even in my case they've actually grouped people based on income categories. So I don't have a ton of followers, but what you're seeing on your screen is my own personal audience insights dashboard. And so it's telling me that 13% of my followers are making over $150, a year. It's pretty interesting. It also will tell you how your audience has grown or decreased over time period. It'll tell you what the primary languages and some key demographic information about your audience. It will also give you some lifestyle parameters around your audience too. So you can see here that the top lifestyle parameter from my followers are there into technology news, which is kind of interesting. So as you look at this for your clients, businesses, this will give you some insights into their audience, their customers and who's interested in engaging with their content. And so that concludes the twitter dashboards and platforms and some key metrics that you can be looking at as you monitor their campaigns

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