Building Your Habitat
Maneesh Sethi
The Transformative Power of Habits
24:31 2Layers of Habits & Willpower
26:52 3Q&A: How to Form Good Habits
28:08 4Build, Break, & Automate
38:49 5Breaking Bad Habits & Building New Ones
29:30 6Precommit to Stopping Bad Habits
21:24 7How Others Do It: Kishan Shah
21:57Habits of Artists with Chase Jarvis
22:44 9Workout Habits with Mark Bell
36:13 10Make Failure Impossible
27:33 11Accountability & Tracking Behavior
20:22 12Habits & Willpower Review
26:38 13Making Micro-Habits
29:47 14Breaking Down Micro-Habits
21:53 15Building Your Habitat
35:29 16Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition
34:21 17How Others Did It: Krista Stryker
24:31 18How Others Did it: Daniel Pardi
48:11 19Segment 19 - How Others Did It: UJ Ramadas
21:37 20The Future of Habits: David Goldstein
20:34 21The Future of Wearable Technology
34:34Lesson Info
Building Your Habitat
I wanted to show a recent testimonial from someone who's used the micro habit method to form a habit of painting. So, uh, I am starting my 14 day painting challenge, using Pavlak doing 30 minutes painting a day for the next 14 days and hope that I can get 1 to 2 paintings done. Let's hope this padlock thing works. Find myself looking forward to coming home from work now so I can start painting Day two. We are here and keep you updated. Did not want to do it today on a bad day at work Got home really late Pavlak process Push me Just sit down and do my 30 minutes of painting And actually, once I got started, it was more of a stress reliever. Relax station. And when the timer went off my 30 minutes, I was still found myself ready to keep going, Getting a little bit easier each day And make sure remember Teoh set some time aside to do my 30 minutes of painting. I'm excited to keep going over the next 10 days, I have completed my first painting. Yeah, here. This turned out better than I ant...
icipated, and I was surprised. It only took me five days. This is what I've got done today. In my 30 minutes, today was a struggle and family unexpectedly show up early at 6 30 this morning. So it iss currently 11. 45 PM and I just finished my 30 minutes of painting, but I got it in. I wasn't gonna go to sleep until I did my 30 minutes. Did it first thing this morning because I'm going to music Festival day. Here is progress. Can't wait till tomorrow getting a little bit easier each day. 30 minutes has actually just become routine over the past few days. Looking forward to finishing this painting. My second painting is now complete. Looking forward to starting a new painting tomorrow. I did it. Um, this is what I completed on third paintings. Just a recap of what I've been able to accomplish in the 14 Challenge. This'll was the first day, the 2nd the final one that completed. It's been a really great 14 days. I've looked forward to coming home painting each and every day, and I think I really I learned a lot about my painting skills and hope to continue to Great. So, um, what I always find interesting in ah, in people who do micro habits or people who go through the pavlak process or go through our go through our system is that they almost always mention that it just becomes more automatic. It becomes more of a part of their day. The first few days is really difficult for Heather getting set up to have the painting supplies out is a very difficult process. And once the painting supplies are out, getting yourself to actually paint is a difficult process. But each day, day by day, it becomes more and more, uh, simple, more more automatic. Now she began by trying to do it in the morning because she had more free time in the morning. The beauty of having the negative reinforcement bet that, she added, was that in the days like the fifth day, where she was finding herself unable toe start painting until 11:45 p.m. She still got it done, and I find that to be really powerful and actually, right after she completed the 14 day challenge, he decided to go and apply for a job pain tonight. So now she's ableto to paint all the time, and that's pretty cool. Um, that was what the hardest part of starting a new task, though, was setting the environment. Getting the painting supplies, making sure that she had, ah, the ease already having idea for what she wanted to paint. And so I had Heather make sure that she put her easel right in front of her door. Since she walked in, it was right there, painting supplies ready so she never had to stress about having the right colors or having the right materials. That was a really effective way to get herself to start forming the habit by building the habitat that supported her. And so I want to talk a little bit about I have building your habitat about creating the environment that supports your routines, creating the environment that allows you and enables your success. So the first result I talked about was tweaking your gym to be on your way to work. We talked yesterday about Abbas, who had lost £80 gained £ back simply because his gym had switched locations and when she when, When, when people start to add their gyms on their daily commute. They're able to make it much more automatic because it's not out of the way, is just on their way. It's part of their daily routine. Now. The nice thing about building your building your habitat is that there are some specific tweaks that you can do that will lead to large shifts over time. So, for example, if you have a if you have a, um, if you have ah, if you want to start losing weight over time, when the first things you can do is to go into your cupboard and start throwing away your big plates. Because the the optical illusion of having ah, large amount of food on a small plate makes you think that your fuller Now, if you look at the plate size of Americans over the last 20 years, the average plate size has increased and the same time that obesity has increased in America. And you know, America's Americans have a great love of value and and it can actually be very un optimal if your goal is to start, is to start losing weight. So one of things I always mentioned is that you can buy shorter, fatter glasses. You know, there's a ton of glasses that, uh, people have that are like that versus the long, tall glasses, and they often have the same amount of volume. But the tall glass makes it look like you're a lot thirstier. It makes it look like there's a lot more volume minutes, so you drink it a slower rate. So if you're drinking Coca Cola, are you having a glass of alcohol? It's a lot better if the glass can be a lot taller so that you're able to drink it slower. It's an optical illusion now, when my favorite books on this topic is called Mindless Eating, and there's a quote from it that if we eat way too little, we know it. If we eat way too much, we know it. But there's a calorie range, a mindless margin where we feel fine and unaware of small differences. That is, the difference between 1900 calories and 2000 calories is when we cannot detect, nor can we detect the difference between 24, calories. But over the course of a year, this mindless margin can cause us to gain or lose £10. In fact, 100 calories a day of increase leads to If you do the math, £10 of calorie gain a year. When a cat when a pound is 3500 calories, so the act of simply starting Teoh change the glass size can easily lead to calorie change. There's about 20% either way that people notice. So if you eat 20 calories less than you usually do, you probably won't notice from hunger perspective. If you eat 30 or 40% it's noticeable. You'll be hungry and queasy. If you eat 2020% more calories, you won't notice either. But if you get 30 or 40% you'll feel full and stuffed and uncomfortable. So changing that margin changing that 100 or 200 calorie system can be really, really effective for making large, large transformation. What's also interesting is that there's interest. There's other work at play from a calorie perspective. We'll be talking about it today when we look at different kinds of foods that are behind me. But one example of an interesting fact about food is that ice that cool is your drinks down by adding ice water rather than regular water to routine. You can burn 70 to 80 calories more per day because of how your body has to heat up the ice. I heat up the cold water for in order to digest it. So small changes like adding ice water no one would ever think could help you burn calories. It can. In fact, some things like protein, have a different thermo genic rate of of of digestion. So they burn more calories when you have more, more protein versus having more carbohydrates and fat. So tweaking your environment could be really, really important and optimizing for different sorts of techniques. Optimizing for different sorts of goals can can change the way that you succeed. We talked recently about about the the habit of forming in morning routine and forming. Morning routine is a very difficult thing to do. I want to bring you back on stage if we can and look it. I think you've written down your entire goal. Um, let's, uh can you read out? Sure. So I wake up at my alarm, uh, into the back room, do the headspace app, turn on my coffee machine feed the pets. Go outside, get the paper, eat two hard boiled eggs, have coffee and read the paper on same time. Then recycle the paper, clean my dishes. Have another coffee right down the three things I want to do that day. Um, and then turn off the coffee machine and either shower or go to the exercise class. That's perfect. So I love how you have done it. You've broken it down specific individual tasks, you know, step by step, what you're going to do, and I want you to start. If you're starting to work on this process, I want you to start monitoring how you do it. So you're gonna wake up and think about it the first day. How are you getting out of bed? Just noticed. This is almost like a morning meditation in and of itself. How am I acting today when I'm even following a list? Which way do I walk with my path throughout. If you start to notice and try to keep that constant, it'll become much, much easier to maintain that habit. Another trick is making sure you see this every morning. So it seems like you write in this journal is at a very consistent thing. You know, it's not, but I've been I've been using Evernote a lot. Primarily, Yeah, I feel like a physical reminder is incredibly powerful here, So I tend to take this piece of paper and I put it on a, um I put it on my bedside. So it sits right there. I use a little posted sticky note, and I often keep that sticking out on my my five minute journal. And that's ah, grabs your journal that I use. And because it's right there on my bedside, I wake up, I see it, and I write down also the fact that there's a bet that I have going on with it. So it says, like, make sure you don't forget this mannish because you're gonna get penalized if you don't h r v and then, uh, follow through with your morning routine. So do you think that you're willing to commit to a subsection or a section of this for a period of time? Yeah, I yeah. Willing to commit to the whole thing. I think this sounds it doesn't sound that overwhelming, really. Seems it's pretty straightforward. Yeah, Morning routines are beautiful because you have so much free time in the morning that you're able toe really chunk massive habits together and change a lot at the same time. Definitely test out. If it's too much for you, pull back and start off with just one or two time. But what do you think you're willing to commit? What's a potential penalty you're willing to accept if you don't follow through with routine for 3 to 5 days? Well, I think the financial penalty would work. Well, um, I'm not sure exactly how you know I have to go set that up, Uh, somewhere other. I don't know how. Well, for instance, Howard Howard a pavlak device work with this routine. Not that I can take one home with me today, but if I could, the public app has, ah, accountability partner feature in. And we can set you up with that and we can set you up with the Facebook group to um, What you can do is essentially commit to it honor system based where you will, uh, it's the best way to do this is to give pre right if you don't have a padlock out for people listening right down a check predated to a friend and tell him that each day you'll check in with them and tell them that you did this routine. And if you don't check in each day, then that penalty will crew that bacon bacon deposit check and keep the money. Um, that's a very effective way to get this started with the, uh, the writing of the Czech. Giving it away beforehand really prevents cheating. It's a lot easier to just stop reminding them and then not pay up. But it's a lot harder when you hand it off to them and they have to. And then you have to tell them each day not to cash it. So that's what I would do. I would hand write a check and give it to them then. Secondly, I would simply you can start off by doing manual accountability. Or you can check in with a photo each day to prove that you're doing it on the padlock app itself, which we're releasing in a few months. You're able to choose a custom habit, something like I will do this morning routine, and parts of these are actually immeasurable, like headspace app or but, uh, you are able to choose a routine, choose an accountability partner. Accountability partner gets texted and asked Each day there were told at seven PM did, uh did anybody who ever succeed with their goal of, um, of their morning routine habit. And if they text back? No. Then the money is devastated and goes to whatever account you pre committed to. So that's the way that we found. We found that the act of actually having the money away first is incredibly powerful. Otherwise, people tend to cheat, so making sure that that's gone and you can get it back is effective. So if I were you, I would recommend that you choose a friend. I'm sure there's There's always a multitude of friends who are willing to be accountability partners when they get paid for it so you won't have trouble finding. And in our hack the have a group, we can set you up with people who are doing our morning routine, and a coach and weaken join you together to help you to help you form this habit. Great. Sounds good. Thank you. All right, thanks. Good job. It was very interesting to hear the results from people in the audience and also from the chat rooms based on the about the about the hot seats we had in the last section because we realize that there were a lot of tweaks. People don't realize how deep we recommend that we that you get into when you're trying to form habits. It's, ah, the knowledge of eating breakfast. The ambiguity of breakfast can be very very, uh, could be very un effective. The ambiguity can can really break the goal of of what you're trying to do. The idea of decision fatigue, which we discussed in the previous session, where we talked about how every decision you make affects your amount of willpower and get you stressed. That can be It is. It is counterproductive to the goal of forming habits. So when all of your habits are laid out and totally defined in a way that the bright lines exist that you cannot, you can't. You can't cheat or finagle your way out of it. It's either success or failure. I will roll out of bed and with my left hand turn on the stove. If you want to get that deep. That is a very effective way to go. I'm not saying you should get down to the state of I will use my left hand to turn things, but it's not a bad thing to think about, especially the beginning. What is important is that you do things in the correct order. They're getting an order set and making every item as specific as possible. So what kind of food I will eat what kind of clothes I will wear. What will I dress? Well, I shower. Will I brush? Will I floss and in which order. Those adding all of those together can be very, very, very, very effective for making a morning routine congruent. And when you get your morning routine dialed in and you make that your have it, you'll find that you can grant. You can anchor on new habits one by one. And it's very efficient because each habit acts as a trigger a que for the next habit, and over time you can build up to a very effective morning routine where you can get almost all of your goal is done in the morning before you go to work, which is pretty cool. If you're able to get all of your work done and you feel like you had a successful day before you've even started your day, then you can't fail. That's Ah, that's why I have morning routines are one of the keystone habits. Um, who in the audience has a morning routine? Does anybody here have ineffective mourner team they'd like to share? That came out from line, which I thought was really interesting because they're saying it's actually Jets is saying I work from home. I have to be ready at 6 a.m. So they have, ah, morning routine. They have to follow, but they have a lot of empty time later during the day, they're wondering if they can shift some of their morning routine into the night before. Is that something you recommend? Was there to longer break? Oh, yeah, I know. Absolutely. If you the difficult part is that sleep regenerates your willpower. So when sleeper generator will power, that means that if you try to move things to the evening before, it is gonna be more difficult just from a natural perspective. But of course, it's bless of a morning routine. Then and it's more of an evening routine, and having evening routine is also a very important thing that we could discuss. But, um, you But it's it's, um, the items that I find a really effective to add to the evening before a perfect personal protective was writing down the three things that I wanted to do the night before. So don't have to worry about losing the bed in the morning, having that as my evening something in my evening routine. Um, I use that as a I used brushing my teeth as a trigger. So brush my teeth then right down the three things that I will do, then go to sleep. No screens in between. Like once I brush my teeth screens are off. And, um, because those routine that routine was coupled together, it allowed me to sleep better because I wasn't checking my screen in the evening. So in this case is definitely not a morning routine if he's doing it in the evening. But there's nothing wrong with doing items in the evening that they want to get done. We're gonna hear from market now, but I just want to say jets is also saying, When you're setting up your daily routines, how do you deal with the weekends? Do you basically give yourself time off from your routines, or is it important to follow it seven days a week for the period of habit formation? I highly recommend that you follow it seven days a week, even if you choose a micro habit of what that means for the seven days a week. Uh, perhaps you don't have to do the full 15 minute meditation. Perhaps you don't have to do flossing every tooth. You just lost 1 to 1 tooth. Uh, having that habit set is incredibly important for that habit formation period. Now, Uh, when the habit is fully formed, you can start detected to test it. So remove it from your weekend and see what happens. That said, for people who are trying to get the backs of the benefits of sleep, journey of the hormonal benefits asleep and sleeping on time and waking up on time. It is not a smart move to go out late on the weekends and wake up in a different our on weekends. Try to catch up on your sleep. That is a recipe for disaster. You are goingto mess up your entire our entire balance and are not going to be able to sleep. And ah, and keep up with your staying up on time. Morning Routine willpower, maximization strategy. So trying to keep your your routine set in particular during the have information process the 1st 30 to 60 days is very important. But I recommend that you try to keep it forever. All seven days. Mark. Sorry they dropped to you. I was just gonna say yeah, about morning routines. I I've been able to develop a practice of, uh, getting a glass of water first thing in the morning. And at first that waas I had to manually get the willpower to actually go Philip Glass and drink it. But after a while, kind of like you said it just became part of identity, and I just didn't craved it naturally. So that's Ah, set. And then I've been at adding things after that, and what's come after has changed. But recently it's been the gratitude journal you Jay's Gratitude Journal and that's been pretty consistent for the last few weeks. Great. Yeah. Great. Mark water is a really interesting environmental design. I just changed my office. Uh, I used to work at a place called Bolton, Downtown Boston, and, uh, I really wanted to form a habit of drinking water in particular, filling up 1/2 gallon of water so I could drink it throughout the day. But the water faucet was downstairs, so I would have to go downstairs, fill it up, bring it back upstairs to my desk and sit down. And it was actually one of those habits I couldn't for me. You know, I set up a river routine reminder that every day I would Ah, as soon as I entered in my office it would ring and say, Go downstairs and get water. I would just ignore it. I couldn't make it happen, and I just moved to a new office where now the water is on the the kitchen's on my way to my to my desk, and suddenly it's easy. It's easiest have in the world. It's just Oh, yeah, just grab the water and go over. I even started buying bottled water, which is like, I mean, apparently it's unsafe for bad for environment. So I bought one pack of bottled water and just refill it each each week. But bottled water. Let's be count measurably enough that I've drunk enough. It allows me to have a very optimal solution for just grabbing water and drinking it. And I find that that the benefits of drinking water outweigh the negatives of having to buy bottled water every once in a while. So I don't I don't only drink bottled water by tended by a big bottle and fill it up and keep it with me because I found it to be really, really, really effective. Water is really interesting, too, because, uh, water and people misconstrue the thirst for hunger. It's very, very common. You think you're hungry, but you're actually thirsty. In fact, as soon as you feel thirst in your mouth, you've gone too far. And ah, you're far too. Thursday, that point. And, uh, because of this, I read that over 50% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, and you can imagine how that effects our eating patterns when we think we're hungry. So we grant, we think we're hungry, so we grab food. Food that is often salty and makes us even hungrier. Have some coffee, which makes us even thirsty year, and, uh, and we end up being eating mawr without needing to eat more. This is a big problem, So drinking a glass or two of water is one of morning routines that I highly recommend. Journaling is pretty well, pretty well regarded as an effective, more as a really good morning routine to have because of there was one particular video I saw by ah person of trained artists. He trained musicians and artists around the world to become Elektronik musicians. And he said that over time he had. He had seen hundreds of different artists who had, ah, music artists who had succeeded in hundreds who had failed. And, he said the two, who had six that he said that the two groups were extremely different from two habits. The group that succeeded had to particular things that they did differently in the group that failed, who succeeded. First of all, they made a decision, they said. I am a musician, I'm an electronic producer now and it changed the way they approached the world and they were having conversations at parties. They no longer said, Yeah, you know, I work at this place. But I also produced music on the side and said that her answer was I am an electronic producer. That was a first step and he said the second have it that all of the successful producers had was that they journal each day and he said he didn't know exactly why. But he just noticed that every single one of them did, and they didn't have to journal about a specific thing. All they did was sit down and write whatever came to mind. I noticed this for my own, for my own, my own experience, that I would sometimes have a lot to say. I sometimes have very little to say, but I focused on the process. I would write at least a page in my journal, and sometimes it would just be me writing. I don't know what to write today. I'm not gonna write anything. I'm just gonna Philip Lines. I don't know why I'm even writing right now, and other times I would start writing and it would be two or three pages of really, really deep content or really help me understand what I was working on from both my business and from my personal life. And what was most important was being able to look back and realize that at times where I got lost or times that I didn't feel like I wanted to keep up with my business. I was able to look back and look at the high points and low points and see that time tracked over time. So, um, I think the journaling is a great habits form, and it's a great part to put into your morning routine as well. The Gratitude journal, which will be discussing with you Jay in the next segment, is, um, been very well studied to increase happiness over time. The idea of writing down three things each day that you're grateful for. Uh And you Jay gave me really good advice Last time I met him. He said, You can't feel gratefulness here. You have to feel it here. And until you feel it here, you can't write it down because it doesn't mean anything until you feel here. That was a really, really insightful to me, because you can usually jot out three things that you're grateful for. I mean, like, I'm grateful, For instance, heart. I love it. I don't have a shop for groceries anyone, But I'm not really grateful for especially not 300 days a year. So ah, being able to really feel what you're grateful for allows you, Teoh well, will be the difference between an irrelevant habit and a habit that really gets cemented So back. Teoh some habit tweaks and building their habitat. We talked about finding a gym on the way to work. Not bringing screens into your bedroom is a big one. You want your bedroom to be used for sleep and sex, and that's it. And, uh, there is, And if you have a screen in your bedroom, it could be it basically allows yourself to to give yourself an excuse to stay up late. Now I'm not even the best at this. This is something I highly recommend it. I'm I would love to implement myself, and I've been trying to you, and it's probably gonna be one of my next upcoming habits, but not allowing my cell phone to be next to my bed. When I go to sleep, there's other ways to wake up. Pavlak has ah vibrating alarm, for example, um, having the ability to not have any bright light because of the way that it affects your hormonal process. Um, so yeah, So, like, you know, you have your circadian rhythms. They tend to make you tired around 3 p.m. And around 9 p.m. Attend to keep you awake around 6 p.m. And, um, when you look at a bright white light, it can suppress melatonin, and it can make you basically wake up without wanting to wake up. One quick hack is to install the app flux. That's fl ux on your on your laptop. That app will know what time it is, and it starts to dim your screen and remove the bright lights, uh, leaving it with a slightly odd colored orange a screen, but it doesn't make you stay awake. So that's ah, quick hack if you are using a laptop. But that said, don't use your laptop in your back in your bedroom. Use no screens in your bedroom. If at all possible. Obviously no junk food in your house. You can buy it. You can't bring it. Home is one way to look at it. Not having having junk food is a It just allows you to grab the food that you know you're gonna. It just allows you easy access to failure. Actually, I am, Ah, big big eater of chips, tortilla chips, chips and salsa. And once I started to read about mindless eating, and I discovered that eating calories a day would lead up to £10 a year. What I realize is that there's never gonna be a bag of chips in my house that doesn't get eaten. There's never give me a bag of chips that go stale. If it comes to my house, it's gonna be eaten right? Well, Bag of chips has about 1500 calories in it, so or 17 hundreds usually. So that means that if I buy a bag of chips, I will gain half a pound. That's it. Like if that bag of chips is interning my house, I will gain half pound because of that bag of ships. Is it really worth the $4.29 plus tax toe make myself gain half pound? I don't think so. Absolutely not. So why am I allowing myself to buy this? That was a big That was a big breakthrough. There's No way that I'm gonna be able to fight against the urge to eat that bag of ships. So don't I started making kale chips? I started trying to eat carrots. They don't always work. There's something about tortilla chips that are just fantastic. But it's better to just not have it there, because once it's there, it will be eaten. And if it's not there, out of sight, out of mind. On the other hand, leave your medications in plain sight will make it a lot easier to take them in the same way that having a your vegetables outside of your refrigerator in the outside, the crisper right in front of you will allow you to notice them and think about them and eat them. Also, pre packaging your food and having pre packaging your food and planning a day before and having it sitting in a shelf ready to eat, you know, open if necessary. Maybe it won't last long. Maybe it's not good. Perfect food containment procedure, but having it they're ready for you to reach for you. No lettuce or kale or broccoli is eyes a very effective way. Teoh Maintain. Maintain good habits that make sense. How do you guys lay out your refrigerator? Do you, uh, do you tend to put your do si Do you eat well, April? Do you eat? Yeah, I do. I make a habit of buying a certain vegetables every weekend, and then I end up eating them throughout the week, and I make pretty much the same salad every day. I mean, it's definitely a habit. Um, and I don't keep them in the crisper, but I m it already in the habit of preparing them every day. You mentioned that you have a habit of making the same salad every game. Can you tell us what that sound? It sounded delicious. Yeah, well, so I'll buy, like, ahead of kale. A cabbage. Personally, I like to make a rainbow salad, so I have something of every different color in there. So I have red cabbage, and then I have red tomatoes, orange carrots, yellow bell pepper, green is the kale, or the rubella that I have the purple cabbage and then the green onions. And, um, I'll put that in a bowl like a big bowl. And I can eat as much as I want of it. And then I make the same cell addressing which is peanut butter, Um, with a little bit of garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce and rice wine vinegar. And then I can eat as much as I want to make a huge salad. And, um, you know, I don't want to eat anything else because I have the fat from the peanut butter in the protein. And then it's all those vegetables that you as much as you want of it. Yeah, and I was thinking to with your chips thing, I also have kind of like a have this kind of a habit that I like to satisfy. So I make my own popcorn and then I don't know. I mean, popcorn probably has, like, a high. I don't know exactly what it's fewer calories than tortilla, absolutely. And, um, I put olive oil on it, though. Um, you know, that's pretty healthy fat, and then I use much popcorn is I want That's great. That's great. Yeah, Identifying the big winds are often, uh, one of the hardest things to do. Like I mentioned before, getting into ice cream and switching it with with frozen Berries in this way Switching tortilla chips with popcorn I've even see Trader Joe's is a really cool coconut oil spray that you could use or olive oil spray. You can spray over your popcorn, and it's a lot healthier than eating tortilla chips. So, um, notice that I was drinking a lot of Diet Coke at one point, and, um, I was successful in substituting labored sparkling water. So not like a not a not a soda, not a flavored soda. But, um, like, look, wa has thes different, um, flavored sparkling waters. But actually using the can and not the bottle was a big difference for me because it was the, you know, the pop of the can of like carbonated, um, sensation. So anyway, that I just made me think that that was a good water substitution rid of Diet Coke. And I added, Water is just like soda water. Or is it like sparkling water? Those different sparkling water has a flavor to it. That's great. There's a lot of ways to make to make Coke better. I mean, Diet Coke is better than regular Coca Cola from a weight gain perspective, but then removing soda completely is love the acidity of sodas, battery teeth and all this other stuff is definitely not good for you in any way, So you seem to have found a very effective way to remove it. I was I was mentioning to Marty that, uh, you know, cigarettes are bad, but nicotine itself is not as bad as the cigarette. And E cigarettes, I believe, are really fantastic invention because they're pure nicotine. They don't have the burning chemicals. They don't have the chemicals that are shown to cause lung cancer. Nicotine as a core chemical is not nearly as bad as, ah, as a lot of the chemicals in tobacco. And so a quick fix is just to start using an E cigarette. It's cheaper, It's faster. You need lighter even. And having it there is, ah, is it as it gives you the same sensation, the same feeling and even the the same nicotine. And then, over time you can try to reduce the type of e cigarette you have tow lower the amount of nicotine within it until you get the singer that has no nicotine in it, and then I deal. You won't even need nicotine at all. So that's another way to approach that problem. So, um, briefly, I want to discuss company culture to because if you happen to have employees or family, um, the way that you instill the way that you create an environment can still habits and others. So, for example, I don't know if you all saw yesterday the Skittles jar that was hanging out in the in the lobby of the Creative Live studio, but Bryce Harper mentioning this that we were crowding around all those were eating Skittles. But right next to the Skittles were a bag of Starburst, and and no one was eating the Starburst high because they were individually wrapped and it's a lot easier to eat a skittle. Then it was to get a starburst so small things like having a candy bowl that's open. People leave the candy. Um, on the other hand, having broccoli is open. People might not eat as much broccoli. That would have had it skittles. But if you have open broccoli and you put the Skittles under the under the sink than people are far more likely to grab the broccoli than they are to grab the Skittles. So that's ah that's a good way to instill habits. Others were help in shaping environment to help other people around you. If you have kids, if you have a family member or loved ones, it's good to help optimize the day for them as well. There's a lot of research and mindless eating that talked about people who have, like secretaries who would have, ah, bowl of candy sitting right next to them vs accountable of candy, sitting at the at the away from their reach. That I couldn't quite reach. The differences is amazing. The difference between having it at your immediate grasp versus on the other side of the table is the difference between gaining £ a year and or more. And so a quick thing to do is to understand that these things that you continuously eat, they're almost always things that are given to you. Think about when you go Teoh restaurant and give you just a bread bowl. Breath ball gets eaten, and the bread bowl has a lot of a lot of calories in it and empty calories, too, And so just say no to the bread bowl or I always push away the other side of the table, like do what you doing? I don't want more bread and like you do, I get that. Get that away from me, um, and then having some kind of friendly camp competition is eyes an effective way to keep up to keep people on the same page. A lot of companies will do like corporate wellness, kind of like competitions. Or keep track of, like, how many steps people walk. And then knowing that with tracking devices, you're able to monitor how many steps individual people are walking, putting the trash can a little farther away, so people have to walk up to it, you know, asking people to park at farther place at a father locations. They get a few extra steps, adds up throughout the day. Um, standing desks, for example, or standing meetings can have more steps well on and then, making sure that everyone is ah is aiming for the same target. You know, people can get really angry if you just start removing the Skittles and adding the broccoli. But if you get everyone on the same page, it's a whole different thing
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