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Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition

Lesson 16 from: Unstoppable Improvement: Willpower and Habits

Maneesh Sethi

Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition

Lesson 16 from: Unstoppable Improvement: Willpower and Habits

Maneesh Sethi

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16. Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition

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Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition

Hey, Chris, thanks a lot for joining us today. Thank you. So Chris is a as a member of Pablo team, and he's he's the one who knows the most about food and inhabit routines. And he, uh, I want to talk to you first. About sort of your morning routine the fundamental of your day. So do you mind telling us a little bit of your morning routine? Absolutely. So I like to wake up early. Definitely. I think that's a good way to start off. And I usually just go with the butter in the coffee. That's how all started up. But I think any type of kind of higher fat way to start the day is going to start off stabilising the blood sugar. Not having a big spike with with higher carbs in the day. And then I like Teoh. I'll read in the morning. I like to have, like, an hour or so blocked off for just me. Some Chris time read Catch up on things. What time to wake up a wake up around seven or eight recently got blackout curtains, which are awesome, and so don't really sudden alarm. Try to get to bed early, ...

get eight hours and then they just naturally wake up and then yet going do some reading, get to the office early before anyone's really there. Have some time to myself before people pour in. There's distractions. And being on the East Coast is good, too, because people in the West Coast still sleeping so the emails aren't streaming in. And so that's how I like to do it. That's great. And so, um, you know a lot about foods that we should be eating and about how they affect willpower. I'm really interested in knowing, sort of, What have you brought up here? What are we looking at? Eso. Before we get into this? I think an important thing to address is just like the profound impact that food and your diet can have on you and your habits and just the rest of your life. Like you could go to the gym and do things like that, and that's really important. But food affects everything. Food effects is you guys were talking about earlier and yesterday ineffectual willpower to fix your ability to make decisions. And so I think that's really important to dial in your diet and start there because that's the foundation of everything else that's going to get built on top of it. And some other things were the like, the hot, cold empathy, gap and things like that which are super important when it comes to food, especially when you're starting a new diet because it will be it will be difficult the first couple days, whenever you're trying to do something new and you're cutting out foods that you used to love or whatever it was so making the decision beforehand in pre committing and also the bright lines theory. So you said a very specific thing beforehand, so you know what you're gonna dio. So then, when you're in that environment, you already made the decision. So, for instance, when I was flying out here, I was going on an airplane. I knew I was gonna be traveling. I knew all about Pattern interrupts. When you're changing your schedule, you're changing your routine. It gets hard to stick to your habits. So deciding beforehand like I'm gonna be on this flight, I'm gonna be on it for six hours. So I mean, there one, I'm gonna decide that I'm going fast on the plan. I'm not gonna eat air Point food. Didn't you lets you like airplane food? Price? I used to love like the airplane food. Yeah, I can't do that. So either deciding you're gonna fast on the plane decisions already made or going to the store beforehand and picking up some things that you know are aligned with your diet so you don't You're not just like, I'll figure out what I'm there. You're on the airplane. You're sitting there for three hours, you getting bored, you're getting hungry, and then you're like, I don't know, I might as well have this thing that's been sitting there for a couple days or years. So decided before, and the bright lines pre committing, knowing what you're going to do if you know you're going Teoh a party or something like that. And there could be cake or cupcakes, like just deciding in your head when you're on your way there, you're at your house knowing like I am not gonna eat cupcakes. That's just not what I'm gonna do. So a lot of people just leave it up to themselves and then there in that that hot emotional hungry. They see it there craving it. Makes it a lot harder. Teoh to resist. Yeah, and water is really effective way to do it too. Like I'm going to go and have cupcakes. But if I am going to have a cupcake, I will at least have, like, two glasses of water before I start eating cupcakes. Wait 20 minutes and then if I'm still hungry and allowed toe have cupcakes can be a really good way to allow yourself to close that loop in your brain. I'll allowed eat the cupcakes, and I'm gonna have it in 20 minutes. But let me just first have some water, and then I will. And I actually just got a glass water cause look, the Skittles, right? Just taunting me. Another thing you're talking about was plate size and plate size is really important. Another interesting thing that not a lot of people know about is the color of your plates, which is pretty cool. They did a study where they change the color of plates and then had people go through a buffet and put different foods on their plates, and then they'd see what they were putting on and they found that the color definitely has an impact. And so they found that white plates are actually probably not the best, because it's the contrast of the food with the plate that causes people toe make think they have mawr less food of something So with a white plate. Ah, usually carbohydrates will blend in more, so there's less contrast, so you could put like things like pasta, and it blends in versus if you have a green plate, Vegetables and things like that will will not have the contrast. It looks like there's less. So you put more vegetables on. You'll have less pasta and carbohydrate e things on your plate. So I did that for myself. I got some green plates, and that's pretty cool. That's something that you could just like instantly. If you're going to buy new plates to get him smaller, you'll also get green ones. And that's a good way. Start as well. Great. Well, Chris, tell us what we have here. What? How what? What are we looking at? And how is it effective? Inhabits a world power. Yeah. So can you guys guess which side you probably want to eat? More towards this one. Yeah. Okay, I would agree with that. Yes, Over here. We got some Skittles and white rice Starburst and things like that. So the more carbohydrates things, they're they're very quick burning a spike your blood sugar. Yeah, there was the Coca Cola study that says glucose increases willpower, but it's not a very effective long term strategy. So what I like to do is stay mawr on this part of its over here we have some grass fed butter, some coconut oil, coconut with a grass fed steak with asparagus. Um, got some broccoli. We got cauliflower. They also have some ground up collie flower. So I know a big thing you like Is the cauliflower pizza? Yeah, U s. Oh, I've been recently doing a ketosis diet, which is where you essentially are allowed to have 30 grams or so Max of net carbs a day. And think about the ketosis diet is that it's so constrictive Mean an apple has almost 30 grams carbs. So, like, that would be too much on because it's so constrictive. It really does lead to creativity. And what happens is that people have Keogh diet recipe websites, cave manky toe is really good. We could stuff dot com and they have looked at what? What can we build? What can we make with these restrictive diets? And they discovered one thing I discover that was just awesome was cauliflower rice and cauliflower pizza. Really simple, really fast. I never baked before, but I just started baking because of this. Um, you just buy a regular cauliflower and you essentially just put it into a food processor and in a few or a blender. Uh, if you don't have a blender, just use ah, grinder scraper or whatever. Um, and you. It'll come out looking like this, and what happens is you can microwave this and it tastes just like rice legitimately, just like rice. And you conserve just that with your steak, and it's like you're having rice and on a steak. Or if you mix this with a with an egg and put some butter. And I like to put meat inside of it to, uh, and then lay it out on a on a pan with parchment paper, it becomes Kali flour dough. It's just like it's the base of a pizza now, with the ketogenic diet. You're allowed to have cheese because it's high fat but low carb. And so I'll often mix cheese meat, put some pepperoni. Put some, uh, pesto sauce, maybe maybe a little bit of low carb pasta tomato sauce. And suddenly I have an entire pizza to myself that bakes and comes out and you know you can. You can hold it with a handle I take typically eat it with with a knife and fork, but it actually tastes just like pizza, and I get to an entire pizza to myself. I don't feel bad about it. It's like a 400 calorie pizza with, like maybe 10 grams of carbs total. So cauliflower is a really effective substitute, and another effective substitute is zucchini, which we don't have shown here. But there's a particular tool called the spiral Isar, which you can check out if you want. And if you don't have it, don't worry about you can also just use a regular knife. You take the you take zucchini and you cut it into small, thin circles. The spiral eyes will turn it into a pasta like chain like a spiral of zucchini. And what's cool about it is that the zucchini taste, I swear to God, just like pasta, and what I'll do is I'll throw that in a play in a pen. Throw in some, you know, cook with some coconut oil, throwing some zucchini, wait for to heat up for maybe a minute or two. Throw in some some tomato sauce or meat or past, or whatever I want, and suddenly I have a full policy dish that has no carbs. And it tastes, in my opinion, better than pasta so that and it cooks faster than pasta. It's solved every pasta dish you've ever had. So zucchini and, um, as well as cauliflower, very effective substitutes to use. If you want to lower your carb intake, increase your and increase your healthy foods. Yeah, so does anyone here have an aversion to fat? Afraid of putting, putting more fat on their food or anything like that? No. Everyone's on the same page with that. OK, good, because, um, there's a lot of people are the kind of trend is shifting, and people are becoming more aware that, you know they're still bad fats. But there's also a lot of healthy good ones that you can And you should be putting into your diet in actually, kind of interesting history on that, if people aren't aware is where that kind of came from. And so there was this guy Ancel Keys, and he was working. The government was helping to put together, like the diet recommendations for the U. S. And he did what was published as the seven countries study. So he went around, looked at the saturated fat intake of these seven different countries and correlated to an increase rate immortality. And so people were like, Oh, my God, we gotta got to stay away from fat. It's the devil. And if you look at the actual data he was using, it was, in actuality, a 22 countries study. So I looked at 22 countries and just cherry picked the ones that showed the best correlation. So that's kind of where all of that stemmed out of. And now, in recent years, people have really it's been coming to light that, you know, there are really great fats that you should be using, and especially when you're having vegetables and things like that is there's a lot of just fat soluble nutrients that you can't even absorb if you're not putting you like olive oil on yourself. So that's great. Using olive oil or coconut oil, grass fed butter and things like that are a great thing to to incorporate into your diet. I love it in the morning, the butter and some M c T oil. Things like that. A great thing about coconut coconuts. Superfood It's been I remember just a couple of years ago you could only get like one brand of coconut oil in this supermarket. And now there's hundreds. Ziggy Marley has a brand, which is, actually he is like a lemon one. It's pretty dope, but yeah, coconut oil has what's called M C T oils in it, which are the medium chain triglycerides. And so those will burn as fat in the presence of sugar in your body, which is which is key. So if you're having in other types of fat and sugar, usually the body preferentially burns the sugar, and then the fat just gets put into your fat cells. But the way M. C. T s work is, they will be preferentially burned over glucose or they're a great thing to add, and especially if you're having a heart higher carbohydrate meal. Yeah, Um, yeah. I've heard recommendations that if you're about to have something with a lot of carbs, just smear some butter on in a little lower year absorption rate? Another. It's very. Another cool thing about coconut is in tropical climates. They actually during shortages. They would use coconut water in place of like a saline I V drip, because it is the same exact molecular structure as your blood plasma, which is cool. So it's good to refuel. Got the electrolytes after working out or something like that. So one thing that I I get a lot of flak for is my take on fruits and vegetables. My one thing is that there's a lot worse things you could do that even Apple. When Apple has a lot of carbs that has a lot of sugar, it will spike your blood glucose. But there is a lot I'd rather have an apple that I would have Skittles. That's a lie. I love skin. Wish I was on that side of table, but the act like the choosing like just because it's a fruit doesn't make it healthy. But the fruit is a lot better than Skittles, and one of things that came out of the last, like 30 or 40 years of American policy from the FDA was this. The food pyramid, which started off by saying that we had to have five to 10 servings, or 5 to 6 servings of grains and breads and pasta on the bottom and, like fats, should be limited at the top. And it's very, very, very important that we have. You know that breads become the core of our diet, and what's interesting is that if you actually eat that many servings of bread and you follow, the dietary guidelines were eating like 6500 calories a day. Minimum s. So there's an interesting thing with that, too. There's a old it's like a farmer's manual or something like that, and it's a guide on how to fatten up cattle. And it's basically the American food pyramid, which is that which is pretty funny, like if you want to fatten up your cattle so you can slaughter him, they gain some weight. That's the way you fatten up Americans to. If I'm correct, I don't think that the food pyramid was ever actually made by American government organization. It was designed by the by a bunch of lobbyists that kind of, like, lobbied for the food pyramid to be part of our she part of our part of what we were taught. And I remember growing up, I just distinct remember growing up and telling my friends that I was gonna lose weight. And I started looking at fat and lowering the amount of fat Onley focusing on fat. I've looking calories, my diet but just lowering. So I have zero fat, zero fat, ecru thons like bread, whatever. Because it had no fat. Of course, what it does is it makes you hungry. Fat keeps you hungry. Fat makes you full and sugar carbs make you hungry. And so even the U. S. Guidelines at one point recommended low amounts of gummy bears and amounts of amounts of skittles on gun bears because they they were sugary, but they didn't have any fat in it. So it was not correlated with, um with any kind of ah disease. But I mean, it's been shown to have been, ah, been a massive mistake and it's caused it. The creation, the pyramid and the the recommendation of a low fat diet is pretty highly correlated with the increase in obesity in the American public. So something fearful of Yeah, fat is fed is hugely important. I mean, your brain is 80% saturated fat. Every single one of the cells in your body has a coating of saturated fat. That's what keeps it a cell and keeps everything from spilling out all over it. So all your sex hormones are all synthesized from cholesterol. You need cholesterol in order to convert vitamin D from the sun to the actual active form of vitamin D in your body. So a lot of times people, if they're taking a vitamin D tests and shows that there low. But there in the sun all the time could be because they're eating a very low fat diet so they actually have the vitamin D, but they're not able to convert it. So the, uh, yeah, cholesterol is hugely important. There's a lot of discrepancies between actually like the HDL cholesterol in the LDL cholesterol, with HDL being good in L. Dale. Being bad, the simple it's kind of people will simplify to make it easy to understand for the masses. But in this simplification, it's Ah, the science is actually pretty skewed. So HDL basically brings the cholesterol away from your body or distributed around your body. LDL goes around, cleans it up, brings it back to your liver, and so it's a bunch of different. Fraction is ations of the LDL, and yes, so it's very important. There's like there's like two types of LDL cholesterol and the test that most doctors will give you. Look for one type of LDL. They look for the sum total of LDL cholesterol, one type of basically all the other little small globules, and there's some that are big and some that are small, and the small ones can get clicking. Clog your arteries, but the big ones don't they can clean it up, and so the but the test that you'll get a doctor will simplify it. So you're they might tell you that your LDL level is too high. But then when you look at your triglyceride level, which is low, if your triglycerides are low and your cholesterol is high, you still are, probably you're not correlated for for heart disease. Your Corlett? Yeah, it's Thea. It's when travelers riser high at the same time as your cholesterol being high. Then there's a propensity for heart disease, But it's important, like I feel like the like. I feel like there's, Ah, the doctors haven't really gotten the notice yet, and it's hard to go in and talk to your doctor when you're having a high fat diet that's going, I expect toe have a high cholesterol measurement. But cholesterol is not eyes, not the risk factor. Here. It's the it's the ratio between it can often be important. Um, and then the the also. One thing is that dietary cholesterol is not the same as body cholesterol. So, yes, there's a lot of cholesterol in your eggs, but eggs are not going to cause you to get heart disease. Eggs have most of the nutrients in the yolk, and just by removing that yoke, you've removed the value of having your eggs. It's like a perfect superfood in some ways on. And so, in no way should you should you be worried about eating too many eggs. You guys have any questions about this, about your diets or how you could form a healthier eating habit or if they're certain foods that you want to incorporate but don't know how. Chris, if I this slide, if you could just talk about this because it's saying here I ittle awful lot of fruit saying he'll be cautious of high sugar fruits. How do you know which ones are? Which ones are the high sugar and what is the detrimental effect? Yeah, absolutely. So the higher sugar fruits mostly have, Ah, the ones you want to look out for, the ones that have high fruit dose in them. So things like mangos and pineapples and pears and peaches and things like that. They have a lot of their higher and fructose and fruit does. Basically, your body can't break it down, so it immediately just gets shunted to the liver. And when it does that, it also up regulates the enzymes to pull all of the sugar in your body, not just fructose to your liver to get reprocessed. And so it basically makes your liver a sugar sponge. And so when you do that consistently over a long, long amount of time, it can lead to things like non alcoholic fatty liver disease because you're just overworking your liver over and over. So if you do want fruits, the good ones that have the Berries so so blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries Those are all really low glycemic fruits and you know they pack a good antioxidant punch. But a lot of the other ones, like mangos and pineapples and bananas, especially they're very high in sugar. And so, you know, if you just worked out and you want to have something like that, it's not gonna is not gonna be terrible for you, but you want to stay more towards the lower sugar ones in the vegetable so people will often group fruits and vegetables together is if they're like one of the same brother and sister hanging out together. But it's certainly not the case, so they're definitely separating. You don't want to be, it says, like have a serving of fruits and vegetables. You definitely want to steer more towards the vegetables. In my opinion, Um, no, it doesn't. That's just your opinion. That's great advice. And I think people think they can have one of the other. If they have five apples, that's their five, but it's not, I mean, five vegetables is really what the essence is. Absolutely yeah, specifically these ones that we brought up. So the broccoli cauliflower in the asparagus there, the cruciferous vegetables. So they also help detoxify your body in the go round and round up estrogen's and things like that, like excess estrogen, which is very prevalent in, Ah, in just our food and our diets in our environment these days, from from drinking out of out of plastic and all these other toxins and things like that. So it's definitely good to throw those in and help help your liver out. So, yeah, it's really it's really difficult. But there's so much competing advice on what you should be eating and what you shouldn't be eating. And I know it's hard to know who to trust it sometimes and everyone who you do trust tense. I often like this, is trying to sell something as well or or may have, like another reason why they why they want you to follow their their guidelines. So it is like, you know, I mean, it's been shown based on a lot of studies that studies always compete with one another. The hard part is to understand what is right and what is wrong. Realistically, you need to find a diet plan the worst for you. Like if if you can manage to do ah ah, high fat, low carb diet and it works for you, then that's great. If you can't, there's still there's still ways to manage what you're doing, but in particular the beauty of using high fat diets. The beauty of butter, for example, is that having butter makes you full. It makes you not as hungry. So like, yes, there are more calories per gram of fat than there are calories per gram of carbs or protein, absolutely. But the beauty of fat of high fat diets is that they just keep you satiated. So I discovered that I have a gene that makes me consistently hungry, and I have this small obesity gene and me that less than 2% of the world has. But more than 40% of the Amish have. I know what that is about, but I thought forever that I was designed to be hungry, that I was just the kind of person who would always be hungry, and my Jean results. Recommend said the same that I would always be hungry when I switched to a high fat diet. It was It was fascinating. Toe watch what it's like when you're not hunger, you just It doesn't pop into my mind. I don't even think about the food. You know, I'm not trying to eat those skittles that are right in front of me, even when they're right in front of me. Sometimes that said, obviously keeping them out of your sight out of mind will be much more beneficial overall. But don't be afraid of of your butter or of your steak. Um, and one interesting thing about about butter is that people don't really know how many grams is a serving. I began measuring all my food for a period about four months, attract all my calories and, like probably one of these sticks of butter, which I just want to eat. Right now, it's about 10 grams of butter. I would guess I've been measuring every day, and that's about 2/3 of a serving of butter. So if you're gonna go ahead and cook eggs, you can you can put in 1.5 of these sticks of butter and start off by cooking it. And thats gonna add only 100 calories to your day at your to your eggs, but it's gonna keep you really satiated. And it's fascinating because I used to cook. I just think that fat was a bad thing. So I would probably cook with this much butter and that what was what was happening is I was basically just greasing the pan almost like a spray, but I wasn't getting any of the value of it. It was just a tiny bit not knowing how big a serving size is. It's It's very common. People don't know how much how much a serving of ah item is. Knowledge is power, Absolutely. But let's talk a little bit about but optimized about your willpower and, uh as well as your diet. Absolutely so I mean, we talked about yesterday how blood glucose plays an important role in willpower. But from my perspective, I think it's really important to more. So spike it with the higher carb foods, more stabilizing your blood sugar throughout the day with lower carb, higher fat, moderate protein diet and going about your day like that, and I think a really like from more of the micro habit perspective and doing it that way. It's really easy. It makes it a lot easier if you just simplify what you're gonna eat, like creating the plan of foods that you're going to eat and going with it for that way. So when I moved into my new apartment, I knew how important it was to set up the routine and set up the habit of just getting into eating a certain way. So for the 1st 2 weeks, I just go to the store. I would get like Baby kale, baby spinach. Those were the vegetables, and I would just get, like, stir fried meat and make a super simple meal. I would in one pan. I would just be like sauteing the kale in the spinach in one pan, doing the me and the other one. It's super easy, put it together in five or 10 minutes and just got into the habit of doing that. Just buying in bulk and you can do that makes it up a little bit. But people vastly overestimate, like the variety they have in their in their meals and what they will eat like a lot of people will go to just triple a day after day. And they're like, No, I don't wanna be restricted with my diet like that's too restrictive and it's like you do the same thing every day. It's just you're gonna do it more consciously from now on. So I think that's really important. Just picking the things that you really like that you really enjoy and just committing pre committing to doing that for a couple days till you get the habit down. You get the routine down, your ableto stick with it. Tracking your food is ah, is something that I mentioned. I mentioned previously that it's like one of those happens that I thought would be impossible form. And when I started tracking my food, it really revolutionized my understanding of my human behavior, my human body. I noticed that the amount of food I was weighing on the scale was completely opposite of what I thought A serving of vegetables was. I remember one particular day. I don't think I've ever been this happy, Uh, when I was way, I was measuring out frozen Berries and they say that half cup of frozen Berries is one serving, so I'd measure with 1/2 cup spoon. Uh, take out 1/2 cup of frozen Berries and eat it and then write down it with 70 calories. But what was interesting was that it's 1/2 cup mashed Berries, and when I actually waited out on a grand scale, it was like 3.5 of those half cups was one serving. I was like, You mean I get to eat 3.5 cups of brave Berries? And it's the same as what I've been thinking. This is amazing. So, uh, it's not a bad idea to try tracking your food for a week or so just to see what you're doing in your daily routine. That and I wanted to ask you about. So you mentioned Chipotle. What are some good fast food recommendations for people who are on the go or people were traveling? How can they get healthy foods when they're, you know, out? Yeah, absolutely. So I think an important things goes back to the pre commitment is no, like planning ahead of time. It's super important. It can't be overestimated. So if you're going to a party or you're going to be traveling or whatever it is planning ahead of time. And so you can either get the foods or know where you're going to get the foods. Um, in the case where you don't plan ahead and you're in that moment, you're rushing around the city and have things to do. I think I do like chipotle A. That's where I'll go and I'll get either the salad. I'll just get salad with steak and some for heated veggies on that. And that's good. Guacamole is also good. So that's again. Guacamole is great. We should probably have brought some of that up. This Well, welcome. Always a great high fat good for you. Help stabilize the blood sugar. You just rub butter all over that too. All right. But just usually keep a stick of butter in my back pocket just for those emergency situations. But, um, yeah, yeah. Polo is a great one. I've actually seen really good ways to eat healthy, even at restaurants you would never think are healthy. So they're all What I'm about to say is obviously not the best decision, but if you're gonna McDonalds and you have to go McDonald's. There are ways to make it healthier, unusual I'll often get. If I'm stuck, I'll get a one owes $1 salads that they have, and then I'll buy a chicken sandwich. Then throw away the bun, cut up chicken sandwich and throw to my salad and have a $2 chicken salmon chicken salad. And it's much cheaper than their $6 Sal. I don't know how the salads that at fast food chains are so expensive, but that's a quick way to quick fix to make something healthy and in a lot of cases, a lot of the foods you're gonna get there. The majority of the bad comes from the bun. So if you're going to like a five guys or if you're going Teoh even to a Burger King or McDonald's, you can make the meal a lot healthier, and you're not gonna be as Hungary later if you just throw away the bun and eat the meat. If you're gonna be much more satisfied. So I'm not recommended. You eat fast food, but if you have to eat fast, food is you can make it healthier absolutely, and I think also to go along with that is knowing like if you do that, not throwing the baby out with bathwater, the all or nothing fallacy like you don't want to think I was in a rush and I ate some bad food, like, now that just days ruin the weeks ruin, I screwed up my diet. I'm never gonna be healthy, like just realizing that that was one instance. You can hop back on track at the next meal. And I mean, it's just so important to you to figure it out, to get the good diet that works best for you because everything stems off of that. And yeah, has a ripple effect throughout everything else about through all your habits. Another thing that's really interesting is that you had food is a great way to plan your habits around and plan a routine around. So, like breakfast, lunch and dinner. You're doing it at least three times a day. So when you're building a routine finding a way to use kind of the mealtime as the anchor and either have some things beforehand or after that you're doing like after I finish, I'm gonna do push push ups like after I put my dishes in the sink or something like that, or before I have my meal, I'm gonna drink a big glass of water on one last thing I want to bring up is lactose and lactose intolerance. I didn't realize this when I was growing up under the Indian household, so my parents would drink chai tea every single day. A lot of our dishes were based around lactose, but I discovered that 90% of Asians are completely lactose intolerant. And in fact, more than 50% of Americans are lactose intolerant to an extent as when we're born. We have the ability to produce the lack taste enzyme in our in our in our liver. But as we get older and older, we often lose the ability to process that. And what happens from the perspective of people who eat lactose is that you eat cheese or you eat. You drink some milk, and what happens is that it goes down and your liver says I can't handle this so it puts it into your gut and bacteria starts to eat at and process the process. The lactose and your bacteria is basically started to release release substances and compounds that cause you to fart and cause you to have trouble in the morning or feel bad or feel sick. And often people who eat lactose never realizes, because there's never a single day that they go without milk or without cheese without some variety of factors in the diet. So I went until I was 25 or 26 about realizing I was lactose intolerant. And if you ever have any symptoms like that, you may want Teoh consider the first thing you can. I mean, the recommendation is always don't drink any milk for a week and then have a glass of milk and then see if you feel you react poorly. I've found an easier wage to go by lack tastes. Supplements like Lactaid you could buy from CVS are Walgreens, and just pop it at the beginning of a meal. Whenever you're about to have, like any kind of lactose in your meal and the next 45 minutes, your body will have locked taste that can provide that it will provide lack taste for you to break down any lactose compounds. If you do that for a couple days and you suddenly feel better. You might have found that you but you're lactose intolerant. And then you can start optimizing your diet for that. So thank you so much, Chris. It was a pleasure to be here. Great. So thank you so much. Uh, yes. Great. So I think great munitions just like to run through. You've got this steak here, obviously with the asparagus. Something asking online is how good is all bad is meat for you as part of your diet. I gets a bad rap quite often. It gets a batter up quite often. I will say this. I was a vegetarian for about four years of my life in a vegan for a few months, and I've never been fatter. Then when I was a vegetarian and especially when I was a vegan, because you know what is a vegan friendly food? Taco Bell with no cheese on a bean burrito? And that's a vegan friendly food. But it's not a healthy food. Meat in, uh, in meat has been vilified for years. I believe that meat is actually very, very positive. Very positive piece of part of our routine and in particular, red meat has high saturated fats. It's been it's been vilified because of the low fat regimen of the United States recommendations. And the saturated fat in the meat is what keeps you, keeps you full. Humans were designed to eat meat. I mean, the paleo diet says that humans grew up eating meat. Whether or not you believe in that in the paleo diet or not, meat should not be vilified. It should be part of Your team has very high, has no carbs, It has good fats, and it has a lot of protein. And if you take away, if you don't believe in high fats and you still don't believe it, fish has high fat and says it has no fat. And except for the the fatty fishes, which are just Omega three, is extremely recommended by everybody and have a lot of protein, and they're very important. So, in my opinion, and in a lot of a lot of people's opinions, uh, meat should not be vilified. And if you're still worried about it, just make sure that you understand that you need to get protein in your diet, and in particular, most people should be looking for 0. point eight grams per per pound of lean body mass, at least so if you're £180 dude, you probably wanna have about 100 30 grams or so of protein each day, which is a lot of protein. If you're not eating meat, it's a lot of protein. And no matter how many you can have that you can eat a lot of of of lentils or beans. But they're gonna have a lot more carbs, and they do protein. So be very careful. If you're not eating meat to get, make sure you get enough protein eating a protein powder or through through some kind of some kind of deal has brought in. It's interesting what you're saying because there is so much conflict. Conflicting information about certain food group. In fact, it was a follow up question from the same person asking, saying off seem they've also heard that meat is relation to various cancers as well. So it's something I think people are very concerned about. Yeah, it is. Ah, what's typically what happens with studies that are typically cited for the relations to cancers is that it's a correlation all bias. It's like the type of people who eat meat or also eating are also eating, drinking a lot of soda is there often eating fast food? And yes, they're going to get cancers because of these bad fats and these bad things, bad news they're eating. But when you use grass fed meats, which have ah higher omega three to Omega six ratio, which is a better type of fat when you start Teoh and for grass fed meat, by the way, it's almost is basically as good to eat grass fed ground beef as it is to eat. Grass fed stakes of different cuts and grass fed ground beef is not very expensive. It's not that much more expensive than regular ground beef for regular sake. So if you're if that price is an issue you can always approach, you can always approach ground. Ground beef is a meal to now there's certain drink that are better for our bodies. Cape you is asking about alcohol again. Count comes with a lot of concerns. A lot of warnings accepted, but they say they actually tend to be drawn to sugary drinks that we know are terrible for our body as a certain types of alcohol we should be avoiding completely or others that are not quite so detrimental. Well, alcohols air. I mean, by definition, alcohol is a poison, so it's not good. Teoh. I mean, if you consider a away from alcohol, in most cases, it's, ah, it's not a bad thing. That said, if you're going to drink their particular types of drinks that are better than others hard liquors that are clear. If you mix it with soda water, for example, that's my drink of choice. Vodka soda has 80 calories per drink and put with lime and tastes pretty good. Red wines are pretty good as well. Saying with the reason that people love sugary drinks is that they drink sugary drinks. And as you drink a sugary drink, you desire and more sugar and it doesn't stop. It's like a feedback loop. As you start to remove sugar from your diet, sweet drinks will taste too sweet, and you won't desire them anymore. So LA and long story short, we're gonna drink. Try not to drink more than one or two glasses of drinks a day if you're gonna have a lot of drinks trying out Teoh trying to do it more than once a week, for sure and stick with clear alcohols and soda water is, Ah, has zero calories and it's it's not as bad for you as if you have tonic water or any kind of mixed mixed drink.

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