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Workout Habits with Mark Bell

Lesson 9 from: Unstoppable Improvement: Willpower and Habits

Maneesh Sethi

Workout Habits with Mark Bell

Lesson 9 from: Unstoppable Improvement: Willpower and Habits

Maneesh Sethi

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9. Workout Habits with Mark Bell

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Workout Habits with Mark Bell

here today with Mark Bell. Hey, Mark, Now they're going. So it's a pleasure to see you again, man. Happy to be here. Actually, your hand is lost. Tribes natural. So, Mark that scares could be opposed down eso Mark and I met actually the first ever creativelive What's in fares? Back in Seattle a couple years ago. And when I saw Marty then he just looked like a big dude. Now he's freaking me out. He's got, like, actual definition. And most was chubby. Yeah, he was chubby guy. And actually, Mark said something like, 2.5 years ago. That was He said, Hey, if you're trying to lose weight, you should just do this. Dia called carbonate, where you do a ketosis diet eating fewer than 30 grams of carbs a day and that what'll happen is you'll just lose low weight. And I never really followed it into, like, a month and 1/2 ago or so. But when I started Teoh, I wasn't anything about Mark. I was just cooling articles on how to do the diet ketogenic diets. I was following this plan and I realized the ...

plan I was following was this dude's and it was the same guy who recommended me to die years ago, had a huge article how to do it. And I had completely changed the way I was working, man. So it's cool to see you again. Um, I want to talk to you more about sort of your Let's take a seat for a second. Can you say I think it's cold And, uh, eso you've worked like So tell us, Tell nobody about like What? What's your What's your PR on squad? My best squads? 1000 80. Also, bench pressed £854 on a £766 dead lift. Yeah, that's really high. I hit 3 15 this year. I had a bet with a friend, had to squat 3 15 or else I had to pay $100 to the George W. Bush presidential library. They, um, turns out yesterday he paid his 100 bucks. That's kind of nerdy. Hey, libraries kind, but it ended up working out, so I want he didn't and I feel bad for him, but yeah, so you have 1000 £80 PR That's insane on, So I wanted to talk to you today about the habits of athletes of elite athletes. Start out with you. And I know you also have a gym that you train people, actually, in my hometown in Sacramento. Yeah, I want to know more about the people who come in. What? What is your type of customer and sort of what makes them what makes the winners win, You know, I mean, you know, first of all, I don't have customers because my gym is free. And one, the reasons why my gym is free is because I believe I had I am destined. Teoh, uh, put on this earth to make the world a better place to lift. And that's why I do stuff like this all the time. That's why I'm out there sharing information with people all the time, working tirelessly, giving out tons of free information, because I feel it's important for people to understand how to exercise properly. And I'm tired of seeing these trainers charge so much money and kind of price people out of fitness and of health, and it frustrates me. So I decided, well, rather than hating on them, I'll just do my own thing my own way, and I'll make my gym free. And that's why super training is free. The type of way Super training gym. It's in Sacramento, any of you that ever want to come. Anybody is listening that he wants to come out to the gym. You can email me at Super Training gym at me dot com. Anyone can come. Sunday is a free day to come and check the place out to kind of see if it's something that you would want to be more a part of. But the type of people that come to me are I get some interesting people coming my way. Usually it's people that are seeking out strength. It's people that want to get stronger. But what I like to always try to share with people is it's not about moving around a bar bell, although it looks that way. When you walk into my gym, you see tons of iron everywhere. But it's not about moving around. A bunch of iron is not just about being a meathead, it's about self improvement, and it's about earning the best respect that you could possibly earn. And that's called self respect. It's A. It's a journey of self improvement. Making yourself stronger is a journey of self improvement. And so we'll stand here before you are six feet tall, £250 looking like a meathead. I'm much stronger inside than I am on the outside. Yeah, um, and it wasn't always that way. So all of that has been through building up confidence in the gym. Yeah, I think it was. It was Marilyn Monroe who said, If you can't handle me when I'm when I'm cutting, then you don't deserve me when I'm swole already. Sure, nobody had nice pecs, Absolutely. But what I wanted to talk to you today about is about like so specifically when you see, I'm sure you have a lot of people joining, especially Jim's free. You have a lot of people coming, have a lot of people joining. You have a lot of people visiting. There are a lot of people, I'm sure who sign up and then never come again or come a few times and then don't continue. But the people who continue in particularly the people like you who managed to break, you know, a £600 squad or £550 dead lift or whatever. Have you ever seen anything that's, like, pretty common in these type of people that, like some sort of have it? That's something that they just tend to do. Yeah, you know, you're gonna hear time and time again has just sounds so cliche. But consistency is a huge factor. Is a huge part of that. Um, I think that something that each individual needs to do is need to try to challenge yourself. You try to give yourself new challenges. The people that do the best in my gym or first of all, people that listen to me, that always works. Ah, and not because I'm some genius or anything like that. It's just that I've seen a lot. Ive been around power to things since I was 12 years old. I'm 37 now. You can do the math, you got a pen and paper. But you know, the people that do the best are people that focus in on what it is they're actually doing. Um, and they they are people that are setting goals from there for theirselves. Um, if you don't set a goal, um, then What is it you're actually trying to dio? So people come to me all the time and they'll say, um, I want to lose. You know, I want, you know, I want to want to hop on a diet because, you know, I'm really frustrated, and that's not enough information for me to help you and assist you with a diet. There's many diets at work. I'm a proponent of a lower carb style of diet, but I don't suggest it were recommended to everybody because I need to know what your goals are. Um, if you don't know what your goals are thin, how the hell do you know where you want to go? You have to do your work to advance you, not his work or my work, I found. I've also has also noticed from people in the gym who tend to go and quit, and people who want to continue. There's, uh, X factor. It's like some people go in, and when it gets hard, that's time to go home. And there's other people who, when it gets hard, that's like, Yeah, it's time to start, right? Like that pump, like Arnold Schwarzenegger always talked about his, um, and so it seems like being able to identify that type of person and something that can shift like some days. You want to go home. It's getting tired and you don't have to. Every day. It's all process. It's not every day you need to win, but it's It's a process of the average, and the fact that you continue to show up seems to be a secret. Yeah, you know, for a lot of us at my gym at super training, we've been doing it for a while, so we don't necessarily like lifting weights. We love it, and when you love something, you tend to hate it. You tend to bitch about it. You tend to complain about it sometimes, so we don't want to be there every day. I don't want to eat eggs and bacon every single morning, but it is part of it of a process, and it is part of having set goals. And when you start telling other people and you start telling yourself about your goals, you start writing down your goals. You can start to work towards those goals. We had a guy in our gym, and this is kind of not gonna be all that relatable to you guys because of the amount of weight that he lifted. But just keep it in perspective, just for life in general, for gold setting in general, he said, I want a bench press £ and in my gym, you know, we never say Oh, crap like you can't do that way saying you can Dio Yeah, not normally. Right. But what we do instead is we say All right. Oh, we got we got to get you to bench this first and we got to get you to do this First we got to get all these things have to kind of fall in line freedom Bench press £900. Fast forward. About a year. The guy blows up £900. He just absolutely annihilates it in a competition. Hits his goal. He's crying after he hits the lift. All of us are so excited for him. Everyone's, you know, just elated. Everyone's fired up and everything. But the guy comes into the gym a few days later and I say Big Roy, what do you want to do? Today? He goes, I have no goals you did it you want. And from that point on, I never saw him again. And so you have to continue to not only set goals, but those goals have to change. And as you get older, those goals will change all the time. When you're young and you're hungry, those goals might be pretty hard core. As you get older, those goals will be a little bit, uh, there won't be as hard core anymore, but you'll still be setting different goals for different times. If you just saw me, I was looking off in the distance because I realized I hit 3 back to the gym like 1/3 1 4th as much as I used to be in like that was probably the end. I won the goal, and that's done. I wanted to do a quick demo. Um, about the you see is that means that your breakfast on the right just yeah, that's actually, um, that Ah, wait. Stacked up equates to approximately the most weight ever lifted in one day, which is around £2600. I think that was what I was actually weighing before I started using Pavlak. So make sure you guys, but I want to talk about some particular core exercises, so I don't I'm not actually 100% sure if you agree with what I'm about to say and what I what I believe. Are you familiar with strong lifts? Program by five eso There's ah, I'm familiar with five by five been around for many years. Sure, so five by five is just you do five sets of 55 reps and five reps of five trying to say it's like five reps of five sets of five reps. He said it exactly. And, um and there's a particular program called Strong Lifts, which focuses on five particular workouts, and you do it three days a week. You squat every day, and then the other two workouts you alternate each day, so it's basically five by five of squat, followed by on on Monday on your a workout, you do squat bench, press dead lift, and then on the second day, you do squat bar, bell row and overhead press. Do you feel like those five exercises are pretty core to doing having a If you were to do just those workouts with those being effective. Yeah, I feel like you can get a lot of out of bar Bell movements. The barbell movements are a little bit more challenging. You get a little bit more of your stabilizer muscles involved. It's more whenever you dio any of the barbell movements. It's more of a full body workout. Even when you're doing something like a bench press with a bar bell. It's not just your upper body that's involved. Kind of feels that way, but your entire body is involved. Whenever use a bar bell, it's gonna be a little bit more challenging. It's gonna kind of help you, Teoh burn more calories. One thing I want to mention before we move on into, Ah, the different exercise and stuff I just want to share with you guys. Two things is Does anybody here know how to get a personal best in particular lift every single time they come into the gym? No. Okay, he's on 2 May have an idea start very, very low. That's not about bad ideas. I have a low ceiling for yourself, like like me with, like, laundry like I don't know how Teoh wife does it all the time low expectations. You know, the way that you can progress all the time is to try something different. Try something you haven't done before. And you could do that with exercises. You can do that with walking. You could do that with just about anything, is there? I'm gonna walk this way for this long, and I want to get back by this time. And you can kind of set a PR, if you will, you know, personal best or personal record for that particular distance that you walked you can do in a certain period of time. You can do a certain lift for a certain amount of reps. If you are someone who is familiar with dead lifting, benching, squatting, those types of things. And you've done them before, you say, Well, I'm gonna do a four right Max today because I feel like crap. But I want to feel good about myself when I leave. Since you've never done that before, that will be a new personal best friend reward and you write that town. And what? We're kind of cheating the system over a bit. What you just said is actually very true as well the strongest program itself. It's like an app that you download and it starts you off on doing these five workouts start you off super low. It's like you start off by squatting bar. Any. Any male can squat twice that way. And if you can easily squat the way of the bar and because it's so low, your your your workout is just five by five. So five sets of five reps it doesn't. You only have to wait as much time as you need to in between each workout. So the first month or so the program is like 15 to 30 minutes in the gym. You get in there, you squat the bar, it feels like you did nothing, and then you just continue on and finish. And then, though, the program itself increases the weight on each of your workouts by £5 every single workout, you start off squatting 45 the next day. On Wednesday, you'll squat 50 and 55 on Friday, and it's still easy suddenly, by the time a month later, that it gets hard. Well, by the time it gets hard, it doesn't even matter anymore because you're so you've already formed that habit. That 30 day action of entering the gym and opening up the app in the APP tells you what to do. So on that behavioral diagram, the ability is so easy you show up and you just know what you're doing. And it's always squat on the first day, uh, that you just end up walking up and start racking at the bar and and every day from then on is going to be your personal best. So there's definitely a mixture of the two, um, and so I'm really excited about it. T demo with some of people in the audience, a few the workouts and one thing I want to say just where we go on and we're sure on time and stuff. But an exercise that anyone can start to engage himself in is walking. It's so simple. Anyone can do it. I walk every single morning at about 4 30 in the morning. I like to try to start my day early, like to try to get on top of it and get out in front of the day before the day gets in front of me. But when you wake up is when you decide, but everybody can wake up about 30 minutes earlier than they normally wake up. Get out, start walking or you could even walk at night. Doesn't really matter when you do it, trying to make excuses about it, get a good pair of shoes and go out for a 20 minute walk. Turn that 20 minute walk into about a 40 minute walk. We could all use more exercise. Walking has done a lot for me. It's help me with my cardiovascular system and just also helping with with just keeping my mind strong. When you come out for those walks, I'm thinking about the things that I want to do for the day. I'm thinking about the things I want to do for the week. I'm thinking about the different things that I want achieved during the year, so I'll give it a shot. It's easy to do. Absolutely. Walking is one of the best simple exercises that really causes no negative insight. Like running can hurt your joints, right? Walking doesn't walking, running could be demanding. Yeah, yeah, and walking doesn't make you super hungry like like high intensity can. It's one of those exercises that people can do other things at the same time as it's It's such a core. And if you optimize your date correctly. I had an old roommate, for example, who who was quite a big guy. And he lost a lot of weight because the only thing he changed was that he no longer took Ah subway. Never along with the Metro to go Teoh work. He managed to do it to do the right way, where he where he started walking to work. Chase actually said the same thing where he biked toe work. There you go. And a 1.5 mile bike ride takes, what, 5 10 minutes max. A little extra movement, A little extra moving the day. But it makes you and I love the act of walking because I'm not on a treadmill but in real life, because you can run and get tired halfway through treadmill like if you're planning on doing three miles and a mile and you're tired and you take off and walk home area and get off right. But if you if you are walking three miles and you get tired of mile through well, you gotta walk back like they're still have a mile to go. Were designed the walk to I don't know if anybody knows that, but were made to do that. Yeah, we're outside for movement. There's very isn't there isn't if you haven't read it already. Run. Write. That book is incredible. It made me get Vibram shoes, which most people make fun before it looks fantastic. And actually, these are barefoot for a fresh karate kicks. So the bottom has No, these were actually shoes that I made with Reebok is really one up to. You owe 10. What else you got? I got nothing. I got nothing, but I'm sure you're gonna get squat anyway. It's time a lift, right? Yeah. Let's lift it. Is it Mike Far? He's elite power lifter with super trading. Jim gonna have him demonstrate some of these lifts. The first exercise we're going to show you is a dead lift. And there's actually two different styles of dead lift that I'm going to share with you today. You're gonna notice that because we have a £10 plate, the weights are much lower to the floor than normal. If we had a £45 plate, the weights would be a little bit higher. Eso his back positioning is gonna look a little bit different than what we're used to seeing. But two main things on a dead lift, any form of a dead lifts. All we're looking for is that the back is flat and that the hips are lower than the shoulders. So the back is flat and the hips are lower than the shoulders. We don't need to try to complicate it any more than that. And again, the back positioning on this might be a little different cause this is several inches lower than what's normal. But trying to get your back flat and trying to maintain that flat back position is really crucial to your lower back health and to your the ability to make progress in this particular lift. So you're gonna want to really try to pay attention to that. Um, of course, when you start to go heavier, your back will round on occasion, and that's OK. It's just that you want to always try your best to keep your back is flat as you can. So, Mike, just gonna perform about three reps here what we like to dio the dead lift is if you can just stand back up being a real quick. We like to just bend from the hip that way. We're not trying to squat down. We're not asking anybody to do anything to Strange with their hips or with their lower body. He's just bending from the hip. Now he's gonna grab the bar a little bit wider than where his his legs are. Now. He's going to kind of squat down and get his back flat, and he's gonna pick the weight up from there. It's very simple. You're trying Teoh do a lift. That's kind of a back lift, but you're trying to use your legs as well. So that's why he's spending his legs down, kind of squatting down about as much as he can and then trying to pick the wait up. If he was to try to just pick the weight up with his lower back, it would look more like this. Don't do OK, Yeah, that's that's gonna be a little bit, well, a lot more dangerous, and that's not the way that you want to try to lift it, not the proper way to do it. You also want to try to keep the weight close to your body. We see sometimes people get out in front. The more that you get the weights, get out in front of you. The more stress that's gonna be for your lower back. Never try to move something out of the back of an SUV or the back with truck heavy groceries or a heavy box or something. You gotta lean way like this. The further distance it is from your body, the harder it is is going to be toe lift. So back is flat. Were also try to keep the stomach tight. You gotta stomach tight. That's how you can check people. You can kind of whack him. Your stomach should be kind of turned on about 20%. And right when you do the lift, you want to try to take air into your stomach and you want to try to push your stomach outward. That's also gonna help protect your lower back. You do the lift one more time. Kind of watch as he takes Aaron, and then he goes, and you may feel like your head's gonna explode. It's very normal. Powerlifting is part of it. There's also another way to dead lift. This is called a sumo Dead lift. This this type of dead lift is gonna work your legs more. For those of you that don't like squats, you can perhaps perhaps incorporate this instead for a little while. He's got a wider stance. His hands are not gonna go inside where his legs were. Back's gonna be flat. We want the hips lower than the shoulders and he's gonna pull the wait up. So this one is a little bit more of a squat. It's gonna be a little bit mawr uh, legs a little bit more hamstrings than the previous lift back your legs. The ah, regular dead lift is a great movement a conventional dead lift when you're in close. But it tends to just kind of really wear out your lower back makes you Khanna Gist Move sluggishly for the next couple days. So those of you that have a tight lower back might want to try this style of dead lifting. Um, we comment on track bars versus Is there a difference or what do you think about? Yeah, there's different. There's There's a lot of different ways to dead lift. You can dead lift off of an elevated surface where the range of motion is a partial range of motion. That's a good style of dead lift. You can also do a greater range of motion where you stand on some plates and the rage. Emotions increase as a range of motions increased here, where the weights are lower to the floor. Um, there's also something called a trap bar dead lift, where you kind of have your hands out out here. And it's a little bit safer for your lower back because the bar bell is not in the way. Your hands air here and you're actually like, kind of inside of a bar bill rather than the barbell being out in front of you. But it's like a hexagonal standing side. Step inside of it. Pick up with that right and you step right. You kind of use your legs a little bit more. One of the issues with some of those different movements is just a simple fact that they're kind of mawr. What I would call like assistance exercises, especially the trap bar Dead lift just because you wouldn't want to go super heavy on that particular list. But it is a much safer lift. And if you're doing something like he mentioned, the 5 to 5 would be really good. You would train your thighs really well. You train your whole lower body and your lower back as well and quite safely to Does anybody want to come up and try this out? So you want to come up and give this a shot. Learn how to do it. Come on up. Did you have a question? Different dead lift groups like which one do you use our people? There's different styles. There's different hand grips that you would have with a dead lift. Um, when you when you go to do your heaviest dead lift, it's very common for people to use an under over grip, which would be, like this or this way, that kind of depending on whatever is comfortable for you in ah, in our gym, we just simply do that when we get to about 80%. We like to try to work our grip as much as we can with the double overhand grip. It's gonna work your grip a lot more. So you have to really try to hold on to those. So when we get to something that's just feeling heavy affiliation start to slip out of our hands. Ah, Then we'll just simply go the switch to an under over grip. One thing to know about those under over grips is a kind of we'll work one side of your body a little bit more than the other. So you might want to kind of switch up those grips occasionally. Help. Yeah. Okay, let's have you hit up a ah, conventional dead lift first. So this is the one with the feet in closer. Okay. We want to try to get the back flat and get the hips lower than the shoulders and go from there. There we go. Good. It tried again. Yeah, the one more time you get your grip out, it's a little bit wider. OK? And this time, make sure your arms are kind of tight on the bar to make sure arms or as long as they can be. Yeah. There you go. Get now pulled up. There you go. Good. Yeah. Did you want try the other styles? Well, who feed out wider. Why do you go? How why do you go? Is kind of determined by the mobility of your hips. If you go to put your feet out and you're like Holy crap, that hurts really bad, Then just simply move them in a little bit. That stance looks okay for you. You just point your toes out just a little bit. There we go. And to keep the weight real close to your legs. There you go. Good head. One thing we're trying to do with the head positioning to is he's doing a good job of kind of keeping his head in neutral. Kind of looks like he's looking down, but that's okay because he's not kind of over arching his neck or his lower back. He's not getting that weird over extended position, so that was very good. Anybody else want to give that a shot? Come on down. Like those fancy shoes. I think it's gonna tap dance and weight for weight lifting. Try to get that lower back flat. There we go. Print down again. So you see, we have a little bit of rounding of a lower back, so glad and stand up straight without the bar for a second. And so what we need to do is we need to try to brace your lower back a little bit. Yeah. You want to try to keep your lower back like that, so good and bend down for the bar again and let's see if we can kind of get there. We go. Good. Yep. Go from there. There we go. Much better. Good. And keep that wait closer to your body. Good case. Stay at the bottom. Okay. We're gonna bring your hips up to bring your hips up without lifting the weight. There you go. Rate from there. Go from that. There we go. Good. Yep. Good. Try one more time. There you go. Good. Let's have you tried the sumo one with the legs out wider. Point the toes out little bit. There we go. And again, we got to kind of get our trade there. There we go. Good. In this style right away. Seemed a little more natural. But bring the hips up again a little bit more before you start your pull bringing up a little higher. There we go. Right there. There we go. Good. Not just keep the weight a little closer to you. There you go. Yeah. Okay. You know, you're not always gonna learn these things in the first day. Especially if it's first time you ever tried it. So give yourself some time. Much like a diet, exercise themselves, take take time to learn. But that was a really good start. That was a good way to to work on it. Um, if you have more questions and you're not sure of what you're doing, you could always ask somebody in the gym. You could have somebody recorded on your phone. Um, you could you could, you know, watch clips on YouTube of how to dead lift properly. Super training dot TV is a good resource. Everything's free on their tons of lifting information. And you may also want to give that a try before we move on to some other stuff. Is the first time you've lifted any weights either of you. No, no. You have done it before. Yeah, Yeah, It looked like you knew. What you doing? Not a whole lot, but a little bit. I want to see a squatter overhead. President. Oh, yeah, maybe. Actually. Do you mind if I do squat. It's been a while. All right, So one thing is split your pants. This is absolutely not the safest way to leave a bar in preparation for a squad. You probably wanna have a squat rack out of our this pretty light. Too big of a deal. So usually always sure about everything. Hey, Mom. My hair. Uh, so I'm probably gonna let's see what you do. Martin jeans. Yeah, The genes and the genes are a limiting factor here, but in this goal, I usually keep it on a low part of my on the low part. My back. I tend to use an open grip here, and I want to Just like I tend to lean backwards like stick my butt out a little backwards And then when as I come up, I try to push out through my legs. So I'm not using trying to push your push your knees out little bit. I coming downward. And also as you're coming upward And then from overhead press, I usually I don't know your reputation. I usually do like this, but I tend to do that's okay to do like that, just maybe bring your grip in a little bit closer, that's all. Yeah, and we kind of like 10. A lean with a little bit with it like that. What kind of pushed away, up and back as you're coming upward? Uh, was drunk in your shoulders. Shoulders, triceps. What's interesting about these core exercises is that it feels like so when you go to a gym and people think about like abs, that's typically there. The common desire people have. They tend to think crunches. That's the solution, toe abs. But one of the best ways to work out your abs are to focus on on reps of squats because the act of holding Olympic lifters don't train their abs. But a lot of times the lower weight class Olympic lifters will be totally ripped. They'll have a six pack, and it's from doing squats, front squats or the weights. There are, you know, more on their neck. All those exercises you have to create a tremendous amount of stability for, so you have to keep your stomach super tight. During those movements specially overhead press, you'll feel it kind of even your lower back, um, where you carry the bar bell is gonna be up to you. I don't like to knit. Pick. I don't like to give people excuses or reasons on why not, why they don't show up to the gym or why they're not gonna do it given exercise, so find a spot that's comfortable for you. Sometimes limiting factors could be flexibility through the elbows and wrists and stuff like that. If you find that it hurts your wrist, you can pull your thumb off the bar and go with the thermal script. If it doesn't hurt your wrist, you can grab the bar. Might be a stronger position for you just kind of depends on the person we like to go a little bit wider than shoulder with stance. One thing about trying to get a proper range of motion. You may find that a flat shoe feels really good to you, but you also might want to look into an Olympic lifting shoe that could be a little bit pricey. Having that elevated, he'll can also stick a £5 plate at a commercial gyms, take a £5 plate underneath your heel and ah, now you're here will be elevated. You're gonna be able to get depth a little bit easier. Your range of motion will be greater when the hell is elevated. So you might want to look into Olympic lifting shoes. So Mike is going to perform a squat here. We're trying to keep our chest up, heads neutral and notice how he's kind of shoving the hips back. But he's also driving the knees forward just enough so that he couldn't break parallel. He's getting down low enough. That's the range of motion that we're looking for. Um, and you may have ah, those of you that listen to stuff about squatting you may hear, you know, some people will say, Try to keep your feet straight. We're firm believers that as well. However, sometimes it will lock your hips up a little bit too much, and you sometimes have to point your toes out just a little bit again to get the range of motion that we're looking for. We're looking for the back to be neutral. The stomach's gonna be tight, as he mentioned already here. This is. This ends up being a little bit of an AB workout, so he's tight through here. The backs gonna be straight and he just trying always trying to do is move his hips. You noticed there's no dysfunction in his upper body is not leaning forward. What we see a lot of times with squads, people lean their upper body forward a lot, and they'll do like a good morning. Now. The bar bell just moved a lot, but his hips didn't move enough, so he's not doing the lift properly. It might sound kind of funny and kind of weird, but like especially coming from a power lifter, somebody who uses a bar bell. But you may want to even try to learn something like this. Um uh, on something like a Smith machine, Just something with real lightweight. Just so you kind of learn the bar path and range of motion because all we're trying to do is move the bar straight up and down again with an overhead press will just show you that one more time with overhead press were trying to take the elbows from in here. We had a good tight position through here, and we're trying to push up on back as we go to come up all these movements that I showed you today are great movements for you to give a try. Give it a shot. Try it out in your gym. They're not new. You know, a lot of people talk about all these different things and like, fitness, and you're not gonna find too many things that are new that are actually effective except for my slingshot. But you're not gonna find too many things that are actually knew that air, like fitness, has been around forever. It's been around for a long time. These exercises have been around for a long time. Things like gymnastics seems like running things like track things, all these different things where people have been in great shape. They've been around for a long time. And these barbell movements been around a long time. They've stood the test of time, and they're great movements for you. Try toe, add into your training. I have a question, though, Um, for dead lifts, do you recommend people just getting shoes? They're just, like, really flat. Yeah. You want a flat shoe? This is called a Reebok CrossFit light tr this issue. I help them design. Um, it's a great It's a great shoot. The flat shooting and also find, like a Chuck Taylor. Anything that's going to be flat vans, something like that. Dead lifting barefoot. Yeah, you can do it barefoot. It's just like you might not find a gym that's gonna really love that. You don't have any shoes on with those vibrant. Yeah, I attended. I tend to squat and dead lift, actually do all my life's completely barefoot, and I found that helps me gripping on the floor. But I have Yeah, I have definitely recognized that I could get better range of motion by adding plates behind my knee. Right, So that the same is getting a weightlifting shoot. We basically just put extra padding on the back. So makes you stand up slightly on the back. Eso it gets you like old able to get down. You. Nearly all of us are gonna have some sort of mobility issues somewhere. Most of us have tight calves and tight Achilles tendons, and the list goes on and on. But if you find an Olympic lifting shoe or simply slide some plates underneath your feet can help you have a little bit greater range of motion. Yeah. Reason to not use like a regular, like cross training or running shoe. You can you can lift in those as well. Those air. Okay, Uh, it's just that you want to try to make sure that you're not gonna have anything when you have a lot of rubber underneath your foot, like in the shoes such as that which is a standard kind of running shoe. You run into the issue of possibly do a little bit of this because when we're trying to squat, we're trying to We're trying to really drive out and create some torque through our hips s O. That would be the only thing. But if you feel comfortable with them, they feel okay to you. That's not a bad on a bad thing, I notice. Also, as I increased my weight, I would be trying to grip against the floor with my feet kind of like, just like, just like holding against anything you gripping and I would have better ability to grip against the floor with barefoot weightlifting shoes. But cross trainers, I would not be able to get a good grip. So I limited my lift. Just my anecdote. You have a question? Would you recommend this. Or do you have any tips for women who want to develop strength but don't necessarily want a bulk? Yeah, Yeah, we get that question quite a bit. And mikes. Mike might be able to speak about this a little bit. His girlfriend's actually training for powerful meat. Yeah, one of the biggest things is like strength training. You can only really do one of two things. You can either grow muscle or you cannot grow muscle. You can't really shape it. Inform on how you want. So the getting bulk or getting more mass on your body's gonna come from what you eat. So if you kind of eat the same as you're eating right now, still train hard and strength train just like anybody else. You know, female muscles, exact same tissue is a male muscle. You just happened to not have as much testosterone to grow assed quickly as we can actually be more difficult for him to get, like bull he. That's why I tend to almost suggest more strength training for females and even meant just because it's so much harder to gain any kind of actual mass. So as long as you're diets kind of in check. You're not in a bunch of junk food and overeating. It should be all good. The goal for men and women whenever you step foot inside of a gym is not necessarily to burn calories. The goal for everybody is to gain muscle, and sometimes women think we'll gain muscle like they get worried, which is, you know, a legitimate concern they get worried about, You know, trying gaining too much. Most are getting too big, but you can do a lot of strength training for a lot of years, and it's gonna be very difficult to get quote unquote too big or get get that get bulky. But the more muscle that you have, the faster your metabolism is. So the more muscle that you have, the more that you could eat. You can think of it this way. Cardiovascular training when you go on a bike or you on a treadmill, that style of training is burning calories for that moment. When you build muscle, you burn calories forever. As long as you have that muscles. Want to keep that muscle, It's working. Your body is working for you instead of you working towards burning those calories and tirelessly on a elliptical machine or something like that. Great. Well, hey, thank you so much, Mark. All right. Can you, uh, fun is a lot of fun. I love I've missed. You want to do some girls Just with all the kettlebells and the people in the audience at the same time, So, yeah. Can Where can people find out more about you? You can check out. I have a podcast. It's called Mark Bills. Power Cast. It's on ITunes. Super Training dot TV is a great resource. You'll see just about everything that I have is on there. I have a website called how much he benched dot Net, which has a product that I invented called a slingshot, which is the support of upper by device for bench press push ups. Dips a lot of other products on there. So you can check out that as well, and that's pretty much it I love coming out here. This is a lot of fun. It was great sharing this information with you guys. Strength is never weakness. And that's it. From May. Okay. Thank you.

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