Habits of Artists with Chase Jarvis
Maneesh Sethi
The Transformative Power of Habits
24:31 2Layers of Habits & Willpower
26:52 3Q&A: How to Form Good Habits
28:08 4Build, Break, & Automate
38:49 5Breaking Bad Habits & Building New Ones
29:30 6Precommit to Stopping Bad Habits
21:24 7How Others Do It: Kishan Shah
21:57Habits of Artists with Chase Jarvis
22:44 9Workout Habits with Mark Bell
36:13 10Make Failure Impossible
27:33 11Accountability & Tracking Behavior
20:22 12Habits & Willpower Review
26:38 13Making Micro-Habits
29:47 14Breaking Down Micro-Habits
21:53 15Building Your Habitat
35:29 16Food for Thought: Optimizing Nutrition
34:21 17How Others Did It: Krista Stryker
24:31 18How Others Did it: Daniel Pardi
48:11 19Segment 19 - How Others Did It: UJ Ramadas
21:37 20The Future of Habits: David Goldstein
20:34 21The Future of Wearable Technology
34:34Lesson Info
Habits of Artists with Chase Jarvis
Cation said. One thing that I think is is really interesting. Towards the end of it, he mentioned about the idea of the four year plan or how people look for crash diets and make them succeed instantaneously, whereas the people who really do succeed often focus on the long term, like college, There was a study that was mentioned. I think it was in. It was in the Malcolm Gladwell book that talked about violinists and people who became expert violinists. And what he said was in this study, they asked a group of people who were young, who wanted to become who practiced two hours a day as a violinist. And another group of people who also practised two hours a day is a violinist. But the difference between the two groups is that one group planned to do violin forever, and other people plan to do it for a couple of years to get to college or whatever reason they were practicing the same amount of time in today. They were doing the same out of work, but the results were astronomically differe...
nt. The people had the mindset of I will be doing this forever or the type of people who increased their ability to succeed astronaut like they were far better after a year. And I noticed this recently. I've always been of the type of person who's like, I'm gonna go to the gym and I'm gonna hit this. Wait, I'm gonna get there by summer and lose weight, and then I do it and it works. And then I get away right back. Recently I was talking to I started finally focusing on these five core lifts that we're gonna talk about a little bit later on in the session. And, uh, I was at the gym with my friend who has named Stand Dutton. He runs training for warriors and he just two weeks ago got the world record for squat and dead lift for his weight class and his age, 22 to 5 40 squad. It's unreal. 55 60 Dead lift, I think. And he says to me, I've always had, like, uh, I've always done like, I've always been stronger my left arm, that my right arm. And, uh, he said to me and I always do overhead press. That's one of the core lifts with a bar bell you pick it up and you go like that. And I told him that I had uneven lift. He said to me, Just just do dumb Bell, like just do one. Use a dumb bell for, ah to improve just your right arm. Um, you know, just do it for a month or two until, you know, you feel like a little bit even now and then and then you'll be fine. And I said I looked at him. I said, A month or two like that's a long time, like a month or two. That's as long as I ever intend to go to the gym. Most cases, right? That's a long time for me. He's an elite athlete. I was just finally forming this habit of every week. I will go to the gym three times, and when he said it to me, a clicked it was. It is just a month or two. If I'm the kind of person who's gonna be exercising for the rest, my life, which I hope I am then a month or two, is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Sure use a dumb bell. Who cares if it's not the most effective exercise in the world because I'll be doing this forever. It's all just a process. It's a process of progress. And if you get that mind set off of, I will move myself towards this goal and I don't need to win. It's just focusing on a process, not on the goal. You can start to form a habit much more deeply. Um, great. So, uh, I think that we're going to bring it on chase In a moment. Yes, there Any other questions? We have actually question vacation, which I thought was really interesting because they were saying that their partner is actually taken up playing a lot of tennis and a lot of exercise, and they're really impressed by this, but they're actually not losing any weight at all. But I think that what they learned from Makishima sharing should be able to help them with them. I think what he was saying about how people often go to a gym and a intimidated they don't actually know what to do. Probably they're not going to get any value out of that at all. On someone in the chat room was saying they go to the Y M C, and they've started befriending. Allow people who actually work there because it's helped them then understand exactly what they need to be doing in terms of the exercise. Absolutely, absolutely. And also focusing on weight is a recipe for disaster. I mean, I I much, much, much heavier then I was ah, year and 1/2 ago or so when I was like, very lean. But when I look at the photo of myself, when I was very lean, there's no muscle mass. I'm heavier now. But that doesn't mean I'm fatter doesn't mean, you know, water weight is ah, completely riel thing. I can swing to £7 in a single day. The weight on the scale is not a big deal. What is? The big deal is how I look in the mirror, the measurements, body fat percentage and all of that. So I think that, um, and one thing that is interesting from away perspective, the difference when aerobic and anaerobic exercise could be a massive difference. I think that in my opinion, there are particularly five lifts that are incredibly important that people people do because they hit all of your compound exercises. They hit all of your muscle groups. And when people go to the gym that typically end up at the machine doing these like small workouts that hit like one core one piece of your muscle because it's easier and there and because the companies that sell them do a great job of marketing these particular tools. But the people for me. When I started using barbell exercises to do the five compound lifts, I was hitting everything at the same time. And I got my all of my lifts up in an incredibly powerful, highly exponential way to the point where I was hitting all of the group at the same time. Lost weight gain muscle mass all the same time without putting much more than 30 to 45 minutes three times a week in at the gym on because it was an anaerobic, muscle based exercise actually was hungrier. I was less hungry than when I do in aerobic running exercise, which just makes me want to eat everything that exists in the world. So anyway, thank you so much shines out here. But definitely check out his site at downsize fitness dot com and, um Is there any questions before we move on to chatting with Chase? No, actually, have Mark Bell coming up a little bit later. He's actually be demonstrating. So that emphasizes for us. We've got that to come to. But now we do have very exciting guest. Because Mr Chase Jarvis, our CEO of creative life, is with us today. Great. That's all right. Welcome. Chase over here. How you doing? Okay. Getting Mr Jarvis when you say doing but good to see it's been a while. Likewise, I normally I know how much you all know about sort of TV. If we can talk about this is TV for a second. Normally, you meet before you talk about what you're gonna talk about. And so when you are introducing yourself on stage, like all agreed to see it you having to pretend that you haven't just seen this person 15 minutes earlier, But I really haven't seen, you know, I know. We just apparently spots in The last time we hung out was at world domination Summits. Right. Cab? Yes. Chris Gill abo World Domination Summit. Christie's on creativelive. Also, a great guy talks about travel hacking. He's the reason I started traveling for five years when I learned how to get free plane tickets. Totally different story chase every too close to each other. I felt everyone close in there. Okay, so, Chase, I really want to talk to you today because, um, first of all, creating is fantastic. Thank you, but I've never had so many cameras on me. I feel like if a camera adds five or £10.45 pounds now it's it's ah, it's a good thing, super happy to be a part of it. 110 people come together every day to make this happen. It's huge, great production values. But you have, ah, really interesting intersection between artists and entrepreneurs. And I think that the habits that artists entrepreneurs into form are often contrary, but often not. And I wanted to chat with you about sort of like the people who you've worked with the people who read your side of people. Who are you, who follow you? Sure, what are the habits that differentiate the winners from the people who maintain, uh, I feel like there is a There are a handful of things that correlate across all genre and are not necessarily specific toe artists or two people want to lose weight. I'm their elusive. So what's one of the reasons I've been? I wasn't in your class earlier, but I've been watching it because I think I'm trying to grapple with those myself. But there are a handful of things, um, that are really consistent for the folks that I know who are hired high achievers, those the kind of folks we're gonna have one creativelive. Those are the folks that that I aspire to connect with. For those of you who don't know again, my name is Chase, and I I I have for the previous, I guess, 15 years. The only Kerr I've ever had is a photographer and a director. And, um, I quit what everyone else in the world wanted me to do. I dropped out of medical school, dropped of a PhD in philosophy, dropped out of pursuing a career professional soccer, and everybody told me I couldn't do it, and that's part of what made me want to be a photographer. But in the process of meeting, basically the folks that I aspired to be with their was there is literally a handful of things that they did every day that I think added up to some sort of success, and I call those habits or whatever. But I think the most important was is actually well, I talked about It is like do shit, but it's really do whatever is actually part of your program. And it sounds super. It sounds oversimplified, but if you are a maker of great products on the Internet, your job is to ship those products. If you are a product manager at Evernote, the Internet company, the remember the app for remembering all things. They put out a nup date regularly every couple of weeks. I got a new thing. If you're an artist, do you take pictures every day? And do you share those pictures online? There's something of like you call it, I think, practice or habit, like actually doing the most fundamental building block. Whatever that atomic unit is, I, uh I strained sweat every day. Doesn't that doesn't mean I have to go to the gym for 10 hours and I don't go to the gym every day. I just go a couple days a week, but if I'm not going to the gym that I ride my bike between home and work, and it's a 1.5 mile bike ride. I just break a little teeny sweat, but I don't do something every day. It's just minutes for you literally let. And if enough Tim Ferriss is here, he would say, Like you could do 100 kettlebell swings in, what, in under five minutes for sure, and that alone as one of those compound exercises that marks and talk about getting that mark, you seem in the hallway, gigantic. Dude is coming up next to me way more important, exciting that I hate my break this this entire stage, too. But there's something. It's like the Praxis, the actual doing, the thing, whatever the thing is as often as possible. So it becomes a little bit of having Tim actually had a quote in his book that I engraved on the back. My IPhone that said, Focus on output and it's like figure out what is the real the real output? What are you actually trying to do? You can learn for years. There's always Twitter feeds to follow, but but what is output to you? so from a creative perspective like I would love to know about your story. Sure, when you were becoming a photographer, very well known photographer. How did you do it? What was the what? How did you get there? There was a handful of steps in. These steps are parallel to the things that I like. Number one is actually make shit every day, and that could be a photograph that could be a drawing. I literally would sit down and enough Your figure of the artist Austin Klay on Austin draws something everyday, draws a cartoon everyday. Seth Godin. You might be familiar with Seth Set that Seth publishes something every day and is blocked. There's just the habit of getting into. So for me that was taking photographs, and it was very painful before digital. That's how long I've been a photographer. If you can believe that, I used to have to take a picture and then write down the settings and then take another picture right and setting so that when you got the film back, you could compare them. Now we're no longer burdened with that. You can take a picture that's the dirtiest secret and photography is You got to take a lot of pictures to get the ones that you want, but it's actually the act of taking pictures that is the teacher. So I think that's a huge thing. And you focus on just making sure that daily you were photo you're taking photos. Yeah, because you actually learn. And I'm not just saying take a pope, take a picture and put your phone in your pocket like you're thinking about it. And generally speaking, my experience says that when I take a picture, I'm thinking about the picture. When I'm thinking about the picture, that's work that goes toward my end goal. Another thing, which I think is a huge deal, has become a part of the community. We heard earlier from Jay Ko that some of the folks online, like, Oh, I introduced myself to the people at the gym so I could be part of that community. That's part of what draws me there. I can't overstate this. I don't think that if your goal is to become a financial analyst or your goal is to lose £10 or your goal is to become a photographer assimilating with other people who have like minds and like values is mission critical. Any time you lock yourself in a vacuum, you there's your sort of stacked with self doubt. Here you don't know. Am I making progress where dry? What's my What's my position along this path and the community part? It does more than just pull you along. It also you're getting information from the people on your right and the people on your left, not just from your mentor. I mean, even this example right here in the hallway. All we're talking and there's there's this exchange of information. There's this exchange of information, and there's this exchange of information. So however much you can facilitate those three different pathways, I think you're better off. There's, like no quote more sure than you are the average of the five people closest to you. And like I don't for my background. I was traveling for so long when I moved to a new city who I was around, became who I waas. So I moved to Berlin for like, six months, and I ended up becoming a deejay because everybody there DJs I moved to San Francisco, and suddenly I was Think about how can I make an app that has Twitter that links into Pinterest? And then I would tow to Boston. All I think about now is hardware because everyone there thinks about hardware. So when you're trying to focus on, like, really achieving a goal, if you make your friends the people who support you, it can really lead to big changes. You mentioned yourself, Mark, that when you are traveling, everybody likes to go out for ice cream. I'm not saying lose those friends, but at the time that they go out to ice cream, you might want to find the friends for eating salads. You know, like find people who are who are gonna enable your goal. You mentioned in something interesting about daily activity leading to change. Uh, we had one of our pavlak testers. Her name is Heather. She decided that she was gonna use Pavlak to start painting, and we did like a 14 day experiment where she said, I'm gonna paint every day if I don't have to pay a penalty and get shocked. And we made this video that was really funny, because the first day she's like, I'm excited I'm going to go ahead and then paint today and then the day to shows like This is coming out great On Day three, she's like my family came early Today. I have been able to focus, but right now it's 11: p.m. And I can't pay this penalty if I don't paint right now. So I'm going to do it. And you see her like you see the difference in the quality of each painting from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4/14 days in Prague, exponentially increasing just the act of doing it. There's research that, whether you're feel this creativity, a za painter or weightlifting like literally, the act of doing the thing facilitates more of the thing and specifically and creativity. There's something in the brain called neuro plasticity, which is like the simple act of doing something creative literally makes your brain more creative, and creativity is the ability to associate things that would typically not be associated to do so in a unique and compelling way. Generally, something that adds value to the world and, like literally, that the act of if you're a crafter, you're going to be a your in your work. It at work is a computer programmer. If you're exercising your brain and doing something creative as simple as, um, you know, gluing yarn toe corks and making a little dull that that literally enables you to be more more creative. Yeah, programmer. So I stand on stages all over the place and talk about how creativity is the new literacy. So I'm excited about things like that. But the same is true not just for creativity, but the act actually facilitates a greater success in the act. So what are some habits that you have these days? What's your like, morning your team, Like when you wake up? Do you have one? Yeah, I have a handful of things that I put a stake in the ground and call my own. Um, I think the most important for me is that my mornings are mine. I don't take morning meetings unless it's mission critical illness or someone I really want to get together with him. They can Onley do it at this particular time. But my feeling about this is that if I do, I check my email and have a bunch of meetings here a creative live or with the creative client or whatever that my day becomes their day. That email is really just somebody else putting to do the Statham's on your plate. Yeah, it's a petition for your time. And if you start your day off with reading your email because you've been, you've trained yourself to do that because there is a time where email used to be really interesting now boring and painful or hard, Um, that that was that was just a like I found that when I did that, the most important things on my list automatically got kicked at the end of the day. And when you kick something the other day, when you're tired, the my ability at least to be successful in those things went way, way down. So that is like the cardinal thing, and, um, I build my life around it. I also I do. I being active is super important to me, and it's not important to me from a I want to lose weight or I wanna have you know, this much body fat. It's that when I am a balanced human being, I am better at my job I'm better being creative when I'm like this idea that you have to drink 1/5 of whiskey and live a life like Jim Morrison. To be a great singer or a great artist is totally false. Most of those people die at age 28. What kind of a career is that? Right, So the ability to, like have personal health be a priority and personal health? That's whole different thing, like whatever that is to you. But for me, it's just sweating every day. Yeah, those two things are key components for me. Another one is meditation. Um, about three years ago, I started doing transcendental meditation, and I can't say it was against my will because I've always I was a college athlete, went to play, played soccer at a soccer scholarship, and we had visualization like This was quite some time ago, where that was pretty cutting edge, and we have met with psychologists and I found a lot of value there, and I just tried for fighter types of meditation to the course of my adult life, most recently landing on transcendental meditation, which has totally changed my life in a very simple way. People ask, What does that do for you? On the way I describe it is that I just I am more even keeled. I have way less in the same way that your blood sugar spikes and crashes when you eat, eat poorly when I'm meditating. I don't have these mood swings, for example, and very, very level headed. And it's sort of like slow motion. What normal, like the Matrix, where things just happen where you would usually bake. I can't believe it had room now, and I'm like, OK, like, what's my way out of this? This is some message from the universe, so it's kind of like it allows you to to like, shut off that internal thought. That's always like responding, responding, responding, responding and instead like. If things are coming your way, you can link the kind of like fall off of armor, and you can restrict them up when it's time to pick him up and you get to do so with a certain degree of of calmness. It's not just that you have to prioritize the things that you want. A private has been able to do it with the relative and again this is just something I do for 20 minutes a day, and I'm not trying to sell anybody on that. But that's the thing that I know. It's sort of like brushing my teeth. I don't leave home without doing it. That's how many things that we both said today. Meditation exercises like brushing your teeth. All of these are a keystone habits that you're discussing that we've been discussing today. It's like the act of meditation seems like a big waste of time. It seems like it because you're sitting there doing nothing. There's no definition better than you're doing nothing for 20 minutes yesterday and doing nothing. You're trying to think of nothing. Yeah, you're literally anything, nothing. And, um and but what happens? It's just like sharpening a saw. Like what Lincoln say said if he had, like if he had two weeks to cut down, the laundry has been the first 13 days shopping has saw. It's like the fact that when you start to meditate or exercise or, uh, or any of these use cases, keep your morning for yourself, even though you're not doing everything all the time. What you're doing is allowing yourself to do the things that you do do correctly and well, yeah, it's been the meditation in particular, I think, is the number one accelerant to my professional development. And this is my life. Do you have any recommendations on how people could get started on meditation yet T m dot or which stands for transcendental meditation, and you don't have toe, uh, dress up. You don't have to be from particular country. You have to sit a special way. It's very there is just a very simple, fundamental thing instead of things and TM Network has a good they have a basically, you pay a fee and you learn for just a couple of days from a master, and then you're you're good to go forever. So it's not something you're paying some subscription to, and it's not something. You're just sitting there trying to figure out yourself there's a little community, and again spend a dramatic accelerator for my professional and personal development, my wife would say, I'm waiting. She get Selves like you missed a meditation. Oh yeah, and it becomes becomes part your daily routine. It's one of the things that actually people who we did a huge focus with Pavlak users on meditation and the people who started to do it and followed the roof about a week or two would start to report back that like they needed, it's like it. It was necessary in their life because otherwise they felt like they just couldn't keep up with their work as they had been for the past two weeks. Fisher. Yeah, so I love that you're giving advice that I was already gonna give. So that helps me the last time you and I think having a handful of things that you do, uh, equally as important as a handful of things that you don't dio. And I think that's something that's rarely addressed because we all got a to do list that's 100 mile long, and I have don't do list. And, you know, rather than rattle those that off, I think it's just That's something for the folks at home and you folks in the city audience to consider. What is that you don't do? What is it that that when you do you feel bad after you do it and make it doesn't have to be a long list, but like I just look at that. And when I have, it's on my phone in my Evernote And, like, Oh, yep, it's on my regular A list of things to look at on a you know, every other a couple of days. And it's just those of the things that I don't do. I do really sparingly because it makes me feel not good. Great. We'll chase. Thank you so much. Where can people find out more about you having questions? What they do, I'm dance party usa dot com. I'm, uh, like, the first informers gonna creativelive, which is where you here. So I have to tell you to go there. And then my work is that artist is that chase Jarvis dot com, which is just my name. And I don't have any other any questions, or you guys are We are going to go. I think we're good to go because they got Mark coming up. Markham. Honest. This is always a pleasure to hear your insight. Thank you for sharing it with the creative live audience. Thank you. Jay Ko and Mark. I'm gonna stick around in the back there and watch your segment to So Thanks, love. You guys appreciate it.
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