04:14 2Canon System Introduction
05:18 3Preparing the Camera
03:46 4Basics of Photography
09:03 5Control Difference T6i vs T6s
05:28 6Mode Dial
21:01 7How to Adjust ISO
06:20 8Auto Focus System
10:40Using Flash
06:30 10Viewfinder Display
14:04 11White Balance and Picture Styles
15:48 12Drive Mode
12:02 13Movie Mode
06:40 14Quick Menu
15:45 15Playback Options
08:25 16Left Side of the Camera
05:04 17Right and Bottom Sides of the Camera
07:53 18Canon Rebel T6 Lens Options
14:48 19Basic Menu Navigation
01:53 20Shoot 1 Menu
16:14 21Shoot 2 Menu
04:45 22Shoot 3 Menu
07:38 23Live Shoot 1 Menu
04:49 24Movie 1 Menu
02:16 25Movie 2 Menu
06:41 26Play 1 Menu
05:24 27Play 2 Menu
11:46 28Set-up 1 Menu
18:27 29Set-up 2 Menu
03:43 30Set-up 3 Menu
05:15 31Set-up 4 Menu
17:35 32My Menu
05:39 33Operation Setup for Different Subjects of Photography
14:33Lesson Info
Set-up 1 Menu
We have now got into the setup menu so this is the final collection well I guess now we do have one more sir but this is the final big section and these were going to control a lot of features about how your camera is set up which means many of these features are features that you're going to set and you're never going to come back to there's very few reasons to come back with the exception of just a couple in here that you're going to want to take note of because you are going to want to come back first off select a folder you can actually create and select folders on this camera for instance if you were a real estate photographer then you sold real estate but you also had kids and you took photos of your kids and you took photos of the houses but when you're with your business clients you don't want to be showing them pictures with all your kids in him so you could create a folder for your business and a folder for all your personal life and you could be storing photos into separate ...
folders now you could also just use to memory cards that might be another way of doing it but that's how you could do it on one memory card so you can go in here create folders and select file numbering your camera gives a automatic number two each picture you can manually reset this number if you need it to for some sort of logistic reasons in your computer most people going to leave this on continuous where it will automatically continue just adding the numbers up on what happens is that it usually has a ten thousand count lim and so once you get up to ten thousand photos it goes back and re numbers the next photo zero zero zero one and so it's for this reason that a lot of people recommend like myself recommend renaming your files once you get him into your computer because if you end up with a large collection of photos you don't want photos that have the same file number on it and there's nothing that we can do in the camera to totally solve that problem so we're just going to leave this on continuous so that we have this problem the least amount of the time auto rotate okay so it's kind of interesting so follow the examples on this one you can have vertical images rotated in camera and on the computer or you can have images rotated on lee on the computer and I recommend on ly rotating the ones on the computer because you can rotate the camera very easily and in the bottom example on screen we get a larger image than on the camera on the top screen it might be convenient if we're going to play it back in the tv is a slide show that the image is rotated but if you want to see your image maximum size this is where I recommend on on the computer on lee and so this is not how the camera is normally set up so this is one I recommend changing from the default standard settings that you get out of the box all right here is one that you're going to want to come back to time and time again it is formatting the card on your card are your photos but also there's a lot of data directory and file management about where all these photos and the information is kept on the car when you are done with the memory card you've taken it over to your computer you downloaded all your photographs you backed him up onto your hard drives can you stick that card back in the camera formatting the card is going to clear off all the data all the directories all the photos everything and reestablished communication with that card this is something that you should do with all cards when you first purchase the cards and you put it in your camera first thing you should do is form at the card and that's just going to clear off any clutter that might have been on that card through anything else that it might have been attached to and so it's something that I do in my cards on a regular basis because I want them acting as fresh. And with this clean a line of communication. If you were to not format on your card. After many, many cycles of shooting photos and deleting photos, there may be a communication air. And I have had virtually no communication airs in all of my digital shooting and it's, partly because I reform out on a regular basis. Next up is y fi n f c and so we're gonna have the basic option for turning the wifi on and off but you'll need to set things up and this is where things were going to get interesting folks because we're going to move on to the next one which is the wifi function which is getting this whole camera connected and the camera can be connected to a number of different devices through the wireless system so you can connect up one camera to the next and you could transfer images from my camera to your camera you could hook up to a smartphone so that we can either see what we're shooting or download images so if you shoot an image with this you can download it to your phone and then send it up on the web you con's go to a printer if you want cannon even has their own facebook style place where you can share photos it's not super popular but it's there you can also wirelessly send your images to a wifi enabled tv screen for doing a slide show and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna walk through the set up on keynote and then I'm going to do it in the real world to see if it actually works okay so first thing that you need to do is you need to install the cannon connect remote now canon has had wireless remote in the past this is a new one for this camera and probably new cameras in the future and so if you downloaded something a few years ago it's probably not going to work you have to have the cannon connect is what it's called canon camera connects so that's what you want to look for in whatever place that you get your wraps you need to have the wifi function of your phone turned on obviously because it needs to be able to communicate with the camera now back on the camera side of things you're going to need to enable the wifi system and once again we're going to do this afterwards in real world on these cameras here you're going to need to that this is the first time out there's two ways of thinking about this one is thie original how do I set this up to work in the first place and then once you've got it set up it's going to be much quicker the second time around but on the initial set up you'll need to register a nickname of what I want to call my camera what's the wifi system I'm looking for and you can enter a name I just give it a t six s pretty simple next up we need to go into the cameras wifi function and tell it that we want to connect up to a phone and then we're going toe tell it what type of connection method and generally if all goes right. We're just going to use the standard camera access point mode. We're not going to get into the whole infrastructure mode in this class. We're going to make it an easy connection. Hopefully it picks up and recognizes everything. We're going to notice the nickname, and then we're going to notice the encryption key or a password. Now, this is unique and it's different every time you go in here. So if you're going to try to copy my password and get into my bank account, this is not gonna work. This is a one time thing that is long gone. Since I made this slide for this class, then you gonna need to go back over your phone, and you need to choose the wifi setting that your camera is a midi. After that, you need to enter your encryption key, which should be right on your phone next to you. And then you need to go back to your phone. And I realized this is a lot of steps. But this is generally just the first time around, and you need to open the camera connect app for your phone. In here, they'll be, ah, sign that says that it's recognizing that there's, a camera trying to hook up. Do you want to hook up to this? And you're going to click that to connect to it. And then you got to go back to your camera and just basically tell it, okay, a couple of times and that it's saving those settings, then you can finally go to the ap itself and you're going to get your going to be at the home screen and you can start reviewing images, and this is where you can connect up to your camera for shooting remote images. So the two main things that people want to dio is they want to look at images or download them from their camera, or they want to be able to shoot with their camera. And so in this case, we're going to look at, uh, both of these this terrorist kind of the things that you can do so you can view images on the camera, you can organize them in some ways you khun delete images on your camera, you khun star rate and you khun download from your camera, but they are limited to hd resolution, so they're smaller in size than that original twenty four megapixel image for the shooting portion of what you could do with your camera, you can see what your cameras pointed at. And you could do a few adjustments. Not that many. You can control the primary exposure parameters. Eso, shutter speed, appetite and exposure compensation. Beyond that, you can select where you focus, and you can kind of activate the whole y view focusing thing, because that's, occasionally slowing the process down. So you could may want to turn that off, or it might be wasting battery power. And finally, you can, of course, shoot photos. Okay so on the app itself looks like this not too many controls we have a big old shutter button and a focus button we're going to be able to go into our settings and control our shutter speeds and apertures we could go to our previous photos and see what we were taking photos off down at the bottom we're going to have our exposure settings for shutter speed aperture and so forth we have a home menu to get back to the basic home page and then more information about how the set up what's going on what's going on behind the scenes and then we can turn our live you on and off and then we can tap the screen to focus on where we want to focus or double tap to magnify the focus on that and so I think I'm just going to leave it on the screen and now we're going to try to do this roll world so I'm gonna pull out my phone here and so let's see what do we need to do first we need teo let's go to my phone and so I'm going to go to the settings on my phone and I was playing around earlier and I want to make sure first off I gotta turn on the wifi system so y fi is currently off let's turn wifi on okay on the camera we're going to go to our wifi system and we're going to hit, enable here. Okay, so I have done a factory reset, let's, see if I could just leave my phone right here. So I've done a factory reset on my camera, so this is just the way it is out of the box. So I want to give it a name, and I'm going to call it two where's. My numbers. My numbers are down here t six s and that again going to go to the number t six, get back to the letters. And there's, our t six es and so I'm gonna hit menu hit okay, has been like these settings will close. That seems okay. Okay, so now I'm going to be goto wifi function. I want to tell it. I want to hook up to my phone camera, access point mode. Let's. Just say, okay, easy connection. That's. Fine, let's. Hope this works now on my phone. Do I see a t six there? It isthe see it says t six, cannon zero a. So I'm going to select that's the wifi system. I want to hook up tio. Now I gotta type in the password, and up here is the password. So give me a moment, let's, see what our number is. So everyone, the password to my account number for everything in this world is three, three, zero, zero, nine, four zero two and so now I'm gonna press. Join and it got the check mark there, which looks good, smart start dedicated app on the smartphone. So now I got to go to the app on my phone, which I have in this little group called wifi camera connections, and it's, called camera connects canon camera connect. Okay, here is my camera, the eos rebel t six s new camera found select camera. To be connected to that is my camera that I want to connect to. You saw this screen up here change, and I'm going to hit okay. All right, you got the check mark. They're connected to the smartphone. Now, what do I want to dio? Well, I want to shoot images. I want a remote shoot. Now. My camera is going to go into a live view and I and live right here. And so my camera can I gonna point the camera over your direction? Let's get you composed right and so you can see that the camera pointed over there it's funny it's something effort now if I want I can come over and I can choose to touch kanna kenna see I'm touching your nose and I can that's why I'm focusing and I could take a picture right there I can choose to focus on the wall that's beside her on the computer in front and I can take a picture right there now I'm at thes settings down here if I want to go in and change these settings I can press this little button over here to the side and I can change the aperture let's shoot her with shallower depth of field down here at one point eight return here and let's do we want to do exposure compensation we can go in and do a little exposure compensation do we want to make this brighter do we want to make it darker that looks pretty good at normal so we'll just leave it there and the other way of focusing besides touching the screen to focus is the small button here I can press this to focus and then slide up to take photos so those are our photos there and let's play back this image here and so this is this is no longer live so we're not shooting a live image here this is but actually let me go back actually that's the image that we want? Come on. Okay, so here's, our image right here, there's our image of canada, and we can zoom in and we can see that it's, nice and sharp. We focused on everything, right, and what we're going to do now is go home, and I'm going to go to images on the camera. I'm going to select one of these images of kanna, and what can we do with this? We can star, rate it, okay, let's, give ken a five stars very good. Okay, next up, what are we going to do next? Let's? Just touch the screen so information pulls up information about this particular image here. Can we go back, actually take that image? And so now I'm going to hit this little camera icon down in the bottom, and it is downloading that image to this phone. So I'm going to go to my photos and see if it is now, in my photos and holy smokes. There's. The photo of kenna right here, and we're going to take this, and I'm going to see if I can upload it to facebook right now. So I select on facebook. Well, I could do message well, I could send it to kanna. I'm not going to bother with this right now, and so I'm not getting the facebook app to open right now. I don't know why, but in any case, I think you can see the fact that matter is that you can take photos, download into your phone, you can offload them from there on out. It does actually work. I'm going to turn this off just to make sure that nothing else happens. Okay, so it does work were actually able to work through. It is a lot the first time through, but once you get that password in the first camera connection, subsequent connections are going to be much easier and quicker to work with. All right? So that is wifi. We made it through. All right. So some other general information. Once again, your downloaded images are kind of small in resolution thei r h d nineteen twenty by ten eighty and resolution and so that's just so that you could get images across a little bit more smoothly. The camera's usb happens to be disabled when you use this and so don't try to be downloading while you are shooting with wifi at the same time. I don't know why. But you can't shoot movie mode when you're in the wifi mode. And so don't try to do that. It doesn't work. And if you are going to be leaving it in the wifi mode, there is a auto power off section that I don't think we've got, too in the menu section that you might want to leave. Powered on for a longer period of time. Because normally, the camera wants to power down after a minute. And let's, say you were going to mount the camera up on someplace unusual and it's going to take you a couple minutes to set up. Whatever it is that you're going to shoot. You don't want your camera to go to sleep so that you have to go back up on the ladder and reset that position again. And so this is something that you may want to adjust later on at some point. Okay, so y fi, what else do we need to know? Okay, so when we reconnect, once we've done our initial connection, what you will do is you will go to the wifi section in the camera. You'll say. I want to connect up to a phone. You're going to press set there's. A lot of times, you just seem to need to press, set and okay. And then you should be able to connect up with the phone once you connect on your phone with that wifi signal and open the app. And so it's. Pretty simple. Once you get into it and so that's a little bit on the wifi section, there are more things like you can print and you go camera two camera. But we're not going to dive into everything but that's. What most people wanted to know how to do on the wifi function.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jen Hubbenator
Feeling pretty good about my T6s purchase! John's teaching style was fabulous, and I am left feeling pretty confident and a lot less overwhelmed!
rodrigo andrade
Great Class! John Greengo is an amazing teacher. I have a t6i for like 6 months and this class helped me a lot. Totally worth the money!
a Creativelive Student
As a student of John's for the past 2 years with the Fundamentals of Photography, the Nikon D3300 and D5500, I recently traded my Nikon D3300 for the Canon EOS Rebel T6i. As always, the training was superb, easy to understand, and I feel better in being able to use a digital camera. The reason for the switch in manufacturers was because of the ease of use of the Canon. I look forward to referring back to the lessons if I need a refresher course. Thank you, John. Your teaching is starting to click, finally.
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