Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Brock String Exercise with Q&A
Well, what I want to do is I want to take about to I'm sorry about five minutes and I want to review one of the most important exercises that we did yesterday. We didn't really get to spend a lot of time with it. So I'm gonna have you guys do this on your own. I want to pull those strings out again. All right? I'm gonna show you a little bit how to use these strings. Um for four exercises as opposed to just test. Okay, so you remember the name of the string from yesterday? Brock string, right. Named after dr brock. Thank you very much for giving us a simple tool. Now, yesterday what we did is we tied it up. Then we stood and what do we do with it? We held it to the tip of our knows right? And once we had it at the tip of our knows, we spread them beads out and we then try to look at the center of the bead. And what was the question that we asked at that point? What did did their lines cross you? Do you see two strings when you see one string, right? And what should we see remarks you s...
hould see an axe you should see two story on this area, right, and that those that actually meet at the bead so to going into coming out, but the last speed, it was okay to have a why the last beat, especially if it's far away from you, it's okay, to have a wife right now, I was very surprised. Interestingly enough, I talked to some of my staff yesterday after I left, and he said, I can't believe that everyone in there was actually able to see two strings, because when we test people using this string probably ask fifty, sixty percent of the people that we run into at least have some ghosting. Do you remember when I thought about it a little bit? You had a little bit of that first one. Okay, so let's go over again what this means, and I'm gonna talk about how to use this for training, all right? Because I want to get some of you getting a little better. Uh, focus on your multi size chart. So what this means I said yesterday is we've got two camera lenses, right? We've got, uh, they're taken into images and I said sometimes it says if someone put vasa lean one of the images, so now by the time those two images get back to the back of my brain and my brain has to take them and join them together and hopefully create a nice, clean image it goes, you know what? That's way too much work because I've got this hugely pixellated image on one side and I've got a nice, clean image on this side, so I guess what? I'm just going to discard this one so we call that visual suppression and the reason I'm doing this, actually, now is probably you probably have this would be my strong suspicion. Most people that have struggled amblyopia actually become very one eye dependent eso we're goingto play without a little bit, we're gonna test it and then I want, like I said, I want to go through a few drills to help you guys use the string as a training device, not just as a test. Okay, so, um what we'll do? I'm gonna have we'll set up two strings. Okay, um and I'm gonna see if we get a stand brought in, so because I want one here, but I'm gonna set one of someone else up over here so once you can be my partner for a second and what we want to do this, we're going to tie you to this bookshelf will not wait, I'm not sure what to do. All right, let me have this stand is coming is the end coming in awesome, thank you so much, okay, good now you wait right there I'm gonna work with you with this in a second once you guys get set up with this one over here we'll take one string we'll get it hooked up uh just if you guys have these at home I just do a little slip not because I'm kind of lazy that way it's just faster all right good so well have you guys set up right about on this angle and we're gonna push the beads out now what I'd like for you guys to dio because you did it yesterday because I want you to go back and re test first and make sure that you can still see ex ex in a y okay all right now in your case you were having some hard time as we got further out because it just appearing disappears but what we did with you yesterday as we got it so you could see it and then remember we pushed you out so can you help him kind of without you I'm gonna get her started over here and then I'll come back over and show you what I want you to do from a drill perspective all right kiddo alright so gonna hold the string up to your nose there you go and keep it talk perfect okay okay all right now as you look at that can you see it now do you see one string or two strings I see one strain one string okay do you see a second one flickering in and out at all? No. Well, I s so I really don't use my right eye like at all this one is that okay? So yeah with both eyes open I just see I just see the one okay, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bounce this and I want you to try to make your left eye work a little bit also your right eye look work a little bit there's like a little flicker of what we think one over here alright, keep going we're gonna keep trying make it flicker oh, yeah, yeah, yeah all right, that's awesome. Because that tells us that your brain still able to use that I and it will pay attention to that image if we give it a few drills. All right, you're doing good. Keep breathing no past. You confine your feet too, if you want more comfortable. Ok. All right. How you doing? Yeah, I can feel it's like transparent that's. Good. Ok, right. That's perfect. That actually is giving us an idea that's working there right now. Can you do that same thing if you look at the yellow bean, can you actually see two strings as I do that no, casey, you're better up here yeah all right, so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go talk to them for a minute, okay? You're going to reach up here and you're just gonna bounce the green bead okay? And just keep bouncing it and keep working on seeing if you could get that line of split. Okay? Okay. All right, boys, how you doing? Doing good. I am. I have got a little bit of ghosting going on, ok? And I think what's happening is somewhere in my head it's saying if you will turn up the brightness on this I and then it says no turn up the brightness on this site, right? So your brain's going oh, yeah it's really hard to get both of them at the same time sometimes so you're looking at the elevator right now, okay? Because we're gonna do we're gonna actually do a couple little drills and that's what? I want you guys at home if you can build your own beads and use our strings I want you to think about once you're you're at least got the x. The next thing we want to start working on is your ability to look away from the beat and come back on it so what we're gonna do, we're gonna focus on the red bean can you see it? Yeah, you look up and then back on it am I looking for different different distances focus on different difference to focus on and then come back so we're going to be working on near far did you just scared about dusty maybe over here so yeah I look away and I can come back to it okay it's not as clear is with glasses but I can come back to somewhere it's awesome. So now once you do up in back you're gonna do up and then right and a left and then down and the whole goal is to always come back and immediately be able to pick up those that next summer I'm still having a little like like go I want to grab the left st it's uh it's blinking out so my I'm still the stereo effect if you will it's still trying to pick one or the other kind of okay here's what you do then once you've done the ice witches has one set keep your finger keep this here and I want you to use this hand then I want you to reach up and touch the red bead okay, so look at the red yeah up and read write read down somewhere red left rail slowly reach up and touch it and see if that makes it stop it's there is word areas thats one of the key pieces because we're trying to get your brain to know where you're actually looking uh huh. So go and put your hand down again and then reach out and touch it again. All right let me check over here six weeks off after your second how you doing? I'm doing okay it's kind of they're just goes in now okay that's perfectly fine alright relax for a second when you're has rest getting tired yeah yeah it's feels like straining on the right side that's that's going to really normal so we you know well do a little bit of work take a little bit of a break we'll work take a break the main thing I want to see now go ahead and pull it back I'm gonna bring this a little closer. Can you make anything out? Can you get two strings on the yellow yet? Uh can I bounce and absolutely you're going to switch off guys no, no. So right now it's mainly and yes distance right here. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Like, so weird when that one's up closer there you go a little bit could better from there little better from there. Yeah, awesome. Now with you I'm gonna actually pull these other beads out of the way, okay here, go ahead, let him know I'm there I want to see how you do with red okay, see if it's easier for you to see with red looks a lot more definitive, more definitive, right? Yeah awesome okay, so that's gonna be your practice one for now? Okay all right so keep announcing it for a second here it comes I'm getting the x on the yellow and the red and why on the green perfect. Okay, so now that like I said again thinking about this is an exercise device because I mentioned yesterday this is one of my favorite things to use using this is an exercise device we now want to make it more challenging so that so that you could do red yellow green now when you look away and come back to the red look away go to the green look away yellow now look to the right and yellow so basically if you have someone that that plane that you like I said you're working with a partner you got there competing a little bit they could just give you different colors to call or you can call it yourself why they look away, you come back on it right? Because we're now kind of pick up the speed at which we can actually focus that makes sense you guys and the goal is when you come back to make sure it's in focus correct okay, now for those of you in you particularly a handball player the next stage of development I would probably have you go through if I would have you potentially get into and athletic position and do the same drills yeah because what we oftentimes find alright see how your body kind of go ahead and lengthen get a little taller yeah way oftentimes fine is that when put we put people in this more specific positions utilizing this device sometimes they're focal capacity isn't as good did it change it all I was folk I'm trying to think about things at the same time so but but I get the idea yeah eso this is one of the big things that we talk about every time we do vision training with athletes is that over time we start with comfortable seated line down but then eventually we want you to do your vision training in positions that arm or africa ble to your sport or your basic activity okay you're doing good. Yeah, it only I only see it from like right here that's okay that's a great start. All right, go ahead, relax. Okay. Um yeah what we call it you're going to get to have a seats we're going right. If you want to take a couple of notes, you could just drop that there is fine um about using the brock string that progressions that I wanted to go through first and foremost like I said, as you just make sure that you're trying to get two strings so in your case your main job for probably the next couple of weeks or longer, if necessary, is use that string and you just bounce it and you try to make that ghosting stop. We're basically trying to tell your brain it's okay to use both eyes once you're able to get the two strings, even if you got a little bit of ghosting, we now want to actually start making it a little bit more challenging, so we're gonna look away from the bead, we're gonna come back to it, we can do that in different directions. We're going to have a different speeds on dh, then ultimately we start to change our body positions. We may change our head positions we may get into if I've got a tennis player I may get him into is his serve receiving stance, a lot of different things that you can do once again from a play creative perspective, but the other issue and this is very important is that some point you should do and this is the key takeaway, so write it down. If you're listening, take key takeaway. At some point, you need to do all of your visual testing and your visual training in the positions in which you spend most of the day someone follow that because there is a very there remember we talked about specificity for the brain so if I haven't athlete, I can put him in a chair in front of a computer and having to some cool vision stuff, but most of research shows us that that does not have a big effect, a cz big and effect if I put him on the field where he's going to play so that the environment is more similar. So we just talked a lot about specificity in doing both are testing in our drills over time. Yeah, my vision is pretty proficient, nice and close, but my goal is I'd love to take these off for part time or something. So so I don't think what you're telling me is to practice more nearsightedness, I somehow practice distance, you need to practice distance. I'm just saying you would want to practice your distance vision in probably the body positions in which he spent most of the day. In other words, I could have you stand up and do a lot of distance vision, but if you spend all day sitting sitting in front of a computer, it would be really good to also do some of your distance vision work. Well, see dessert. Okay, that makes sense. All right so after doing the little brock string exercise would you guess please retest go back to your uh go back to your multi size font chart I'm going to do the test and then we'll take about five or six minutes and answer more questions frank is that that had probably been cued up for us sounds good wanna tackle one weather testing your eye should be tired right? You don't get to do a lot of us yesterday and that's a really tough exercise that's pretty I'm seeing improvement I can I can read ten now it's a little blurry but that's it that's really good okay and you started I think yesterday in the glasses off eighteen yeah I think so yeah I'm still sixteen on here but when I look at that exit sign there's there's four letters out there it's it's a little sharper knife that's good could change. All right. So like I said just quick summary before answer questions out of this this segment what I really want you to take away is just a reminder that most people in our lives in ourselves included are doing mohr close work they were doing distance work and regardless of the type of shape or whatever that you have there some ramifications that come from that so in our visual exercises we have to do things that help us look into the distance and that move our eyes out okay so when we did our isometrics yesterday where we're looking way out to the side I'm moving the muscles I'm working the muscles on the outside that's what I want to do that in both directions because most of us been way too much time with the eyes or at least one I pulled in ok so that was one of the big key pieces get takeaways from this segment all right sir hit me all right. Okay. So t yemen is want to know what about the old wives tale that it will damage your eyes of you read in the darker low light yeah um so progressive I think if you consistently are working in reading in low light there's an adaptation but in terms of injury especially if you're doing the other work that we're doing I actually would disagree with that statement because we do as I said we actually adapt to the things that we d'oh so yeah, that probably falls into that old wives tale category perfect perspective photo mike says do you have a way to, uh have any way to help people that have ptsd really really cool and important question um as senate working a lot of soldiers come back with traumatic brain injuries or just ptsd on dh that khun ptsd, if you're not familiar with the term is post traumatic stress disorder can have a wide manifestation of different symptoms um and again, I'm trying to keep this really light, but this kind of a serious topic for me because most people don't realize the number one cause of death in the united states military is actually suicide outside of outside of war, and a lot of that can be traced back to some of these stress disorders that air that are cropping up from these environments and obviously, ptsd can occur in almost any environment where there's a lot of trauma, so I've been asked a lot about this can vision were play a role in helping people with this particular diagnosis um, on the ethical side, I'm going to say it this way, I would never say that vision work that we're doing in this class would be sufficient. All right, but what I can tell you is that there is a therapy called e m d r I'm movement desensitization and reprogramming e m g r it is a is a psychological psychotherapeutic approach that, in addition to doing some of the processing uses eye movement to help people with ptsd it's being researched by the us government, eyes being applied with veterans coming back, it has a fairly high success rate, and I've always found that very intriguing that it is attached, it uses eye movements as a part of the therapeutic process, and this kind of relates back to what we're talking about yesterday with the fact that vision has such a full brain activating capacity and it also does some work within the frontal lobe, which is where we're processing a lot of that stuff. S o yeah, I think there's a there's a huge visual component to a lot of these stress disorders and I would highly recommend they seek out a a qualified therapist that specializes in the mdr toe have a have a talk with him about it wonderful, thank you so much really important you have a very important subject. Oh my gosh, so from four eyes are hearing and seeing connected in the brain is there a way to practice seeing and listening at the same time to somehow integrate those two cents is better? I find a lot of people look away when they're listening to something intently ahs though looking, listening and thinking all of the same time eyes too much stress on the brain any exercises that's actually a brilliant question it's a brilliant observation cause exactly is exactly true a lot of times looking, attending to what you're hearing and kind of being physically present is too tiring for the brain. For a lot of people now this is where I could spend literally guys the next several hours boring you silly talking about what's called sensory integration, but to keep this really simple when you're going through through life you have three well I'm against having you all have a gps now right get a smart fella sure so let me give you a quick example of how how our brains work your brain is the your phone it's a central processing unit for gps but do you know how gps works right there's satellites right you have to have a minimum of three satellites it's using four for redundancy but you have to have a minimum of three satellites that your phone can talk too so that it can triangulate know where you are on the planet right really really cool technology on the human body our brain is our phone or the gps unit in the satellites are our eyes our inner ear which is our balance system and then all the movement nerve endings so we have three systems that are basically supposed to work together and tell us where we are but we've all had that experience with a gps where it went sorry re calculating lost satellite reception and that always happens when we're in the worst possible spot right? So the human body when we're trying to process vision and hearing and movement if we have an integration problem meaning our brain's having a hard time saying hey uh these are all saying the same thing most of time people will actually reduce sensation in order to focus on something have you ever been in the car with someone that says turn the radio off because I'm trying to see signs where I can't see I've run into that a number of times that happens. And so that's kind of what he's describing now are their drills for it? Absolutely if we think outside the box, if we take all these vision drills that we're currently doing and we know that we're putting our eyes under stress, could I plugged my ipod in and listen to music that I'm familiar with that I'm doing my vision drills? Yes, I could write so I could actually start off with something that's less threatening but in familiar to me, so I can actually start to add music or sounds, and I'm familiar with while I'm doing my visual processing and then over time, I can actually transition to that, too. Now I'm doing my vision drills had a television going over here, and I'm actually paying attention to what's being said, so yeah, there are a lot of ways to actually build that that capacity fantastic and it's really interesting stuff. Thank you so much. And would you mind, dr cobb reiterating what we discuss briefly yesterday about these exercising exercises, helping folks that have had laser surgery, laser surgery people are asking about it, okay, so lace it can be awesome for people, I mean, at a bare minimum ah, lot of people that are unable to see all of a sudden can see you can go from severe visual clarity problems toe having really good vision, but the caveat that I usually say to that is you have to understand the procedure, keeping it kind of simple. In essence, what they're doing in that surgery is they are you can't say it kind of engraving a prescription on your eye, and so my general suggestion is if you're considering lasik, absolutely speak to the ophthalmologist, speak to the eye surgeon, find out if your candidate and then consider the idea of doing three to six months a really good vision training prior toe having the corrective surgery, because if for any reason you can actually making improvement in your vision prior to having the surgery, then I think that the idea of having less correction engraved on my eye is more appealing than having mohr uh, the other thing I would say after that, you have to realize that you go from not seeing clearly to seeing clearly in a very short space of time, following up the surgery with additional vision exercises, I think, and magnify the benefits of it.
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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