Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Meet Your Eyes
You know again working with twenty thousand plus people probably point oh one percent the first time I meet them have any idea that their eyes may be the single biggest roadblock that they're facing physically because we live with our eyes all the time right? We spend however many waking hours with our eyes open and so we adapt and adjust to them massively and we actually never assume oh are we often will know that there's a problem but because we live with it all the time and we're so good as human beings that compensating for issues we often will let stuff go for years one of my favorite comedians accounting brian regan he's got this great sketch going to the optometrist he says you know how can you wake up in the morning and have seen better not be in the top of your priority list, right? But I run in people all the time like when was last time you you did anything with your I've had your eyes feeling has been ten years and you've gotten progressively block yeah, but you know I'm bu...
sy you're busy for ten years so it's but again, like I said, I think what's missing in contact for a lot of people is because we're living with our eyes and we can compensate for them since we don't understand the ramifications for the rest of our body it's often easier to ignore it but hopefully by the end of this, like I said, this first segment, I'll have you a little bit more convinced about how much your eyes actually influence all of you. Um, have you guys have pain on some kind of regular basis? Shoulder pain, knee pain, ankle pain? Yeah, almost everyone that I work with. And remember, I work with health and fitness professionals, about ninety percent of them come into the course also with something going on, um and that's, one of the things that actually happened for me years ago, I said, if we're so good at working with muscles and tendons and ligaments in joints, why are almost everyone that I train in pain, right? If they're so, if we're great it's stretching in mobile, why do people continue to have so much pain? Well, that's, actually what took me into neuroscience? Because pain in our experience of it is really determined in derived from the brain, not the body, and so if there are problems going on in our overall function, our pain levels are also likely to be higher. So I'm not going to say that it's gonna happen for you. But as we go through this couple of days, it will be interesting for you to test if you go, you know what yet my shoulders often tight or my my hip or my back, I'm kind of tight when I bend over you may find that some of the exercises that we do for your eyes actually improve that well, which we'll just demonstrate because it's actually really cool for people to start to get that experience and the reason I'm bringing this up like a systems I'm trying to put everything in context because whenever I first began working with athletes visually, there were two reasons I worked before worked with their eyes one was to improve their performance on the field, so in other words, make them able to see a ball better move more quickly, but the second thing was for pain relief um, and that one is a little weird for people because again, we don't understand it in context, so I'm going to be a little bit of anatomy now about the eye, how it works in the brain. Andi, I promise this is not going to be overwhelming you don't have to read an anatomy book coming in, right? No study required I like taking things, making a really simple so let's go and take a look at a couple different slides about the eyes um and and then we're going toe again look at some more stuff about the consequences so this is a picture of the eye all right this is life size is you can tell no as a joke, eh? So there's a big guy so basically what you see here is you see light coming in and the light has to pass through this outer covering right? And then this little circle right here is the lens and everyone's probably heard that you had to have a lens in your eyes like have a lens on the camera you have muscles that attach to that lens and based off of the amount of light that's coming in a lot of stuff going on in the brain the lens has to change shape in order to focus the light hopefully back into this spot right back here called the phobia now yeah is the lens the same thing the pupil of the small dark circle no, it actually lays a little bit behind that. Okay but the people's adjusting the amount of light coming into the wind so what happens like I said is that the light when our eyes are working correctly the light comes all the way back through the eye and it gets focused on this back little section and when that is working well we have good clarity of vision now you said you get the football shaped I right depending on eye shape the focusing in the light on this back section can be problematic. S so we have people that are near sighted, people that are far sighted, and what that basically means is that depending on what's happening with lynn's at any given moment, the light, instead of focusing in the correct spot, may I should be focused a little bit in front a little bit behind. Or it may be wildly distorted because there's, multiple planes and there's all kind of cool optics you can go read about if you're in the engineering, all right, but this is the basic idea. Now, when the light hits this area back here, it stimulates different kind of nerve endings and those nerves. The signal then goes into this guy here called the optic nerve all right, and the optic nerve is extremely important. You have an optic nerve problem, you could lose your vision. Okay, so we want to make sure that this guy is functioning really, really well. All right now, that's the basic mechanical aspect of the eye. Then we get to what I consider to be the super cool aspect. Which is the neurology part of the brain part have you guys have ever heard that the image from your right eye actually crosses over and goes to the left side of your brain and those people have heard that okay, so there's some really cool stuff that happens and this is one of the reasons I was like talking about vision because people vision is one of those things we think it's real and it's really not what you're seeing is an interpretation right? How many guys have seen optical illusions before right? So we look at them and we're certain that we're seeing the vase and instead then we see the face all right or all the different weird there's something different optical illusions that's because we can actually manipulate how the brain is perceiving the information that's coming in so keeping this really simple if you put your hand on the back of your head there's a part of your brain back here ok in the very back called the occipital lobe and that this back part of your skulls called the oxen put and the occipital lobe is where most visual information is processed now on that sort of really basic level a cz we've gotten better with technology we've got these cool mri's and functioning mariah's now there's about thirty six different areas of your brain that actually get active when you're doing visual task so visions really it's a widespread brain thing alright is doing all kind of stuff, but on the whole, most of the cool processing happens back here, but here's, how you kind of want to start to think about this, I'm looking at you. You don't think that I have a camera lens here on the camera lens here, right? So if I've got a camera here, a camera here, they're taking in separate images, right? That makes sense on dso what happens? My camera lens on the right is looking at you, and in fact, when I actually first perceive you when you first hit my my eye, you're actually upside down. So what happens is I take the information from my right eye, which is upside down. I take it back from the right eye and I go through this little section right here and it crosses over and comes to the back of the brain on the left side, the same thing's happening with the lens on the left side and hopefully if everything is working correctly, those two upside down images are turned right side up and then merged write to give us good what's called binocular vision, right? Everyone clear on that some of the exercises that we're going to look at later in the course, we're going to see if you have good binocular vision because a lot of people don't what they in fact have is this I've got a camera lens on the camera lens and someone smeared gasoline on this one. Well, so now what happens is I've got a super bad image coming in from one eye, very pixelated and blurry, and I've got a good image, and so when it gets back to the the brain to the occipital, the occipital lobe, your brain has a hard time, like putting them together, making emerge. And so what happens for a lot of people is the brain actually just turns that image off klink, and so we feel like we're going through life with two working eyes when in fact, our brains really only using one image. All right, so we'll talk about howto get a little exercise in a test for that I'll show you how to test for it also show you how to start to work to improve it. But let me just give you a couple of little things thinking about physiology, all right? All right. So what? We said the eyes are really important. Yes. And we said there are number one survival tool, so I need to be able to see my environment on when I say, see my environment, you guys realize I'm talking about looking straight ahead but also seeing what's out here, all right? All right, I want to I have to know what's in my periphery because this is actually where the most scary stuff happens right right this is what that's where the sabre tooth that's where the sabre tooth could be right he's up in that he's up on the cliff I've got to see him when I'm walking through so we want to make sure we have good peripheral vision so generally if we go back to this idea all right I've got my two camera lenses this one's got gasoline on it so which eye is my brain going to rely on it's going to rely on this one writes going to rely on the one that's got the better image but if I kept my head and remember we said posture is really important for health and movement if I kept my head really centered are really in a good neutral position do you understand that I would actually lose some of the peripheral ability of this I meaning I'd see over here really well but I actually would lose some peripheral awareness here so we almost always see in people is they do this can't see out of this ivory well uh so how many people that you know is you start to think through this that if you look in the mirror they're not neutral there kind of here all the time now there are a lot of muscular skeletal ramifications from that, because in order to hold that position, you gotta change muscular tensions through the head and neck musket attentions through the shoulder. A lot of jaw issues. People complain about headaches. All these different things going actually come about simply from walking around all day with your head rotated. Okay, so this is trust me, after this class, you'll look at everyone did really, you know, watch people like, I don't know what's going on. Um, so, doctor so this is ah, like I said, this is a little schematic, and the reason I use this schematic is basically for this arrow, because what I want you to see is that the lights coming into the eyes, but all the really cool processing stuff at the end of the day, it's happening where it's happening in the brain. All right. Like I said, visual imagery is processed in multiple areas of the brain, and I'm gonna give you some brain basics as we move forward about how the brain works and how it changes over time due to use and that's going to be really important to understand, because once again, as I said in providing context around, why these exercises might work, I have to agree with a lot of the colleagues in the visual. In the visual field alright in optometry because whenever we do vision exercises and we tested the eye itself like the mechanical aspect of the I a lot of visual exercises don't seem to change the mechanical aspect of the eye instead what we see though is we change how the brains perceiving the information and that's very often what's resulting in improved vision and improve performance that clear okay uh there's a lot of cool like said emerging research around this now I'm gonna show you this weird picture on dh I mean actually calling you guys have to do a little demo here this is a very strange picture but basically this is an eyeball and what I'm showing you are what are called the extra ocular muscles all right? We have six muscles that attach the outside of the eye so extra ocular outside the eye these were the muscles that allow you to look up and right and left and down and make circles with your eyes and do all this kind of cool stuff. Now the reason that I want to show you this is simple question a couple of guys said you go to the gym if you went to the gym and you only ever did curls would that eventually have potentially negative impact on your body? What do you think? Yes why? Because you would be neglecting you you'd be strengthening that area but something other parts, you're not getting any counter muscles in opposition of that aren't running exercise, so you're going to get out of out of whack. Exactly. So, have you ever been to a gym and seeing a guy who really, you know, huge bodybuilder and they can't straighten their elbows anymore? Really, really, common guys have just been tons of, you know, I think I get that way. Well, it seems like if you maybe we're trying to increase weight doing that. And you never worked out things in your back. You might overcompensate. Violate poor posture there? Yeah. Yeah. So we can understand muscle differences very easily in the body. We okay? If I'll ever do is bicep curls I may never be able to extend. I gotta tricep here. If it never gets worked, I may lose the ability. That's, right? My elbow. I may have postural changes, so we tell people you know, jim environment. Hey, it's. Not okay to never exercise your legs right? At some point, you need to exercise your legs and you need exercise the front in the back. But we have muscles in her eyes that for the most part, are ignored for all of our lives, right, that makes sense, yes. And so one of the things that were going to do in this course is just general, I strengthening, we're going to stretch him, we're going to strengthen him a little bit because of the end of the day, although these muscles are not capable of responding at the same in the same way because you really wouldn't want your eye getting buff, like, you know that this really big guy, we still want to make sure that they're well coordinated and that they are capable of holding positions and doing the things we want them to do, because whenever the eyes weaken, their ability to work together to team together, well, can also be a problem. So with that in mind, what do you think her once that what would be one cause for people to lose flexibility answering to the eye muscles other than just like a practice, their routines not requiring them to move their eyes and a certain perfect okay, just their daily habits, right? Not requiring them to move their eyes, who full full range is emotion that's, good thinking, poor posture, which, as you get older, could get poor, correct. And so then, you know, with poor posture, you lose flexibility, right, that could be possibly could be a huge role in this yeah, sitting in the same chair the same distance from the tv for too many hours at a time without no change in visual depth. That's gonna be a big one. I think for a lot of people on this program, particularly at work ah, in a lot of graphic capacity working on a computer looking through a lens, we'll talk a little bit more about that on day two, but there's some big ramifications, too. Not having a any variance in your visual routine, but I'm still looking for one more this one's really it's. Well, it'll be really simple. And I demonstrated sleeping all day. Maybe. Can I borrow your glasses? Sure. All right, you have a seat. I'll bring it back to you a second. Um, so I'm gonna ask you question my eyes really important, right? Seeing clearly is really important. So if the only way that I can see really clearly used to put my eyes behind these lenses is there any reason for my eyes to move beyond the frame most of the time now? So what you see most people do, and again, we'll talk about lindsay as we go through the couple of days because I am not against glasses, I'm not against contacts and not against anything that'll help you see better and sometimes they're necessary, but what I do want to understand is that if you spend all day every day in glasses to some degree, you're putting it's like putting a brace on your elbow or I sometimes call them cages for your eyes because if if I like said if all I can do is see through this lens instead of moving my eyes up what I wanted doing, I'm constantly moving my head to keep my eyes behind the lens as opposed to actually doing good I emotions and that could cost him ongoing problems or issues with the eyes himself. Thank you, sir. Okay, so extra ocular muscles now, like I said, we'll be doing exercise for all these. Now I want to show you something also really cool because a lot of you guys you know, you go to the gym, so you're gonna be my be my partner come up here for a second. Sure, right now one of the things that I said I'd like to demonstrate, especially working with athletes because I do work with a lot of people that workout in the gym and this is just to help them start to understand that your eyes do play a pretty big role in what you do um how many of you ever give a thought like you go to the gym, you do pull ups you know, black hole down do I could be way better that's like it's a hard thing for me yeah they're pulling for everybody that's just gonna nature the beast push ups yeah yeah you know so bench press etcetera so one of the things that I always like to demonstrate for people is that what you do with your eyes can actually have an impact on your muscle strength because your eyes have a strong reflects of component to them so if you read this it says eyes up improves extension now extension basically if I were down in the bottom of a push up and I was going to straighten my elbows that's what extension means all right whereas eyes flexion would be the opposite so if I was doing a bicep curl that's a flexion based exercise all right, so I flex and I extend that makes sense all right, so we'll do a little test we're new muscle test on you could do that. All right, so step over here for me so I want you to do is you're gonna get into kind of athletic stance so get your legs and we'll work on this side actually right handed let's just do your good arm, okay? So switch there for me so bend your arm like you gonna get the girls what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna actually test his bicep strength that makes sense so I just want you to start off looking straight ahead for me all right and so go ahead and curl pull pull pull nice and hard hard, hard, hard, hard, hard hard okay so good and strong that feels pretty good now what I want you to see is we're going to test to see if his eyes are working normally all right so what I want you to do it is I'm gonna have you look up all right now he's gonna be looking up a cz I test this muscle remember this is a flexor muscle and if we look at this eyes up should actually make his flexor muscle a little weaker that makes sense to you guys okay, so let me make sure you understand this when my eyes are up it should make my triceps stronger yes, because that's extension okay okay so now if I have his eyes up and I'm trying to make a flexor muscle work really hard it actually will all think cause problems so we're going to see if that happens we'll find out all right? So go ahead and take your eyes up to the ceiling not your head see glasses for example so just your eyes all right and go ahead and pull for me good can you feel the difference? I can yeah do it again I feel like I'm concentrating really hard on the pool so a huge change in strength well now we're gonna make him stronger by having him do what with his eyes look down all right so he's now going to look down at the ground and pull big difference alright so eyes up eyes down now imagine he goes you know what I'd really like to be better pull ups most people when they do pull ups they reach up and grab the bar and what they do look up look up but what do you really want to be doing with your elbows bending them right so a lot of times just knowing seeing these some of these basic little tricks that you can use with your eyes could make a big difference in what you can perform in the gym they're cool yeah alright good thank you sir. Thank you. Um there are lots of little things like that that I find really valuable that I use in training now on the power point I have also what happens when you look left and right with your eyes um maybe on a break we'll talk that because this gets a little bit more confusing for people but at the end of the day if you know that when I bend my elbows it's flexion when I extend my elbows that's extension that can actually help you figure out how to start to use this in the gym all right? And uh I've used this not only with people that are new to exercise but with world champion powerlifters with olympic athletes and it makes them stronger too. So you just want to realize like I said, that your eyes have a huge impact on your function on your movement regardless of what you're doing. Okay, uh paris just help me understand so how would you describe ah, baseball pitchers motion being is that extension? Reflection depends on what part? Okay, alright, that's one of the challenges. Like I said, we have to do a kinesiology class to talk about in what part of the motion esso in different parts of the motion it's free? Yeah, and so we when we use this with athletes were primarily using it in the gym setting because in a sport setting it's actually too confusing to try and change too many things to me things going on you got it. Okay, but the reason I put this in here was to kind of give you guys that quick experience of I had with that surprising to you I guess I should it wass yeah, yeah, it was never even gave that thought right? And that's basically what I'm talking about it's very interesting that people when they first start realizing just how much the eyes can impact the rest the body okay, so if we flip back one slide remember, we've got the basic mechanical aspect of the eye we then have the brain aspect of the eye now if we talk about these muscles, do you think what just happened with his arm? Do you think that was more about the eye itself or is that more about the brain brain brain brain, right? It was it's a reflexive response that has been around ever since you were a little kid most of us know that if we're going to bend back to look at something, we don't look down to do it right we look up, we look back so it's just a it's a natural what's called facilitation pattern were the eyes facilitate movement. Now the reason that I put all this together is I really want you to understand that in the next two days we're gonna be looking at we're looking for visual system from two very specific perspectives the first one is the biomechanical perspective I showed you some pictures of my muscles were to talk about howthe linz is performing and all this different stuff and I want you to understand that strengthening the muscle biomechanically like going to the gym is a key component, right? So we're going to bio mechanics of the eyes, but the really like the cutting edge stuff that's so interesting to me and I think offers the most promise for most people is the neurological and now we are is our system we talk about you know we're we're all about efficiency we want to get as much done for his little effort as possible and so from my perspective way always want to work on both when we talk about the biomechanical aspect of the eyes we have the idea of the muscle strength right so in probably could also put in an idea flexibility so let's just do a little test when you guys are sitting there go ahead and scoot out again to you I just love your seat if you're at home do the same thing sit up for me and I want you guys grab your pens all right grab a pen and he's gonna hold it at arm's length roughly where you can see it comfortably now with it out there and if you don't have a pin you always have a handy vision tool called a thumb you can always take it with you I want you to actually focus on that and we're going to four different directions you're going to take the you start off to your right side all right so take the pin out to your right side don't move your head just follow it with your eyes and stay there for about a count of five five four three two one and come back to the middle alright now switch hands going the opposite direction again head still take it out to the side follow it don't move your hand up don't be it's still for dr cole do you want us to take it to the edge of our peripheral vision relax okay you want take it actually to the edge of where you can track it with your eyes yeah how many of you noticed a different side to side it's way harder to do on the left you had a lot because your whole head went like this when you're trying everyone noticed but me discomfort this discomfort right I was thinking I was overthinking overthinking okay yes so you're just you're just tracking a target right now while keeping your head still the reason that I show you this is again an indication how many guys have stretch your hamstrings before right yeah it feels pretty good ah and you get stuck on the other side that's the same stuff that's happening to you mechanically with your eyes so a few of our exercises we're just gonna look at hey can I move my eyes and all the cardinal directions the same can I go up go down gonna go right left can I do diagonals in it feel the same feels a ton harder do you go into your left? It does that's probably something we want to get a dress all right just a little balance all right s o that's muscle strength and flexibility now we talked about the lens of the eye that's the thing that focuses the light we can even play around a little bit with flexibility of the lens and flexibility by of the muscular activity from a research perspective that's a little bit harder to alter and so I don't ever go after that particularly as a specific goal but I do think because it is must really control that we have some some ability to alter that as well. So that's the biomechanics now the next thing then is the neurology what we were just talking about demonstrating with his arm is the whole idea that we have visual reflexes we want to make sure that those air functioning while functioning normally but then the cool parts or the information processing in the brain activation because as I said, your eyes were not really telling you what's riel they're telling you their interpretation of what's really going to sit back and relax you want so have you guys have ever heard of what's called a physiologic blind spot? Never heard you have a blind spot? Yeah, okay, so love people heard that before they don't really like no, I'm c fine um, well, we actually in a in an area right about here for most of us we actually can't see it's a fairly small spot for most people but there's actually a a spot where we are literally blind but most of us aren't aware of that right were going through life like nuts is perfectly fine I see perfectly fine there's nothing blind there the reason that it seems like that's not a blind spot is because it is our brain doing it's connecting the dots of completing the picture it completes the picture for us it actually fills in what it thinks should be there based off the surrounding environment that makes sense to you there's actually a really rare genetic disorder where that blind spot can get filled in by other information so you may be sitting there and you know have someone walk across the screen eh? So if you can imagine how strange or odd that would be but you know we learned a lot about the brain and the eyes everything else by by studying people that have disorders but this is really important because like I said it's it's when you begin studying vision in depth you start to realize that there's a huge amount of interpretation in the process your brain's taking this data and is going hey, what does this really mean? Can I mess up these images on dh so that gives us a lot if you understand how the brain works and that's what we're talking about a segment to is how the brain really functions and how to improve it it's a whole idea called neural plasticity that we're going to explore in a lot of depth, but if we understand that we can actually alter brain patterns and brain function through practice, that's what offers a ton of hope to people were kind of regardless of where they are now. One of the questions I pretty sure that I wind up getting at some point something go ahead, answer it now is doesn't matter how old I am? Yeah, can I actually continually change? Or can I improve my vision? Uh, and a lot of the actual research around vision improvement is now being done with people over the age of fifty um, if you've ever heard of, well, you guys have gone to an eye doctor, lord, just talk to friends and you've kind of gotten the idea that your eyes are inevitably going to degenerate. That isn't, and that's actually common cultural belief, like after the age of forty guess what, it's all downhill from here you're either gonna age and from a mechanical perspective. Yeah, maybe so, because our eyes were taking kind of a beating from sun and light on everything over the course of our lives. So there does seem to be some bio mechanical changes that encourage your age that's called presbyopia is the is the age related vision decline. But the research is being done around this, especially in the vision training perspective is actually looking at people over the age of fifty, fifty, sixty, seventy and what they're finding is that we can teach people vision drills that improve their vision, improved their ability to read, improve their you know, whatever their particular diagnostic criteria is, and yet it doesn't change the mechanical aspect of the eye, which I find really cool because it is a continually continual reminder to me that regards what I looked like out here, right? I could do all my test, what really matters is how the brain's processing the information so from my perspective and this will relate to the whole idea of of brain change in neural plasticity, it doesn't matter how old you are, you can start these drills at any age on if we direct it appropriately, you can make changes, so I think that's pretty exciting. Yeah, that is I know that personally, whenever I was a young guy and play as an athlete, I was tested with twenty twenty vision you guys know what twenty twenty means? All right? So we're gonna look at some of these charts a little bit later, let me pull this out on I'm giving you guys copies of all these charts, but this would be kind of the standard chart that you go to you know maybe you're fewer kids or just your general practitioner or you go to the optometry ist and they sent you in the chair and then they have you trying to read this this is called the smell in chart and it originated a long time ago and the whole idea is you want of getting a ranking all right most people when they think about their ranking they want what but twenty ten twenty ten what but do they even know what it means? I've no way just know there's better twenty nine twenty years although there they're like blower's better lowers bono's better act like it was good so a doctor come by but I do want to talk I'm just very very briefly hey you guys I just wanna let you know that the these charts we talked about earlier this morning these charts that are available for you guys if you have purchased the course and if you have already purchased the course and you're good to go download him and then print them up and we'll be using him these next couple days so I just wanted really great that you're so like I said, this is the chart that you would typically be tested on and most people whenever there first tested they want they've heard twenty twenty is perfect vision yeah, I got twenty twenty vision my visions finds perfect last twenty twenty vision means that you're normal right it means that your average you know um and so it means that it in the hole twenty twenty basically means that if I'm standing at twenty feet I can read what most other people can read standing at twenty feet I mean that that's actually that's that's what it really means yes it does not mean a twenty ten what you can see from twenty feet away most average folks have to be ten feet away to correct that yeah so twenty thin would be much better right because basically what that means exactly what you said is that I can see it twenty what most people could see it ten I've read that baseball hitters yeah professional baseball hitters there in that twenty ten range yeah actually the one of the books as recommended in the resource list for this class when I mentioned before see the play is very interesting because he talks about testing and I think it was it was a world championship baseball team not professionals I think was amateur but he said that it was amazing to him because he kept bringing these these players in and the vast majority of them were twenty ten or twenty eight even amazing really really amazing vision and he said it was kind of surprised him but it was almost across the board but it makes sense if you think about it I mean the balls come in ninety miles an hour for them really good vision is critical, it's almost superhuman for them, it absolutely is to pick up the spin on the ball and all that. So from my perspective, the reason, like I said, I find this interesting is that as a kid, as an athlete, I had twenty twenty vision through the process of my life, of doing vision training, I'm now have twenty ten vision I'm forty three really and s oh, yeah, my eyes have actually improved over the years. I've done more and more of this work so that's and that's kind of exciting, like I was talking about my everything in our system is tested on us first because I'm a big self experimenter, you know, because I feel like if it's, if it's worthwhile, I'll see the results and then I can share it. So we're going teo, over the course of the weekend, you guys going to be testing yourselves and we'll see what you get on. We get a lot of other charts that'll play into some of our eye exercises, but the main reason I wanted to bring that up, as I said, is that when we're starting talk about vision, there are a lot of different ways to test it now this I said. This smell in chart if you've ever had it done doctor, you stand there and they got the line taped on there put your feet in the line they say cover up your eye cover up you're going to go okay, read the chart most people, if they get a twenty twenty reading, they go awesome! I'm good right now I've already said that twenty twenty means normal, not awesome, but it would be better to have a lower number, but number two do you realize that you're only testing one aspect of vision? You're testing your ability to see something clearly while you're not moving and while it's not moving, which doesn't really apply too much way just called static visual acuity now for reading? Sure, that may apply, but if talking about hey does it do my eyes do the same thing when I'm out walking when I'm running when I'm moving, when I'm playing sports, you may find something completely different, so as we go through and we talk about the neurology of the visual system, we're going to talk mohr we're talking about more than just being able to see twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty ten we want to make sure that we can track objects that we can move our eyes and so I could sit in segment two is we get a little bit deeper into the visuals system going. Talk about therefore riel. Basic skills that you have to master toh have good vision.
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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