Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
All right now what would you do in the charts that I gave you? Go to the next chart there's one cup coordination chart number two and it has squares on it you see appear it says I hand in the next set is my foot this's one that's where we start to see big, big changes occur with people so we have I hand now I foot is very different well it's not different, but it's it's more challenging if you weren't a soccer player basically so it's exactly the same thing except what we do now is that when we see the square on the right side we marched with our right foot when we see the square on the left side way march for the left foot if the squares in the centre we dio catherine all right, so it's ah simple little marching calf raise drill but much more challenging for a lot of people now you can complicate this in a lot of different ways, but the main thing like I said in the beginning is we're using it as an assessment. How many can I do in a minute doing it exactly you know yeah as described ...
later on once you become comfortable with a drill there's so many different ways to do this because remember the whole the whole point of vision isn't to be great at these drills what's the point of vision to be great at life right to be better at doing all the stuff that you want to be able to do so I worked with a lot of fighters have ah background in martial arts I work a lot of fighters so once they get good at the basic drills and they're getting fast with their hands and remember they're going see something interpret what it means and act on it that's kind of what life is about so often do with them it's okay, okay, once you have the chart up now we're gonna actually put it into a martial art context I get him in a fighting stance and if it's on the left hand side they throw a jab it's on the right hand side they throw across if it's touching the line then they throw an uppercut so we actually start to connect the drill to their own athletic movements it's a kind of make sense to you guys so there's so many different kind of fun ways and I'm going to talk about that tomorrow because one of the one of the best ways to ruin your progress with vision training is to get bored so we constantly want to have different ideas in different ways just to make it interesting and fun guitar hero but on paper this's amazing yeah pretty much yeah guitar hero and I'm not about that so we have a couple different ones like I said we have I hand in my foot and you just make sure right now you're scores so that you could watch progression over time okay and remember we're still working on our four basic skill sets all right now one more if you guys will pull out this chart this particular test as an assessment is kind of is going to fall more listen to what I call a pass fail category all right, so let me guess remember when you were in the er in the mall uh months ago or years ago I guess it's probably years ago now I don't know them all very much but they would have the booth set up and they had the three d pictures right just be walk up and people are there and they're like looking at this and they can't figure out how to see the three dimensional image that's buried in there that's basically what this is a test of okay because in order to actually see uh these things work well you have to be able to do two different things so I'm gonna get my pen's out here I'm gonna have a red and a blue eye all right? So watch me for a second if these are my eyes if I am trying to see something up close my eyes have to do what's called converge meaning come together if I don't want to see something in the distance one of my eyes have to do have diverged right so converge diverge converge come together diverge move apart so if I am if you know if I'm following something into my eyes you said it earlier feels like your eyes are crossing that's convergence the officer that is divergence so this chart because of the red and green particularly allows you to test how good you are first of all at bringing your eyes together in a coordinated fashion okay in a coordinated fashion so here's how it works you hold the chart at a comfortable distance and you gotta start with the circles that are closest together and you're basically going to try to we're gonna work on convergence first you're going to try to gently so listen here try to gently cross your eyes and here's what will happen the red circle in the green circle will double so you'll go from seeing two to seeing four and then you should be able to bring those extra circles together in the center so you're now seeing three that makes sense and the green and red should overlay one another now the way that we know that you're doing it really really well is that when you formed that third circle in the middle it will actually become clear and three dimensional it will look like it's coming off the page a little bit all right, so just try it. It sounds a little bit crazy. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't follow you exactly. So I'm not sure what to do. Okay, so, you know, look at the bottom circles. Look at this this way. All right? We're gonna hold the chart up. You'd be looking at those closest circles. Yes. And if you're looking at them going to try to gently almost cross your eyes a little bit, not moving this just just with your eyes, all right? Got it ends and see if you can make the circles of, first of all. Double says there's four. So therefore yes. And then try and take in bringing the extra circles together in the center, so there will now be three. All right. Got it. How you doing over there? But it all can do it at all. Okay. It it makes me dizzy. Feel feel dizzy. Awesome. All right, so you get to skip this one. I'm gonna show you a slightly different way to do it in just a second. Okay, doc, I've got the first line. Second line. The third line is really hard. Really hard. Also my good. So can you guys understand when you look at this that this is basically weight training? So this is a really lightweight these air progressively heavier weights because you have to use mohr must muscle eye muscles to pull the eyes immediately or pulled eyes inward I can't do it can't do it all okay made you sick could do it at all all right so let me show you guys a little trick but remember right now we're still doing assessments were not doing the drill yet I just wantto but I'm gonna go ahead and cover real quickly sometimes two people respond the way I did they can't do it all yeah yeah most people think super common so I gave you guys a little orange coffee stirs all right or coffee sir go ahead and grab one of these I'm a low tech kind of guy starbucks gives me all kind of visual tools eso these air awesome because basically the reason give you oranges almost any room that you're in this gives you some level of contrast to whatever the wallace and one of the things with vision work is generally the better you can see it the better the drill all right now here's how you can actually use this I think you were starting to do it to make this work so uh can I borrow your chart so the idea I'm gonna turn uh this way a little bit would be this I want to go you know what? I'm gonna work on my bottom circles but instead of looking at the circles I'm gonna look at the stick I'm gonna put the stick in between the circles I'm going to focus on the stick and I'm gonna bring the stick toward my nose now when I focus on the stick if I can maintain some level of awareness of the circles behind they will normally begin to go through the process of what we're talking about will double and then start to come together okay so that's one go ahead and try that just for a second remember that you have to look at the stick wait that creates more circles for your awesome throw this man so basically guys, what you're doing is you're starting to explore what your eyes are capable of all right and these are these are just muscular training drills that over time you should be able to do this that will at almost any distance, any level all right? And the cool thing like I said is once you start to get it it's a coordination drill because now my eyes are really sharing the same focal point and once you start to get that three d kind of image is really cool all right? So simple idea the idea is as well as you do this drill over time you you go up correct go up so like I said you could even make a note on your chart this is the easiest right there's going to the hardest that's what I said is weight training it's almost like putting an extra weight plate on the bar every single god progression up because it gets harder and harder to pull those images together okay wait there's two things going on I could push my focus out correct and blur them together or I can pull my focus in yeah so that's the cool part about this chart I can actually make these the four circles and make them converge by either bringing my eyes together or by actually looking through the paper so in other words envisioning them looking way past it I can do the same thing that's why it's called a convergence and divergence chart we'll get into how to do that one a little bit later because that was harder to master generally yeah now when when it was starting to kind of come off in that three dimensional fashion I thought I was seeing a combination of the red and green that's fine is that yeah that's very normal okay, very good overtime to get really good at it you can actually tell your brain which color you want to see which is kind of cool all right can I ask you yes I I ended up with three good but is it seemed to me that I skipped the four circles stage that's okay, sometimes your brain just go right past that so if it's really easy for you to converge them, you typically does jump together and you get the third that's? Not necessarily a problem. No kind of a problem. Okay. All right. Has anyone lost? You guys got a little bit of a little bit of a taste of it. So the goal is teo, make that conversion happen. That is, the goal is to create that over laid circle between the two that you're looking at it. Okay. All right. So, dr cobb question in the chat room from pain p a y n e so the three d books we had growing up were ok to do question mark, I was always told they were bad for your eyes, but what we're saying is they could be healthy and actual size. Yeah, it's just an exercise right now if you spend excessive amounts of time looking at them, that could be problematic for the other thing that happens with a lot of those three d books is if you don't understand this that you need to look at it in two different ways. Then you can actually over train your eyes in one direction. And so that would be the only major major flaw with a lot of the the kind of guy tools out there. You need to understand that, there's two different things going on. So the first thing that we discussed is this whole idea of converging right where I'm actually crossing my eyes. The second one is I discussed is imagine holding the paper here and then following a stick way away, you should be able to create the exact same process where the image is still come together. He still create a third circle. They won't follow that. So converge and diverge, right? Any other questions for you? We're good when you move up to the more difficult spread out circles. Yeah. Do you ever find that the third one appears closer to one side of the yeah, it may especially the beginning until you can normalize some of the strength. Sometimes that third circle be shifted one direction or the other. That would be ok. Ok, in the beginning, I'm sorry. I I'm didn't follow entirely the divergence part of the process. Okay. Sorry. That's. Fine. No problem. Let me borrow your charter. Get it right. And you guys gotta try this. So we're working with this guy down here right now. What I'm gonna actually have you do is flip the chart upside down so that it's close to the top. All right now bring the chart kind of close to you I'll put this on the back side of the sticks behind and now if you follow the stick you're actually trying to create the same exact image but the stick has to go away from you not towards you you take it yes it started the paper and then moves away okay, that makes sense you know that's what you mean by diverting divergent yeah, I got it so in this this exercise involves both of those correct okay, so over time I'd like to be able to hold this paper up and he gets watch my eyes for a second I'd like to be able to hold the paper up and then my eyes were going across a little bit that's the convergence and create my three d circle clearly and then immediately released that look beyond it and create a three d circle so I'm actually taking eyes in eyes out, eyes in eyes, out, eyes in eyes, out building my coordination and strength between the two so that would be like said that's the convergence divergence aspect of it very, very powerful drill I said I carry a brock string and I carry these all right these are the these are the things that I often just do all right, now you've played without a little bit would you get to go back to your multi size chart and you can do it glasses on or glasses off now I'm doing this on purpose but like I said I don't know what's gonna happen but the point that I'm trying to make is you never doing visual drill without testing did it make you better did it make you worse it's kind of a binary yes or no approach they'd mind a little worse little worse yeah you know I could read fifteen before now fifteen it's a little blurrier ok good that's important for us to recognize I could read six hey on like the first two words of five which is two more than that's a man that's starting at fourteen hour and a half yeah wow about classes on her off it's about the same number change for you cool so like I said what we just found in that he was probably at the appropriate level of difficulty for himself may have been too hard for you and we probably to challenge you more that was pretty easy diverges much harder diverted it much harder for most converge easy yeah so the fact that you can see really easily up close tells us that you probably already converge really really well great so the divergence one of the one we're gonna work on you have a question? A couple of a strengthened nous asked is there a point to diverging past the convergence point of the horizon is there a point to that yeah, that's, actually, in my opinion, if you have a target that you can actually focus on, that could be a valuable, just kind of relaxation and training practice for a lot of people. Um, it's. Interesting because I the whole converges divergence process from a muscular control perspective. This is what we're talking about more about photographers and doing close work computer work tomorrow. But can everyone see that a lot of close work is going to probably make ume or conversion dominant in some of my prior work, like they used to work a lot with the military and worked with a lot of guys, they did a lot of loan. This is shooting snipers, and they were most of them were really fantastic at divergence because they spent a lot of time out in the woods, out in the open environment, looking in the long spaces. And so you definitely again from the skill perspective, and you get better at what you specifically trained eso, especially if if, uh, what was the name again? Street in this strengthen this spends a lot of time, you know, like said, doing any kind of graphic work computer were getting outside in spending time, looking to the distance could be a fantastic, like just base level reset drill for the eyes. Okay okay we'll put that on my to do list on your to do list well yeah great. All right the game's getting tired this is making you fatigued at all a little bit a little hair good so I'm bringing all these things to light like I said, I want to have a discussion around it because I want people watching to understand how much total work have you done a few minutes yeah probably about six minutes uh throughout the day and you're getting a little like a couple of guys who little fatigue it's a little tiring so you have to understand that uh because of the impact of the brain our impact on the brain of vision sometimes your endurance will be less than you think it should be and that's perfectly ok it will come back up it just kind of be aware of that because what usually happens when you begin to feel that little bit of fatigue you'll start to squint you'll start to do other things to try and aid your eyes and we don't want to do that for now okay we have one more assessment this is the last assessment now I'm spending a lot of time on these almost an hour and a half but the main reason is I want you to have multiple ways to g o am I improving or am I not improving and what's important to me? All right now these drill this test is called the near far test um so you got the charts there for you and I'm gonna push this back here to the wall okay? All right, now the way that this one works this is another time to test this one is of all the test that I administered to our athletes different is typically more challenging for a lot of them. Okay, so what you basically have there you've got one chart that's the large charts got large fonts on it and it takes up the full page you had a second chart which is small letters okay, now basically the way that this test is done let me borrow this from you is I would put my chart upon a wall right? And I would been step back away from it as far as I could and still see it comfortably that makes sense to you so it would look like this because my eyes are pretty good I'd probably will wind up out of camera um but I'll just do it anyway so I'd be stepping back step back, step back, step back step back and I can still see and still see and still see and still see and still see so right about there that's starting in a little bit uncomfortable so at that point I go okay this is my limit and then I take one big step forward and this is going to be my starting point. Okay, so that's, how you set up for the basic test? What is your vision? About twenty thirteen, twenty, ten, twenty thirteen um, so at that point, I'm going to take my close chart, and I'm gonna hold it fairly close to my eyes. Now, if you read this, generally say four to six inches from your eyes, which is pretty darn close. If you're using the charts from the handout, you may find that it's more comfortable to cut this out so that you don't have all the excess paper, all right? Because that can sometimes be in the way, but you're gonna hold it for two six inches from your eyes and then you're gonna begin doing this on a timer sixty seconds I'll say go and you'll read the first letter on the small chart, and then you'll switch you're letting your eyes where for the first letter on the far, and then just go back and forth so you're switching your eyes between the near and the far chart every letter the goal is to do as many as you can in one minute now. Most people, whenever I first test them, this one's pretty challenging, you'll see people typically school around forty five, fifty, fifty five switches in a minute, so little under one per second um and the other question that always comes up people say well I'm getting lost like there's a lot of letters I'm not sure where I'm at in the columns that's intentional because a large part of visual skill is being able to keep things in order and being able to go from one spot to the next and return to it with accuracy so there's multiple layers being trained with this particular are being assessed and then train because this is an assessment that also becomes a drill over time that you could just use to train so you want to try it all right let's see what we get here we'll do it with glasses on his glasses off remember you want me oh you gonna put your chart up where you can see it and then you step back and let's just call that good for regular okay right now I would take a big old step back and think like one more big step forward somewhere in there yeah not work like that okay so now how close do you wanna hold that oh you said for oh my goodness can I cheat like this just cut line out and hold it out you can hold it out to the sign you can hold it directly below that's perfectly fine. Holy free holies okay okay so let me give you a little time or were willing to go for thirty seconds all right? So five for three two one okay j b p t h u k p m e g e and f I'm already messed up r t o l d o t r why l v t w x l s s o stop okay good there not even the same number of letters in life you really got me there actually how far did you go to about the v on the second line movie on the second line, huh? Good. All right, so, uh what was your experience with that that's fairly challenging there's a lot going on there's a longest near far I'm trying to get a rhythm sort of the the line is shorter there than on there's more letters so I couldn't even cheat trying to think about the third letter the fourth letter oh now on different lines unless I really messed up I mean, yeah, they're actually the same number of really I totally skipped stepped in there it seems like it this is very common you go what you got like ten and twelve? No, no there's oh, all right. That was really good because he stayed in good posture like that he didn't lose his breath or anything that's all stuff that you'd be watching for go ahead and retest your multi size again see what happened with that okay with the glasses um I know it wasn't about four urine afore you said three the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity to says ber ber ber ber ber yes oh, so a little bit better yeah and try your glasses off okay, we're back to always believe see, an obstacle is often a sleeping store no stepping stone so what number you on? You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take that's twenty four okay, good yeah writes about it all right, good. So, uh some improvement with your glasses on and interesting enough he was training glasses on so this case reminds us once again that there is specificity of work here, right? So that's the point that I'm trying to make a couple weeks you wanna spend doing these work with your glasses and then as you can if you want if you're interested in decreasing your prescription you're interested in decreasing your dependence on glasses at some point you want to train this stuff without your lindsay okay, so these are our basic assessments yesterday so I have reading glasses so I can't read this without my reading glasses so I can hold, you know, put them down lower arm. I know. So could I do this? Um I would prefer that you not do that s o how far out can you hold it and read it? Um well, it's it's a little blurry, but I can that's pretty good, okay, that's actually would be your near without glasses. Okay, so that's, how you want me to do it? Okay, it's, a great question. Once again, remember, you were modifying these drills based off what you guys are currently capable of. So if you actually have to have your near chart not four inches away, but at full arms length, or even further, has someone else hold it right perfectly fine with me, okay, it really doesn't matter. It's, still near for your brain, right? Right. And so we're basically trying to still could do the back of fourth. Correct. You still in the back and forth would be the biggest key, god, okay.
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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