Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Hand Eye Coordination Chart
Well we're always talking about he's what we call the m e d which is the minimal effective dose all right the minimal effective I want to give you the smallest amount that still works and that's how we want to approach vision training someone followed that I want to give you the minimum amount because number one I don't want it to interfere with your life and number two if I exhaust you and you get fatigued and feel worse your motivation plummets and so we're always trying to figure out like I said through experimentation what's the right dosage for you and that applies across the board not only vision exercises but everything else you do if you work out in the gym if you if you run the minimal effective amount is really what we want to search for okay? Because that's what allows progress over time as opposed to burn out so um the phrasing that you will hear throughout almost all my programs I say safe but challenging right so in other words if we're doing that little blur drill that y...
ou were doing before and you're getting sweaty sitting down after thirty seconds well it was safe you didn't pass out on me but it was challenging right and you got a result ah you were saying I don't really feel much it was pretty easy so in your case you're doing it seated so what would I need you to do stand you up right now when you start to think outside the box, which is really what all this is about, is it possible that you, if your eyes are actually you've trained them some? Could you do that drill while you were walking while you were standing on one leg? Right? So there's, lots of different ways to make things more intense, there's also ways to regress them. So we're always looking to go, hey, how can I make this a little bit more challenging or a little less challenging? Based on how I'm responding? I'm good with that. Those appropriate ways to increase challenges to do it while you're walking, yeah, we're going to talk about regressions and progressions, but that could be that could be in one example of ways to make it more, because with my balance issue, that would be that would be very intense tree. But but but it could be a good thing. Yeah, a good challenge. Yeah, there are multiple ways that we can work on that. Okay, um, any questions on this? All right, basic principles. Awesome. All right, so, first, first assessment is the one that we've already been talking about, which is a smell in chart now, if you if you guys are watching at home, this is something that you'd be downloading the base level idea here is that the chart has to be up on the wall and you actually have to get out of tape measure and measure out twenty feet alright it's designed to be done at twenty feet you can kind of guess and go well it's right about here this is the one of the few things that you need to have some level of precision with once it's hanging he basically test each eye individually and what you're going to want to do is write down the score okay, now your scores the last line that you can read everything clearly I don't understand that so if I'm standing over there and I have my right eye covered I'm using my left eye and I can read l p e d and then I get to hear and I've got clear clear but that middle one gets a little weird and fuzzy I don't get to call that line mind yet right? I have to think I have to score myself for the line above it so that's going to be a baseline test now because of our limitations and signs here in the studio will probably take you guys out in the hallway to do that one a little bit later because I do want you to actually get your scores and write them down though okay, so smelling chart is going to be your first assessment yeah question I got two questions for you dr bob um the first one is for me are there snelling charts online in different languages? Yes, there are. Okay, there are also other versions of the stolen chart where instead of having all these different letters it's usually just the letter e in different orientations cool so there's multiple ways to test this and it's actually really good that you brought that up because one thing that does happen is that people will begin to memorize on you know, the walk up in there like I'm not really sure I got that okay? And then they go back and and so if I'm actually doing a spell in sharp test in reassessment with people I usually use a different chart as much as I can because we don't want you to have a better vision cause you memorized we actually test it okay, but yes, there are multiple ones available online awesome for good. Thank you. Okay. All right. So that's going to the first one now the second assessment we've already done this is what we started with if you guess we'll pull out that multi size font charging in okay, so with this particular charge there's a couple different ways that we work it obviously start off with your typical lenses in place at your typical reading distance all right, so go ahead and do that for me, and I like to have people actually worked their way down, so start with the largest font possible, so in this one he's going to thirty six, and then you just start working your way down into you, run into a font where it becomes slightly unclear, kind of like we were talking about with the smelling chart, and if you're looking at this at home, believe it or not, number one, they're actually our words is there way have to do a special special printing process to actually use a size one fund and one of the questions that we have the chat room, why these guys are already doing their their work. G two wanted to know, do you recommend that these exercises be done with or without supervision? And I'll add, with her without a partner, awesome. Okay, that's, a beautiful question, because what we're going to do in this setting is I'm gonna have these guys working together because most people will get greater benefit with a partner. If you are not with a partner, then I suggest that you use your computer as the partner, so use your camera and actually record yourself as you do the drill so that you can see what's happening with your eyes cool, that's one of the things that I've just tech modern technologies made this so much easier than it used to be, but you can always film yourself. Go back and review what you're doing. Okay? All right. So what you guys get glasses on? What do you read down? Teo on four? I can still read it for okay. Three I'd start guessing. So getting in three. All right. Barely three, barely through making out. Okay, good for three is spotty. Good for aren't three spotty. Alright, so write that down for me going to see if we can have all of you at a comfortable three by the end of the afternoon. Is this second test? Yeah, that's just the second test. So multi size font charges a second test if you write that down and just note if you're wearing your glasses, just put a g beside it so that you know, that's glasses on and then I'm gonna have you guys repeat that same assessment with your glasses off. Wei have a pretty good idea of what happened this time before, but I'm curious just to see if any of you were getting better than you were. Um, private lunch says berber, I'm where I was before, okay? And that was eighteen, right? And you were a fourteen they believe I can I can read most of the six holding a seven oh, okay, so that's a huge difference where they weren't eight after we did this bit yet and now I feel like I can read the seven and some of the six okay, so that's a really interesting example of someone although he went back put his glasses on just that initial little burst of information remember he's the one that had kind of the biggest like while that was hard response so that's actually pretty cool and that was an hour and a half dozen hour roughly hour and a half ago so at the same you know, like I just did nothing down here there's a significant change right here where I can see I can read the twenty winners lose much more often. Okay, but this far I mean, everything is just super bowlers. Okay, so for you, one of things I want you to make note of and anyone watching this this is important. If you have a specific distance at which things are clear, you want to kind of note that you can actually if you want to be really obsessive about it, you can measure that distance um or film it just take a picture because, like I said, when we started doing the assessments, we want to see change, okay, so you have a pretty good idea of where you're going or that's clear they're all right because what would be cool is that if by the end of the day you could read that twenty out here yeah as opposed to here okay great all right so that's the first two assessments and if you remember our first visual skill we said is visual clarity so our first couple of test here these air clarity test how well can I actually see the letters how can I read the font size all right um are there any questions free from you on how to perform those pretty simple basic stuff right okay all right next one distance vision this one is a little bit more challenging obviously in a studio environment but if you were at home what I would love for you to do is go to a window or step outside and find something in the distance right now in the distance for some of you literally maybe like this if you're not don't have the glasses on other people with stronger vision or better distance vision we may be talking hundreds of yards away the main thing is that you want to create some kind of a baseline at my house where I walk out onto the street there's a stop sign that's about uh this is about two hundred fifty yards away and so my easy distance vision is I walk out of the same spot and I just looked and I noticed the clarity of the letters they won't follow that there's nothing super super confusing about this when you just pick something the distance and see how well you can see it now for you guys in here um you can choose kind of anything on the bookshelf you can choose one of these letters or shapes over here so you were saying that you have better distance yes then near yeah I need reading glasses to re need reading glasses okay so from there can you comfortably make out any of these letters can you company make out that one in the one big blow f e l o p z d okay so for you right now you can actually say you know what that's going to be my comfortable distance vision test how about you with my glasses on my glasses on I can read d e f p o t e c okay so right here from that spot so once again we know that we drop you down anywhere below that probably some improvement if your glasses are off if she would try it let's try it there's kind of a big glare on the chart uh but I can see that the e can you make anything out here not at all not at all. Awesome. Okay, I couldn't tell you there's a chart on the wall can't tell me there's a chart on there there's an exit sign that kind of looks like it says six one one yeah yeah I know it's an exit because its green and lit up that's awesome um can you see the screen? Yeah, I can see there's a blue blur at the top and a couple of square blurs on the right all right, yeah it's a it's bad without glasses on okay, so that's the kind of a classic example of like I said, distance vision doesn't necessarily mean far in the distance in your particular case this division literally maybe less an arm's length perfectly fine you the thing about vision is that your only there's no competition you're competing with yourself so it really doesn't matter what other people scores or anything else you're trying to figure out where you're at see if we can make an improvement. Okay. Yeah, dr cobb in nineteen ninety nine I had lasik surgery and my eyes okay before that, my vision was probably comparable to theirs and it was like twenty two hundred and so they really help my distance. Yeah, absolutely. Listen, give me a fantastic procedure and they have to make sure that you're well qualified for it. Yeah, I don't recommend everybody but for me it was a really that was fifteen years ago yeah give me really powerful what most people that are if they're interested in lasik one of the things I tell them is I always encourage them whenever possible to do some vision worked prior because in essence, lasik is giving you a a kind of permanent prescription, right? Um, right and that's how the procedure works and so if you need less of one because you've been able to envision work that could be, I think, very beneficial. So all right, so so far, three assessments down smelling chart. Multi size font chart distance vision. Okay, now what? We're going teo excuse me? We were supposed to write down what? What? Yes. Yeah. Which was mine. I think you were this one. Yellow people. What number is that? Okay, that's twenty five. Okay. And you're here with your glasses on, which is twenty twenty and you had the six one one. All right? Now what we're gonna do next is going to be a bit more active. We're gonna start a different type of assessment and we're going to be using a device. You guys have them in your little plastic bag it's gotta string and beads in it. Okay? And if you're watching at home, go ahead, have you pull that out? A little device that we're going to use his caught a brock string named after dr brock and is a fantastic, simple little tool and you don't have to have a special string and special beads it's just a string with three beads on it but what you can learn about the eyes and what you can accomplish in terms of training with one of these is quite phenomenal so um what I'm gonna do is I'm to show you guys how to do a little assessment so who wants to be my you gonna be my partner okay I'm gonna uh go and bring him up with you and you can leave your string there we'll just use this okay I'm gonna pull this out now what you going to do with this string is going to start off tight little slip knot in it and you have to secure it to something that doesn't move so don't tie it to your dog yeah whatever puts on some he doesn't move all right now what I would have you do is going to step back and back and back and back and we'll come to a right about here and you gonna hold the string at the tip of your nose okay so if you can get in that position let me get this stuff lightly out of the way here okay? Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the beads and you can see that they're well when we click this through here we typically set them at some different distances six inches eighteen inches and then about four feet away okay now go and relax for a second when you guys use this, the goal is going to hold up to your nose and you need to try and use both eyes and look directly at the center of the first beat that makes sense now go ahead and relax for a second what you should see is when you look at the center of the bead although there is physically only one string because we have two cameras we should be getting an image from each camera from each eye so what your brain should perceive if your eyes are functioning normally is we should see two strings coming into the bead so for instance right now he started off looking at the red bead if he looks at it in his eyes are functioning normally he should see an x so two strings going into the red bead two strings going out of the red bead does that make sense to you guys? Okay, so if you're looking in there, what do you say? Ok, the two strings going into one bead is actually at the yellow, the yellows the point and then I have two strings coming out of the yellow. Okay, are you looking at the hillary looking there read okay, sorry now I'm looking at the road okay, okay, and what do you see there they go into the two strings, go into the red and there's yeah two strings are going the red and then two strings come out okay and I'm seeing two yellows okay yeah, you should do that. All right awesome going relax for a second. So that's a really good first assessment that tells us what do you have any idea what what's it telling us focus your focus far that's good there so there's some depth perception going on both his cameras are registering an image exactly that's what that's what we just figured out both his cameras have an image and both the cameras are actually clear enough that when the brain says hey, can we mesh well together that's probably going to be working all right, so that's what should happen? All right, now let me show you what happens a lot of the time very often whenever you're looking at when you're working with people what you find is like okay, so let's say I have him look at the yellow bead he says okay, I mean, look at the l a bead and he thinks that he's actually staring directly at the center that bead very often what will happen though is the x the crossing point will be up here, so while he thinks he's focusing here where his eyes actually focusing they're focusing too far in front it's also possible that that acts may be down here so it could be infront it could be behind of more concern is this or what happens on the far right? Very often people will do this they hold it up ok, how many strings do you see and they'll go one like well there's only one why should I see more than one? Well, the fact is if you don't see two strings, what does that tell us? Tell us that one lens is messed up okay, so it will literally be missing the other thing that will happen very often is what we call ghosting now my original cool power point illustration it actually blinked in and out but in our in transition sometimes that doesn't work. So what will happen is you'll be looking at the string and you go well it's like it's there and it's not there it's there and it's not there and so what that tells us is that your brain's working really hard trying to make it be there but it can't quite pull it off and that is that that's a term called suppression visual suppression so this is one the very first test that we work with our very first assessments to go number one are both your eyes working and number two are they able to communicate to one another or are they too different? Okay, so let's go ahead and go sorry let's have you do it one more time all right so again, the setup. You tie it off, you get your being bead set about six inches around eighteen, and then around four feet. So go ahead. Look at the center of the red bean. Do you have two into out? Yes. I've got two strings going in, and then they make an accent to come out to the yellow. So there's two yellow beads. Awesome. Switch down to the l, a bead, same thing, same thing. Awesome. Switch down to the green bead. Um, two going in one coming out. Okay. That's normal. Whenever you're about four feet away, you'll know me cia. Why, instead of x so too will come in one, we'll come out. So that right now tells me go ahead, look at the yellow or green meeting in for me that tells me that in at a base level, both these camera lenses are working. Now, this one the reasons that I really like the fact that we can zoom in on eyes and whatnot because one of things I'm also interested in is when he's doing this are both of his eyes kind of doing the same thing or is one more dominant than the other, um and once you guys come up because I want you to see his eyes I should tell you because of a childhood injury, my pupils are different sizes so it's not that I have a concussion, I wasn't too worried about that. So scoot over here just a little bit and, uh, go ahead, look down at their green beat. Now, do you see that his left eye is kind of straighten his right eye? Is what a little bit out, ideally, what we'd like to see it a little bit more symmetry there. Now he has figured out how to compensate really, really well, but this one, the reasons that as you're working at home, if you can film yourself, you'd like to see that your eyes were basically staring at the same spot in his particular case. We're kind of seeing this, all right? So those little compensation that we want to be aware of? All right, go ahead, relax for me, okay, so I want you guys to test yourselves, all right? So we're going to use the beat and we're just kind of circle we just use this one string, so someone I've done line, you're done years for now, but I want you to stay up so you can actually watch, so we let him do this with these glasses on first, right on up to the nose out of this case and stay nice and tall the other thing that guys want to be aware of kind of watched the posture is people forget about their body and really focus on their eyes and see what happens all right so look in the center of the red meat huh yeah I've got an x across is that at the red you're kind of right on my seams in my right eye the line toward the right is kind of blinking a little k wow so he's getting a little bit of ah ghost now switch down to the yellow be yellow yep it's an ex that crosses at the yellow awesome and the green there it does kind of look like a y down there it's weird it sounds a little like I've done this before yeah all right now pull your glasses off boy and let's see all right, first thing is you guys notice as soon as his glasses came off what did you do with his body he went before oh, ok, so stay and write for us. Yeah interesting case on the red yeah, I got next got an ax awesome. I'm gonna move it out a little bit okay still got a next still got an x it's still a next but out there it starts it's kind of learned with that yellow one okay then again remember harold close he was having to read versus where this is now so we started up where he was pretty comfortable and now we're just kind of easing him out teasing him out he's coming out well it's a it's a blur now ok I couldn't read nothing on but you get the next I see the exit awesome so we will go ahead and switch the yellow in the green just let's just see what happens with that okay so if I'm focused on the yellow I do see an ex awesome if I try to find the green all I see is ah blurry uh rope just just going toe just law about cool now so once again thinking through what we've been talking about what does this tell us about his eyes does it tell us that it tells us what about his lenses? They're both registering an image so that's good right that's actually a great first sign that he actually is using both eyes even when this glasses air off we'll come we'll come back to how to use this as a tool but that's actually really good because that tells us that we can whenever we're doing drills we can really focus in on using both eyes in that post having to get one started work all right cool cool all right going yes we get it right to your nose perfect. All right let's move this out of a tiny bit all right so let's start off looking at the red bead yeah okay and what do you see I see two lines going in and two lines going out okay yellow bean two into out to red to green okay and then the green bean to red to yellow green and then my eyes are actually kind of they I'm kind of seeing that why like the previous two gentleman said we're just turns into one yeah but it kind of flips and says no there just there's two there they're just very close together okay good. So you're doing well once again got both lenses they're working both sides awesome let's try the glasses off two in two out two yellow and I know the greens there but I can't see it ok but you get to into here yeah all right I'm gonna slide this out tell me when you can't see it anymore still looked at the red s are the yellow looking at the yellow okay, I can see it I could see it I still see it yes, yes it's waiting for something anything that I can see it so I can see it all right so at this point you can't see where we're at, right? He actually fishing improved? Yeah, because he's now following something he started with something that he could do and now we're gradually increasing the difficulty he's about four inches further out and still seeing it okay and it it's still kind of there but it's certainly blending in tow back. Alright, that would be typical is about that distance but that's really important again? Is it just a perfect example that when we get the brain engaged and it now it knows what it's supposed to do? We can start to play with varying distances. Eso the good news is it looks like we've got operating. Linds is operating eyes on all three of you. Okay, so this is a great you guys have a seat for. Second question, yes, in this example, here you have the string on a downward slope. Is that important? That that's a really, really good question that's actually kind of a more advanced process. Usually when I test people with these we test in multiple ways will test straight on, but then we'll also take the string and put it up. We'll take the string and put it down, and then I eventually usually will have people tests with their heads in rotation because very often what you'll find, like in your particular case, it's possible that if we had you, you didn't like going that direction. If we had you standing with your head here or here turned either direction it maybe that you begin to lose some of the imaging, so, like I said, this is just an initial base level test ago are my lenses are both working is my brain picking that up now later on tomorrow we'll talk about how to use this as for drilling because it's a fantastic tool just to get your eyes well coordinated but for now, if you're testing with this you know later you're working with your family you guys are testing at home the big issue that we're interested in is is one missing right? So in other words, do we have this this kind of thing going on here this would be very important because of that point it may tell us that we need to spend more time working one eye versus the other, okay? And we'll talk a little bit more about that going into tomorrow right now we're just doing our basic assessments so I want you guys to right now on your paper is brock string b r o c k and then you can write for you can write x x y right I saw on except close to summon exit middle I saw y in the distance ready for a couple questions. Let me answer his and the perfect is it common like it? It almost seemed at times as though the one from my left eye seemed a tad clear in the line outside from our right particularly when I was readjusting like for a brief moment it seemed as though it was a touch clear on one side versus the other that's very normal ideally they would be completely clear the whole time on both sides so that tells us most like is some small focal small focusing issues that are arriving s so it's good that you're aware of that because that would be a sign of progress that they're much more stable okay okay yes, sir. All right, some a few for the from the internet so cherie di wanted to know how long is this string? I wanted to throw another question out as far as the distances that you put up earlier are those sort of like is it like the twenty foot for the chart or is it just get ball park close to those those measurements awesome. So the strings khun b of many different links you'll see twenty foot you'll see ten foot I think these are ten footers s o the length of the string really doesn't matter and very often you can actually find people to do a lot of vision therapy. They're actually little devices looked like automatic fishing poles in the lines only about this long so you could do the strings of many different links as far as is it really important to be at six and eighteen and for no, not at all. The main idea here is that we want to start with a close a middle in a far distance test you're gonna vary the distance of the beads all the time okay? And how about the colors of the beads are those specific yeah eyes it just to mix it up so you're able to talk the person through the test um there are some days we go a little deeper into some of the vision training colors can become important on dh different colors have different impacts on the receptors in the eye and so what you'll find very often is testing people they may see actually this is what happened with you the green because of the low contrast back here he couldn't really pick up that distance but the yellow he was able teo and so it's very common to find people that see maybe the red and the yellow really well and they can't ever see the green very well so the colors do matter these are the ones that I prefer red, yellow and green over time you can play with different colors but we're trying to go typically with our primaries perfect okay and people are asking in the chat rooms can I make a guess that the worldwide internet is a great place to purchase one of these yeah you can you can find them on the internet okay interestingly enough in some places if you're not a not a physician you can't buy one of these okay? Um but yeah, you can find them on the internet and honestly you can also go to the craft store okay? You do it yourself absolutely this is a total d d I y get a kind of item but like I said really really super useful tool and if you put again brock string in to a google search you'll see a lot of images and the instructions on how to use it not only for testing but also for some of the exercises we're going to later very, very valuable I actually travel with just a couple of things personally to test and work with my own eyes and this is one of the things I typically have with me all the time because it's a really cool tool that will be getting into a little bit on a little bit later uh so I'm very happy that you guys all solved two strings that's a good starting point. Okay, now we have a few more charts in a few more things that I want to get into a ce faras basic assessments um so the next we're gonna look at us what's called the hand eye on foot coordination testing so we're going to start getting a little bit more number specific and a little bit more challenging all right, so in the stack that I gave you let me pull this out, you guys can see it we have this chart says coordination sharp number one ok and what it is you see some stars in a line in lines okay, now this is a really again simple concept simple idea but basically you stand in front of the chart at a comfortable distance and the first time that you go through it you basically look to see is a star on the right side is it on the left side or is it touching all right normally what I would have people do is they ideas call it out so they stand there and they go right left middle, middle, middle, middle left, right, right left middle, whatever and it is very surprisingly challenging to some people because some people that whole right left thing it could be very confusing and so we start off saying, can you actually see it interpret it and say it that's action number one we time you for one minute as you do it and we count up your numbers that makes sense so I couldn't find my chart it took me a minute, I'll go through it so I didn't hear you. All right, so you stand at a comfortable distance in front of the chart yes and the first time through we time you for one minute yes and you look to see is a star on the right side of the line is it on the left side of the line or is it touching the line ok and so you just say it out loud so right middle left middle, middle left right we tie me for one minute and then we just count up the total number that you are able t c and say right the second time you go through it then now becomes a little bit of a hand I test so if the stars on the right hand side of the line gets what you d'oh you tap your right leg if it's on the left hand side you tap your left leg if it's touching the line it's both so if you were a drummer you should be okay. You probably figure this one out pretty fast, but in general what we want to see is that in a minute's time you're able to do somewhere around eighty to one hundred uh individual touches. Okay uh now we have some people I have had a couple of people in our courses who with some practice have been up in the two hundred plus range in a minute which is very, very, very fast, but most of people that we test do quite well eighty to one hundred um in a minute now this is more challenging for some people than you think because what we're gonna do is we're trapped with glasses on first and then the class is going to come off all right? And what you'll often times see is that the stress of not of working so hard with the eyes causes your body coordination to decrease and that's really what we're looking for with this particular test yeah, so we get through the chart in a minute to start over again. Yeah so you just you just keep going around and around what do you think there's? Only thirty six there yeah, so who wants to try it first? How money? These air a trick because thiss star is technically touching the line but it's clearly to the right way which its second from the right second one down second from the right second one down, huh? That one yeah, that would be on the right it's yeah, we want it actually is like the line through it to be middle all right, he wants to try. Okay, come on up. But with your is not this can you guess what? Up here. All right, do we have a clock? Okay, I've got my got my timer running over there so I'm going to sixty seconds and we'll start off version one is what is just virtually verbalizing it right now is you guys are watching and again this is stuff that you want to think about it home this would be a great one to film because you see what'll happen is about twenty thirty seconds in is visual fatigue and mental fatigue sets in guess what happens to our bodies if there'd been in forward and we get tense so this is actually a cool training drill especially if you're an athlete you have kids and our athletes to teach them how to work hard while staying relaxed right? And the three words a right left center right left center right? Yep eso I'll give you a mark five for okay sorry, but yourself we're doing it verbally not this correct verbally not alright so in three, two one right left center right left center left center right left center left right left center right left center left center right left right left center left center right center right left left left center right left right center ah, right left center right left center left center right left right left center right left center left center right left right left center left center right center right, left left left center right, left right center right, left centre and stop good a minute's a long time. Yeah, so thirty six thirty six plus two right, so seventy four okay, all right, so I was pretty good now what do you see happening with him as he was doing it he almost, like, started fumbling just ever so slight. It was like there was some searching, like what's, right? What's left so there's a little fumbling. What else? She has noticed. He started getting a little bit of ah, little body rather dio. Yeah, so you'll you'll start to see aunt feel a lot of things in your body. So what we'd like is just I voiced my voice. So if I'm doing this, hold this head still. Yeah, you want to hold her head still when you can not try to not do that? Yeah, all right. Okay, so that was that was pretty good, though. So seventy four first time through, but a little, you know, some stumbles and you start to feel yourself, get tired a little bit, a little yeah, yeah, yeah, it it felt like it was requiring more effort as it went. That's what we're that we're talking about. So is it possible then that we go all right? At thirty seconds or so, he starts to stumble, maybe that's, where we cut it off, right that becomes his becomes his. Ah. Primary pit's primary time because you don't want to stress out yeah, I don't want to stress out right? I wanted to work hard, but I don't want to see him start to lose his breath, etcetera. And it was about the thirty forty five second mark thirty forty second mark for the head started to come in and you could tell, um now, if you're working at home, you could use a metre gnome on outside rhythm and you can kind of pick the tempo that you want to work tio and that very often for some people it's really helpful for other people, it turns them into a wreck because they can't they can't stand that they just can't follow the outside rhythm, but there's a couple different ways that you can play with it now, do you want to try one more set? We'll try the hands. Okay, so, um, he's gonna be exactly the same drill. Only you're going to tap on the right tapping left both hands for the middle and go in five, four, three, two, one. Life is good. It's encouraged. Stay with me and stop. That was thirty seconds. How far did you get t this one? Uh, take that one good so twice over so thirty six, forty two so that was pretty good so that was a little faster than he was verbalize wise yeah now what I want you to do would you grab your multi size font chart without your glasses and try reading it again just like you were before you were seated so go ahead and sit back down try and make it somewhat objective yeah um uh fif fifteen which is I think where I was before without my glasses they were eighteen okay all right so it's a little better isn't it so is that typical that is typical that's why I actually had to test it now to be honest guys I don't know what's gonna happen because like I said we're personalizing programs right now but I mentioned before that whenever we are intentionally trying to challenge the brain we're going hey brain see better whenever we give it some kind of drill very often there's a little bit of a transference effect if you remember in the ten commandments of plasticity said transfers does occur right so the simple act of you kind of prime in your brain a little bit going right left middle and focusing on a couple different visual exercises already you're beginning to see a little bit better yeah so that's from eighteen to fifteen and that's why I'm having you guys keep notes you can go back and actually check your progress um so does this one kind of make sense to you all right, so I'm thinking that maybe the other two guys when we were at break, yes, I want them to win the break. You guys do the testa's. Well, we'll see how you do you there. This is this is one of the challenges of, like doing this in a studio environment, because I'd like to take the time to have you guys do it. But I probably just have you guys doing on break so that we can keep rolling and giving people that an information. Okay, so any questions on this one? Do you remember, dr, what? My two scores were just your first one with seventy four for a minute. That was whether that was verbalizing. Yeah, and your second one was forty four for with their hands, but that was for thirty seconds, so you're on. You're on pace to beat your own record, right?
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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