Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Mobility Vision Drills
What you've just found like I said is we're setting some stages but we said yesterday as faras plasticity that specificity matters right so we've sent some good movement stages but now we want to get into the eyes so the first exercise that we're going to add in to our journey today is called pencil push ups all right having guys do push ups every time I do want you want a year at least just make sure I still know so pencil pushing is exactly like what it sounds we're gonna be doing an exercise um using a pencil we're going to be moving arms in kind of a push up fashion but the whole goal here is to really get your eyes working together and improving the muscular activity um I saved this one for day two because this one can be a little bit more challenging and I want to go through some really strong specifics on this one so we're gonna do this one together and you're gonna be my partner because you guys gonna come up and watch his eyes okay so let me get this stuff out of the way so th...
at's when you bring your uh having a little orange stick I've gotta pin to him uh what we hear your own or you can borrow mine thanks brother okay, so I mean have you come up have a seat right here kind of facing close to jim and we'll lose you off the stool all right now uh gently when I do this one if possible I'd like to do it glasses off for obvious reasons so can we try it when class is also okay, you guys are gonna want to probably want to stand uh kind of staggered one of one here and yeah because I want you to be able to see his eyes all right? I'm gonna give you toward me this way a little bit cool because we want to see his eyes now what we're gonna do is we're gonna have him take this he's gonna hold it out in front of him he's going to try and actually for you we may do that it's barely there so we're going to focus on uh this the large side and he's been going toe follow a simple instruction the simple instruction is bring this in toward your nose as faras you comfortably can and in his case because I know it's gonna be blurry I'm just gonna basically asked him to bring it in as far as you can now someone that can see a little bit better the instructions would go like this hold it out! I'm going to now bring it in and I want you to stop at the point that the tip let's into two okay that make sense to you guys all right now that's what we tell him what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch what his eyes do because I want to show you before he does the exercise here's what I would like to see him to give you my get my google eyes here again. All right, so if these air my eyes, what I want to see as he does the exercise is I want to see both of his eyes converging, right? So coming together and I would like for them to come together at basically the same speed and move the same amount what you will typically see with most people is this only one eye moves or something like that? The other thing that very often happens is this both eyes will come in and then at some point when they stop, this one will start amounts and then pop out and so all of that would be an indication for us that the muscles aren't as coordinated or maybe a strong if we want them to be. So we just watched that, and the reason that I'm bringing this up is that you can film yourself doing these you sit in front of your computer, you do the pencil push up with your, you know, your camera on and it's very easy for you to actually evaluate what's going on with your eyes and that's really important because that can then direct what we're gonna do to fix it all right you ready sir okay all right we're gonna focus on that just brings out the best okay let's bring it in okay now already what can you guys see it looks like but which eye is moving in more this sign yeah his left eye is kind of coming in his right eye it's sort of staying the same came bringing any further oh yeah there he goes now it's turning into two sir okay stop there and relax okay now so what we saw like I said is the left I started immediately the right I went out for coffee and then eventually it came back it was like oh you want me to help so great let's do it a couple more times okay here okay yeah so it's the same thing again right right away so we see the left I'm moving right eye is trying to keep up that's about ok good so if we see that on ourselves we're filming ourselves we see are left I'm moving in we're going to assume for now that that left eye is doing the more appropriate work so we wantto instead work the he said so in his case his left eye's coming in so we want to work on his right eye now the way we would do that is we would have to take his left hand and cover his left eye so he's covering the quote unquote good moving I then he's going to use his right hand and you could do the same exercise. Now the number one thing that you will see is exactly what he's doing is he's no longer bring it to his nose what is he doing? Takes it right to that are you so what? We have todo and yet this is what you have to watch either with a partner friend or work on the computer I'm gonna make sure he brings it first of all toward his nose that's off he's coming in that's much better and stop right about there now watch what we do move this across keep following it way move it all the way across until we can't see any more white and then he holds for a count of six and then he pushes back out there you go ok and relax yesterday we did some that I isometric exercises so this is basically the same drill on lee and now we're really focusing on one side that feel weird it's a workout you could feel that I slept so well last night some people do after starting this when you're feeling on the outside yeah up around here that would be very typical because it probably means the musket muscles for the eye on the outside are a little tight okay so now try it again put it back together the both eyes in trying tell you to make your right eye come in a little bit sooner get it right you were right there you go case again see he's he's actually coordinating a little bit better that time much better ok and relax, I think all right, now what life has to do is I want you to know we're gonna practice this but have you guys head back and I want you to work together as you do it okay? Can you guys work together um and I'm gonna answer a couple questions while they're setting up for this back here and one of you since you know what to do when you do a couple more with with the wine all right, great. So for ben wilson skater what if the pencil tip does not split but the background becomes sort of very blurry while focusing on the tip background becoming blurry is perfectly normal that's natural the fact that it never splits and bring it into the nose would generally be a good thing. It just means that generally eyes are working pretty well. Okay? And for sm sm the tip doesn't ever split into two perfectly fine. Like I said, that actually indicates that you have really good strong muscles pulling in if you conduce you while these guys are working on just demonstrate this sure if you can already do this without having the tip split you then want to make it a little bit more challenging you turn your head to each side and so add in some different head positions and see if you can still create the same same process okay, perfect and then this was from when hugs from yesterday I thought was a really interesting question as faras these exercises are concerned whether you're right handed or left handed does that ever play apart into your vision? There's been a lot of research looking at handedness and relationship division and while we can see something's kind of anecdotally we see we notice some patterns I don't think there's anything that's consistent enough that I can say handedness always plays a role in extra wide with related to with relation division just so many different things going on with the brain it's hard to know for sure, right? Okay. All right. So what you guys finding over there her uh her left eye is stronger okay? And, um and then when she covered her strong eye and did it with the other one she started to feel weird. Yes, you're right I was the one that has some amblyopia, right? Yeah. Okay. And what did you mean when you see see felt weird? What did you feel just hard to focus or just body felt odd um it's just it's really hard to fall it's like almost I pain just cause yeah, I mean it's really? Just like I only see kind of shaving difference and that I can't make out any details so I don't I don't know where it is. Okay? That's perfectly fine. She she actually has a amblyopia I mentioned on they won, which is called lazy eye yeah, for a lot of people and it sounds like that I was having it has a hard time making out detail and when I have a hard time making out details, sometimes they don't like to work together. Thea other thing that she did when she covered a good eye, she did exactly what you said would have from which is the pencil drifted. Yeah, sure sounds that I now what's really important in this is that's all okay? That is absolutely okay, there are in terms of vision training with four amblyopia there's, a lot of research that shows that it helps. So even if this feels a little bit weird that's okay, what I want you to do is keep it as comfortable as possible, so just really kind of small emotions you have to bring it all the way in. All right, I'll let you get finish up now you've done several different sets of that. Can you do a quick recess for sure now the reason I'm having the's guys take the time to do this with a partner of all the drills that we talked about yesterday. This is the one that's very tough to evaluate on yourself s so you have to have a camera or you have to have someone do it with you. So I want to make sure that we got a chance to demonstrate that I have another question and we could I could throw one out. Okay, go ahead. Just two words. Two words google glass that's about the fourth time I've been asked about this in the last two weeks. Ok, I personally, while it seems really like a cool idea, I have some major physiologic concern with the idea of a glass. Just put it simply, I will not be using okay, school is it sounds like I said, I think there's I just don't know that I need that much data that much without much availability in that way. Way. Okay, so how'd you dook er on the sixteen. Okay. Glasses aboutthe same without the glasses. That's samos after after the stretching of the nick. Okay, and the exit sign looks aboutthe. Same. Okay, distance. So not a big change for you on that one, all right, but I can feel the muscles that you feel the muscles working, yeah, awesome you guys were testing five I mean, I'm still at the same but five looks a lot a little sharper, sharper awesome so we get a little bit more clarity for you yeah and what you I wouldn't suspect and a little bit more for me too. I didn't go down a number but eleven is clearer much clearer. Okay, awesome. So remember what's cool about this for me is you guys just did thirty seconds of work at most a little bit of increasing sharpness. Now this little exercise is very commonly given by vision therapist, so the main thing you want to make sure of is it is not that you just do the movement but that you actually are focusing on the whole idea of building coordination and eventually building stamina because most people, once they start doing this uh they'll do they'll get the pin in closer pencil in close or whatever and they'll stay there for two or three seconds and then go while my eyes are getting tired. But do you remember yesterday I said we started five seconds with our isometrics and eventually want to work up to thirty s o think about the amount of control and strength you have tohave to just stay here for thirty seconds that shouldn't be problematic we should have enough muscular strength of the eyes to do that but most people through lack of training don't so if you didn't get a huge impact you know you have maybe a little change you guys got a little change from a few seconds of work we want to think about hey, how can I make this a little bit harder on and that could be just increasing the time that I do the holds that makes sense you guys yeah. Okay, so any questions about that one pencil push ups? No. So I want to get through one more vision exercise and like I said, what we're doing is we're trying to complete our menu. Now, if you remember from yesterday I had to do vision exercise and then I had to go back to a different test, right? So the pencil push up, making our eyes what's the word when they heard you making her eyes converge. Do you think that could improve your another test that we did yesterday other than just, uh, what's that one called diver? Yeah, the convergence chart. All right, so if you have a hard time performing this exercise, you may want to do your pencil push ups first and then try the convergence exercise. All right? Because that's basically what we're trying to accomplish with both those drills and yesterday I also mention this idea that in training the brain very often if we do something that were good at first and then do something we're not so good at second we improve faster right? So that I will whole idea of getting the timing right of the different inputs so pencil push ups were easy and you're having a hard time with convergence chart put him in that order I could do the convergence because I I'm nearly there good to convert I do a whole lot really close but divergence trying to get my eyes too spread out yes should I be working on that yeah we're gonna work on that later today we're gonna go back through all the different exercises and talk about how we could do some small fixes for the okay okay all right. So let's look at our last exercise for this segment which is in neurology is called a cicada which is a french word I prefer I say sick aid secured cicada but for our purposes we'll call it ice which is really, really super simple and the whole idea is that we yesterday we did some near far worse you remember that we had the close chart in the in the one that was far away and we said, hey, how good are we looking close looking far away back and forth well that's one version of eye movement this is a different version um and basically what we're looking at here is moving our eyes quickly from target to target in such a way that we keep the the the target's clear but we're not changing death that makes sense so this would be like reading. Okay, um have you guys get tired when you read you get sleep, you're tired when you read some people do and very often they're not very good at this particular exercise. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up for it now we're gonna need is you you're going to need a couple different targets. Um if you don't have pins or their little coffee serves, you have built in target's called fingers. All right, what's your very, very handy remember you don't need a lot of drills are a lot of tools for this. The main thing here is we're going to start off, we're gonna push our hands fairly far away. You can do this stuff here, but this often is a little bit more problematic for the eyes because your converged so we want to have our fingers are targets fairly far away. We're going to start on one side so we're gonna look at the fingertip or fingernail on one side or the pen or pencil, keep our heads still and quickly switch over to the opposite side we're just gonna go back and forth, and one of the things that you're going to try to focus on is is the target clear every time that make sense to you if it is unclear, you can bring them a little bit closer together. So your eyes don't have to move quite so far. I so I don't like I just don't use my right eye, I think because I know this that whenever we tested the sight of me it's a lot harder if I cover my lab, so should I be trying teo for you? I would love for you to try to use. You're right, if possible, both open with both open god. Now, if you can't, we could actually have you cover your left eye, and then we could just pick either one of us. Could hold something. You could just pick something even in the distance and just move the writing back and forth. Okay. Okay. All right. How do you do with that? Seems fairly simple. Cool. Okay, um now the main thing here is you start off and you just work on the quality so that you're hitting the target is really, really clear. Then you begin increasing the speed. This is one of those tests that we are oftentimes will administer. And, general, what I want to see is that you can go quickly, back and forth with clarity eighty to one hundred times in a minute. Okay so it's a fairly fast tempo and you can always set a metre nomar set a timer to make sure you're getting up to that speed now once you've done it horizontally you guys remember yesterday we were doing our isometrics we had eight positions we also want to do the switches in multiple directions all right so the next set you gone from here I want you to dont do this alright you've got one finger on top one figure below and you didn't need to be doing a vertical set of switches remember if possible pushed them out a little further there you go and how long do we hold the gaze at each one? Um basically you change the gays as soon as you have a clear picture because it is effort to focus on each one correct I just move my eyes back and forth but I want to see the writing on the pen and the embossed thing on the coffee store. Awesome if you're getting that level of clarity that's what we're going for it's not just the eye movement we want to say can you actually see something there when you get there doing alright working hard over there keep breathing okay and again merely trying to about twenty and then relax okay how you found that one a little bit harder than this one? Yeah most people find the vertical more challenging than the horizontal because we're used to reading we don't do these up and down switches as much now our last two sets then are going to be diagonals in each direction okay, so try uh yeah go ahead, try a couple of those we want to bring those little close together there you go because I can see it I want you to actually kind of leaning away from those arms were gonna actually come up right? Okay, what am I doing? You're you're leaning back okay like these air scary to stay nice and tall there you so diagonal switches you came for about twenty and remember the goal here you change your eyes as fast as you can see clearly very nice. Okay? And when you've done that, I want you to switch the opposite diagonal to any questions coming in while they're finishing up. Jim so your eyes had asked about when you're when you're working on and you're working in these thirty or forty minutes stretches is that a good time? We're the massaging or the palm ng comes in where you would where you would do that or do you recommend doing exercise is directly after a work session or do you like to do it in the morning or the evenings or when your eyes are somewhat arrested? Yeah, I prefer to do actual heart if I could say it hard vision training after I've rested s o a lot of times during the course of the day I'll do some of the other palming or rapid blinking or something to relax my eyes after spending time in the computer um and the other thing I'm gonna go through some tips on segment too about other things that we can do for the close work issues that are also things that I do in my own program okay, how do you do um a little bit more clarity little more clarity not saying getting changed in the same maybe a little better okay, good so what you guys are seeing today, eh is pretty much what I tend to expect, which is on day one we were really getting your brain involved in we're doing a wide variety of different vision skills we tend to see big jumps what we're spending most of this morning on its just movement stuff how well can you move the eyes? How coordinated are they so that's why I teach this on the second day some people get very big improvements in vision just from the pencil push up, but in my experience the two drills that we've done today are in essence I strengthen er's that I like to place a little bit later in the program because you don't sometimes don't get fast a change in the actual visual acuity
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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